Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Maze- I've never had a csection before. And they scare the crap outta me. Hope everything will go smoothly for you :hugs: I'm hoping for a water birth this time :thumbup:

Kalon- (and again, I know vaccines are touchy subjects, but I don't see the point in avoiding the topic). Your doctor isn't always looking out for you. And lots of doctors do get sued over malpractice with vaccines. You just have to be open to the idea of doing LOTS of reading and then forming your own opinion. But mixing vaccines, not safe :nope:

No bump pics from from me :nope: I'm a fatty! Plus I'll be in and out of here through first tri. Mainly hung over a bucket or toilet. But even being a little chubby, I got a bump pic with my daughter right before 14w. So hoping to start around the same time with the bump pics :dance:

I understand that everyone has different opinions on vaccinations, but it's offensive to make it sound like a new mom is poisoning her baby by getting vaccinations when there is absolutely no proper research that supports mixing vaccinations, or getting any vaccinations at all, being dangerous to a pregnancy. I know my doctor and I trust my doctor, there is no way that he would have administered those vaccines, especially at the same time, if he thought there was any chance that it would harm my baby. And I did do research and asked questions and I thought about it before I got the vaccines. I just did what I thought was best for my baby and I'm tired of being badgered for it. Can we please just drop the vaccination topic now and avoid upsetting anyone any further, because personally I'm pretty peeved that I keep getting attacked about this and I don't want to offend or upset anyone else.
Welcome new mommies and congrats on your BFPs! You will find a lot of women here are here cautiously as well. So we all understand your worries and concerns over the next coming weeks!

MrsMohr - Your bloat bump is lovely, remember my flat tummy is surgically enhanced. I can't take no credit for it.

But it sure does look good Maze!

I MEAN'T TO TELL YOU GUYS. In a real small world and unlikely moment, it turns out VGibs and I live on the same street! We've never met or anything, it is totally by chance, and we live in a pretty small town so it is kinda straaaange. Have you ever heard of that happening before, discovering someone on your thread is a neighbour?!

That is absolutely awesome, now you have an October Pumpkin member you can actually hang out with!!! Totally jealous! What are the odds!!!!:thumbup:

I feel like a freak. It's my first trimester and I have had no MS what-so-ever and I'm actually bursting with energy. I actually have more energy now than I did pre-pregnancy. I'm like a poster child for unrealistically pleasant pregnancy. =/

Count your blessings KalonKiki! Now that you said that you're probably going to wake up tomorrow the sickest you've ever been lol! I don't have any MS either if that makes you feel better....and I'm totally hoping it will stay that way...but I know the provability of that happening is slim to none!
I do think it is best we move on from talk of vaccinations. There is certainly no point in continuing to tell KalonKiki that something she already did is dangerous (even if it is based on an opinion that you are free to have.) all it is going to do is make her feel like you expect her to feel guilty for making a mistake that isn't necessarily a mistake at all.

I think it is important that we be willing to avoid touchy topics so that everyone on this thread can feel safe, comfortable, and not judged by each other. We're here to offer support, after all. The last thing we want to do is become a debate thread. There is never anything wrong with saying you agree or disagree with a statement/viewpoint but we should leave it at that.

So I think things like vaccinations and later on... circumcision, should be left out of our daily topics.
Maze- I've never had a csection before. And they scare the crap outta me. Hope everything will go smoothly for you :hugs: I'm hoping for a water birth this time :thumbup:

Kalon- (and again, I know vaccines are touchy subjects, but I don't see the point in avoiding the topic). Your doctor isn't always looking out for you. And lots of doctors do get sued over malpractice with vaccines. You just have to be open to the idea of doing LOTS of reading and then forming your own opinion. But mixing vaccines, not safe :nope:

No bump pics from from me :nope: I'm a fatty! Plus I'll be in and out of here through first tri. Mainly hung over a bucket or toilet. But even being a little chubby, I got a bump pic with my daughter right before 14w. So hoping to start around the same time with the bump pics :dance:

I understand that everyone has different opinions on vaccinations, but it's offensive to make it sound like a new mom is poisoning her baby by getting vaccinations when there is absolutely no proper research that supports mixing vaccinations, or getting any vaccinations at all, being dangerous to a pregnancy. I know my doctor and I trust my doctor, there is no way that he would have administered those vaccines, especially at the same time, if he thought there was any chance that it would harm my baby. And I did do research and asked questions and I thought about it before I got the vaccines. I just did what I thought was best for my baby and I'm tired of being badgered for it. Can we please just drop the vaccination topic now and avoid upsetting anyone any further, because personally I'm pretty peeved that I keep getting attacked about this and I don't want to offend or upset anyone else.

