Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Yey Maze nearly there! :thumbup:

Another question girls....I would like to find out the sex of my baby at either 18-20 weeks, not sure exactly we will know..:shrug: but then after I would like to g to the UK and visit my mum to do some shopping, it's only a 3 hour flight..would you fly? Or is it a bad idea? My mum thinks I'll be too far :dohh:
Yey Maze nearly there! :thumbup:

Another question girls....I would like to find out the sex of my baby at either 18-20 weeks, not sure exactly we will know..:shrug: but then after I would like to g to the UK and visit my mum to do some shopping, it's only a 3 hour flight..would you fly? Or is it a bad idea? My mum thinks I'll be too far :dohh:

We just went over our travel plans with my doctor and she said that even with my being high risk, I could fly until around 30 weeks. We are playing things by ear and you might want to talk to your doctor, but if you aren't high risk, I don't see any medical reason you couldn't...but I am WAY NOT a doctor. At that point, I think it would just depend on your comfort level. Maybe get up once an hour to go to the potty.
I had a similar question about flying. My MIL and FIL and about to book a trip to Alaska for early August. We live in Texas so it is a pretty long flight. I am due OCT 6 so I will be about 32 weeks or so. Should we not go? We haven't told them we are preggers yet, but I would hate for them to pay for the flight and then us back out after. I have no idea when it is safe to fly and when it isn't. Has anyone flew at around 30 weeks?
I had a similar question about flying. My MIL and FIL and about to book a trip to Alaska for early August. We live in Texas so it is a pretty long flight. I am due OCT 6 so I will be about 32 weeks or so. Should we not go? We haven't told them we are preggers yet, but I would hate for them to pay for the flight and then us back out after. I have no idea when it is safe to fly and when it isn't. Has anyone flew at around 30 weeks?

I would ask my doctor about that for sure. How long are you planning on staying? I would imagine a flight that late in the game that is that long would be super uncomfortable, but if the doctor says that it is okay, are you willing to go through that for the trip? Seems like an amazing opportunity. I would be so torn. Any chance that they could make it sooner, or after the baby arrives? I would love to go to Alaska, and would be sad to miss it and would probably attempt the trip just out of sheer want to go if my doctor says that it is safe, but I would also have to win the lottery in order to go. If you can afford to go later, I might do that.
Ok I'm putting in my 2 cents for today. Y'all have moved fast this morning!

I love the idea of team yellow but there is no way I could do it. Maye for my 3rd child after I already have one of each. I desperately want a girl! Im telling myself I'm having a boy though at times and I think that's just me trying to set myself up for it just in case. That way I'll be totally stoked if its a girl and if it a boy I will be all " I figured". Total gender dissapointment. I know that's horrible to say.

On the topic of ms, I've totally ha it since week 5. I'm learning how to cope with it and manage it better though. It seems to be stronger when I need to eat. I have to eat small and often. Like every 2 hour or so. That being said I'm still loosing weight. I've list this entire time. My dr isn't concerned though at all. She said I'll catch up and not to worry. Fine by me :)

As fr as flying or tracking my dr has told me not to go further than 2 hours away at some week during September . I didn't pay attention to the exact on because all my travel plans are goin to be done by then.
Ok I'm putting in my 2 cents for today. Y'all have moved fast this morning!

I love the idea of team yellow but there is no way I could do it. Maye for my 3rd child after I already have one of each. I desperately want a girl! Im telling myself I'm having a boy though at times and I think that's just me trying to set myself up for it just in case. That way I'll be totally stoked if its a girl and if it a boy I will be all " I figured". Total gender dissapointment. I know that's horrible to say.

On the topic of ms, I've totally ha it since week 5. I'm learning how to cope with it and manage it better though. It seems to be stronger when I need to eat. I have to eat small and often. Like every 2 hour or so. That being said I'm still loosing weight. I've list this entire time. My dr isn't concerned though at all. She said I'll catch up and not to worry. Fine by me :)

As fr as flying or tracking my dr has told me not to go further than 2 hours away at some week during September . I didn't pay attention to the exact on because all my travel plans are goin to be done by then.

