Lesbian couples TTC

Laura, Throwing buckets of baby dust your way! I hope this is your month. I'll be on pins and needles for you for the next 2 weeks! :dust:

Sparklela, I feel your pain with the time consumption and emotional rollercoaster of this process. We were sure this was our month too and AF showing up had caught us off gaurd. :hugs:

Sunflower, our donor is crass and I love it! He said last night that we were 2 peas in a pod when I said something about his swimmers being in proper shape next week. I said of course we are. You are representing team whitey. Therefore you must me at least almost as awesome as me. LOL! :haha:

Hopefulpony, I hope you get your surge ASAP. I know the wait is exhausting but it's just a warm up for the 2ww. :coffee:

CakeLUVSpie, Thanks for sharing your story and offering your support. It's always awesome to be reminded that we are doing this for a result that is entirely possible. I hope you have a lovely and healthy 9 months and beyond!:flower:
Cheers Leah. All the signs are there... cervix is high, open... mucus is egg white...

Fingers crossed!
Cheers Leah. All the signs are there... cervix is high, open... mucus is egg white...

Fingers crossed!

You get that eggy Laura!! :thumbup: FX for you. Make sure to relax and stay as stress free as possible. Every little bit counts right?
Trying. Am working almost constantly for the next two weeks so hopefully the people of London won't give me too much stress! lol
laurac1988 - I read your blog today and could totally relate, thanks for sharing! My DP and I TTC for 4.5 yrs before we got results. I wish I would have kept a journal or blog like you did.

FX'd for a successful AI today!!

I highly recommend the softcups (or anything like them), as that is what finally worked for me. Orgasm a bunch of times after you have the spermies in there, that really helps too. I spent years and $$$ using fertility dr and in the end I got pregnant with a free cup of fresh sperm, a little preseed, and $0.20 softcup (and I'm 38 yrs old).

Be careful when doing your own ICI's and DO NOT shoot unwashed sperm (semen) straight into your uterus, you can cause serious issues including severe cramping and in rare cases a collapsed uterus. It's okay to deposit the sperm right at the mouth of the cervix, but do not stick that cannula up into the cervix too far. The prostaglandins in the semen are what cause the cramping in the uterus. This is another reason why I like softcups, they simply keep the semen up close to the cervical opening and allow for insemination occur "normally". Not to say that we aren't normal, but hopefully you know what I mean. The other nice thing about softcups (or anything similar) is that they hold the semen in you and prevent leakage. I did 3 inseminations and left them in there 12 hours and I really think that helped my SMEP.

I hope your 2WW flies by and you get your sticky bean!! xoxox
Awwww CakeLUVspie you're pregnant! Congratulations!!!!!

Technically we're doing at home insemination (although we're travelling to the donor). I'm so excited for our first try! I'm using a Clearblue fertility monitor and no signs of hormone changes yet :(

HopefulPony - what method of AI will you be using? Since you will be traveling to your donor, you may want to consider using softcup or something similar, so that it holds in the spermies :spermy: after you standup to leave.

I had to travel 30 mins each way (on a motorcycle) when I went to get my donor samples, the softcups kept all the sperm in and no mess in my undies to gross out on later. :argh:

My name is Lauren and my partner(Kelley) and I have decded to TTC. Our donor is a close friend who has volunteered to do this for us. We will be using the soft cups and just bought pre-seed tonight. I am not extremely regular, so this is going to be a very trying process. I have been trying to find a specific forum for Lesbians TTC or something of the like. We have been so excited while reading each of your journeys and have our fingers crossed that the stork will visit you all VERY soon! Now, I would like to ask you guys for some help. We want to read ALLLLLLL the info we can and make sure we try it all. Can you give us some hints, tips, websites, etc. Just anything that has helped you along the way. I look forward to getting to know you all better and sharing our journey with you guys! :happydance:
Welcome, LoveAtLast! So glad to have you ladies here!! I'm sorry, I can't help much re: home insem as we are going the assisted route, but the girls on this page have a wealth of knowledge to help you!

