Lesbian couples TTC

OK, I need to vent. Big time...

When we started this ttc process, I had to tell my boss what was going on so that I could make arrangements to be off for all of my appointments without seeming unreliable. While I was talking to him about it, he let me know that he and his ex wife had fertility issues when they were married and finally conceived via IVF, and a second lo later with a frozen embryo... so he was understanding about me needing some time off here and there.

He also suggested that I talk with another lady that we work with because she had had fertility trouble too and might be a good resource. I have never met her in person, but we talk on the phone often...she's in a different city and has always been very nice, so I called her. I filled her in on everything and she was super talkative and helpful, and talked about much of what she went through - multiple iui, treatments, tests, IVF and finally about her adopted daughter.

So the first month she asked if my husband's sperm count was low... I had told her previously that the "baby would have two mommies" but apparently she didn't pick up on that, so I explained to her again that there is NO husband, no boyfriend, no "willing donor" ... just a bank, a stainless steel shipping cylinder, an ice cube at the bottom of a tube, and a doctor with a speculum. Not to mention my amazing wife who wants this as much as I do. Her attitude seemed to change and she kept telling me that adoption was best... since then, she goes out of her way ASK how "things are going" when she figures I should have tested. Because of her change in demeanor I'm aloof as possible but always tell her that things didn't work out this month.

The only response she has had all three months is "Well, maybe it's for the best. I know that it's not what you want but, there are plenty of babies out there to be adopted, ya know."

Really?? SERIOUSLY?? You have been through this same crap and you have felt the way I have about wanting this more than anything... and you can tell me that "Maybe it's for the best??" and "How about you just give up trying for what you want most in this world and go for adoption"??? REALLY??

GAH! Ohhhhh I'm getting far more worked up about this than I should... it isn't worth it. I need to go take a walk before my night job. Ohhh I'm fired UP!

Maybe it's for the best that I haven't conceived the child that my wife and I so desperately want. Are you for REAL??

Oh I want to pull all of her hair out!
I got the same response from my sister Saturday night when I told her the second IUI failed. I had to blow her off before I got upset. I know how you feel HitTheJackpot :growlmad:
:hugs::hugs::hugs: It is always so hard when family reacts in that manner. I'm sorry you had to deal with that :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm so sorry for both you girlies, people do have some funny ideas about the "best" way to have a baby. We've had all sorts of mixed responses. Just remember that you know this IS the right thing for you xxxx
HitTheJackpot Don't mind your co worker. I think sometimes people who adopt (especially those who do so after finding that they are unable to concieve) try to validate the fact that it is equally rewarding to carrying your own LO by pushing the concept onto other. I think adoption is marvelous and there are tons of kids that just need love but this is our jorney and it is not selfish to want the biological connection nor to want the experience of pregnancy and birth. It is always great to remember that you have options but don't let one over zealous adoptive parent make you bonkers! <3
HitTheJackpot Don't mind your co worker. I think sometimes people who adopt (especially those who do so after finding that they are unable to concieve) try to validate the fact that it is equally rewarding to carrying your own LO by pushing the concept onto other. I think adoption is marvelous and there are tons of kids that just need love but this is our jorney and it is not selfish to want the biological connection nor to want the experience of pregnancy and birth. It is always great to remember that you have options but don't let one over zealous adoptive parent make you bonkers! <3

Well said!!!
Thanks girls... I appreciate the support, kind words, and much needed perspective!
No problem HitTheJAckpot. That is what we are here for right. To vent, encourage and celebrate together. We are all on the same journey. We may take different paths but we all want to end up in the same place. Keep your head up and try to see each month as a fresh opportunity and don't look back just keep looking forward. We can do this!
I saw the fertility doctor this afternoon and they are going to check my hormone levels and do a sonogram on my uterus and fallopian tubes next cycle to make sure everything is ok. My hope is I get pregnant this cycle and not have to go through the testing:bfp:
Hey girls,

I'm new to this site and this is also our first month of ttc! I have three kids from a prior relationship, but this seems all new because it's with my soulmate!! :)

HittheJackpot, geez!! I know what you mean! People can be such ignorant dumb-arses! My much beloved step-mum (who, in all other aspects is pretty accepting and supportive) said about ttc "but... how can two women have a baby? It won't be 'really' your's (meaning my dp) biologically". Hm... you just have to tune out to those comments and realise that there are many shades of grey to having a child (and a relationship!) and some people just don't get it at all. You need to surround yourself with only those that understand and support. That is what I have found. I don't want anyone detracting from our pure excitement and joy... as well as the legitimacy of our decision and process. The joy of making a baby (whichever way) and carrying a baby and raising a baby is 100% real and wonderful, no matter with who or with what.

