hiya ladys thank you for asking about me.
The wedding didnt go to bad my sis looked lovely but i did not enjoy wearing my dress 1st the undreskert feel down then the dress kept coming down as it was to big or not tiyed right. lots of crying from my sis wich set me off. we got to the pub after the wedding and because i was on my own oh didnt come and coz i have PND after having my baby 9weeks ago i was very sad couldnt stop crying so ended up walkig out and coming home felt realy bad about it but i would rether come away then make my sis sad. Plus my nan was screming from across the room why you crying so every 1 was looking at me. any way sorry to go on.
My eating has been pritty bad this week didnt eat fri or sat sun i had what ever i wanted as was feeling down and yesterday didnt do to bad but did have some cake that my son made. going to get back on the right lines to day.