Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

6 weeks today! Here is my bloat bump Image0037.jpg
I cant take this insomnia thing. Its one thing waking up around 430 am for the day when I go to bed by 830 or 9, but I didnt get to bed til 945 last night, and I woke up at 2am...wide awake. Layed in bed for 45min and there was no way in hell I could fall back asleep. Hubby was coughing and snoring....basicly driving me insane. So here I am, awake at 3am, watching jersey shore reruns....Im so tired, why cant I sleep?!!:dohh:

yeah... been up since like 3 here. I did the same thing. Lied there for a while and eventually gave up and am now watching some old stuff on the DVR. Gonna try and get some work done. I figure if I'm up I might as well try to be productive! :p
I MEAN'T TO TELL YOU GUYS. In a real small world and unlikely moment, it turns out VGibs and I live on the same street! We've never met or anything, it is totally by chance, and we live in a pretty small town so it is kinda straaaange. Have you ever heard of that happening before, discovering someone on your thread is a neighbour?!

That's me!!!! LOL

I feel like a freak. It's my first trimester and I have had no MS what-so-ever and I'm actually bursting with energy. I actually have more energy now than I did pre-pregnancy. I'm like a poster child for unrealistically pleasant pregnancy. =/

Honey, wait for week 6-8. That's when the placenta kicks in and MS REALLY ramps up.

speaking of emotions, did anyone else cry like a baby at that Budweiser Clydesdale commercial during the super bowl? I'm a horse girl anyway, but yeah, that def made me cry. As did like 4 other *commercials*... oye.

I liked the one with the donkey. Considering I have a clyde and a mini donkey...I laughed my head off LOL My lil Charlotte would be bossing those big boys around all over the place!

Has anyone else had over attachment to their OH lately? Every time that he gets home I just want to hug and cuddle him the whole rest of the night. :p

Ya I'm too old for affection LOL I'm more like "HEY finish the dishes!"

I definitely do, but it is more because I have two kids to myself all day and am emotional by the time he gets home. So instead of hugs and cuddles it is "THANK GOD YOU ARE BACK, SOPHIE NEEDS HER DIAPER CHANGED AND DOMINIC TIPPED HIS APPLE JUICE ALL OVER THE FLOOR!... I am going to bed."


AFM....I ended up telling my mom last night I was going to try and wait till her birthday on the 24th but she knew something was up. So now I am just keeping quiet from my 10 year old. I see my midwife tonight thank God. I LOVE my midwife. My Dr is a useless old cow who thinks that I should loose a million pounds and that it will solve world peace or something. She's really a terrible doctor.
Sheffie- I've seen lots of people post about about that commercial and said they cried. But I haven't seen it! What was it about? Lol

You can watch it here :) Sorry ahead of time if it makes you cry ;)

I teared up...such a sweet commercial. I can't believe he sold his horse in the first place though lol!

I'm in Lakeland, you :) We have like three or four Floridians in this thread now :happydance::happydance: Hey lady i'm 5'2" and 115 pounds and you saw my 4 week bump lol! My mom is two inches taller than me and a medium build (i'm petite) and she was just all belly...she had little skinny arms, legs, and face and she just had this huge beach ball belly lol.

You know what we need guys??!!!!



lol, what is *that*?
It's Holly :) Waaayyy back when the thread was started I was looking for a smiley that was rolling on the ground laughing. I couldn't find one but I found Holly and thought she was hilarious. I put her up and we agreed that whenever someone needed cheering up in the tread or the tension was getting thick that we would use Holly to cheer everyone up. You know you giggled just a little when you saw it ha ha!

I'm in south FL, between Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Just moved down here from TN last summer. My hubby and I just put an offer on a house though! So hoping we get it and can get all settled before the baby :)

And yes, I for sure giggled!

How do you like Florida so far? My hubs and I moved here a little over three years ago from Ohio and we just love it :) No more snow for us EVER right lol! We purchased our house about two years ago, we love owning our own home. Good luck on the house hun!

