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Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Hi Ladies! I am due October 11th! Can I join in??? We have LOTS of Canadians in here! Love it!
Hey Ladies so happy to find this post! I just found out I am pregnant on Jan 27 and I am due in the middle of October, I think it will be the 17th :) So happy to have a support group of other women going through the same things. I just can't sleep at night I am so excited/worried/anxious and overwhelmed. This is my first and I just really want everything to go well, they say you can't really get too excited until months but im already over the moon! I keep peeing on a stick everyday to test and my line just keeps getting darker and darker! I wish you all luck and I will be a regular poster on this post :) Would love to make some October baby Mommy friends so feel free to add me or respond! Anyone in NJ/NYC/Hoboken? Let me know .. Time to try to finally get to sleep! Talk to you all tomorrow, I have my first drs appointment on Wed can anyone tell me what I should be expecting? Very nervous!

Morning POSD17! Fellow Jerseyean here :hugs: It's my first as well! :happydance: I'm not sure about your appt since it looks like some practices do different things, but my dr has had me do 2 blood draws 72 hours apart to measure my levels and see if they're doubling right ... and I'm scheduled for a 6 week ultrasound on 2/14. (I'm super excited about that!!!) Otherwise, they slapped a prenatal prescription in my hand and sent me on my way, lol.
Hi everyone! I've been secretly stalking this group, hoping that I would get the chance to join and here I am! We found out last night at 11 dpo and couldn't be more thankful. Prayed so hard and believed in our hearts that it would happen, and it did! We give God all the glory, He has been so faithful to us, and we glorify him every day. AHHHHH I'm really here! I love our group already. :happydance: I'm due October 16th by my ovulation date. YAY!

How's everyone doing this lovely Monday morning?
Hi ladies! Can I join? I'm due to the 12th October. This is my first pregnancy after TTC for a year (& just starting the whole fertility testing process!!).

I'm for the Uk, am 32 & my DH is 34. Neither of us can believe this is happening at the moment!!
Ladies, I think I am a POAS-aholic. I just took another test this morning. Shockingly... I'm still pregnant. Is anyone else as crazy as I am? I'm still a month away from my scan!
Ladies, I think I am a POAS-aholic. I just took another test this morning. Shockingly... I'm still pregnant. Is anyone else as crazy as I am? I'm still a month away from my scan!

Yes...I totally am!! I poa on sun and it was a digi and said preg!! Lol! Dont know why Im such a nutcase...but thats it, Im all out of tests ( thnk God or Im sure I would keep right on poas!!). Will hopefully hear from the midwives office today and book an appt for soon. I think once I get and see her, then I will be able to relax!!
Ladies, I think I am a POAS-aholic. I just took another test this morning. Shockingly... I'm still pregnant. Is anyone else as crazy as I am? I'm still a month away from my scan!

Yes...I totally am!! I poa on sun and it was a digi and said preg!! Lol! Dont know why Im such a nutcase...but thats it, Im all out of tests ( thnk God or Im sure I would keep right on poas!!). Will hopefully hear from the midwives office today and book an appt for soon. I think once I get and see her, then I will be able to relax!!

LOL I wish I was out of tests, I still have 3 more sitting in my desk at the office! I've already been to see my doctor and had 3 rounds of blood tests and all seems ok... but I'm still paranoid. I don't know if I need to hear a heartbeat, or feel movement or hold the baby when he/she is born, but I think I'm just still in shock / disbelief! This could be a very long 9 months!
Congrats to all of the new :bfp: and welcome to the thread! :wave:

My first prenatal appointment is February 25th at 10:30 am. That's day one of week 8 for me and exactly three weeks from today! I'm so excited, but I also wish I could have gotten in at 7 weeks instead, the wait is going to make me so impatient, haha.
OMG it never fails...every time I log out and log back in there are at least three more BFP's on this thread lol! Congrats everyone and welcome to the group!

tobefruitful: I called this morning and told the receptionist that i was terrified. She left a message for my nurse and she's going to call me back sometime today. They better give me what I want b/c I'm super hormonal today. This is my first hormonal day ha ha!