Laura - Here is to a few weeks of LOW STRESS for you!! xoxo This is our 4th attempt too... had our IUI this past tuesday, so I'm 3dpo/iui.

Leah - so sorry the ugly witch got you girls. Stay positive... it WILL happen! You are so wonderful and supportive to the rest of us, that will come back to you tenfold in the form of a BFP one of these days!! I just know it! :hugs:

Sparkle - :hug: Wish we could make this all easier for each and every one of us! Such a time of emotional highs and lows! Hang in there sweets... we'll all get through it! :hugs:

Kelly - I'm so sorry about the chemical :( How heartbreaking for you... be kind to yourself this weekend and maybe go out and get a spa treatment! :hugs: DW and I are in the same boat re: cost. Are you using California Cryo? That cost is right in line with them... we are using Xytex and they are about $100 less, but still on the high end. With IUI/Ultrasound, we are spending about $1k/month as it is... s no way could we do the smep either. We certainly aren't rich! :shrug:

Hopeful - How goes it with the soy? And you aren't BORING! :happydance:

JandK - How are you love? Hope you girls are doing ok! :hugs:

AFM - I'm 3dpo/iui and not stressing at ALL (yet). Last month I was so caught up in looking for symptoms that probably weren't there that I was a nutcase by the time af showed... and the emotions associated with the BFN were just ugly. So, not going to worry about it this time. No symptom spotting... and I'm not even sure that I'm going to test, rather just wait for AF to come. We are planning a visit to my cousin and her DH that I haven't seen in two years, and we'll be at her place when I should be testing or waiting for AF. Either way, it will be wonderful to be there with her. She is our biggest supporter in this and is one of my best friends!

Sending huge buckets of baby dust to each of you, and positve, happy, prengant vibes!

Awww...Hitthejackpot. That was a lovely post. I agree with you on the symptom spotting and how it can make you feel like a crazy person. We have decided that this cycle, we are going to do our best to avoid symptom spotting, early testing, and my general conception obsession. LOL! I plan to spend our 2ww engrossed in overtime at work and reading a few books that have been on my bookshelf but not been cracked open. Honestly I think I would rather be knocked off of my feet with a suprise BFP than to hunt it down until I find it. LOL! I hope this is the last month that you girls have to give the cryo bank any money. I'm sending loads of baby dust your way!

Love at last: welcome! I have found several wonderful resources on here. Have you seen https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/assisted-conception/458990-home-artificial-insemination-success-stories.html ? That thread has a wealth of information and it is also quite encouraging to read about the successes when you are in the wait. I also bought a book called The ultimate guide to pregnancy for lesbians by Rachel Pepper. I hope that gives you somewhere to start. If you need advice just ask we're all here and happy to help. :flower:
Awwww CakeLUVspie you're pregnant! Congratulations!!!!!

Technically we're doing at home insemination (although we're travelling to the donor). I'm so excited for our first try! I'm using a Clearblue fertility monitor and no signs of hormone changes yet :(

HopefulPony - what method of AI will you be using? Since you will be traveling to your donor, you may want to consider using softcup or something similar, so that it holds in the spermies :spermy: after you standup to leave.

I had to travel 30 mins each way (on a motorcycle) when I went to get my donor samples, the softcups kept all the sperm in and no mess in my undies to gross out on later. :argh:

We'll be using a syringe I think, I have already bought soft cups as we'll be travelling by train :) I have a drawer full of baby making supplies (and some baby bits too!)

HitTheJackpot - I didn't take the soy in the end as I wanted to see how my cycle went naturally for the first one.... But OMG wish I had! It turns out I don't ov on day 15 because here I am on day 15 and no ov... Which I guess is good as my donor is unavailable til Tuesday, but I'm so bored of waiting!!!
Fingers crossed. I'm not so fussed if it doesnt as have another donation on Monday... but will see
HitTheJackpot - FX'd and loads :dust: of to you!! Enjoy your family, hope it helps keep you busy and not dwelling on the 2ww.

HopefulPony - I am hoping and wishing for your LH surge to arrive on or after Monday so you'll be ready for your donor's return.

