Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

I feel the same way, that is why i am staying team yellow. I myself feel that it will not matter to me at all what the sex is when i am told once my baby is in my arms. Like you said, its not that I wont LOVE this baby like crazy if it is a boy, i just feel i live in a house that is FULL of boys i would love to have a girl to connect with.

I really had no idea of how much this would matter to me until i got pregnant, i really didnt care that much before. I think it is because i KNOW this is our last child no matter what the sex is....
This isn't my last child but I still have the same anxiety i think because if I don't get a boy this time, then next time is my last chance and i rather get a boy to get it out of the way so i don't worry about #3 being a girl or a boy.
I totally understand that! I just feel like the worst person ever feeling the way i feel, truly all i want is a healthy baby, thats all that REALLY matters in the end to me. I hate the fact that gender is so important to me
I think it's just that "we're having a baby" have evolved into "we're having a baby of this or that gender" and just because we're having a baby it is not the same as having a baby boy or having a baby girl and we have this drive to experience what it's like to have a speciifc gender.

My friend asked me what it was like to have a baby girl where you get to dress up in dresses and hairbows and I was like... ?? It's just *there*? But now that I think about it, I wonder what it's like to dress a boy, is it more/less fun, easier, perhaps since boys have "less" articles of clothing to wear? And so forth. Let alone how to change a diaper (as i know moms of boys always insist to point the penis *down* and not up or risk leak on the front of the clothing :haha:)
I think it's a natural thing to desire a gender. I don't feel like it is selfish, especially when you know that you will love the child no matter what gender you end up with. Most people want at least one of each gender, and that's perfectly normal. Personally for this pregnancy (since it's my first) I honestly don't really mind which gender I get this time around because this is my first and either gender is new to me. My instincts are telling me that it's a girl though, and they're rarely wrong (my mother also thinks that it's a girl) so I'll be a bit surprised at my instincts being off if I get a boy (but still super happy of course!). I really just kind of want both right now, hehe. I look at girl baby stuff and think "Awwww <3" but then I also look at boy stuff and think the exact same thing. Motherhood is just so new to me that everything baby looks adorable and perfect no matter what gender it's for.
When I was pregnant with Sophie I very much wanted a girl. (Heck, when I was pregnant with Dominic, I very much wanted a girl, lol.) This time around I definitely feel blessed that I already have both which has completely taken stress of the gender... which is probably why I am having zero issue staying team yellow. I know it hasn't taken the stress off gender completely for my husband, as Dominic is his stepson and he doesn't have a son of his own genetics and Dominic really wants a brother.... but for me, I am totally content.
I was the same with my first, I wanted a boy but it really didnt matter that much to what I had.

I often imagine what it would be like to have a girl. My boy has alot of hand me downs and i just dress him in whatever, it really doesnt matter to me. I think thou if i had a girl i would be dressing her in all the cutest dresses i could find!
KalonKiki, that's how I was too - didn't have a problem with wanting either gender, I was perfectly fine with either gender for my #1... but now that I am pregnant with my #2, the pressure is on!! :haha:

And as for my DH, I think deep down he wants a boy but he's been saying he thinks it's another girl and I think it's a defense mechanism for him as he doesnt want to be disappointed if it's another girl because he woudl say "See, i knew it was a girl" instead of "oh, i was hoping for a boy," you know?
KalonKiki, that's how I was too - didn't have a problem with wanting either gender, I was perfectly fine with either gender for my #1... but now that I am pregnant with my #2, the pressure is on!! :haha:

And as for my DH, I think deep down he wants a boy but he's been saying he thinks it's another girl and I think it's a defense mechanism for him as he doesnt want to be disappointed if it's another girl because he woudl say "See, i knew it was a girl" instead of "oh, i was hoping for a boy," you know?

