Lesbian couples TTC

Good luck with insemination LeahMSta and SunflowerBub!!! :)

Try to think positive Laura, it could be an implantation drop xxx
sure hope it is! Had a drop last month but this month isn't as big as last month's... and my chart looks so different!
Laura, I am on pins and needles for you. I have fx for an implantation dip.

HopefulPony, How you feeling after your insemination. My DP said that after the first one she was almost scared to move for a few days out of fear that she would "shake something loose". LOL! I have my FX that you get your BFP straight away.

Sunflower, we are always in sync arent we? We did our first insem of the cycle yesterday. Yippee!!! We are planning one more today and then from the 5th on every day til we deffinately ovulate since last month was the great ovulation mystery.

Still not 100% sure when O happened last cycle with pos OPK cd 10 and 3 temp increases throughout. I did an override on ff and set it for CD19 because that seems most likely.

Today is our last day at home for a few days. We will be heading out to Las Vegas early tomorrow morning. I am so excited to see my sister and just hug her. It has been over a year since we've seen eachother and she is quite simply one of my favorite people on the planet! We are going to have a spa day, see shows, gamble, lay by the pool and hope that our other halves like each other. LOL! This will be our first social occasion with both my DP and her husband. I hope they like eachother because they are stuck with eachother on this and many more vacations in the future. Hahaha!! Hope everyone has a safe and happy few days!
Yup :) shot up this morning. Want to wait until Friday to yes but will probably end up testing on weds. AF due tomorrow

Daring to hope...
Hoping for you Laura :)

Leah - hope you have a fab holiday! How exciting :) good luck with the inseminations!

I'm kinda scared to shake anything out of place :) although we've done a lot of travelling over the past few days and been to a wedding (lots of standing around lol) so I think I've been fairly active. I really want a BFP this cycle, but I'm trying not to get hopes up....
Yup :) shot up this morning. Want to wait until Friday to yes but will probably end up testing on weds. AF due tomorrow

Daring to hope...

:thumbup: Hope is what we can never have too much of! I am so pleased that your temp is looking so nice. I hope when I get back on Thursday, I get to see that you've gotten your big fat BFP!!!! :hugs:

Hopefulpony, I understand being cautious but like I tod my DP just a couple of days ago, most women at this point in an unplanned pregnancy have no idea that they are even possibly pregnant and continue with their daily lives. Seems that many of them go on to have beautiful intelegent kids and no harm came from heavy lifting, working out, eating poorly, or even having a cocktail or 2 (not that I am condoning that particular activity when ttc.....just an example.) The best thing yu can do is to be as happy and healthy as you possibly can be to make a nice happy, snuggly home for the little bean to get all snuggled up in. :baby:
Bleurgh. Just saw my breakfast again :-(

And still cramping
Laura, your chart looks awesome! Wow, you have a short LP. A re-visit from your breakfast is a GREAT sign! LOL! Can't wait to see that big fat positive from you!! No pressure! ;)

LeahMSta, have an awesome holiday with your sister and the DPs! You will have an awesome time, no doubt! Especially with the lineup of fun/relaxing things you have planned!

HopefulPony, thank you for your well-wishes re insemination. It was a little clumsy, especially doing it in the car, but I think we 'hit the spot'. We both are hopeful about this cycle!

KelleyNJen, how are you two doing? What are you in your cycle?

Well, we got a positive OPK yesterday and traveled to the donor to do the insem in the car, which was a bit awkward! Haha! DP kept a lookout and lucky I had a skirt on, is all I can say! We used the preseed and a syringe. I think there was about 3ml in it and most of it went in, but when I took it out, some got stuck between the syringe and the plunger, so we pulled the plunger out and some sprayed onto the car interior! EW!! haha! And DP joked about worrying if it got into her mouth and she hopes she won't get pregnant from that! hahahahaha! Joking of course! It was rather funny actually, and then me lying flat in the front seat with my feet up on the dash and a towel underneath for the 45 minute trip home. Sore coccyx after that, I tell you! Especially in a bumpy ute!!! And during all of this, I got DP to flex her sexy, tattooed muscles so I could STILL manage to have the big O a bunch of times. I AM OFFICALLY SUPERWOMAN!!!!! I think us chicks go a bit crazy at this time of the month when ttc'ing! We do WHATEVER it takes to get that bfp! lol!!!! :blush:

Anyway, got another positive OPK today with EWCM, and a lovely dip in temp, but the donor can't do it tonight, so we are off to meet up with him to do it in the morning, so the folks at the coast can have a DAYTIME show, this time!!! WOOHOO. I might need more towels and blankets for at least some modesty! I figured if the egg can survive for 24 hours, it will manage to hang around til tomorrow morning if I ovulated this evening.
Sunflower... Your story made me chuckle! In the car... That must have been awkward! Fingers crossed for you :)
Laura, your chart looks awesome! Wow, you have a short LP. A re-visit from your breakfast is a GREAT sign! LOL! Can't wait to see that big fat positive from you!! No pressure! ;)

LeahMSta, have an awesome holiday with your sister and the DPs! You will have an awesome time, no doubt! Especially with the lineup of fun/relaxing things you have planned!

HopefulPony, thank you for your well-wishes re insemination. It was a little clumsy, especially doing it in the car, but I think we 'hit the spot'. We both are hopeful about this cycle!

KelleyNJen, how are you two doing? What are you in your cycle?

