Hey ladies, Sorry I've been away from BnB for a few days, life's been pretty busy this week. Dandy, I'm glad you got your test results and have some answers. I know what you mean about blood tests though, I had one this week and just had to keep thinking "it'll be ok, it's for a good reason blah blah blah" and actually, it wasn't as bad as I was making myself think it would be! I hope you get your BFP first!
When I get my results I'll let you guys know.
Allie84, I think I'm the same. I'm just a
little overweight, weirdly I want to lose about the same as you! It's crazy to think that just that tiny bit of extra weight can make such a difference, especially when you see so many overweight people with children (maybe I should stop watching Jeremy Kyle...

). Oh well, at least it's something we can actually
do. I've been rubbish so far, my diet is awful and I've been getting the bus to work all week (although I did hurt my knee).
I completely understand about wanting to fall before your sister Dandy. My friend's sister (who abandoned her first baby 18months after it was born -years ago- and doesn't know who the father is

) is about to give birth, and another of her friends is too. I'm trying to feel happy for them (well for the friend!) but I can't help but feel jealous. My manager has just started trying too. I'm really happy for her, and I know it's not a race

, but I hope she doesn't fall before us...

Makes me feel so guilty.
Hope you're all feeling good today. Going to start cooking better meals,
NOT SNACKING!! and doing some exercise...*sigh* I just don't get that "exercise is addictive" thing...

Thankyou Carissa for your words of hope!! You've inspired me to work a lot harder!