J&K, good luck with this month! I have heard of a LOT of women (my closest friend included) that took forever to conceive because of various reasons, and against all odds, viola! They conceive when threatened with IVF or surgery! haha! Literally the month before the appointment! It's weird but can happen! :)

I hope this is our month! Yes, yes, I know it's our first month ttc, but we had to travel interstate for our donor! He was perfect for us, so we felt we had to travel. So, to prevent mucking around on planes next month, would be good if this is the month!! My symptoms at only 6dpo feel very promising!! Reminiscent of pg with DD! :p

While I'm at it..... can anyone see a faint line on my test this morning? I think I can see one.... with my well-tuned hpt eyes, of course! ;)


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Good luck JandK - hoping for a lovely BFP this month for you :)

Welcome SunflowerBub and sending baby dust your way!

I really need some help with relaxation - I'm sure that me stressing about AF not being here yet is actually delaying it.... But I can't stop thinking about it!!! Any tips on how to forget we're TTC??? It's driving me insane with worry!
Hopefulpony, last month was our first month ttc and since I was obsessing about it, I ovulated 5 days earlier than usual!!! So, don't worry.... thinking about ttc won't hinder you much. Just pay attention to the fertile signs and get that egg!!!!!!! :)
Hopefulpony, last month was our first month ttc and since I was obsessing about it, I ovulated 5 days earlier than usual!!! So, don't worry.... thinking about ttc won't hinder you much. Just pay attention to the fertile signs and get that egg!!!!!!! :)

Thank you :) I'm just stressing because we missed this cycle, so next one will be our first and I feel like its never going to start!
Hopefulpony, last month was our first month ttc and since I was obsessing about it, I ovulated 5 days earlier than usual!!! So, don't worry.... thinking about ttc won't hinder you much. Just pay attention to the fertile signs and get that egg!!!!!!! :)

Thank you :) I'm just stressing because we missed this cycle, so next one will be our first and I feel like its never going to start!

Oh Hopefulpony.....I try to remember all of the months, and years that these cycles breezed by unnoticed. No every bodily fluid is analyzed, temps are required daily, there are charts and methods :wacko: We put this previously inconvenient part of life at the top of our priorities.

I say all of that to say... I feel your pain :hugs: If you need a good giggle, I spent 15minutes searching the internet trying to find out if a "Talking tummy" as my mom called it or "bubble guts" as I now do could be a sign of early pregnancy. :haha: I'm out of control. It is more likely a sign that we had a lot of leafy greens at lunch. :rofl:
Wow AF is finally here!!! We are officially in our first TTC cycle! :)
WOOHOO! Go Hopefulpony! Never thought I would be happy that someone got AF on this site!! haha! Good luck girls!!!
WOOHOO! Go Hopefulpony! Never thought I would be happy that someone got AF on this site!! haha! Good luck girls!!!

I know right?! Totally welcome right now after 15 years of "oh no..."
I'm so excited to start up my Clearblue fertility monitor tomorrow! :)
Yaaayyyy excited for you!

My Af showed up today too! Means I'm out for this month - didn't have a huge amount of hope for this month anyhow with donation six days before ovulation - but on the positive side, the soy iso's moved my ov to cd 18/19 and my luteal phase to 10/11 days instead of my usual 10 days between first +opk and period.

Booking a holiday for September on Wednesday. Seven whole days of beautiful New York goodness :) If I'm pregnant by then... I want this buggy...

Congrats Hopefulpony! Welcome to cd1. :) Now go get that eggy!!

Sunflowerbub, it is kinda different to be excited when someone gets AF. LOL!

Laura1988 Sorry that AF got you but that is a perfectly lovely buggy!
Gorgeous isn't it? I'm considering buying it even if i'm not pregnant... positive thinking... there will be a bubba to use it one day

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