I'm sorry you feel like you're being attacked, I've just been seeing this as a discussion? :shrug: no one said anything about poisoning. And sorry to say, but as a parent you'll find yourself in a lot of discussion topics that seem touchy. Part of being a parent. Took me until my second to just accept the debates. :thumbup: not everyone will agree. But it's good to have discussions about things like this (and a million other things) :thumbup:
Welcome new mommies and congrats on your BFPs! You will find a lot of women here are here cautiously as well. So we all understand your worries and concerns over the next coming weeks!

MrsMohr - Your bloat bump is lovely, remember my flat tummy is surgically enhanced. I can't take no credit for it.

I MEAN'T TO TELL YOU GUYS. In a real small world and unlikely moment, it turns out VGibs and I live on the same street! We've never met or anything, it is totally by chance, and we live in a pretty small town so it is kinda straaaange. Have you ever heard of that happening before, discovering someone on your thread is a neighbour?!

The same street?! Wow! I've never heard of that happening before. That's amazing :dance:
hey girls! are any of you starving!! and just tired? I taught today and wanted to nap while reading to the kids, it was embarrassing:) I do not have a thyroid so my doc upped my thyroid meds so I am not sure if that's why I am so hungry. Any advice??
Welcome new mommies and congrats on your BFPs! You will find a lot of women here are here cautiously as well. So we all understand your worries and concerns over the next coming weeks!

MrsMohr - Your bloat bump is lovely, remember my flat tummy is surgically enhanced. I can't take no credit for it.

But it sure does look good Maze!

I MEAN'T TO TELL YOU GUYS. In a real small world and unlikely moment, it turns out VGibs and I live on the same street! We've never met or anything, it is totally by chance, and we live in a pretty small town so it is kinda straaaange. Have you ever heard of that happening before, discovering someone on your thread is a neighbour?!

That is absolutely awesome, now you have an October Pumpkin member you can actually hang out with!!! Totally jealous! What are the odds!!!!:thumbup:

Hey, I see your in Florida MrsMohr. Me too! where is FL are you?

So, I'm realizing I'm not nearly as far as most of you guys, lol. I'm not even 4 weeks yet... I'll start posting bump/lack-of-bump pics in a couple days when I actually hit 4 weeks. I'm relatively petite (5'2") but my mom and older sister both gained a *lot* of weight with pregnancy... I'm hoping maybe that gene skipped me. I'm not built like either of them though, so hopefully I'll be lucky, lol.

Still feeling a little sickly (achy and sore throat) but I'm managing it with Tylenol alright. Thankfully I work from home so I can just chill on the couch most the day :)
I do think it is best we move on from talk of vaccinations. There is certainly no point in continuing to tell KalonKiki that something she already did is dangerous (even if it is based on an opinion that you are free to have.) all it is going to do is make her feel like you expect her to feel guilty for making a mistake that isn't necessarily a mistake at all.

I think it is important that we be willing to avoid touchy topics so that everyone on this thread can feel safe, comfortable, and not judged by each other. We're here to offer support, after all. The last thing we want to do is become a debate thread. There is never anything wrong with saying you agree or disagree with a statement/viewpoint but we should leave it at that.

So I think things like vaccinations and later on... circumcision, should be left out of our daily topics.

I'm sorry, but I think it's very immature and naive to avoid ANY sort of topic. How will other mothers connect with eachother. Or what, we can't reach out and ask questions about things like that? That's part of being parents, learning from each other, sharing stories, etc. there was so much I didn't know with my DS because I never asked questions and no one gave me information about stuff. I thank those people for opening my mind to stuff. Yeah I don't agree with them on everything, but I'm still glad they cared enough to talk to me about it :shrug:

And my iPad is being slow and not loading that quick and my replies are being slow :dohh:
The same street?! Wow! I've never heard of that happening before. That's amazing :dance:

I thought so too! When I lived in a pretty big city I never met anyone in the same city on here. Suddenly I move to a country town and bam, right on the same street. Crazy stuff!