Aww, that was so cute! I didn't cry, but I smiled. :D
By the way MrsMohr, I don't think I answered your question yet. I'm from Springfield, Missouri.

Ok I just wanted to see if you were in the U.S. or not, I thought you were. You could always call your doctor and ask them to do blood work if you're still nervous. That's what I did, results today :happydance:

I feel much bigger than I look..... haha

I really like a glass of wine or a vodka drink every once in a while, but this whole month I haven't felt like drinking any alcohol. I do want coffee and soda though and I normally hate soda and I never drink much of anything with caffeine in it. :dohh:

I really like to have a glass of wine here and there, I still have a half of bottle in the fridge that I didn't get to finish before my BFP!

I feel much bigger than I look..... haha

You are so TONED. I was originally just going to write *whistles* but I thought that might be interpreted as creepy. :dohh:

you girls are too funny!!! it's just the angle-honestly lol i havent taken working out seriously pretty much since ive been married, and thats been over a year and a half. nothing to be jealous of!!

i wasnt going to do bump pictures but im glad i am now so we can see the progression. as i was taking this picture my husband walked in the bedroom (i thought he was stuck on his tv show?!?!) and started to laugh at me. im like 'you dont understand the girls on the website..........' he thinks im crazy because im pretty much glued to my computer now lol

or maybe its because i text him every other morning to update him that another pregnancy test was positive so im still pregnant:dohh: oh well

Lol that's too funny, I keep my pregnancy testing a secret ha ha! I don't want my hubs to think i'm crazier than he already does :dohh:

And, I'm always super attached to my husband even when I'm not pregnant. I can say that being pregnant just makes me adore him even more though...which I didn't think was possible until I saw that BFP :)

Can't wait to get home from my OH basketball game, yes I'm his cheerleader for the night, and post a bump pic!! Today was a crazy day ladies, I work in real estate, had to be in the office by 2 woke up ate and got in the shower, got half way through the shower and had all my conditioner in my hair, still hadnt soaped up or washed my face and all of the SUDDEN the water turns OFF!!! They were doing work on my st in Hoboken and shut off my whole blocks water without notice.... Needless to say I lost it!! I know I shouldn't have gotten that stressed but I couldn't help it. With my hair in a towel and my body wrapped up in a towel I opened the window and started screaming at the guys working outside to turn back on te water!!!! I told them I am newly pregnant and will eat them alive if this stress does anything to my bean.... Tried to calm down but then they told me the water wasn't going to come back on till 5 when I had a showing scheduled!!! I cried dried my conditioner hair and went into work without makeup on.... Do you think the stress from today could've done anything serious?!?! I feel sick about it now but I just couldn't keep my cool, oh yeah and it's freezing cold and snowing outside here so that didnt make anything better.... Only good thing that happened was my showing which went really well... I hope my client buys the condo! Fingers crossed! Just had to fill you all in on my crazy day.... Have my first doctors appt tomorrow I'll let you all know how it goes!! Anyone with crazy stories please share so I don't feel too nuts..., but seriously turning off the water on a first time pregnant first trimester mommy to be right before work are they kidding me?!?!?

Can't wait to see your bump! I would have been just as mad as you if they turned my water off like that lol! Of course it was right after you had conditioner in your hair :dohh:

Wow its taken an age to get caught up with everyone..

\Mrs mohr - love the bump pic ideas. I have been notoriously bad with both previous kids having like 1 pic towards the end. planning on doing a progression this time but then it makes me feel guilty for not doing it before. don't have any bump yet to speak of but will post when I do.

maze - love that you have a neighbor on the thread. I want that too. thanks for starting the chat site too that's handy.

just watched the horse advert and it was pretty cheesy but yes I did cry too.

had my midwife appointment today and wasn't very happy with it..they booked a scan for me and its at the end of March, refusing to do one earlier with there being no indication for it. so I either wait or pay for one privately which I cannot imagine being cheap. will repeat my beta on Thursday morning and hope that its myself 3 days.

