Lesbian couples TTC

Not sure if you will need a plan for next month, the way your chart is looking! lol!
We always make next month's plans on the first week of the wait. We talked with our donor and he has agreed to the SMEP but If we don't get AF soon we may miss our window because we are traveling on the first week of July. I guess at least with SMEP we should have a swimmer or 2 waiting when that egg pos out. That's the idea at least. So this month was soft cups and preseed. Next month is that, full on charting (we just started) and SMEP. I'm formulating a plan. Hahaha!

What's SMEP?
We always make next month's plans on the first week of the wait. We talked with our donor and he has agreed to the SMEP but If we don't get AF soon we may miss our window because we are traveling on the first week of July. I guess at least with SMEP we should have a swimmer or 2 waiting when that egg pos out. That's the idea at least. So this month was soft cups and preseed. Next month is that, full on charting (we just started) and SMEP. I'm formulating a plan. Hahaha!

What's SMEP?

SMEP=Sperm Meets Egg Plan
It is a schule fo BD that people use for NI but we are going to insem starting on day 8 using opks 2 xday and insem every other day intil 3 days before O where we will do it once a day. Then a day off and one last insem for the road. It's covering all bases from early to late ovulation and trying to ensure that they are ready and waiting when the egg arrives.
Hey everybody,

So, i just spent about 30 minutes rereading everything I haven't seen in the last week-- wow, this 2WW has (for friggin once!) absolutely flown... but that could be because of a few other things on our plate right now... we are in the midst of planning our wedding (#1, on the European side of the pond, #2 will be in the US sometime in the next 6-12 months, depending on when/if I get preggo...) that's on the 9th of august. Then to top it off, we are (rather spontaneously moving into a new place this summer, and in the last two weeks, both of us have gotten new jobs. The last two weeks have been totally engrossed in the interview and decision process, let alone buying wedding rings, meeting with the host at the restaurant where our wedding reception is going to be, designing our invitations, and trying to buy a kitchen for the new apartment. sheesh.

I think every once in a while, the universe gives the proverbial pinata a good whack.... i feel like there's candy flying everywhere! so much so that I have honestly not thought about being preggo (apart from temping every morning) since this month's inseminations. which I admit has actually been LOVELY. So, I'm 11dpo, and just really starting to think about it again. AF would be expected monday or tuesday.

interestingly, i kinda think i'm pregnant. first of all-- our timing rocked. and i took my sister's advice (if only by accident), and also tried a day AFTER we thought i was o-ing, because that's how she's pretty sure she conceived, after a year and a half of trying. (We both get a kindof slow rise to start the luteal phase, although we're also both clearly biphasic.)

and of course, with all the craziness, including accepting the new job that will start in august, it would really just somehow be a continuation of the pattern if i'm actually preggo.

I *will not* *will not* *will not* test until tuesday...
Here's hoping... i'm optimistic!

PS- How do you all share the graphics of your Fertility Friend charts? (Dang, I am SOOO over-30...)
My Ovulation Chart

My Ovulation Chart

(ps, if that didn't work, it was me trying to post a thumbnail and a link to my chart, which i think looks not too shabby for 11dpo... i dropped a significant amount between day 10 and 11 last month, by the way, here's hoping that it will not drop tomorrow!)
PS- LeahMSta-- I'm TOTALLY pulling for your B-day BFP :)

My DP's b-day is tuesday, also the day AF is expected for me (I think we chatted about this before!!) So we have also got our fingers crossed for a birthday present BFP... maybe the Goddess will decide to smile on us both this cycle!

:dust: :dust:
We always make next month's plans on the first week of the wait. We talked with our donor and he has agreed to the SMEP but If we don't get AF soon we may miss our window because we are traveling on the first week of July. I guess at least with SMEP we should have a swimmer or 2 waiting when that egg pos out. That's the idea at least. So this month was soft cups and preseed. Next month is that, full on charting (we just started) and SMEP. I'm formulating a plan. Hahaha!

What's SMEP?

SMEP=Sperm Meets Egg Plan
It is a schule fo BD that people use for NI but we are going to insem starting on day 8 using opks 2 xday and insem every other day intil 3 days before O where we will do it once a day. Then a day off and one last insem for the road. It's covering all bases from early to late ovulation and trying to ensure that they are ready and waiting when the egg arrives.

Wow, that's a fab plan! You'll definitely catch the egg :)
PS- LeahMSta-- I'm TOTALLY pulling for your B-day BFP :)

My DP's b-day is tuesday, also the day AF is expected for me (I think we chatted about this before!!) So we have also got our fingers crossed for a birthday present BFP... maybe the Goddess will decide to smile on us both this cycle!

:dust: :dust:

Big fat bucketloads of baby dust for you! Welcome back :) glad your 2ww hasn't been too tough :)
LeahMSta. 18 days of high temps means your pregnant. Whats the good word?
We're at 15. I'm going NUTS!!!! Not so much as a smudge on any of these tests. Only tested once with FMU today and it was a no doubt about it BFN. We are to call our midwife in the morning to get bloods done if AF doesn't show up. So at this point there is nothing to do but wait. I have a feeling that we ovulated on day 19 which would be very late after our pos OPK but if you loo at my temp it makes sense. (of course I wasnt's temping at or before OPK.) then tomorrow would be the day that AF would show up. Gah!!!! I am making myself nanners trying to make sense of all this. Patience with the unknown is not my thing. Hahahaha!
Good morning ladies!