My husband is doing the same thing! And it's like... look I KNOW you want a boy, we even did the positions you wanted to increase the chance of a boy. lol. I think it is a normal way to react though. When I was pregnant with Sophie I told everyone it was probably another boy... for that very reason.
I know exactly what you ladies are saying.I have one of each and both times before I found out the gender. this time we are staying team yellow, really only there because my husband is insisting because this is our last time and we have never had the surprise before. but I'm really hoping for another little girl. My daughter mattea, who is now four and a half, was born w club feet and from one WK old was in hipcasts. Until she was 3she had four surgeries at sick kids and spent pretty much 75 percent of her life and casts. Now her little feet are perfect, but it was a long road to get here. I never got to dress her up in cute clothes or shoes , tights or anything until she was older. So I know it sounds stupid and selfish, but I totally want the chance to do that. Its going to kill me not finding out the gender!!
DH guessed Calliope was a boy right before I pushed her out. He wasn't disappointed or anything. But this time I think he might be a tad disappointed if I push out another girl and I don't blame him but I'm not worried about him not loving #2 though. I think anothe reason for him saying it's another girl is because his brother has 3 girls so he thinks that he is going to be the same as his brother and is destined to have all girls. :shrug:
When I was pregnant with Ava I was convinced she was going to be a boy. Deep down I think I wanted a boy 1st, bc I have a big brother and I love the big brother/little sister dynamic. I just always imagined having a boy 1st. However, after 3 losses I was just happy to have a healthy baby. Turns out baby girls are awesome! I love all the cute little girl clothes!

I am kinda hoping that this ones a boy, since I realllllly think this will be our last. I've barely made it through my hyperemesis with one kiddo, I can't imagine doing it with 2! Maze, I just don't know how you're doing it.. My gut is telling me that this one is another girl, which would be fine since we have boatloads of girl clothes..lots that have never even been worn, but my instinct was totally wrong last time, so who knows??!

I have my 16 week check up tomorrow...I want to move my gender scan up. I don't think I can possibly wait until may 21! That's just sooo far away. Not sure if they'll let me though. When I was pregnant with Ava, the dr had a hard time getting her on the doppler around this time (maybe a little earlier) so he sent me for a scan right away..half of me hopes he can't catch this one on the Doppler tomorrow so he'll send me for a scan, but I think that's very unlikely since I've been able to find the HB with my own doppler. Ill probably just have to be patient and wait until the 21st..
I hope you get a boy, Lulu and I hope everyone else gets the gender that they want (including me :haha:).
I do hope that we all get what we want aswell... sometimes i think thou is there somethings (in our bodies) that end up swaying to a certain gender that in the end gives us what we need, not what we want.... I know that sounds so confusing.... LOL.. i think i have been reading to much on "how to find out the gender of your baby" sites!! LOL
Beautiful Pics CIM, Lady and Jbell! And JBell, congrats on being team blue!!

So can I ask a question with no judgement please? Is anybody going to go through gender disappointment of they don't get what they want? My appointment is may 21 and I'm getting more and more excited and nervous about it. I KNOW I will be crushed if it's the opposite of what we want. I will get over myself. It's not a question of not loving the child ya know? Just disappointment in it not being what you have dreamed for all your life. I know there is a board for it here but it's locked and I don't know how to get it. Anyone out there with the same feelings?

I went through a little disappointment when we found out that this baby was a girl, but it was not so much disappointment that she isn't a boy, as much as it was disappointment for DH and his family and fear that he/they would be disappointed. He took it much better than I expected and so did his family, so I am good and shopping for pink stuff.
The way I feel come from my desire being so strong for a daughter. My life would not be complete with out one. If we had 2 boys and tried for a girl and got a boy I would adopt a girl. I want 3 kids. I want one of each and don't care what the 3rd is but of something were to happen and I'm only able to have one child I need it to be a girl. That's where the fear comes from. The unknown and fertility issues that I have. I'll get what I get and I will be thrilled regardless but it will just take a lil while to get over it while I'm pregnant. Of course when I see the baby all of that goes out the window!
I guess most of my suspicion that our baby is a girl stems from the fact that DF has three sisters and he's technically the only boy. When DF's mom and dad were trying for a baby after him, they had two miscarriages when his mom was about 5 months along (both babies were boys) before they finally had his sister Liz. Since she had very late miscarriages and both miscarriages were boys, I'm worried that it was due to a chromosomal abnormality on DF's father's side that made it harder to conceive healthy boys (DF's dad had already had two daughters with his ex wife). It makes me worry that maybe it might be hard for us to conceive a healthy boy if DF inherited the same genetics. ):
Hi ladies, I haven't posted in a while due to ms, not being able to keep my eyes open past 8pm and running round after my crazy toddler so I've just been catching up!
Loving all the scan pictures, JBell, amazing shots!

With you all on the gender thing, its purely selfish for me though, I grew up with a house full of brothers and longed for a sister, for that reason I want another girl! I have a huge vibe it's a boy though this time, though I'm not sure if that's me preparing myself in case it is, one of each would be lovely though, as everyone keeps telling me :p

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