Lesbian couples TTC

Thanks ladies :) appreciated

Will probably test tomorrow. Maybe. I'm scared
I'm cranky tonight. Really cranky. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm tired and annoyed and I am already over it and I'm only 1dpo tomorrow! So, I'm not even officially in the 2ww and I'm already frustrated. :( Sorry about the vent.
No worries Sunflower :) totally understandable! I was really cranky just after my donation :)

Laura - cant wait til you test!!! :)
Sunflower. I always feel like that post donation. Turn into a right grump bag. But you have to be smiley. Happy eggs and happy sperm! lol

No period yet... we have reached the afternoon!
Thanks Laura, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I just feel crap. The impending wait seems like it's just looming in front of me. Oh well... gotta just keep myself busy and get through it. No AF for you?! That's a great sign!!! When are you testing?!? :)
No AF yet no. Am over half way through the day :)

Maybe will test tomorrow. Might wait. Not sure
Bfn for me. No af yet and she was due two days ago. Will test again on Saturday
So sorry you got a BFN, Laura, but a lot of people test positive later on. The great thing is that AF hasn't come. Can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings for you! FXd for you girls!!! :)

I'm just hanging out in my 2ww, but I think I'm getting sick because my glands are up a little and my throat is a bit sore. I think this has impacted my temp since ovulation, since the thermal shift was clear. I have other signs though, like OPKs, cramping, CM, and cervical position, to identify ovulation. So, now I'm just waiting.... it was hard the day of ovulation, but it has become easier now, and I'm just getting on with my daily stuff, hardly even remembering what dpo I am! haha! Wait until 7dpo then, and the obsessiveness will start! haha!

Symptom spotting 2dpo: not much happening here today, except a bit of indigestion tonight and I am feeling a little like I could pull a groin muscle. No cramping. No backache. Lotion-like CM. Lower cervix position now. I was HIGHLY emotional today though. Poor DP! :blush:
uh oh! Emotions running wild!

Going to test again on sunday i think if no AF. That will take me to 15dpo and 5days post AF being due.

BFP/AF limbo is not a nice place!
Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday! :headspin:

SunflowerBub I'm sending you a truck load of baby dust!!!

KelleyNJen happy tww, I'm sure you're anxious for it to be over. FX that you get a BFP.

laurac1988 I'm hoping for a BFP with no AF for you...sending baby dust prayers your way.

I'm waiting for AF to arrived on Monday so I can go through my first (and hopefully only) attempt at HI. It's all still quite surreal to me, I can't believe I'm getting ready to embark on this part of the journey but I'm looking forward to it!

Enjoy the rest of your week ladies :flower:
5dpo for me... My symptoms today are tiredness (although not as bad as the last few days), twinges and cramping, a bit of nausea and creamy CM. My temp has risen a lot, 97.9 this morning. I wanna POAS already!!!

Oh, and I know this sounds silly, but every time DW puts her hand over my abdomen I get this really intense warmth...
LesbianMystiq, thank you for the babydust!! So much of it there! How generous! :p How exciting for you, that you are about to embark upon this next phase of your life! It is a whirlwind rollercoaster ride, indeed, but a truly amazing one!!

HopefulPony, we could nearly be cycle buddies! I'm 3 dpo today (I think). Symptoms for me is just constipation. Fatigued too, but that seems to be normal for me the last few days. Oh, and I'm irritable (just to DP) and emotional ++. DP can't do anything right right now... she is the object of my irritation most the time, poor dear.

KelleyNJen, how do you feel after the insem? Symptom spotting yet? lol!

I'm pretty relaxed about the whole TWW so far, and I'm not obsessing too much. I certainly don't feel like poas this early on, unlike last month, but I guess the obsession may kick in in a few days. Does anyone have any idea when I o'd according to my chart? I never get patches of fertile cm except before O, and I was a bit sick the last few days, probably mouthbreathing due to blocked sinuses. What do you think ladies? I had some cramping on CD 13 and 14, but none on CD15. I hope FF gives me crosshairs soon.

I hope everyone else is going well! :)
LesbianMystiq, thank you for the babydust!! So much of it there! How generous! :p How exciting for you, that you are about to embark upon this next phase of your life! It is a whirlwind rollercoaster ride, indeed, but a truly amazing one!!

HopefulPony, we could nearly be cycle buddies! I'm 3 dpo today (I think). Symptoms for me is just constipation. Fatigued too, but that seems to be normal for me the last few days. Oh, and I'm irritable (just to DP) and emotional ++. DP can't do anything right right now... she is the object of my irritation most the time, poor dear.

KelleyNJen, how do you feel after the insem? Symptom spotting yet? lol!

I'm pretty relaxed about the whole TWW so far, and I'm not obsessing too much. I certainly don't feel like poas this early on, unlike last month, but I guess the obsession may kick in in a few days. Does anyone have any idea when I o'd according to my chart? I never get patches of fertile cm except before O, and I was a bit sick the last few days, probably mouthbreathing due to blocked sinuses. What do you think ladies? I had some cramping on CD 13 and 14, but none on CD15. I hope FF gives me crosshairs soon.

I hope everyone else is going well! :)

Hey Sunflower! I would guess that you O'd on CD 13. I could be wrong! We are now 2 DPO and not really symptom spotting yet. We did the HCG trigger shot so we are testing that out. Still showing positive. Hoping it stays that way or goes away and comes back. 12 more days until testing.
Lots of ladies on the 2ww! We are so impatient... But tomorrow we will be halfway through so yay!!! How's everyone today? I'm feeling really achey - it's mega rainy here and rain triggers my arthritis in my hips :(
Hello ladies! I am back from vacation and back to work today. It was fun while it lasted but I do honestly like my simple life. You know you've gotten older when you are eager to get home when vacation ends because nothing sounds better than your own bed and running a load of wash. LOL! DP got her "smile" on the last night of vacation. So we got home and did another insem yesterday and will continue to do so daily until FF gives me my darn crosshairs. So I guess I am in great company on the wait. I am going to try not to be as nuts this time around and I have done away with the pregnant til proven otherwise theory. One way or another we will know when AF either does or doesn't show up. Hope everyone is well. FX for you Laura! HP, Sunflower, and KellyandJen....let the wait go quickly for us all and a BFP be waiting at the end!
I'm so impatient... I really want to test :( no temp drop yet...

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