Also, you guys. I made a chatroom for us, I don't know how it will end up working as some of us are on completely different schedules due to timezones or whatnot but if any of us are feeling particularly chatty you can sign in and maybe bump in to someone else to chat-it-up.

password: pumpkins

Enjoy!!!! I should post this on the first page too.
It's okay, it's just that even though I haven't had very many symptoms, I've still been emotional and I've been quick to cry about things and worry about how my baby is doing. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't really know what to expect and I'm just trying to do the best I can to be a good mom and be healthy for my baby. :cry:

MrsMohr: I guess I would just feel a little less worried about my baby if I had more than just the occasionally sore boobs and increased appetite. I've heard that when your pregnancy is miserable in the first trimester it tends to be a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Waiting for that appointment at 8 weeks to see how my baby is doing is killing me, I just want to know that everything is alright.
The same street?! Wow! I've never heard of that happening before. That's amazing :dance:

I thought so too! When I lived in a pretty big city I never met anyone in the same city on here. Suddenly I move to a country town and bam, right on the same street. Crazy stuff!

Also, you guys. I made a chatroom for us, I don't know how it will end up working as some of us are on completely different schedules due to timezones or whatnot but if any of us are feeling particularly chatty you can sign in and maybe bump in to someone else to chat-it-up.

password: pumpkins

Enjoy!!!! I should post this on the first page too.

All this time I've been on baby boards, I've never came across anyone that close to me. I'm jealous :( :haha:
It's okay, it's just that even though I haven't had very many symptoms, I've still been emotional and I've been quick to cry about things and worry about how my baby is doing. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't really know what to expect and I'm just trying to do the best I can to be a good mom and be healthy for my baby. :cry:

MrsMohr: I guess I would just feel a little less worried about my baby if I had more than just the occasionally sore boobs and increased appetite. I've heard that when your pregnancy is miserable in the first trimester it tends to be a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Waiting for that appointment at 8 weeks to see how my baby is doing is killing me, I just want to know that everything is alright.

First and third tri emotions are the worst :argh: hang in there mama :hugs:
Oh MrsMohr :rofl:
Thanks honey, you sure know how to lighten the mood. :hugs:
speaking of emotions, did anyone else cry like a baby at that Budweiser Clydesdale commercial during the super bowl? I'm a horse girl anyway, but yeah, that def made me cry. As did like 4 other *commercials*... oye.
I'm sorry, but I think it's very immature and naive to avoid ANY sort of topic. How will other mothers connect with eachother. Or what, we can't reach out and ask questions about things like that? That's part of being parents, learning from each other, sharing stories, etc. there was so much I didn't know with my DS because I never asked questions and no one gave me information about stuff. I thank those people for opening my mind to stuff. Yeah I don't agree with them on everything, but I'm still glad they cared enough to talk to me about it :shrug:

And my iPad is being slow and not loading that quick and my replies are being slow :dohh:

Oh I don't think that people shouldn't be free to ask questions or look for advice on controversial topics. I just think that we should be mindful of other viewpoints and be sure not to turn things into heated debates. I've seen people get carried away on other threads. There is a difference between someone asking 'do you think I should get these vaccines?' and stating that they already got them. Just like if someone were to ask 'what do you think about circumcision?' vs. 'has anyone ever had their baby boy circumcised? my OH and I have decided we want to circumcise our son.'

Does that make any sense? I guess I just want people to feel supported, is all. I don't think we have to lie about our opinions but we need to know when to draw the line too.
It's okay, it's just that even though I haven't had very many symptoms, I've still been emotional and I've been quick to cry about things and worry about how my baby is doing. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't really know what to expect and I'm just trying to do the best I can to be a good mom and be healthy for my baby. :cry:

MrsMohr: I guess I would just feel a little less worried about my baby if I had more than just the occasionally sore boobs and increased appetite. I've heard that when your pregnancy is miserable in the first trimester it tends to be a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Waiting for that appointment at 8 weeks to see how my baby is doing is killing me, I just want to know that everything is alright.

