Lesbian couples TTC

Well, we have an answer! FINALLY! AF arrived this morning, four days late. We believe it was a chemical because of the faint lines on HPTs, the plethora of symptoms, and the delayed AF. I am so happy to have an answer and my mind is calm finally! BRING ON JULY!!!! The funny thing is, if my period was on time, and I didn't have the chemical, I would have had to travel interstate for the donor, by myself, and poor dp wouldn't be able to do the insem. BUT since he is travelling on holiday to QLD for that week only, he will be here when I ovulate!! What a score!! Coincidence? I think not! :D

LeahMSta, I definitely DO think the air con might have a role in your temp dip. Your af is late, so that is a great sign!! FX'd!

Laura, that is absolutely PERFECT timing for the insem, I think! Good one, chicky! :)

Hitthejackpot, wow, good luck! Sounds wonderful! The timing seems great, and the follies sound nice and big, and all you need is just ONE spermie out of that 135 MILLION! Surely, just one could make it!!?!?! Haha! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! :)

CakeLUVSPie, WELCOME!!!! This thread has a lovely bunch of lesbos on it! haha!! Seriously though, glad you could join, and CONGRATULATIONS on such wonderful news! You two are an inspiration to so many women! If it's mean't to be, it will be... I strongly believe that! You have already made it this far.... just keep that little bubba stuck there for a bit longer!!! :) I will ask my angels to keep an eye on you. xo

I'm in a great mood today, even though the period is heavy and I feel a bit crampy, but my mind is clear, and my hopes are high for this month! I still have a bit of heartburn, though, and last night I noticed my nipples were very dark. Asked DP and she said that she has never seen them like that before. And she is the expert on my nipples! haha! The tips (not the areola) were dark purplish/grey... thought I was just cold, but after a hot shower, they were the same. Hm... I only get that when pregnant. Perhaps there is still some hormone racing around from the chemical?

So... wondering what day I should organise the insem, since my ovulation occurred a couple of days early last cycle. Usually, it's CD 14, 15, or 16, but mostly on CD15. Last cycle it was probably CD12/13. What do you think girls? I need to give the donor some notice, being on holidays and all (you know, because he has to abstain from sex for a few days! poor dear! lol)
JandK - I see you had IUI on 6/9 but you also mentioned June was out. Did you go through with the IUI and if so will you be testing this weekend?
Yes we went through with the insemination and no I am not testing this weekend because the timing was all off. Planning a double insemination in August. I usually ovulate on day 12 so we did the insemination around midnight the night before. I never got a positive OPK until 3-4 days later.
Well ladies, It has been a lovely 4 day burthday mini vaca but it ends tonight. Tomorrow I am back to work and will be working a bazillion hours of OT to prepare for our trip to las vegas. The good news is that even if AF does show up, we have now passed the mark where we would miss our insem while vacationing. That is the silver lining in this crazy wicked long cycle that just goes on and on. LOL! My poor partner is a wreck. I'm guessing it is PMS rearing her ugly head but I feel bad for her. She keep saying she hates feeling so out of control and is disappointed in her temps because she was sure she had a sticky one this time. I am not sure how to comfort her other than to remind her that she still isn't out and that if AF doesn't show, it means she can have some cocktails in Vegas. Since she isn't a big drinker, it's not really helping. Any tips on how to help her keep a level head? I hate it when I dont know how to comfort her.
Leah, I feel your and your dp's pain! I had to wait and wait and wait too, not knowing and getting my hopes up, then down etc. It's torture! All I can say is, AF is here for me now and I know it was a chemical pregnancy, so I wasn't imagining the symptoms. I feel A LOT better now, even though AF is here, my mind is at rest finally, and I am not over-thinking every niggling feeling and symptom, and wondering and wondering etc etc. It's peaceful now. Everything will be okay, and if AF comes, it will suck, but at the same time, it's nice to just KNOW. :)
Big hugs to both xxxxx and yes fingers crossed July will be the month!!!
LeahMSta - we are cycle day buddies! I'm on CD1 too! Sorry AF got you! But, it's a relief finally knowing, don't you think? At least you can implement your SMEP plan, huh? Hugs to you both! :hug:
Thanks guys!
Yes Sunflower we are on cd1 here too. Ready to roll into July's adventure. AF arrived late last night which is out of the ordinary but at least we finally have our answer.
June's never ending cycle was not for nothing though. It turns out this delay moved out our fertile days just enough that we can start SMEP next week just in case we O early, then when we get back from vacation she will have her fertile window. As our donor, in his always eloquent fashion, said last night...we're gonna put so much sperm in her that the egg doesn't stand a chance this month. LOL!! I love that we are a team with a sense of humor. So this is now the beginning of our week free of conception concerns and then into the next round we go. It feels good to know what is happening finally.
Aww it's good that you have a definite answer LeahMSta :) roll on next month!

I must be the most boring member of this group.... I STILL haven't inseminated yet and apparently it'll be another 2 weeks! I'm so bored of waiting and I'm definitely trying soy next cycle to try and shorten it!!!
Thanks guys!
Yes Sunflower we are on cd1 here too. Ready to roll into July's adventure. AF arrived late last night which is out of the ordinary but at least we finally have our answer.
June's never ending cycle was not for nothing though. It turns out this delay moved out our fertile days just enough that we can start SMEP next week just in case we O early, then when we get back from vacation she will have her fertile window. As our donor, in his always eloquent fashion, said last night...we're gonna put so much sperm in her that the egg doesn't stand a chance this month. LOL!! I love that we are a team with a sense of humor. So this is now the beginning of our week free of conception concerns and then into the next round we go. It feels good to know what is happening finally.