6 weeks today! Here is my bloat bump View attachment 562689

Cute bump! Thanks for sharing...I can't wait to see everyone grow!
Woo Hoo I see i'm not the only one awake! Maze set up a chat for all of us on chatzy...the link is on the first page if you ladies want to chat it up right now lol!
Can't wait to get home from my OH basketball game, yes I'm his cheerleader for the night, and post a bump pic!! Today was a crazy day ladies, I work in real estate, had to be in the office by 2 woke up ate and got in the shower, got half way through the shower and had all my conditioner in my hair, still hadnt soaped up or washed my face and all of the SUDDEN the water turns OFF!!! They were doing work on my st in Hoboken and shut off my whole blocks water without notice.... Needless to say I lost it!! I know I shouldn't have gotten that stressed but I couldn't help it. With my hair in a towel and my body wrapped up in a towel I opened the window and started screaming at the guys working outside to turn back on te water!!!! I told them I am newly pregnant and will eat them alive if this stress does anything to my bean.... Tried to calm down but then they told me the water wasn't going to come back on till 5 when I had a showing scheduled!!! I cried dried my conditioner hair and went into work without makeup on.... Do you think the stress from today could've done anything serious?!?! I feel sick about it now but I just couldn't keep my cool, oh yeah and it's freezing cold and snowing outside here so that didnt make anything better.... Only good thing that happened was my showing which went really well... I hope my client buys the condo! Fingers crossed! Just had to fill you all in on my crazy day.... Have my first doctors appt tomorrow I'll let you all know how it goes!! Anyone with crazy stories please share so I don't feel too nuts..., but seriously turning off the water on a first time pregnant first trimester mommy to be right before work are they kidding me?!?!?

*HUGS* You poor thing! The fates do seem to test us when we're at our most emotional. I worked in real estate once upon a time so I know how stressful that can be! I couldn't imagine doing it while preggos.
It has taken me ages to read all these posts just from just yesterday!

I am loving all the bumps pics. I would post one but I DROPPED MY PHONE DOWN THE TOILET yesterday. Lovely I know! Ordered new one, coming tomorrow.

Maze - Wish I could have a tummy tuck, I can't actually see your picture cos I am at work but I bet you're tummy is gorgeous 'sighs jealously'.

Loving the bouncing boobies so much!

I got one because at the time I was working with hollywood, and felt compelled to look as perfect as possible because they are judgers. People in the film industry are the worst. Plus after my first c-section I had this horrible hang of skin that no amount of dieting would make go away, because it was skin...obviously.

You look lovely though! I wouldn't glance your way and think, oooooh boy that girl needs some snip snip tuck tuck if you get my drift. (Not that I would to anyone, but you know, if I were a hollywood judger.)
Gonna catch up after taking my DS to school. But omg. This insomnia is kicking my butt! I was up until 1am. Then had to wake up at 5 to get OH up for work. Then I don't fall back asleep until 6, and my son wakes up at 6:30. At which point I don't wanna wake up :hissy:
So I came to the clinic this am to get blood work done, but first I had to c a random Dr to get the requisition. I told him about the spotting brown for a few days, and I'm getting an ultrasound..... in like an hr. I'm just waiting! Solo excited/nervous/ scared to death dome things wrong
didnt sleep at alllllllllll last night.

gonna be a long day at the office ladies :(
So I came to the clinic this am to get blood work done, but first I had to c a random Dr to get the requisition. I told him about the spotting brown for a few days, and I'm getting an ultrasound..... in like an hr. I'm just waiting! Solo excited/nervous/ scared to death dome things wrong

