Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Congratulations to all the new gender reveals. Maze I'm sorry you weren't able to stay team yellow.

Dream I'm so glad all your tests came back negative!

hope everyone is feeling better! Baby was doing barrel rolls today. I had to get up and walk around to try and get him to stop as it felt like I was on a roller coaster.
Mine does that while I'm at work and it is the most disgusting feeling in the world. I hate hilly roads and rollar coasters, so I always jiggle my belly and tell it to stop.

New feeling: STRETCHING. I'll feel my baby streeetch for a few seconds, and it is weird! But I love it. Still no hard kicks, just gentle pokes/flutters and tumbles and stretches, usually on the left side or in the middle. I can't wait to start feeling hard kicks.

Doppler: Mine's usually to the left quite a ways, which is weird because the right side of my belly is much more firm.

I freaked myself out last night, I thought I found two heartbeats on the doppler, but OH reminded me there's an umbilical cord in there with it's own pulse. Duh! Haha. Twins would be quite the surprise after 2 ultrasounds.

How is everyone announcing their baby's gender? Just general facebook announcements? Cute pictures? Anything like that? My OH and I are finding out, but we're keeping it a secret for a gender reveal party for our friends and family. We're doing a duck theme, either "Waddle it be?" or "What the duck is it?"
We are having a gender reveal on may 26th. We are having a baby shower that day and are also gonna reveal. We are doing a mustache or hair bow theme. Everyone will pick one to wear and towards the end we will pick the correct one. I can't wait!
I haven't felt the baby move yet, I see you all posting and then I worry haha. I am a big girl anyway, I wonder if that hinders the feeling?
girlnboots and murmers both of those themes sounds so great! What fun! We were so excited it was a boy we couldn't wait for a party. Maybe next time.
I'm a size 10-12 but haven't felt the baby moving much. Just little flutters here and there...but could easily be gas...:wacko::haha::blush:
Dream- Its very normal not to feel your first this early.. and movement can be easily mistaken as gas.. normally about 20-24 weeks they start to get stronger and the movements are unmistakeable, you most of the time can even feel it on the outside aswell
We are having DD wear a "big sister" onesie (which we had to have made, since we couldn't find a 9 month sizes one to buy, lol) and we are going to take a picture of her holding an "it's a boy!" Or "it's a girl!" Balloon. Then we are going to send people the picture and post it on Facebook. Wish Tuesday would hurry up and get here!
my u/s is today... eek... we shall see if i stay team :yellow: or i end up finding out the gender!!! :D

dream - i didn't feel anything until about end of 17 weeks when i felt a few thumps here and there... now i'm 19 weeks i am feeling it on almost a daily basis. don't worry, you still have a couple weeks to go!! i dont think being big has much to do with it, really as i have a friend who is very fluffy and she felt baby kicks at 18. :hugs:
Dream: I just started feeling my son kick a few days ago. It's not very consistent and it's very light when it does happen. I'm a pretty petite girl, so I don't think that size has anything to do with it. I can barely recognize his kicks as being kicks, they're so light. I don't think I've felt any barrel rolls or anything yet. He seems to be mostly active in the evening and nighttime. I'm sure that you'll feel your baby girl move soon enough. :D

Good luck with your scan, ptr! :hugs:
I'm a size 16, and I'm 100% I'm feeling movement now. I don't see it could be anything else, but I feel like I'm beinging to doubt it now because it's so often :( I feel "movement" about 2-3 times a day for 1-2minute periods. It feels like little soft taps/kicks low down in me pelvis where I find the heart beat with the doppler, and some times it feels like brushing movements against the inside of my pelvis.

I do feel like I can kinda differentiate between what is and isnt baby, as this is my 2nd child and also I have random twitches/muscle spasms in other parts of my stomach that I don't relate to the baby and also I have just gas bubbles which don't feel like the other things.
When I'm feeling the "taps/kicks" it lasts for about 30secs at the most and it kind of feels like jumping in there, like something is jumping about in my pelvis. Like a couple of little jumps, I guess like popping or something! and I assume they're little kicks.

