Lesbian couples TTC

Good morning ladies!
I am up and at em. Today is my "monday" for the work week. I am going to try to think about something other than babies and conception in general for at least 10 hours. I have a feeling that my plan is futile as I pretty much go stark-raving mad Through the 2ww. This site keeps me sane. I giggle at the symptom spotting and find comfort in readin gthe AI success stories and such so I probably spend the majority of my free time at work on here. Now that I have this thread with you lovely ladies, I feel like I can pop in and chat with friends. I think it is pretty awesome. Still no crosshairs on ff but I think the missing temp on cd16 did us in. I'm going to keep temping (well have DP keep temping) just to see what happens but I think we are 6dpo/7dpo today. That means we are halfway through the wait. Yippee! I talked to DP's tummy for the first time this cycle last night. Just to let anyone getting snuggled in know that they are going to be so loved and spoiled and wanted. I hope the extra bit of love is exactly what was needed. Well...of to the office. (which is my home office as I work from home. Thank God!) I hope to chat with you ladies soon. Tell me....Do the rest of you talk to the tummy?
Leah - Wifey did that almost every day, and now there is someone snuggled in there! It's clearly the way forward :)
Leah - Wifey did that almost every day, and now there is someone snuggled in there! It's clearly the way forward :)

:thumbup: Yay!! I'm not a nutter!!! :wacko: I just love thinking that he/she/ may be getting snuggled in. I saves our boarding pass, and a few other momentos from our vacation in hopes that I can scrapbook a page on our baby being concieved on vacation. LOL! I have never wanted anything so much. I hope I hope I hope this is our month. FX.
Leah - Wifey did that almost every day, and now there is someone snuggled in there! It's clearly the way forward :)

:thumbup: Yay!! I'm not a nutter!!! :wacko: I just love thinking that he/she/ may be getting snuggled in. I saves our boarding pass, and a few other momentos from our vacation in hopes that I can scrapbook a page on our baby being concieved on vacation. LOL! I have never wanted anything so much. I hope I hope I hope this is our month. FX.

Oh I love stroking her tummy!
Leah I have everything crossed for you xx
No Leah you are not a nutter. I have this routine of singing that song from Finding Nemo right after insemination....."Just keep swimming" then after a few days I sing the song "hold on". So yes I talk/sing to the tummy and tend to sleep with my hand on it too.
I sing the song from the show Friends that "Phoebe" sang to her potential nuggets. "Are you in there little fetus? In 9 months come out to greet us? I will buy you some adidas." Then I usually go on some sort of tangent about how nike, new balance, and doc martins are all good shoes too and you can have whatever kind of shoe you want because I support your individuality. LMAO!!! Doesn't matter how many time I do it. DP just smiles and tells me I'm silly. I can tell that she loves it. and sometimes in the morning I kiss her tummy and say good morning as I kiss her, pet the kitties and welcome the day. When I am having a bad day she'll tell me to lay my head on her tummy and tell the baby all about how happy I'll be when I get to meet them. It always turns my frown upside down. It's so good to know we aren't the only ones who do this kind of goofy stuff!
Hahahaha I sIng the Phoebe song too but then always end up saying bah I don't like addidas but if you want them you can have them!

I bought some lots of clothes on eBay! They're tiny!!!! But omg so cute, I got a set of the hungry caterpillar clothes because I call baby my little wiggly caterpillar!!! I love this baby so muh already, I hope he/she sticks and snuggles down well for 9 months xxx
Awww MummyPony. I hope your little caterpillar gets all tucked in good and tight. I am sooooo in love with ebay. There is the ENTIRE nursery set I want (we're talking, bedding, lamp, hamper, rug, even the stinkin night light) for 200 USD. That is more than half off of retail and it is in beautiful shape. I want it so bad but DP has forbidden all nursery purchases until we make it into the 2nd tri. Look at me talking like we're already preggers. LOL! I have been granted only one exception and that is the purchase of 1 giant stuffed giraffe. DP has said that can be our celebration purchase for the positive test. I mean, lets face it....the 5 ft tall giraffe is as much for me as it is the kid. LOL!
Awww MummyPony. I hope your little caterpillar gets all tucked in good and tight. I am sooooo in love with ebay. There is the ENTIRE nursery set I want (we're talking, bedding, lamp, hamper, rug, even the stinkin night light) for 200 USD. That is more than half off of retail and it is in beautiful shape. I want it so bad but DP has forbidden all nursery purchases until we make it into the 2nd tri. Look at me talking like we're already preggers. LOL! I have been granted only one exception and that is the purchase of 1 giant stuffed giraffe. DP has said that can be our celebration purchase for the positive test. I mean, lets face it....the 5 ft tall giraffe is as much for me as it is the kid. LOL!