Woo hoo Fx-ed that everything is great! Let us know how it goes!!!!!
I think spotting in early pregnancy is supposed to be very common, Lindss. I wouldn't worry too much unless it turns orange or bright red and gets heavier. :hugs:
It's still exciting to get to have an ultrasound done though. :D
lindss- im the same with OH. monday i was feeling irritated all day. as soon as he got home i went to hide in our bedroom because i knew i'd be snappy. then he got an attitude with me for trying to hide :dohh: i told him to choose being around me while im irritated, or leave me alone :haha:

leanne- cute bloat :baby:

mrsmohr- yeah, rub it in my face with the no snow :grr: its been snowing lately, but hopefully gonna warm up to around 43 early next week :dance: hopefully this snow will stay gone until spring :rofl:

amurray- hope today doesnt drag too long for you :hugs:

what has everyone been dreaming about? so far my dreams have been about getting drunk, doing a line of coke, a friend of mine getting her bfp, and last night i dreamt that i was walking around a bunch of dead, chopped up deer. and i was crying because it made me sad to see them all dead :dohh:
I actually haven't had any weird dreams since my :bfp:. I don't tend to dream much though as I normally only get about two or three hours of deep sleep and the rest is just conscious resting. We have had virtually no snow this year, which has been disappointing because it's been so cold! If I'm going to live somewhere cold in the winter then I at least want snow. :p
I keep dreaming that I go for my first scan and I think I see 2 sacs and before I get to ask the doctor if its twins I wake up!! I knows dreams aren't reality but it is making me have twins in my head! I can't imagine!! I dreamt that I got my BFP the night before I got my BFP too!! :-/ xx
Thanks for all of the support ladies!! :flower:
Well the dr did an internal exam first to check for bleeding, and he didnt see any at all, so thats good. He said its prob just old blood then mixing w my cm. I waited for an hr and a half for the ultrasound, and had to leave because they said it was still going to be another hr wait at least ( hubby and I only have 1 vehicle so he was stuck at home waiting to go to work til I got home, and he was so late ), so I booked an apt for the scan for tomorow at least Ill just be in and out and wont have to wait tomorow.
I also got blood work done, and go back again fri for more bloodwork!
Why cant it just hurry up and be tomorow?!!
I had my first beta HCG done on monday (4 wks 0 days): 262.2
I will be getting a repeat test tomorrow! Should I ask for a progesterone count? I noticed some ladies had that checked as well?
Thanks for all of the support ladies!! :flower:
Well the dr did an internal exam first to check for bleeding, and he didnt see any at all, so thats good. He said its prob just old blood then mixing w my cm. I waited for an hr and a half for the ultrasound, and had to leave because they said it was still going to be another hr wait at least ( hubby and I only have 1 vehicle so he was stuck at home waiting to go to work til I got home, and he was so late ), so I booked an apt for the scan for tomorow at least Ill just be in and out and wont have to wait tomorow.
I also got blood work done, and go back again fri for more bloodwork!
Why cant it just hurry up and be tomorow?!!

i am hoping for an early scan tomorrow too!!! hope we both get good news :) the wait is killing me-impatience is one of my faults lol
kalon- i dream a lot. almost every night :shrug: my brain is way too active. lol. i dont even have to be in deep sleep for a dream. sometimes i have them between snooze buttons.

twinkle- i got a bfn at 8dpo. and that night i had a dream i got a bfp on the same test (peed on the same test twice) lol. that was the only dream i had about getting a bfp. i got mine at 11dpo.

lindss- sorry you were waiting so long! keep yourself busy all evening :thumbup:
Hello ladies!!

I hope you are all doing well! I'd love to join this thread, I just got my BFP a couple days ago! :happydance: I am on :cloud9: but also in denial at the same time, it doesn't feel real yet, especially since I really haven't had any symptoms. My 1st appt is on Feb-18 to confirm the pregnancy and then they will schedule me for my 1st ultra sound at the end of March :happydance: FX as long as all goes well and this bean is sticky :baby:

My due date is currently October 15, according to my last period date. I will update you if that changes after either appt.

I'm super shocked that we got it on only our 2nd try! I O late in a short cycle so I was so certain I was going to have issues with a super short LP. Guess not! :happydance:

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