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Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Hi girls just done marathon catch up lol!
My symptoms are increasing now sore bbs this morning and feeling very sick on and off, simply can not keeps eyes open of an evening it's hard work lol!
Well I'm 27 I'll be 28 in June. This is our 3rd baby in 3 years! We wanted th close but this is our last baba. I'm from the uk a place called tamworth not far from Birmingham. So that's a little more about me!
Who else is from the uk? X
I'm also from the UK, Berkshire (about 40 miles from London) to be precise. I'm 28 too, turn 29 tomorrow and this is my first pregnancy!
Hi girls just done marathon catch up lol!
My symptoms are increasing now sore bbs this morning and feeling very sick on and off, simply can not keeps eyes open of an evening it's hard work lol!
Well I'm 27 I'll be 28 in June. This is our 3rd baby in 3 years! We wanted th close but this is our last baba. I'm from the uk a place called tamworth not far from Birmingham. So that's a little more about me!
Who else is from the uk? X

I'm from the UK. I live near Brighton on the south coast
I'm in the UK, live in Surrey!

I am 29 (almost 30 groan!) and this is baby number 2.

How is everyone today? Ok my symptoms so far - Had awful cramping at the start to the right side, feel tired and have a loss of apetite during the day. That's it really, although I did have blurred vision and a migraine last night which was poo.

Hey Ladies so happy to find this post! I just found out I am pregnant on Jan 27 and I am due in the middle of October, I think it will be the 17th :) So happy to have a support group of other women going through the same things. I just can't sleep at night I am so excited/worried/anxious and overwhelmed. This is my first and I just really want everything to go well, they say you can't really get too excited until months but im already over the moon! I keep peeing on a stick everyday to test and my line just keeps getting darker and darker! I wish you all luck and I will be a regular poster on this post :) Would love to make some October baby Mommy friends so feel free to add me or respond! Anyone in NJ/NYC/Hoboken? Let me know .. Time to try to finally get to sleep! Talk to you all tomorrow, I have my first drs appointment on Wed can anyone tell me what I should be expecting? Very nervous!
is anyone else having some crazy vivid dreams??! It seems like every night now it's something wild...last night I had a water dream with my 3-year-old..(such sofft gentle beautiful water rapids), the night before it was a showering issue at a youth conformation/church camp I was helping out on and the night before that...a seriously WEIRD sexy dream with my bf and a crush from long ago....kind of weird and homosexual (not saying homosexual is weird but when it's between the two of them...haha!) bf Rory does NOT know about that one :p haha!

Same boat I am having crazy vivid dreams everynight! They are intense!
Im 25 and live in south london and this my second. I never thought i was 'young' to have kids...but loads of ppl have said 25 is still young...who knew?
Hey Ladies so happy to find this post! I just found out I am pregnant on Jan 27 and I am due in the middle of October, I think it will be the 17th :) So happy to have a support group of other women going through the same things. I just can't sleep at night I am so excited/worried/anxious and overwhelmed. This is my first and I just really want everything to go well, they say you can't really get too excited until months but im already over the moon! I keep peeing on a stick everyday to test and my line just keeps getting darker and darker! I wish you all luck and I will be a regular poster on this post :) Would love to make some October baby Mommy friends so feel free to add me or respond! Anyone in NJ/NYC/Hoboken? Let me know .. Time to try to finally get to sleep! Talk to you all tomorrow, I have my first drs appointment on Wed can anyone tell me what I should be expecting? Very nervous!

Hi Posd17, Congratulations on your :bfp: and Welcome!!!
I can't blame you for being excited as I'm the same way and also still in the very early stages. But to me why worry unless you have a reason?! It's better for you and bubs to be happy :)
Maybe first appointments are different for everyone, but for both my pregnancys the Dr took my weight, height and asked a few family health history questions. Then I went for a blood and urine test. The next day I went back and was told my HCG levels etc then given a referral for a dating scan (which is next week). The Dr also asked what hospital I plan to have the baby and I told her as it's where I had my DD. Your appointment may vary a little but I'm thinking it will go something like that. Don't be nervous, it's VERY exciting having it all 'offically' confirmed. Then it all feels real. Good luck and keep us posted :flower:
Im 25 and live in south london and this my second. I never thought i was 'young' to have kids...but loads of ppl have said 25 is still young...who knew?

I'm 20 and where I live it's completely normal to have a kid at my age. Everyone just needs to do what they feel is the right thing for them :)
I am also turning 28 (April) and am in Canada as well. Expecting my third though! Looks like we have a ton of 28 year olds!

