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Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Welcome and Congratulations to everyone who is new here!

I went and got my FIRST blood draw today to confirm pregnancy; things are a little different in the military, but I hope y'all can still relate to me. For some reason, the actual draw didn't hurt like it usually does, but afterwards it felt like my draw site was going to explode! It felt so swollen and was throbbing! I'm pretty sure I'll be bruised tomorrow. :( Had a bout with nausea today, and as crazy as it sounds, I was happy to feel it! It lasted about 15-20 minutes and it was pretty draining, but I'm thankful to know that Buddha (baby's nickname) is still growing! I wonder what my hCG levels will be at only 3w5d? Has anyone had theirs drawn this early? I'm freaking myself out that they'll tell me I'm not pregnant when I KNOW I saw those two lines AND the word "Pregnant."

Lord, help me.

I've had 3 blood draws so far. I have another today, but so far the results have been:
3W3D - 14
3W4D - 20
4W3D - 460
The doc was happy with those, although I'm doubling a little quickly, so he'll keep an eye on me to make sure we keep a consistent pattern.

Hope that helps a bit!
Ugh. So, I'm now feeling achy with a sore throat. I'm really hoping I'm not coming down with the flu! Can the flu cause problems with early pregnancy? I haven't even been to my obgyn yet... Maybe I should go ahead and go in now even though I'm only like 4weeks? I have the odd feeling I'm going to stress myself out for the next 8 weeks like crazy after my chemical in December. I had one week of excitement then... I'm hoping for 9 months this time...
Ugh. So, I'm now feeling achy with a sore throat. I'm really hoping I'm not coming down with the flu! Can the flu cause problems with early pregnancy? I haven't even been to my obgyn yet... Maybe I should go ahead and go in now even though I'm only like 4weeks? I have the odd feeling I'm going to stress myself out for the next 8 weeks like crazy after my chemical in December. I had one week of excitement then... I'm hoping for 9 months this time...

I think, generally, the flu is more harmful to you than the baby. I don't think you'd need to get in to see an Obgyn, but a trip into your regular doctor could be a good idea. Drink lots of water/orange juice and rest tons! Also make sure you only take tylenol to relieve aches/fever and no decongestants.

The problem is our immune systems are not working all that awesome right now, the reason is to keep our bodies for mistaking our babies as an infection/something that needs to be fought off. So we are sadly way more vulnerable when it comes to catching bugs.
Hi sheffie. Don't think flu causes problems but there's just restrictions on what meds you can take. Prob worth seeing someone anyway xx
Oh booooy, here comes the nausea. Fun fun fun.
Hi all, got my BFP on Saturday and I make my EDD to be 10th October 2013. Can I join?
Welcome to all the new BFPs.

If you get a cold/flu its not harmful to the baby, you are going to just feel really crummy especially since you cant take anything to help with the symptoms. It generally takes a bit longer to clear up.

I am hoping for mild nausea this time. First time puked every day but it wasnt hyperemesis and i lost 16lb. 2nd time I took medication. I will take medication again this time. It basically stopped me vomiting last time although i felt like it for most of the day and night.

Hope its short lived for us all.
Oh booooy, here comes the nausea. Fun fun fun.

I didn't eat this morning and started feeling nauseous for a little bit :sick: I was too tired to get off the couch and make breakfast. I was being lazy until I had to get my son ready for school :dohh:
I'm actually feeling less crampy with this pregnancy :shrug: I'm sure it'll be that way until next week and they'll hit me like a ton of bricks :argh:
My nausea started today too... Not too bad yet though. Hopefully I won't be running to the bathroom with it, but I definately welcome the symptom :)

crackers anyone??
I felt bad last night because my husband came home with his arms full of my favourite junkfood, thinking he was going to be my craving knight in shining armor... only for me to be like. "....nope, can't eat it. I think I am having an aversion to this stuff." He looked like a kicked puppy.
Congrats to the new :bfp:!

To answer the flu question, I saw my primary care physician yesterday and he gave me a Tdap shot and a flu shot because those vaccinations are recommended to all pregnant women these days due to the risk of miscarriage and whooping cough (my doctor stated that babies don't get their first vaccination for whooping cough until two months old, and even then they still don't have full immunity until the third shot at six months old. However, if a woman gets the Tdap while she is still pregnant, especially in the first trimester, her immunity will also pass onto the baby). So the flu can be harmful to a pregnancy. I got both vaccinations on the same day (after some careful questioning about them of course) and so far I still seem to be having a healthy pregnancy and I feel fine.
Maze- lol, your poor DH! Yesterday mine asked if I wanted him to get me anything for my cravings. But wasnt craving anything :shrug:

Kalon- I'm gonna have to disagree. It's better to just get the flu and build your own immunity. The dtap and tdap are some of the most harmful vaccines to get. I refuse to put any of that junk into my body, especially when carrying a child.
Congrats to the new :bfp:!

To answer the flu question, I saw my primary care physician yesterday and he gave me a Tdap shot and a flu shot because those vaccinations are recommended to all pregnant women these days due to the risk of miscarriage and whooping cough (my doctor stated that babies don't get their first vaccination for whooping cough until two months old, and even then they still don't have full immunity until the third shot at six months old. However, if a woman gets the Tdap while she is still pregnant, especially in the first trimester, her immunity will also pass onto the baby). So the flu can be harmful to a pregnancy. I got both vaccinations on the same day (after some careful questioning about them of course) and so far I still seem to be having a healthy pregnancy and I feel fine.

Err..there has been no study to ever link flu or colds with miscarriage. A fever can very slightly increase the risk of miscarriage but it would have to be pretty severe and generally can be controlled with tylenol. I know that later in pregnancy contracting the flu can cause complications like pneumonia, though.

I wouldn't worry about having gotten the shots though. It is a personal opinion on getting them and lots of studies show that they are considered safe during pregnancy.
an armful of junkfood sounds awesome maze. its amazing what aversions you can develop.
I am afraid i agree with the others, there are no documented links between colds/flu and any harmful effects on baby and miscarriage in early pregnancy. There is some argument to having the flu shot in the 3rd tri in flu season to give your baby a little immunity. I am afraid your OB sounds like a traditional OB using the medical approach for everything.
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well today!

Welcome to all the new BFP-ers in the thread congrats!

Today I get my blood work and I couldn't be more excited! I took a pregnancy test today (yeah yeah I know I'm crazy but I figured I won't need them anymore after this week) and the test line came up even before the control line and was darker than the control. I'm hoping that those levels are over 2000 so I can have an ultrasound this week :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day waiting for those results.

PS: Symptoms yesterday: OMG I felt like I got hit by a bus in the middle of the night, i was in BAD shape yesterday. Today I'm much better though, God I hope I don't have many days like yesterday that's for sure!

Oh yeah and I cried TWICE for no reason at all ha ha!
Hi all, got my BFP on Saturday and I make my EDD to be 10th October 2013. Can I join?

Woohoo!! Congrats!! We are due on the same day! 10/10! Exciting times ahead welcome to the very very busy thread! ;-)

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