Lesbian couples TTC

Sunflower - I've tested with opk every day this cycle. Will keep going until +opk or af... I never had a positive one, no, but had all the other signs of ov between cd12 and 20. High open cervix, ewcm, ovulation pain. I just don't know.

Temps are definitely more biphasic than usual

Dr appt on 17th so will talk to him. Hopefully he'll be able to help me out
Laura, I'm at a loss, too. I'm not sure what to say about it. Perhaps your doc will have more insight about it. I hope it's a simple case of low-rising hcg. Thinking of you.... :hug:

Anyone got insensitive partners right now? Mine is really doing my head in. Tonight we were stressing about money, and she said we will both have to work. When I said, what if I have bad morning sickness? She said, "what, are you going to be sick for the whole 9 months, are you? well, I go to work when I'm sick". What makes it worse is that she doesn't. When she is sick with headache/flu/period pain, whatever, she stays home and I look after her! And when she gets tired of a job, she quits. Now I am sometimes finding myself hoping I'm not pregnant, and then feeling emotional because I really do want this baby, and she does too. I am just dreading how her insensitivity is going to affect me when pregnant. Last night I was so sick with a cold/flu and I still had to do dinner, tend to the kids, etc etc, while she was online playing games. When I broke down and rang my friend, she must have gotten the message and came inside and cleaned, got kids organised etc. She is so sporadic with her care of me, and it's only after I have said something or started crying. Sometimes she is so good and really takes care of me, and other times, I feel like crying I feel so alone and uncared for. I was washing up last night with snot dripping out of my nose and coughing the whole time, and getting dinner sorted, and she was playing video games, completely oblivious. I felt blood boil in my face, I was that upset and angry.

Anyway, thanks for the vent. I wish I could say I feel better now. :(
Oooh glad to see you ladies think our chart is looking good! Today I've had creamy cm, nausea, heartburn and cramps... Think my test was negative, I've put a pic in the gallery for tweaking :)
Sunflower :hugs: I know that must be a hard place and your feelings are valid but remember to stay as stress free as possible. I know it's easier said than done but for the sake of the baby *fx* brewing inside of you find ways to express your feelings to your DP. Hopefully that helps :flower:
Sunflower, big hugs to you, hope today is a better day.

Laura I am still stalking your chart hoping for that huge temp rise :)

Hopeful I have my fx for you!
This thread is more exciting than daytime TV. The suspense is killing me.

Laura, this is the longest LP you've had at least for a while right? I believe I remember you saying you were supplementing to try to increase the length. I've been stalking your chart. I am on pins and needles for you! I hope this is your BFP.

Sunflower, we all have days like that. There are times that I am overwhelmed and feel so loved by my DP that it makes me want to cry tears of joy. But then there are days where she feels oblivious. I think part of it is that we expect the reaction that WE would give in the circumstances we are in. I don't know about you and your but my DP and I are opposite in every way. No...seriously. Black and white, thin and full figured, extroverted and reserved, it is absurd. LOL! We fit together like 2 completely different jigsaw puzzle pievces but to expect her to react in the same manner that I would is absurd. Also I am guilty of forgetting to ask for what I need. I have to remember she can't read my mind. I hope some of htis helps and I hope that today finds you feeling much better! <3

HopefulPony, I am so excited. Especially knowing that you are planning to take a time out from ttc. I have everything crossed for you darlin. I hope you and MummyPony get that BFP I know you both are hoping for!

Buckets of baby dust to all! I hope this month the thread is over run with non stop BFP!
OMG OMG OMG! I just tested using an IC and very faint line so I used a FRER and..... BFP!!!!! I know it's early but yay!!!!!!!!
OMG OMG OMG! I just tested using an IC and very faint line so I used a FRER and..... BFP!!!!! I know it's early but yay!!!!!!!!

:happydance::happydance::happydance: SOOOOO excited for you!!! Post a pic! I wanna see your pretty lines!!! :dance:
I'll post one in the morning cos the light is quite bad and you can't really see the lines in the pics :( but it's definitely there!!!
thank you girls for your lovely support! I really mean it; thank you! I really don't want to talk to too many ppl irl, because they are mutual friends, and I don't want them to think badly of DP, because she is the most amazing person i have ever met. Leah, we are opposites too! short/tall, thin/curvy, butch/femme, introvert/extrovert, booksmart/streetsmart etc. She has tried very hard last night to do things for me, and that is what makes it confusing ,because when she realises she has neglected me or said a stupid thing, she (at first) goes on defence, and then goes overkill to help me and make ammends. Anyway, we go to Melissa Etheridge tonight so I'm sure it will be a nice night! :)

Hopefulpony!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is friggin awesome, girl!!! I knew it though! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

ASF, faint lines on FRER, and two different ICs this morning! Hard to see in photos though. I rejected a hot chocolate cupcake yesterday afternoon too! hahahaha!
Sunflower I think you've joined me :) :) :) I have faint lines too that means BFP!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

So happy today :) :) :) :) :)
Well, I have pics, but they're really bad quality :( came up fine when I took them but the quality seemed to reduce after uploading them to Photobucket :( I really hope you can see the lines, they're so pretty in real life :)

This mornings test!

This is yesterday's (top) and today's (bottom) :)
I see it!! I see it!! I see it!!! Yippee :) I am so very happy for you and MP! Time for the little bean to get all snuggled in. Congrats a million times over. May you have the healtiest and most beautiful 9 months and beyond <3
Sunflower I think you've joined me :) :) :) I have faint lines too that means BFP!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

So happy today :) :) :) :) :)
Thank you Hopefulpony! My lines were definitely not as clear as yours, though. And my tests are negative today. :( I have allowed FF to give me their own crosshairs, so it puts me at 8dpo today. So, pretty early still. Feeling a bit nauseous today which is a good sign. hehe. Feeling a little disappointed about the tests though, which is ridiculous I know, but nonetheless, wished it was positive. :p I hope you have a wonderful 9 months with your beautiful lil bump! :)
:wave: sunflower!
I hope you get some darker lines very soon!

I am trying to stay positive and believe that this is our month. Plus we'll be able to confuse the hell out of people and tell them we got pregnant on vacation in Las Vegas! :haha: No symptom spotting this month though and I am just investing positive energy in researching parenting and baby gear. It makes the wait fly by and some of this stuff makes me sqeal with excitment. Thanks to pintrest I have a 1 stop shopping list for all of the things I want to buy! :happydance:

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