I was doing really good with coping and managing the MS. Eating small and often is the way to go for me as well. I had started setting an alarm and eating, even if it was just a little bit, every 3 hours or so and everything was much better. But last night I had to fast for 12 hours and then it ended up being a total of 14 before they ever took my blood and then another hour before I could get to food. Now I am back to square one and can't even keep water down. I think a part of it is that taking all that blood on an empty stomach made me dizzy, too. I just don't know. I am so over the MS I don't know what to do.
Ok I'm putting in my 2 cents for today. Y'all have moved fast this morning!

I love the idea of team yellow but there is no way I could do it. Maye for my 3rd child after I already have one of each. I desperately want a girl! Im telling myself I'm having a boy though at times and I think that's just me trying to set myself up for it just in case. That way I'll be totally stoked if its a girl and if it a boy I will be all " I figured". Total gender dissapointment. I know that's horrible to say.

On the topic of ms, I've totally ha it since week 5. I'm learning how to cope with it and manage it better though. It seems to be stronger when I need to eat. I have to eat small and often. Like every 2 hour or so. That being said I'm still loosing weight. I've list this entire time. My dr isn't concerned though at all. She said I'll catch up and not to worry. Fine by me :)

As fr as flying or tracking my dr has told me not to go further than 2 hours away at some week during September . I didn't pay attention to the exact on because all my travel plans are goin to be done by then.

i am definitely doing team yellow. this is my 3rd and i have one of each, so it really doesn't matter what i have! as for ms, i've stopped vomiting, but i still have that all the time queasy feeling, and a LOT of food aversions.

I flew with my last pregnancy when i was 30 weeks! :)
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing? I had my first u/s yesterday! H/R was 136 (does that mean boy)?

Beautiful Lil bean!! U don't know for sure, but did hear that boys have faster hearts! When I had my scan on Monday they said my beans heart was 172 beats per min....crazy fast !
I really want a girl but will be happy either way. Does anyone have that maternal instinct of the sex of the baby? My instinct screams boy.

I give you girls props for staying team yellow, I know I couldn't do it but I bet it will be an amazing surprise and worth the wait once you give birth!

I have felt like i was having a girl from the beginning but then when i went to the ultrasound i thought boy. I felt the same though with my last (i thought i was having a boy but then i went to the 8 and 12 week ultrasound and thought girl). So i am hoping that it will be a girl but i would honestly be more then happy with a boy. I love the idea of having to brothers so close in age.

Just got back from my first appointment (finally) and I got to see our little pumpkin on a handheld ultrasound. Not exactly the clearest thing I have ever seen, but I saw a heartbeat and at this point that is all that matters. I think that it just finally hit me that there is a little person in there.

I was really hoping that the MS was starting to pass and I would be able to keep up better, as I have eaten the last two days and kept everything down, but this morning required fasting homocysteine level testing, and once my belly got empty, I seem to no longer be able to put anything in it again. :dohh: They couldn't confirm my due date with that tiny little ultrasound, but they have scheduled my real scan for the 3rd of April, along with genectic testing and a regular OB appointment. We were supposed to leave for SC for our wedding on the night of the 2nd, so the option was to leave late or wait until my birthday for the appointment on April 17. But that would push me past some of the genetic testing times, so we are leaving late, obviously. I will be so happy when all of this testing is over and I can relax knowing that everything is okay.

I hope everyone is doing okay! Happy to see good news from those who have posted it and such cute little scans!

Yay! I am glad tou got to see your little bean!!!

As for MS i have been feeling soooo nauseous this time around. Today is the first day in a while i have been feeling ok. I am one that HATES vomiting so i will do anything in my power not to.... I am sure if i let myself i could have vomited many times already . I dont remember feeling like this last time ALL DAY long but i might have .....
Wow, busy morning in this thread today! ;)

Congrats on the healthy scan, Momof1making2! :happydance:

I think that the only time I could ever seriously be team yellow is if I already had one of each and was on my third child. I'm not a fan of surprises and with this pregnancy and my next I will definitely have to find out the gender. I'd be happy with either gender this time around seeing as this is our first baby and either gender would be new and welcome to us, but my instincts are screaming that this pumpkin is a little girl.

For those having their first OB appointment or simply want a list of good questions to ask their OB during their next appointment, this is the list that I used:
I also asked if there were any other pregnancy books that she recommended besides What to Expect When You're Expecting and which lines of work were best for pregnant moms. If there are any other questions that aren't on that list that pertain to you that you can think of, be sure to write them down so that you don't forget them.