Looks like our BFP was a chemical :growlmad: so we are now on cycle day 3. I have two older children who were both July conceptions so we are hoping that July is our month for this one too! I like your plan but we at using frozen sperm @ 675 per vial so SMEP is way out of our budget! keeping my fingers crossed for all of us!
LeahMSta and SunflowerBub - I am hoping for successful July cycles for you both! Keep us posted.
Sunflower - thx for the welcome, I feel much less stalkery now that I'm writing too!! :flower:

HopefulPony - You're not boring, looking forward to hearing about your first insemination round! Are you doing it at home?

HitTheJackpot - can't wait to hear the progress of your IUI yesterday. Those are some great SC numbers!!:thumbup:

JandK - GOOD LUCK in August!!
Awwww CakeLUVspie you're pregnant! Congratulations!!!!!

Technically we're doing at home insemination (although we're travelling to the donor). I'm so excited for our first try! I'm using a Clearblue fertility monitor and no signs of hormone changes yet :(
Hopefulpony, ur not boring!! In two weeks, or when ur inseminating, it'll be on-the-edge-of-ur-seat excitement in here!!! lol!

Speaking of boring, holy crap is this part of the cycle boring!!!! Less expensive, yes, less stressful, yes, but BOOOORRRRIIIINNNGGG. haha!

La di dah di dah.... geez, I had better do something to occupy myself!!! I have paid some bills, organised some loose ends, called some places for DPs career change, done washing, hung stuff out on the line.... might vacuum. BORING. ;)

PS: LeahMSta - what a crack up!!! That donor of yours is so crass and gross!!! But funny! LOL
First donation today. Then another on Monday. Wish me luck!
Hi all,
well, i'm out for now... despite an utterly beautiful chart and high temps, my period arrived early (!!!!) a day before expected on monday of this week. totally disappointing, but as we've actually just had a whirlwind of other life changes around here (both starting new jobs at the end of the summer, wedding in August, and moving for september 1st), then it seems to be for the best.

However, it hit me really emotionally hard-- and right on the day of my partner's birthday, to boot. I was really a wreck most of monday and tuesday. I was SURE I was pregnant-- I had a bit of a cold on the weekend and nausea, to boot. I seem to have recovered now, but god, this is a really crazy up-down emotional process. (Fully aware that I'm preaching to the choir, here!)

The other hard thing is that i'm going to be going into a 6-month "trial period" at my new job (this is standard for jobs in Germany), and our donor is going to be working in France and Swizerland during most of the fall (he's a costume designer so he travels a bit)... and with my new job starting, too, it looks like we're going to be taking a pause from trying until the winter. Probably better anyway-- we can have a few months to settle into the new patterns, and have the "2nd wedding" (just a small gathering in the US for the nearest and dearest in the winter when we're there, since most of them can't manage the travel to Germany this summer.) I realize it's for the best to stop trying right now, but I'm so disappointed, nonetheless.

And on top of it all-- our donor is of the opinion that he is healthy and his sperm must be fine-- and therefore wants to try for a full 6 months before he gets a sperm count done. (I tried to delicately bring up the subject last month and that was his answer.) But I now really think he needs to get tested sooner, since our timing has (I think!) been really great so far, and I'm healthy. He's also 49. And after all, the money and emotional roller-coaster for us is all practically a waste if his swimmers don't swim! I'm not great with uncomfortable confrontations, and less so in my second language... so I'm not looking forward to this. Jeez, i mean, it's just a test, right? I've gotten them all already... I'm not sure why he's so antagonistic to it-- other than I think he might really not understand what this emotional 2WW thing is like for us, and then the devastation that comes when AF arrives, instead. :nope:

thanks for listening, y'all....
Sparklela... Big hugs for you both xxxxx so sorry about your BFN :(

Good luck Laura! :)

God I'm so bored of waiting!!!! Taking sooooooo long......
Sparklela, my heart goes out to you... it's a very emotional time indeed! And even MORE SO if you have these sorts of obsticles like unaccessible sperm, new jobs, new houses, weddings, and unsympathetic donors. Of course the donor doesn't understand how emotionally exhausting the 2ww is, and the whole process in general; only women (and possibly their partners) who are going through it, or have gone through it, can understand. Perhaps it is for the best though... I mean, you might be really ill with m/s on your wedding day! Some women are even hospitalised for m/s. Also, it may affect your new job because you may be off with m/s a bit. I know it sucks to hear logic when all you want to hear is, "GO FOR IT! NOW!" and you most certainly can! But, it may be all happening the way it is supposed to, in order for you to process and handle all of these changes. Whatever happens, just know that you have a safe and supportive place on here where us women TOTALLY understand what you are feeling and going through. TTC can make you crazy!! Crying one minute, cheering the next, peeing on everything, obsessing over babies, temperatures, cm, twinges, and absolutely everything else. Hang in there, and come here to talk whenever you need to!!!:hugs:
Sparkela - sorry for all the stress :-( I hope it gets easier!

Thanks for the good luck messages ladies. I really want this month to be the month so please smother me in any baby dust you have spare. This will be month 4 for me.

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