Lesbian couples TTC

Had my scan today at 7w2d but they have dated it at 5 weeks 6 days. It was so cool. Could see the heartbeat but not a lot else. It just kept me calm as was worried before. Good luck with yours.

Leah I agree, always need some loving when making a baby :-D hoping this is your month. X
Trip for bloods today. Reason on the form? "infertility". That made me sad
Hug to you Laura!

Keep us posted on how the scan goes MummyPony! I am excited for you. I hope you get to see a good strong fluttery hearbeat and that your little one is tucked in nice and comfy for the next 8 months.

Our chart is making me insane. No crosshairs and temps are everywhere. I know it is partially environmental. It is starting to cool off here in the evenings so we started opening up the windows and sleeping with a fan and nice fresh night air instead of the AC. We've had to alternate for comfort and due to the regular BD aren't sleeping in clothes most of the time. So her temps being lower than normal and sometimes shooting up is reflective of that but I am freaking out. What if she didn't/doesn't ovulate and we did all of that insemination for nothing?!?!?! Ok...That is my tangent for the day. Final donation is tonight in case we get a shy eggy that pops out in a day or 2. Hopefully I can get the darn red lines soon....immediately followed by two pink ones. LOL!
It shows crosshairs on day 19...you should be good..
Hello ladies. First let me say congrats to all the BFP's and baby dust to everyone still trying for the cycle.

As for us, we are finally to 7DPO and I can honestly say I am less nervous than last time. Before we both were suffering bad from POAS syndrome. This time it is going so much better. After reading LeahMSta's post about SMEP, I think that if we are unsuccessful this time then we are going to try that next month. I think if I'm not mistaken that I read it nearly doubles the chances of getting pregnant! I see it calls for a lot of days of love making so that should turn out nicely! Although I bought about 10 of the dollar store cheapies and we still have a whole unopened box of FRER I think we will try to wait and test for the first time on the 17th. So close yet so far away right? Lol.
JandK, I totally switched ti to advanced to get the crosshairs. LOL! They just make me feel better. Now we can settle into the wait.

LesCoupleTTC, SMEP has been fun but let me tell you.....after tonight I will be delighted not to have to coordinate schedules with 3 people everyother day. That part was a lot of work. I hope in a couple of weeks, we'll be able to report that it was all worth it. :)
Scan went really well! One healthy heartbeat, everything where it should be, baby is a baked bean size! Due 23rd march!!
Congrats MummyPony!!!! Was it amazing to see the little bean?
JandK, I totally switched ti to advanced to get the crosshairs. LOL! They just make me feel better. Now we can settle into the wait.

LesCoupleTTC, SMEP has been fun but let me tell you.....after tonight I will be delighted not to have to coordinate schedules with 3 people everyother day. That part was a lot of work. I hope in a couple of weeks, we'll be able to report that it was all worth it. :)
Half the battle is staying sane....good luck...
Congrats MummyPony on your little sticky bean, Im sure that was an exciting appointment.
Hi girls...

My appologies for my extended leave... but I'm afraid it is going to continue. My mother passed away unexpectedly on July 28 at the age of 61 and my life is in complete turmoil right now. I posted the following on the other thread I am active on so am just doing a copy/paste because I can't type it all out again... know that I am thinking of you, and I send sticky vibes to everyone often. I don't know when I'll be back... might not be for months, who knows. I just don't know what each tomorrow is going to bring right now.

Know that I think of you all and send positive vibes and energy your way as I am able. I just can't bring myself to read all the stories right now - good or bad - I'm just too emotional, but I desperately miss talking with you all and keeping up with each of you. Losing my mother so suddenly has proven to be far more than I know how to handle, so my time is precious and I am spending most of it surrounding myself with my family and loved ones. I would really rather isolate myself and cry, but what good would that to do me?

I had a bit of a second blow when I called my doctor's office to see about how this changes things re: ttc. I was hoping to keep on my schedule to start trying again in September so I could throw all of my energies into that rather than thinking so much about all I have lost. The doc said that if I wanted to start again on schedule that they would do so, but that they strongly suggest I wait longer... maybe until after the first of the year to start again. Even then, they said it depends how my stress levels are... the nurse explained that during times of extreme stress that the cortisol levels in the body drastically increase and can have an affect on ttc and on a developing baby. While I can see their point, and I believe that they probably have a valid point... it just sucks that I have to wait.

My family doc also cautioned that the makers of Clomid say that 6 cycles is a lifetime max for the average woman... after that alternate methods should be considered. The fertility specialist said that yes, that is generally what the manufacturer tells gynos, but that under a specialist's care, it is different. I have had 4 cycles on clomid 50mg. I have had absolutely no time to research about any of this, just going off what docs have said... I suppose I'll have to wait.

I have decided to start seeing a counselor for a bit that I had seen a number of years ago. She knows my story with its ins and outs, and knows about the complicated relationship I had with my mother, so I'm going to see if she can't help me with this grieving process. I have also decided to get a tattoo in honor of my mother... that isn't exactly the way SHE would have wanted me to memorialize her, but it works for me ... so now, I just have to start figuring out what I want and design it.

I have started to work on shifting my thinking from "My mother will never get to see my baby" to "My mother is holding my baby right now... and will send the little one to me when the time is absolutely perfect." That has helped some...

Also had a reiki massage yesterday to try to help with the tension and release some of the grief and negative energies that I am most certainly holding on to. Silly me... I cried through the whole session and probably worked against what the poor massage therapist was trying to do... ha!

On a different note...I had mentioned before that DP and I were going to start eating healthy/organic/natural etc ... and were going to do an herbal cleanse. That started about 20 days ago and I'm down a little over 18 pounds. I'm going to have to buy new jeans this weekend... either that, or a good belt!

Well, just know that I will continue thinking about you all. Much love to each and every one!! *hugs*
oh hun. So sorry to hear your news. I lost my mum suddenly five years ago, so although all situations are different, I understand to a degree. Look after yourself, and take time to heal. All the very best xxxxxxxxxx
I am so sorry for your loss HitTheJackpot. I hope that this healing process is as gentle as it can be. I am glad that you let us know where you've been. I've wondered. Take care of yourself and join us again whenever you're ready.
So sorry for your loss. Pls take care of yourself.

Btw, I was on clomid for 10 cycles and can share some info with you when you arevready. Let me know if you need to talk.
HitTheJackpot I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest sympathies go out to you in your time of need.
Just wanted to give an update. We finally got our :bfp: today I am like :yipee: I want to say thank you to everyone who threw baby dust and also those who were here to comfort me when I was going crazy! :dust: to everyone!!! Come on little bean STICK!!!!
Just wanted to give an update. We finally got our :bfp: today I am like :yipee: I want to say thank you to everyone who threw baby dust and also those who were here to comfort me when I was going crazy! :dust: to everyone!!! Come on little bean STICK!!!!


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