Welcome, welcome and congrats! Where in Canada are you from?

Hey Maze, I ameeexpecting my third, and am in Ontario also. Which part are you from? No wonder you have been so tired, I can totally relate. Your son is 4? How old is your daughter?
Good morning everyone! Man I'm not on for almost a day and I literally had to read like four pages to catch up lol!

Congrats to everyone on their BFP's and welcome! :flower:

I'm calling my doctor today and seeing if they can do some blood work...I'm just toooooo paranoid right now to wait all the way to 7 weeks to know if everything is ok. If i see the numbers are doubling normally I believe that I will be able to make it until my scan without completely losing my mind!
Hey Ladies so happy to find this post! I just found out I am pregnant on Jan 27 and I am due in the middle of October, I think it will be the 17th :) So happy to have a support group of other women going through the same things. I just can't sleep at night I am so excited/worried/anxious and overwhelmed. This is my first and I just really want everything to go well, they say you can't really get too excited until months but im already over the moon! I keep peeing on a stick everyday to test and my line just keeps getting darker and darker! I wish you all luck and I will be a regular poster on this post :) Would love to make some October baby Mommy friends so feel free to add me or respond! Anyone in NJ/NYC/Hoboken? Let me know .. Time to try to finally get to sleep! Talk to you all tomorrow, I have my first drs appointment on Wed can anyone tell me what I should be expecting? Very nervous!

Welcome!! Glad you found us!! As for your dr's appt , since its your first one they will prob have you do another urine test, and prob send you for blood work too. They will check your weight and blood pressure, and give you your due date. Thats about it I think. Have you decided if you are going with an OBGYN or a midwife?
Thanks for the welcome everyone, this is a great group!!

Welcome KLA85 glad you found us.

I am also in Canada but the West coast obviously and I am 10 years older than all you young ones...I am soon to be 39.

I've always wanted to go to BC, but seemed to have only travelled east. I see this will be your third... That's how many I've always wanted:)

Funny thing about age isn't it. I always wanted to start having kids in my late 20's or early 30's..... none of my friends from university have started having them yet... but I moved to Newfoundland, where there are lots of small towns and people look at me like there's something wrong with me that I'm 28 and don't have at least a couple kids already. Trying to convince my in-laws that i'm not too old has been challenging, while my mom thinks I should wait a few years... haha. It's definitely about when YOU are ready. People always talk I suppose so all you can do it be happy with your own life:)

Glad I found this group!!
good morning all! happy monday :)
congrats to everybody & their amazing BFP!! great news!

mrsmohr-i would do the same. i know it was early for me to even come in at 5 weeks but i just needed the reinsurance that everything was okay. keep us posted :)

wow, we are all different ages on here. that is wonderful. i am 29 and this will be our first child. i am not sure what age is the "right" age, i guess it is when it feels right. DH & i wanted to have kids in our mid 20's but who knew that it could be a process right? :) anyways, i feel an overwhelming since of grace & gratitude to be where we are at in life. just feeling extremely blessed these days.

hope everybody has a great day!! :) :)
We are all different ages! Its great to see so many women commming together on this thread despite all our differences!!

As I said previously, We are expecting our third baby. My first two, Elijah is turning 7 in two weeks, and Mattea is 4. I am 32, and DH and I have been ttc for 8 mnths....so we were so thrilled that we finally got pregnant!!( I know that may not seem like that long ttc compared to some ladies stories, but for us the first two x happened on the first try!) Hope that everyone is feeling good today!
my dr. said I could make one at 8 weeks and then at 10 weeks so I go in on MArch1... still a month away! I wish I could go next week. I did already go and get all my hcg and progesterone levels read though and that was good. Do you guys know, would I hear the heart beat at the 10 week appointment?? When is the first ultrasound?

I didnt get to hear heart beat till 16 weeks...as was told before that it too difficult to tell between plancenta noise/my own heart beat n bubba...but might be diff in the us.

Was something too look forward to between the 12 and 20 week scan.

I wont bother with a doc appointment, will just register my self on line with the midwifes, so normally have booking in appointment around 8 weeks, when il prob pay to get a private scan as well.

How frequently do u american ladies get scans/appointments?

I'm Canadian, so it may be different than in the US (since we don't pay for any of our health care) but since I had a stillborn with my first pg, I will be going every 4 weeks until about 6 months and then every 2 weeks thereafter.
I think normally, there is 1 early scan and one at about 18-20 weeks, then only again if there are concerns or questions.

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