For those worried about flying: I think that it is most recommended to travel between Week 18 and Week 24, but you can still safely travel as late as Week 27. Travel after 27 weeks is generally not recommended. A lot of physicians will say that it's okay to travel as late as 36 weeks, but I wouldn't take my chances past Week 30. A lot of cruises and airlines will also have their own policies on how late a woman can be in her pregnancy and still be able to travel with them.

Also, is anyone considering decoy names for people that really want to know the baby's name, but you don't want anyone to know until the baby is born (for instance, if you really like the names you have picked out and don't want to hear how much some people hate them or what they think you should name the baby)? I didn't use decoy names, but it sounds like a fun idea and I'd love to hear any crazy names any of you come up with. :haha:
I would love to say team yellow but I'm very team pink, both me and Dh. Dh has a son already he's nearly 10. My instinct tells me pink, but maybe just hopeful thinking lol.

I think I will book to go to the UK I'd like a break before baby butterfly comes along. I don't wanna go before 20 weeks purely for shopping reasons : )
We will def find out the sex of our baby. My maternal instinct says boy, i really don't mind which we get.

My ms had got better but returned today with a vengance. Been so ill.

You can fly quite late on in your pregnancy, after 27 weeks you need a fit to fly note from your dr. Personally though i wouldn't fly after 24 weeks as if baby is born after 24 weeks it would have a good chance of survival so i'd want to be in a position to get good medical care quickly.
We're definitely finding out the sex. My OH would prefer a boy, but I don't care either way. Instinct says girl, has from the start.

I LOVE the idea of decoy names. No one likes our one and only name we've decided on for a girl. We've decided on Marin, and call her Mare for short. Still no agreement on a boy's name. Noah vs Xavier, and both of us hate the other's name. For now, we call our baby Cuppie, short for cupcake, and maybe it'll stick til it's born.

Still barely any symptoms here, especially today. But I just did get new bras and shoes, so I think that's helping with the back pain today. Its no wonder people haven't started noticing the bloat yet. I look like I've gained 20 pounds in 3 weeks, and its all in my bbs and gut.

I have an idea! How about us ladies with no symptoms or ms help take the ms and HG off the other ladies? Seems unfair that we aren't all equally sick. I'd like to feel properly pregnant for once.
Ok I'm putting in my 2 cents for today. Y'all have moved fast this morning!

I love the idea of team yellow but there is no way I could do it. Maye for my 3rd child after I already have one of each. I desperately want a girl! Im telling myself I'm having a boy though at times and I think that's just me trying to set myself up for it just in case. That way I'll be totally stoked if its a girl and if it a boy I will be all " I figured". Total gender dissapointment. I know that's horrible to say.

On the topic of ms, I've totally ha it since week 5. I'm learning how to cope with it and manage it better though. It seems to be stronger when I need to eat. I have to eat small and often. Like every 2 hour or so. That being said I'm still loosing weight. I've list this entire time. My dr isn't concerned though at all. She said I'll catch up and not to worry. Fine by me :)

As fr as flying or tracking my dr has told me not to go further than 2 hours away at some week during September . I didn't pay attention to the exact on because all my travel plans are goin to be done by then.

I FEEL THE SAME WAY! I want a girl so bad but I know it's a boy (I just feel it) and I'm setting myself up for that so that I don't get disappointed. I mean it sounds awful and I would still love a baby boy but I really want a girl next and then a boy :)
Take it, you can have it all! :haha:
Being :sick: all the time sucks. I'd rather be one of the lucky ones that's almost never sick. I know it's supposed to be a "good" sign, but I'm miserable and I can't eat anything. Surely not being able to eat properly can not possibly be a good thing for the baby.
We'll be finding out the gender. I think we'll have another little girl. :pink:

I think it'd be fun, if Maze doesn't mind if we all had a guess and said if we think we're team pink or blue, and then put either :pink: or :blue: next to our names on the front page. Then when we find out what we're having or when we give birth we can update it and see if we were right!
We'll be finding out the gender. I think we'll have another little girl. :pink:

I think it'd be fun, if Maze doesn't mind if we all had a guess and said if we think we're team pink or blue, and then put either :pink: or :blue: next to our names on the front page. Then when we find out what we're having or when we give birth we can update it and see if we were right!


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