I have purchased 2 pairs of booties. One to give DW's dad to tell him when we get a sticky bean and one the sits in front of the fertility god in our bedroom (one of my daughters friends made it for my sons 21st birthday but since he is still living at home we figured it should stay in our room. I want a baby with my wife, not quite ready for a grand baby. And my son has no intention of ever having children.)

The truth is I am not a shopper, DW is. I go into a store, directly to what I need and I leave. DW can shop up a blue streak so I am sure our future baby will have everything it needs and something's that it doesn't. I am also super practical when it comes to purchases. Having a child at 17 made me realize the difference between "want" and "need." I will confess that I do already have a super practical crib that converts to a bed and a stroller combo in mind that I will purchase the day she makes it to 12 weeks.

So we were talking about goofy things. I have this ritual. After every insemination I carry the vial in my pocket all day and then I stick it between the legs of the fertility god until we test. Yeah I am weird but it makes me feel more involved. I am not used to being on this side of the pregnant couple.

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!!!!
Awww MummyPony. I hope your little caterpillar gets all tucked in good and tight. I am sooooo in love with ebay. There is the ENTIRE nursery set I want (we're talking, bedding, lamp, hamper, rug, even the stinkin night light) for 200 USD. That is more than half off of retail and it is in beautiful shape. I want it so bad but DP has forbidden all nursery purchases until we make it into the 2nd tri. Look at me talking like we're already preggers. LOL! I have been granted only one exception and that is the purchase of 1 giant stuffed giraffe. DP has said that can be our celebration purchase for the positive test. I mean, lets face it....the 5 ft tall giraffe is as much for me as it is the kid. LOL!

I have purchased 2 pairs of booties. One to give DW's dad to tell him when we get a sticky bean and one the sits in front of the fertility god in our bedroom (one of my daughters friends made it for my sons 21st birthday but since he is still living at home we figured it should stay in our room. I want a baby with my wife, not quite ready for a grand baby. And my son has no intention of ever having children.)

The truth is I am not a shopper, DW is. I go into a store, directly to what I need and I leave. DW can shop up a blue streak so I am sure our future baby will have everything it needs and something's that it doesn't. I am also super practical when it comes to purchases. Having a child at 17 made me realize the difference between "want" and "need." I will confess that I do already have a super practical crib that converts to a bed and a stroller combo in mind that I will purchase the day she makes it to 12 weeks.

So we were talking about goofy things. I have this ritual. After every insemination I carry the vial in my pocket all day and then I stick it between the legs of the fertility god until we test. Yeah I am weird but it makes me feel more involved. I am not used to being on this side of the pregnant couple.

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!!!!

Kelly that fertility god with the lil vile between it's feet is an adorable ritual. You are going to be such an amazing partner when DW has a bun in the oven. I often say that being on this side of things has perks that I never even would have thought of. I have my fingers crossed for you too. Go get that BFP. You're next in line :)
Kelly that fertility god with the lil vile between it's feet is an adorable ritual. You are going to be such an amazing partner when DW has a bun in the oven. I often say that being on this side of things has perks that I never even would have thought of. I have my fingers crossed for you too. Go get that BFP. You're next in line :)

I can only hope, you girls are right behind us. BFPs all around!!!!
Hey ladies,

I hope you are all doing okay and managing to occupy yourselves so you don't go nuts!!!! I, myself, am peeing on everything that resembles a stick! I swear I'm seeing a few faint faint shadows of a line, but time will tell... I am 9 dpo today, and my symptoms are:
ongoing indigestion/chunks in throat (had this with DD)
some mild nausea
really hungry at times, and then turned off some food when in front of me!
unusual bits of EWCM mixed in with white/lotion cm (never had this before)
bbs only just now getting a little tender (but not really sore at all)
emotional at times (feeling bipolar!)
constipation last week but diarrhoea yesterday.
vivid dreams ++ and restless sleeps
heavy/full feeling uterus

Okay, I think that's enough! Not much cramping and fatigue no worse than expected with a head cold. So, going to keep on testing and as soon as I get that beloved BFP, I will post a pic and let you all know!!