LoveatLast - welcome!! If you have any questions feel free to reach out. My DP and I worked for over 4 yrs at TTC and have tried many methods at home, using fresh known donor sperm. If you haven't already, start charting your cycle, most of the girls on here use www.fertilityfriend.com. We recommend using OPKs (LH surge test strips) and temps.

laurac1988 - I hope your LH surge comes soon!! Fingers and toes x'd!! And tons of :dust: and no AF :af: in 2 weeks.

SunflowerBub - Hope you find something more fun than vacuuming to do this weekend to keep you occupied early in your cycle. Eat healthy and get ready to pop that perfect eggy!:headspin:

sparklela - Have you considered a different donor? We used 48 and 49 year old donors and had their sperm tested and had zero pregnancies in 3.5 yrs. I also read that advanced paternal age in most studies showed a significantly higher instance of Austism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternal_age_effect
If you're not completely set on using your 49 yr old donor, it may be a good idea to find a younger one and especially one that is willing to have their semen analyzed. BTW, I switched to two donors in their early 30's and got BFP on the first round. I know it was a miracle but I can't help but wonder if my infertility the last 4+ yrs was due in great part to the advanced age of my previous donors.
I highly recommend the softcups (or anything like them), as that is what finally worked for me. Orgasm a bunch of times after you have the spermies in there, that really helps too. I spent years and $$$ using fertility dr and in the end I got pregnant with a free cup of fresh sperm, a little preseed, and $0.20 softcup (and I'm 38 yrs old).

Be careful when doing your own ICI's and DO NOT shoot unwashed sperm (semen) straight into your uterus, you can cause serious issues including severe cramping and in rare cases a collapsed uterus. It's okay to deposit the sperm right at the mouth of the cervix, but do not stick that cannula up into the cervix too far. The prostaglandins in the semen are what cause the cramping in the uterus. This is another reason why I like softcups, they simply keep the semen up close to the cervical opening and allow for insemination occur "normally". Not to say that we aren't normal, but hopefully you know what I mean. The other nice thing about softcups (or anything similar) is that they hold the semen in you and prevent leakage. I did 3 inseminations and left them in there 12 hours and I really think that helped my SMEP.

CakeLUVSPie, is the softcup the rubbery thing that people use in place of a tampon for their period? I bought one called a Diva Cup or something, and have yet to try it. Just a question.... how do you put it in if it's full of sperm? I guess you would squeeze the top edges shut, but is it hard to put in without spilling? I did a DIY IUI last time and you are right, it caused MAJOR cramping.
[SunflowerBub said:
] - is the softcup the rubbery thing that people use in place of a tampon for their period? I bought one called a Diva Cup or something, and have yet to try it. Just a question.... how do you put it in if it's full of sperm? I guess you would squeeze the top edges shut, but is it hard to put in without spilling? I did a DIY IUI last time and you are right, it caused MAJOR cramping.

Good morning SunflowerBub - Yes, the Softcup is what you described, here's their website - www.softcup.com. I have looked at DivaCups too, but I didn't use them because they appeared to be deeper/longer and I wanted something more shallow that would hold the spermies nice and close to the cervix.

Inserting without spilling is a challenge! Especially my last round because I used a double sample, so the Softcup was really full of semen (ew). The method I used to reduce the amount of spillage was - we squeezed the edges together, used plenty of preseed to make it slip right in and I was in a position where I was half laying down, sort of like a half sit up. Only a little bit squirted out each time (I did 3 inseminations, because I had wonky cycle and my LH showed up 3 days later than normal). I hope that helps and if you need any further clarification please do not hesitate to ask!

BTW, you mentioned in a previous post that you have "baby bits" already, what is that?

I am headed to Las Vegas for a little pool-side R&R and will be back next Thursday, in case you have more questions, I'll write next week!

GOOD LUCK and I hope your cycle is regular this month and you can easily identify your ovulation window!
laurac1988 - I read your blog today and could totally relate, thanks for sharing! My DP and I TTC for 4.5 yrs before we got results. I wish I would have kept a journal or blog like you did.

FX'd for a successful AI today!!