I've actually kinda started to get concerned a little, cause im sat here now feeling lots of jumps/taps and like bubbles in my pelvis and its been for the last 5-10mins :s im about to go upstairs, lay down and maybe get the doppler out to see if the baby is in fact active at the moment. If it isnt the baby I dont get why Im feeling loads of wacky popping and moving and jumping down there all of the time lately
Omg I just read through the material i got from my childbirth class. I'm Officially terrified !!!!!!!! There is soooo much I never thought of before. How do i per of I have an epidural? Do I have to get a catheter? Do those hurt? I'm cringing over here!! Help!
Murmurs, they will ask you to pee before you get an epidral... and if it's been a couplehours, they will just use a catheter to drain your bladder. It's really not that big of a deal. I never felt the catheter and I remember asking, "So... are you done or...?" and the nurse was like, "yeah, you're all done, your bladder's empty now," and Iw as like whoa because I never felt the catheter going in or drainnig of my bladder at all. Amazing world of epidurals, huh??? :)
I went with a 90% mindset that we were going to find out. I asked DH what he thought about finding out, he said he didn't mind. But then he said that his friend, (who we are close to, he and his wife, is going to have their baby in like 2-3 weeks) K said, "DON'T." I asked why, and he said that K said that for guys it's different because when women find out, they're able to shop... Decorate... Make stuff for the babies and what's the guys gonna do? Nothing, there's nothing exciting about knowing the gender beforehanded. He did have a good point but then I asked him if he just wanted to have the ultrasound guy put the answer in an envelope and we could find out later if we wanted to? And he said, "hey that's a good idea!" So that was the deal...

We then were walking in the parking lot towards the hospital and my sister was BOMBING my phone and I said to DH, "Man, she's really wanting to know the gender so bad!" And he said, "Who? Sister?" I said, "Yeah, she's putting major pressure on finding out the gender," and he said, "Pressure, huh? I guess we're not going to find out after all!" And I said, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" And he said, "Yep..." I had an envelope with me so the ultrasound guy could write in the answer inside and seal it, he grabbed the envelope and tore it up! "That's it, we're not finding out."

So we are team YELLOW!
I haven't felt the baby move yet, I see you all posting and then I worry haha. I am a big girl anyway, I wonder if that hinders the feeling?

I haven't felt movement either! I sometimes feel slight twitch or something. I am pretty sure it is gas though and it is only like once every other day so it isn't regular or anything. It makes me worried, but doc assured me that some women just feel it later especially with the first. I have my gender apt. next Friday. I will feel much better once I see the little one again!
Its exciting to stay on team yellow ptr.

I have been feeling movement on and off for awhile but its not consistent.

Have my big scan tomorrow...kind of sad that I will be going alone. DH has not been to any of the scans we have 2 kids and no one to help us out. Going to ask if I can video a bit for dh.
Hi Girls,

Unfortunately I will be leaving this thread - I gave birth to my baby girl last night after being induced. I woke yesterday morning to a small bleed when I wiped and went in to see my Ob straight away. She scanned me and baby's heart had stopped beating. I went for a 2nd scan at the Ultrasound place and they confirmed it.

I then was admitted straight into hospital and induction began. I had an epidural as the pain was too much and my little girl slipped out at 8:40 with just my hubby in the room. It all happened very quickly and I wasn't really aware what was going on.

We are devastated and right now, are hoping that we get some answers once they have examined her and the placenta. It appears she stopped growing 2 weeks before, so all the time I was waiting anxiously for the verifi prenatal blood test results, she had given up the fight. sad.gif

I am home today and am signed off work for a week - I just keep getting into sobbing fits. To have carried her for 16 weeks with all the stress of going through fertility treatment and then the low progesterone and HCG issues, then 12 week Papp A/B HCG issues.... after the verifi results were in, we had 2 days of being hopeful and then this sad.gif

Right now, we will grieve and let my body have a natural cycle and then start back on the fertility treatment route again.

I wish you all the best for the future and a happy and healthy 9 months.
Dream - I'm so sorry for your loss, wishing you all the best for the future x

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