Just a quick check-in as I'm at work and have a nosey neighbor in the office today...

Leah - still have my fingers crossed for you! Sending good preggie vibes and baby dust!

Had my follicle check yesterday morning and all looks good. Doc saw one big follie on my left ovary (25mm) and two on the right (18mm and 15mm - the 15 *may* be too small to mature in time for ovulation, but there is no way to tell - so I have at least two mature follicles, maybe three). Had my trigger shot last night at 8:30, and IUI is schedule for 9:45 tomorrow morning.

Will try to check back in later, but that depends if my co-worker decides to mind his own business at any point today :)

Loves to all!
Good luck HTJ!!! :)

LeahMSta... Sending you more baby dust!!!
How are you all ladies?

I have donations scheduled for Thursday (CD14) and Monday (CD18) as donor is unavailable over the weekend. Last month I ovulated on either CD 18 or 19. Do we think my timing is ok?
How are you all ladies?

I have donations scheduled for Thursday (CD14) and Monday (CD18) as donor is unavailable over the weekend. Last month I ovulated on either CD 18 or 19. Do we think my timing is ok?

:thumbup: Sounds about ideal to me. You may wanna think about adding one late one just in case ovulation happens a bit later too. :flower:
Yeah donor is available from cd20 onwards so if LH surge happens after that I'm all set
Yeah donor is available from cd20 onwards so if LH surge happens after that I'm all set

Awesome. I think we are going to start throwin in a late insem. After this cycle :dohh: We got our smiley on cycle day 13 but I don't think O happened until 19. I don't understand how that could happen but that is what the chart looks like. Granted I wasn't charting around the time so we have no pre O temps to go by. :shrug: Still just waiting for something to happen. :coffee: Temps are down again this morning. However, I did turn on the air conditioning 2 day ago so we are sleeping with the air on and a fan on us. Can that affect temps? I swear...I feel like I am going insane. :wacko:

Best of luck with this cycle Laura! Keep us updated.
Just a super quickie to let ya'll know that IUI went fine this morning. The new donor's sc numbers were GREAT!! He had 150million pre-wash and we only lost 15million in the wash. Soooo ... we "went in" with 135 mil! That is more than TWICE the number that our previous donor ever had! :happydance: Motility was average at 47%, but doc thinks the numbers are great!

I was very worried when i woke up as my temp shot up above coverline this morning... called the lab to put a hold on the thawing, then lvm for doc's office. Nurse called back and said doc wanted to go through with it, so we did. I was concerned about the timing... however the trigger shot is designed to cause ovulation between 36 and 42 hours post shot... and right in that window of time, I started getting TERRIBLE cramps, shooting pains in my abdomen. So, despite the temp rise, I'm almost positive that I didn't start to ovulate until about an hour ago... right on time!

Soooo, FXed! Sending loves to you all! Will try to catch up when I'm feeling a bit better. Right now I'm going to go sit in the locker room and stay doubled over for a little bit till this pain subsides...

Hey everyone! Thanks for sharing your stories and details of your journey. I have been reading the posts for the last 6 months. Wanted to introduce ourselves and let you know about our TTC journey. We are 34 and 38, I am the one in the hospital clothes. We have both been trying to conceive.

We have been TTC for 4.5 yrs. 4 known donors over the course. First two years (2008 and 2009) same donor (age 48), IUIs, fresh washed sperm, inserted by fertility dr, closely monitored cycles by dr, including vaginal US to monitor follicle growth and trigger shots. Alternated between both of us over that 2 year period. About 20K spent. Not one pregnancy.

2010 - couple of rounds early on and then took a break for the rest of the year. Our donor and our dr moved out of state, time to find a new donor.

2011 - started back up with new donor (age 49), at home insemination (used syringes and 1 soft cup), still alternating between the two of us, about 9 total rounds over the year. Approx $200 spent. Not one pregnancy.

2012 - started in Jan, still alternating, started with Pie first (the Asian in the pic, she's 34), 2 new donors (age 33 and 34) mixed sample in cup, no pregnancy. Feb was my turn, same deal mixed the 2 guys sample in 1 soft cup, pre-seed, 3 inseminations, wonky cycle for me, AF started 3 days early, BFP! I am now 16.5 wks along and have 7 fibroids that are good sized, I am high-risk for MC and other complications due to age. Due Date is 11-27-12.

I am sharing our story because I hope it gives y'all hope. We tried so many times we were pretty close to giving up. I still can't believe I'm pregnant and that it worked on the first time with these new donors. I think our other donors were just too old.

If anyone has any questions about insemination or the overall process, please do not hesitate to ask! Good luck to you all and thank you again for sharing your stories and feelings, it really helped me through my journey!!!

Special thanks to MrsMM24 and LeahMSta, your stories and words of encouragement to the others are close to my heart.
JandK - I see you had IUI on 6/9 but you also mentioned June was out. Did you go through with the IUI and if so will you be testing this weekend?

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