PS: I'm 31 and DH is 26 and this will be our first little one. We tried for two cycles :)
I have my first appointment on the 13th! :happydance:

Will be 5+6 then :thumbup:
Ladies, I think I am a POAS-aholic. I just took another test this morning. Shockingly... I'm still pregnant. Is anyone else as crazy as I am? I'm still a month away from my scan!

Yes...I totally am!! I poa on sun and it was a digi and said preg!! Lol! Dont know why Im such a nutcase...but thats it, Im all out of tests ( thnk God or Im sure I would keep right on poas!!). Will hopefully hear from the midwives office today and book an appt for soon. I think once I get and see her, then I will be able to relax!!

LOL I wish I was out of tests, I still have 3 more sitting in my desk at the office! I've already been to see my doctor and had 3 rounds of blood tests and all seems ok... but I'm still paranoid. I don't know if I need to hear a heartbeat, or feel movement or hold the baby when he/she is born, but I think I'm just still in shock / disbelief! This could be a very long 9 months!

I poas this morning, and have a digi saved for thursday as wanna make sure the numbers have gone up...hehe.
Hunneytot- welcome :wave: congrats!

Monkey- happy early birthday :cake:

Posd- congrats to you and welcome!

Mummy- I think 25 is perfect age :shrug: OH and I will be 24 in may (he's 5days older than me) and this is our third (and last). I don't think we're too young :shrug:

Goddess- why not? :( :hugs:

Okay, way too many new bfps to congrat each one individually. Lol. Welcome to all the new ladies! :wave:

I called to make my appt today. Not until feb 26th at 4pm, the doc is out of town the week before that. I really hope I can make it that long without needing into the hospital for fluids if I start getting too sick. I don't feel as pregnant as I did with my other two at this point. Can only hope my hyperemesis won't be as minging this go around :nope:
I am also turning 28 (April) and am in Canada as well. Expecting my third though! Looks like we have a ton of 28 year olds!

Welcome, welcome and congrats! Where in Canada are you from?

Hey Maze, I ameeexpecting my third, and am in Ontario also. Which part are you from? No wonder you have been so tired, I can totally relate. Your son is 4? How old is your daughter?

I live about an hour outside of Ottawa. My son is actually 7, my daughter is almost 17 months. It's a lot of work!

Welcome to EVERYONE who has joined in the last day or so. I was so good at keeping up with this thread but my absence over the weekend has me suddenly well-behind. So for that I apologise, I do think I've added everyone though!

goddess25 - I am worried about you! Why are you losing hope today? :nope:
I live an hour away from Ottawa as well! I commented on the other thread about your town sounding like Perth because you said it was a heritage town.

goddess - I keep having those feelings too. I am finding my symptoms come and go in 36 hour patterns. If that helps at all
I live an hour away from Ottawa as well! I commented on the other thread about your town sounding like Perth because you said it was a heritage town.

goddess - I keep having those feelings too. I am finding my symptoms come and go in 36 hour patterns. If that helps at all

You live in Perth???

Oh you live in Smiths Falls! Smiths Falls is a heritage town too. ;p It might not be as pretty but it is prettier than the suburb of Ottawa I used to live in.

I live in Smiths Falls!
I have started having the same feelings last night and still today that i have before starting to bleed. I know its all symptoms of early pregnancy too, so just need to take it one day at a time and hope for the best.

Thanks ladies.
I have started having the same feelings last night and still today that i have before starting to bleed. I know its all symptoms of early pregnancy too, so just need to take it one day at a time and hope for the best.

Thanks ladies.

Lots of sticky dust for you :dust: I've never had a mc before, but something about this pregnancy so far feels a little off. Not sure what it is, and its making me slightly uneasy. Just wish my scan date would hurry up!
Welcome additional BFP'ers!

I thought I would give everyone an update about the blood work demand I made this morning!!! My nurse just called me back and the doctor said that I could come in for a blood test tomorrow. I will be going in after I get off work at 3! She said that if it is 2000+ that they would follow up with an ultrasound!!!! If it is under 2000 then they will do another blood test in 48 hours.

woooo hoooooo.....hopefully all of my fears will be washed away by Thursday ladies!!!!

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