Lesbian couples TTC

Still plugging along here through the tww. Nothing out of the ordinary symptom wise, but I'm only 6dpiui today. I'm not terribly hopeful this month because I'm not sure doc got the timing right ... since my temp had spiked the morning of our IUI appointment. Doc still wanted me to go through with it since he puts all of his eggs (pardon the pun) in the "trigger shot" basket rather than in BBT. So, still a bit hopeful, but not getting my hopes up at all.

The good news is that I am leaving Friday for vacation. Will be on the Chesapeake Bay for 2 1/2 days then in Toledo and on Lake Erie for the remainder of the week, and back home on Sunday. AF is due July 4 or 5 (why, oh WHY does af ALWAYS come during vacation - fxed that she doesn't come at all! :) ) so not sure if I will test or just wait for AF. Kinda hard to explain a pregnancy test in my luggage to a snooping sister :D
Nah he just does the donation because he offered and neither of us wanted to come into contact with it - haha! Doing the one tonight by myself though.

Ov test is almost positive... But still not there. Come on body - get a grip!

So Laura did your body catch up with your plan yet?
Well... Haven't caught an LH surge yet but fertility friend reckons I ovulated cd16, which is entirely possible given my higher temps. Will have to wait and see.

Feel very sick .. That may have been the McDonald's breakfast though
I love them hash browns mmmmmmm god I want one now
OMG yeah the hash browns are the best bit! Burger King do little mini ones that are even better... So crispy!
Hmm... first sign of AF for me is always my face getting oily and breaking out. I'm 8dpiui, and have the oily skin starting :(
Well... Haven't caught an LH surge yet but fertility friend reckons I ovulated cd16, which is entirely possible given my higher temps. Will have to wait and see.

Feel very sick .. That may have been the McDonald's breakfast though

Keeping my fingers crossed that they keep going up!
"lovely" comment on my blog today.

"You're donor does the donation? What a PERVERT! He is obviously a pervert. SUPRISED you're not fucking him! You should go to a CLINIC like a RESPONSIBLE person. Not use some pervert off some internet forum. How are you gunna explain it to your kid? Poor thing. At least TRY and be responsible about it."

some people are idiots.
How annoying Laura. People dont know when to stop talking out of their arses. I hope it didn't bug you too much.

Things here are kind of heart breaking and disappointing. There are devestating wildfires very near to our town and our donor is in the national gaiurd and is on call to go help fight them. On top of that, I was hospitalized yesterday. I am receiving a drug therapy for some neurological issues and the hospital that my nerologist and neurosurgeon are in is about an hour and a half away from home. So DP will not be receiving her first donation as planned and the month as a whole may be a wash depending on how this turns out. I hope we'll have an opportunity to get at least 1 or 2 pre ovulation but I have to accept that there are bigger issues at hand. Missing 1 cycle is not the end of the world.
How annoying Laura. People dont know when to stop talking out of their arses. I hope it didn't bug you too much.

Things here are kind of heart breaking and disappointing. There are devestating wildfires very near to our town and our donor is in the national gaiurd and is on call to go help fight them. On top of that, I was hospitalized yesterday. I am receiving a drug therapy for some neurological issues and the hospital that my nerologist and neurosurgeon are in is about an hour and a half away from home. So DP will not be receiving her first donation as planned and the month as a whole may be a wash depending on how this turns out. I hope we'll have an opportunity to get at least 1 or 2 pre ovulation but I have to accept that there are bigger issues at hand. Missing 1 cycle is not the end of the world.

Your priority is to get better. I am sending prayers your way
laurac1988 - what an insensitive person. People like that let their true ugly colors just shine on through. I'm sorry you were the recipient of someone else's unhappy demeanor and unpleasant personality.

My first donor was a nurse in the ICU, was a hellava lot more medically trained/skilled than me or my DP and he performed a couple of my inseminations. While it might not be super common for donors to assist with AI, it certainly is not unheard of and is your business.

I hope your AI efforts bring you a BFP soon!!!!
Oh LeahMSta, really hope you get well soon hun, sending you lots of huggles xxxxx

We are having our very first AI today, positive OPK crept up on me! So excited but nervous too....