PS: speaking of stuff, we bought a pram today!!!!!! HALF PRICE!!! And its awesome!!!!!! :happydance:
GL Sunflower! I hope you get that BFP we are all dreaming of.

:hugs: We're gonna get thos eggies Kelly. I can just feel it! hang in there. We are halfway through this wait. It'll be testing time before we know it!

Nothing much new or exciting here. Temps are still up. No sign of crosshairs yet but I'm not really sweating it. :shrug: What will be will be. Still not feeling quite 100% but I am about to start another workday. Hopefully I will even get to finish this one. LOL! :thumbup:
Leah, I'm surprised that u don't have ch yet! Your chart is looking awesome. :)
Thanks Sunflower. I am fairly certain it is the missing temp on cd16 that is doing us in. That was the day we left Las Vegas and had to catch a shuttle to the airport at 4 am after 3 hours of sleep. Needless to say...temping wasn't really on our minds. I am calling 7/8dpo at this point and we're just riding it out. I can only hope that ch or none, this will be the month for our BFP.
LOL@Leah, you're right! Plenty of women get pregnant without CHs!! hahaha! I'm sure you will manage without them. I think you are right about your dpo; your temps are so stable! I have my fingers crossed for you two! :)

KelleyNJen, wow! I most certainly wouldn't be ready for a grandbaby either! haha! We were just talking about this in the shower last night (our catchup place and time! haha) because our friend got pregnant during highschool at age 15!! and miscarried. And it struck DP that that could be DD in 3.5 years!!! AH, I DON'T THINK SO! When she realised this, her faced changed alright! Over her dead body, I think! haha! So, no grandbabies for many many many years thanks. :) What do your kids think of the impending baby? Are they excited? Is this your wife's first baby? Do you have your other kids full custody or shared? I have shared custody and it's doing my head in. :(

MummyPony, I know what you mean! DP and I already feel like the baby is a legitimate part of our family! We love her so much! She just needs to come now! :D

So, girls, tested this morning. BFN. BIG FRIGGIN FAT NADA. My brain is in conflict: one side is saying it's early still, and to keep hope, and the other side is saying, stuff it, it's an epic fail this month, onto the next. Haha!
LOL@Leah, you're right! Plenty of women get pregnant without CHs!! hahaha! I'm sure you will manage without them. I think you are right about your dpo; your temps are so stable! I have my fingers crossed for you two! :)

KelleyNJen, wow! I most certainly wouldn't be ready for a grandbaby either! haha! We were just talking about this in the shower last night (our catchup place and time! haha) because our friend got pregnant during highschool at age 15!! and miscarried. And it struck DP that that could be DD in 3.5 years!!! AH, I DON'T THINK SO! When she realised this, her faced changed alright! Over her dead body, I think! haha! So, no grandbabies for many many many years thanks. :) What do your kids think of the impending baby? Are they excited? Is this your wife's first baby? Do you have your other kids full custody or shared? I have shared custody and it's doing my head in. :(

MummyPony, I know what you mean! DP and I already feel like the baby is a legitimate part of our family! We love her so much! She just needs to come now! :D

So, girls, tested this morning. BFN. BIG FRIGGIN FAT NADA. My brain is in conflict: one side is saying it's early still, and to keep hope, and the other side is saying, stuff it, it's an epic fail this month, onto the next. Haha!

Hey Sunflower!
I had my daughter at 17 and my son @ 22. I had full legal and physical custody of both of them. It was the bst this ever! Never had to ask them what I could or could not do with the kids I just did it. Not that it did not come with it's own set of problems. My daughters father and I got along well and are still friends. We were not married and I pretty much just told him this is how it is going to be. My son's father I was married to and we had the. Had the custody battle from hell. I ultimately won because he was an irresponsible addict and I was stable and provided a good home. He tried to use the whole "she is a lesbian" argument but the judge replied with "what's your point" as I have mentioned I have worked in the social work/legal industry for many years. I came prepared, he did not.
This is my wife's first child. She has always wanted children and I will be honest it took a lot of soul searching for me to finally agree. I am now fully on board and am actually the "conception guru" (as Leah puts it) of the family. I chose the donor, I pick up the tanks, I push the plunger on that little syringe.
As far as my kids, my daughter is 27 and she is super excited. Says it will take the pressure off her to have the next grand child. My son is 22 and is as excited as he gets, he is the reserved introvert of the family.

How about you? How do your kids feel about a new baby?

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