First and third tri emotions are the worst :argh: hang in there mama :hugs:

It's good to know that at least my during my second trimester I won't be an emotional train wreck. :haha:
hey girls! are any of you starving!! and just tired? I taught today and wanted to nap while reading to the kids, it was embarrassing:) I do not have a thyroid so my doc upped my thyroid meds so I am not sure if that's why I am so hungry. Any advice??

I'm super sleepy, I've been taking two hours naps in the afternoons :dohh: I more hungry than normal but not starving yet :)

Welcome new mommies and congrats on your BFPs! You will find a lot of women here are here cautiously as well. So we all understand your worries and concerns over the next coming weeks!

MrsMohr - Your bloat bump is lovely, remember my flat tummy is surgically enhanced. I can't take no credit for it.

But it sure does look good Maze!

I MEAN'T TO TELL YOU GUYS. In a real small world and unlikely moment, it turns out VGibs and I live on the same street! We've never met or anything, it is totally by chance, and we live in a pretty small town so it is kinda straaaange. Have you ever heard of that happening before, discovering someone on your thread is a neighbour?!

That is absolutely awesome, now you have an October Pumpkin member you can actually hang out with!!! Totally jealous! What are the odds!!!!:thumbup:

Hey, I see your in Florida MrsMohr. Me too! where is FL are you?

So, I'm realizing I'm not nearly as far as most of you guys, lol. I'm not even 4 weeks yet... I'll start posting bump/lack-of-bump pics in a couple days when I actually hit 4 weeks. I'm relatively petite (5'2") but my mom and older sister both gained a *lot* of weight with pregnancy... I'm hoping maybe that gene skipped me. I'm not built like either of them though, so hopefully I'll be lucky, lol.

Still feeling a little sickly (achy and sore throat) but I'm managing it with Tylenol alright. Thankfully I work from home so I can just chill on the couch most the day :)

I'm in Lakeland, you :) We have like three or four Floridians in this thread now :happydance::happydance: Hey lady i'm 5'2" and 115 pounds and you saw my 4 week bump lol! My mom is two inches taller than me and a medium build (i'm petite) and she was just all belly...she had little skinny arms, legs, and face and she just had this huge beach ball belly lol.
You know what we need guys??!!!!



I don't want those :nope: :rofl:
What you don't want holly!

You know what we need guys??!!!!



lol, what is *that*?
It's Holly :) Waaayyy back when the thread was started I was looking for a smiley that was rolling on the ground laughing. I couldn't find one but I found Holly and thought she was hilarious. I put her up and we agreed that whenever someone needed cheering up in the tread or the tension was getting thick that we would use Holly to cheer everyone up. You know you giggled just a little when you saw it ha ha!

It's okay, it's just that even though I haven't had very many symptoms, I've still been emotional and I've been quick to cry about things and worry about how my baby is doing. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't really know what to expect and I'm just trying to do the best I can to be a good mom and be healthy for my baby. :cry:

MrsMohr: I guess I would just feel a little less worried about my baby if I had more than just the occasionally sore boobs and increased appetite. I've heard that when your pregnancy is miserable in the first trimester it tends to be a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Waiting for that appointment at 8 weeks to see how my baby is doing is killing me, I just want to know that everything is alright.

KalonKiki: You do what YOU think is right for your baby, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks/says. It's your body and your baby and you get to decide what you do with them. I'm sure you made an educated decision that you thought was the best option. Don't worry about everyone else and what they think...this is all about you and your little bean. People really need to drop it IMO. If they want to debate touchy subjects then they can go and start a debate thread somewhere. There are a lot of first time pregnant girls in this thread and we are ALL in the first trimester and emotional messes right now, the last thing we need is to feel picked on :hugs::hugs:

Where are you located hun? I'm sorry I can't see your location right now. Honestly I don't think the more symptoms you have the better off you are. I'm sure you've heard it before...every pregnancy is different...all women are different. You never know how YOUR body is going to tolerate pregnancy. People aren't made from cookie cutters so while we may have similar symptoms because we are all women, the way our body tolerates and responds to them are going to be different from woman to woman. I've heard woman say that they LOVED to be pregnant, it was the happiest time of their life, they never got morning sickness etc. BUT, I have also heard woman say they couldn't stand being pregnant because they were so miserable the whole time. If you're feeling bad about it, take a pregnancy test....I'm sure seeing those double lines may make you feel better :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Here I'm sending you a :holly: she always puts a smile on my face lol!

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