I highly recommend the softcups (or anything like them), as that is what finally worked for me. Orgasm a bunch of times after you have the spermies in there, that really helps too. I spent years and $$$ using fertility dr and in the end I got pregnant with a free cup of fresh sperm, a little preseed, and $0.20 softcup (and I'm 38 yrs old).

Be careful when doing your own ICI's and DO NOT shoot unwashed sperm (semen) straight into your uterus, you can cause serious issues including severe cramping and in rare cases a collapsed uterus. It's okay to deposit the sperm right at the mouth of the cervix, but do not stick that cannula up into the cervix too far. The prostaglandins in the semen are what cause the cramping in the uterus. This is another reason why I like softcups, they simply keep the semen up close to the cervical opening and allow for insemination occur "normally". Not to say that we aren't normal, but hopefully you know what I mean. The other nice thing about softcups (or anything similar) is that they hold the semen in you and prevent leakage. I did 3 inseminations and left them in there 12 hours and I really think that helped my SMEP.

I hope your 2WW flies by and you get your sticky bean!! xoxox

Cheers for this hun, and thanks for reading the blog! It's a labour of love :) Just about to get an ipad in the next couple of weeks so will be able to update more.

Don't worry about the ICI's. My donor does them for me and he only opens up my cervix a little - no shooting into uterus. Could only imagine what that would cause as I'm quite sensitive.

Still no LH surge over here. Due tomorrow though and another donation on Monday, so I think my timing is ok
[SunflowerBub said:
] - is the softcup the rubbery thing that people use in place of a tampon for their period? I bought one called a Diva Cup or something, and have yet to try it. Just a question.... how do you put it in if it's full of sperm? I guess you would squeeze the top edges shut, but is it hard to put in without spilling? I did a DIY IUI last time and you are right, it caused MAJOR cramping.

Good morning SunflowerBub - Yes, the Softcup is what you described, here's their website - www.softcup.com. I have looked at DivaCups too, but I didn't use them because they appeared to be deeper/longer and I wanted something more shallow that would hold the spermies nice and close to the cervix.

Inserting without spilling is a challenge! Especially my last round because I used a double sample, so the Softcup was really full of semen (ew). The method I used to reduce the amount of spillage was - we squeezed the edges together, used plenty of preseed to make it slip right in and I was in a position where I was half laying down, sort of like a half sit up. Only a little bit squirted out each time (I did 3 inseminations, because I had wonky cycle and my LH showed up 3 days later than normal). I hope that helps and if you need any further clarification please do not hesitate to ask!

BTW, you mentioned in a previous post that you have "baby bits" already, what is that?

I am headed to Las Vegas for a little pool-side R&R and will be back next Thursday, in case you have more questions, I'll write next week!

GOOD LUCK and I hope your cycle is regular this month and you can easily identify your ovulation window!

Hey there! Wow, have fun in Las Vegas! So jealous! :) I don't think we can buy softcups here unfortunately, but I think my Diva will serve okay. At the very least, I won't have that yucky leakage issue afterwards. Ewww. It's funny because when DP and I were doing it last cycle, I felt a little disrespectful to the stuff because it's the stuff that is creating our little bubba, and yet, the look and smell nearly made my DP vomit! haha! And I didn't have much fun on the toilet afterwards, wiping and smelling it each time! Ewww.... but then I would remind myself of what it is doing for us. oh well.... you get that! lol!

Thank you so much for all of your information and support! I will definitely consider giving the IUI a miss this time because it did cause a lot of cramping, you are right. Might just use a syringe.

We have a cot, cradle, car seat, and high chair already! Plus some other little things like a spiral rainbow mobile for above the change table in the nursery! :)

Laura, good luck this cycle! I hope you get that LH surge soon! :) Your donor does the insem? Is that a bit weird, or is he a good friend of you and your DPs?

Well, about one week to go until insem day, so just got to wait it out. So much waiting in this biz. :wacko:
Nah he just does the donation because he offered and neither of us wanted to come into contact with it - haha! Doing the one tonight by myself though.

Ov test is almost positive... But still not there. Come on body - get a grip!

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