Punks - my ms started to ease around the 16 weeks mark, so hopefully you'll feel better soon. I still have aversions and stuff, and my appetite is still tiny, which is why I'm still losing weight, but that said! I have it to lose. Doctor still isn't happy, but we had a private 3D scan and baby is right on 50th percentile in size, so it really is all good. So our weight loss doesn't necessarily affect baby as much as people will let on. Everyone tries to make you feel guilty about everything. Once the ms eases, you'll find the pregnancy starts to fly too, which is nice.
I felt movement around that time too, and kicks around 18 weeks. These days, I can see the kicks and movement, and that's kind of hilarious/creepy. It was probably about 23 weeks before my wife could feel things along with me.
Jury3 - I know. I remember seeing people complain about their pregnancies and how jealous I felt! That's why I'm always careful to say how happy and grateful we are. And honestly, I wouldn't go back to being not pregnant, not for the world! We're so excited for this baby, and so are our families. They'd all given up on ever having grandchildren and now there's one on the way who kicks and has my chin lol. My wife's moses basket is in the guest room now and I'm stocking up on cloth nappies and other supplies slowly. I even bought a piano. Couldn't imagine bringing a baby into a house without a piano for some reason. Hormones! The pregnancy is hard, but it's exactly what we've wanted for the best part of a decade. I'm not going to let it get me down!
And for the new BFPs, the first trimester is a total mindf*ck. Try and find something to distract you from it because the 1st trimester board is as stressful as it can be. When you move on to 2nd, it's a much happier place. We didn't get tests to say if the hCG was doubling or anything but they did give us an 8 week scan so we saw the heartbeat and baby measured correctly. After that, it was 15 weeks before we saw the baby again and that felt like forever!
Good luck everyone -- this is so exciting!