I am another lady who's donor will be helping with the insemination, to make sure we get it right! He's way more experienced than us! Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Love your blog post about it Laura xxx
Cheers HP. As with most things TTC related it's personal choice :)

Best of luck with donation xxxx
Laura, Wow, what a wanker! Some people truly astound me! I can't believe that person thought it any of her business whatsoever! Obviously an angry and bitter person with nothing better to do than judge other people. Just delete it, and focus on the better part of society instead of societal rubbish. You are entitled to do what feels right for you and your partner. :)

LeahMSta, so sorry to hear of the fires over there. I hope you can get one insem done, but I guess it's all mean't to happen the way it all happens, even if that means missing a month. Hard to wait when you are ttc'ing, because it feels more like a year, but I guess just occupy yourselves somehow. Also, I hope you are feeling better, and sorry to hear of your health issues. Look after yourself, and get that girlfriend of yours to pamper you rotten! ;)

HopefulPony, awesome!!! Not such a long wait after all, hey? That's great news and good luck with the insem! FX'd for a BIG FAT POSITIVE in a week or so!!! :)

Hello to the rest of you ladies!! Hope you are well and happy. We are in really good spirits today because my kids come home to us tomorrow!!! They have been at their dad's house since last Wed, and the wait is killing me! I spent all day cleaning and preparing for their arrival. I dusted everything, cleaned both bathrooms (including the spa bath which is a real back-breaker!!), folded washing, soaked and washed dog coats, washed some pillow slips from kids beds where the dogs felt like sleeping while they were gone, and charged their Ipods. :shock: In the morning, I will vacuum again and mop. When we get the kids at noon, we are going straight out to the city to take them to lunch and a gelati, and perhaps have a few minutes in a video arcade! It'll be a good day! I miss them soooo much! My DD I haven't seen for nearly two weeks because she went to Canberra on a school camp for a week! I don't even know how it went!!! The kids feel like they can't call me from their dad's because it might upset him. This is because his wife says things to the kids like, "why don't you call daddy when you're at mummy's house? It makes daddy feel like you don't love him as much" what a tosser. She also tells my 5 year old that two women can't get married, and they can't have babies either. I can't believe that my 5 year old is being indoctrinated by a homophobe for 50% of the time, when he is away from me. And I have no control over it, either. There is nothing I can do, and that kills me. All we can do is teach him tolerance and the right values when he is with us. My DD is getting fed up with her homophobia, too. She used to just sit on the fence about these things whilst over there, but now she is speaking up! THAT'S MY GIRL!!! Anyway, when we have this new little bubba, it'll disprove her homophobic opinion that we can't have babies.... JUST WATCH US, WENCH!

Anyway, sorry about that little rant... it's tough sharing custody and having little control over what crap is being fed to your kids, the little humans that you created and birthed and looked after with every part of your being. Then handing them over to a stranger who feeds them the sort of rubbish that is keeping narrow-minded homophobia alive today. Geez, sorry, here I go again.

Anyway, we are in high spirits today, looking forward to tomorrow and the whole week with the kids, and inseminations starting Sunday night!!! WOOHOO! What do you girls think of inseminating CD12 and CD14, with O possibly CD14/15?

Have a great night and sorry about my vent. :blush:
Oh Sunflower that sounds awful... I'm so sorry their stepmother is such a bitch!!! How rude!!!! Sounds like your daughter is a clever girlie :) your timings sound great, really good chance of catching that eggie!!!

Just had my AI! Now officially on the 2WW! :) gonna try and keep myself busy :)
Thank you, Hopefulpony, yeah, she is one of those women who are nice to your face, though, then homophobic to your kids. :( Good luck with the tww!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
Hi ladies. I hope everyone is well. Things here are starting to calm down. The wildfires are about 40% contained. It is still devastating the number of evacuees and all that was destroyed in the fire's path. My hospital stay has finally ended and I am at home again thank goodness. It was medical intervention on a serious migraine I had for over a month. Ever since my brain surgeries, headaches are my nemisis. They are nothing like the headaches I knew before surgery. The brain surgeries are the reason I can't carry and it makes me sad but my DP does such a fabulous job of making me the co pilot in our path to conception. We are not going to be spot on for the SMEP patterns but we are still going to give it a whil. My illnesses have taken too much from us already. I refuse to let this keep me from my dreams. So we will insem today and tomorrow before our teip and then on the 5th and daily there after when we get back from vacation. She is due to O on the 7th so this should be close to what SMEP suggests. Fingers crossed. If this were our cycle it would make for one hell of a story for our LO some day. :)

Sunflower: Step mum sounds like a gem. Ugh. All you can do to combat her ignorance is to live a happy and fulfilled life. Kids can feel that and know it as the truth. Hugs.
LeahMsta, you r so right!!! :) actions speak louder than words.

AI tonight!!!! YAY!!!! :D
My temp dropped :-( Not QUITE below coverline but feel like it will tomorrow

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