Well, we got a positive OPK yesterday and traveled to the donor to do the insem in the car, which was a bit awkward! Haha! DP kept a lookout and lucky I had a skirt on, is all I can say! We used the preseed and a syringe. I think there was about 3ml in it and most of it went in, but when I took it out, some got stuck between the syringe and the plunger, so we pulled the plunger out and some sprayed onto the car interior! EW!! haha! And DP joked about worrying if it got into her mouth and she hopes she won't get pregnant from that! hahahahaha! Joking of course! It was rather funny actually, and then me lying flat in the front seat with my feet up on the dash and a towel underneath for the 45 minute trip home. Sore coccyx after that, I tell you! Especially in a bumpy ute!!! And during all of this, I got DP to flex her sexy, tattooed muscles so I could STILL manage to have the big O a bunch of times. I AM OFFICALLY SUPERWOMAN!!!!! I think us chicks go a bit crazy at this time of the month when ttc'ing! We do WHATEVER it takes to get that bfp! lol!!!! :blush:

Anyway, got another positive OPK today with EWCM, and a lovely dip in temp, but the donor can't do it tonight, so we are off to meet up with him to do it in the morning, so the folks at the coast can have a DAYTIME show, this time!!! WOOHOO. I might need more towels and blankets for at least some modesty! I figured if the egg can survive for 24 hours, it will manage to hang around til tomorrow morning if I ovulated this evening.

Hey Sunflower!

We Are on day 15. Trigger shot was today so we tomorrow is insemination day! We are using frozen donor sperm so will be inseminating at 32 hours post trigger and crossing our fingers. Two week wait starts tomorrow!
Hi Ladies,

I read through all 50 pages of this forum and feel like I'm apart of the TTC family already! :hugs:

This month will be my first month TTC and I'll be using donor sperm from a local bank that I'll pick up in person (beats shipping fees :thumbup:).

I joined this thread for encouragement and support but I will admit that I'm anxious, nervous, excited, happy, scared, optimistic, slightly stressed, impatient, etc....I'm sure I left out a few!

Sprinkling baby dust to all :happydance:
Welcome LesbianMystiq! How exciting for you :) all those feelings are so normal... I have all of them every day!!! :) do you know when you'll be having your first donation?
Welcome LesbianMystiq! How exciting for you :) all those feelings are so normal... I have all of them every day!!! :) do you know when you'll be having your first donation?

Thank goodness those feelings are normal because I thought I was half crazy lol. According to my chart and ovulation schedule I should be donating on or about the 19th/20th, which means I'll be picking up my goodies from the goody bank on the 18th.
Hi Ladies,

I read through all 50 pages of this forum and feel like I'm apart of the TTC family already! :hugs:

This month will be my first month TTC and I'll be using donor sperm from a local bank that I'll pick up in person (beats shipping fees :thumbup:).

I joined this thread for encouragement and support but I will admit that I'm anxious, nervous, excited, happy, scared, optimistic, slightly stressed, impatient, etc....I'm sure I left out a few!

Sprinkling baby dust to all :happydance:
Hi!!! And welcome!! You will find this thread and site very supportive and helpful, indeed. It's great to have ppl in the same boat to talk to! :)

KelleyNJen, good luck tomorrow!! YAY!! The cycle starts getting interesting from now on! I hope that we can survive the 2ww. We will be so close in cycle days, so we can perhaps keep each other from going insane! haha!

HopefulPony, haha... I was hoping to make someone laugh a bit with that very immodest and revealing post! haha! My DP was a bit shocked that I went into that much detail... typical partners, not really understanding the tmi thing when dealing with ttc'ing. There really is not much left to the imagination in this biz. ;)

Well, we just got back from our second venture down the coast to inseminate. Was beautiful down there at the beach; really sunny and ppl were on holidays and happy. It seemed perfect actually. I just draped a throw rug over me and laid back and dtd. Went much smoother than Sunday night because we had more pillows and more light! haha! It was pleasant riding home singing away to Karise and staring at the blue sky with the sun on me. Functionally, I used a 10ml syringe and preseed. My chart definitely looks like O is today, and most likely this morning. I had cramping last night and my OPK was finally negative after 36 hours of positives (yes, I took them obsessively! lol). My CM turned from EWCM to watery/creamy yesterday afternoon too. The temp is nearly above coverline, but will most likely be tomorrow morning. Yay! I have met my end of the bargain, and now it's the baby's turn to come to the party!!! :happydance:

Anyway, now the waiting begins. Hopefully I won't symptom-spot too much or obsessively poas. Let's be honest though, I probably will! :blush:

Have a lovely day ladies, and good luck wherever you are with your cycle! :dust:
Well ladies, my temp did drop today BUT not below the coverline. Is actually higher than a few of the post ov temps.

Witch is due today. I've asked her I she wouldnt mind taking a 9 month luxury holiday to a destination of her choicE. fingers crossed she takes me up on the offer.

Am going to be on knicker watch all day. Fx and any spare baby dust lying around would be wonderful!
Well ladies, my temp did drop today BUT not below the coverline. Is actually higher than a few of the post ov temps.

Witch is due today. I've asked her I she wouldnt mind taking a 9 month luxury holiday to a destination of her choicE. fingers crossed she takes me up on the offer.

Am going to be on knicker watch all day. Fx and any spare baby dust lying around would be wonderful!
How could she NOT take you up on that offer?! What a crazy witch not to! FXd for you this month!! Looks very promising indeed!!! Are you going to test today? Or in the morning? I think considering your short LP, a test should show positive today surely... I will send you all of my spare baby dust that I'm not using! haha! :dust:

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