Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

SlimBrit: As soon as your body starts throwing HCG hormones, your digestion instantly slows your digestion down so your body can absorb the most nutrients from what you eat as it can. This can cause bloating and constipation. If you're taking prenatal vitamins, those can constipate you as well. Make sure you are getting extra fiber in your diet to help offset this. It sounds like you must have had a hard poo that put a little tear in your anus. It's not heavy bleeding is it?

EVERYONE: I got my blood test results JUST NOW: 4,859 :happydance::happydance: I have an ultrasound on Friday at 12:45!!! AAANNDDD I still get to keep my February 20th appointment to make sure my baby has a normal healthy he is currently like the tin heart lol!

yay for ultrasounds!!! :happydance: How long ago did you get your bloodwork done? I am going to the same buliding to have my scan today at noon that I got my blood taken at yesterday, is it too soon to go and ask them for the results?
I'm curious, is anyone planning not to find out the gender of their pumpkin? I know that's a ways off but I've been trying to focus on upcoming things instead of worrying about possible m/cing. I'm thinking I'm team yellow but haven't decided yet. I'm debating it as a way to hopefully avoid over dosing on pink/blue (which I know we will do) but I'm also wanting to plan and don't want a ton of yellow and green items either. The thought of hubby telling me if it's a girl or boy makes me want to cry (could be the hormones!) Anyone choose to be surprised and find it more difficult?

We are most definatly waiting to find out the gender. Team yellow all the way for me!! This will be a huge difference from my other two, as we found out both times.....the first I wanted to, and the second x DH did not want to, but I was soooo sick and on bedrest for five mnths with the second pregnancy that I convinced him to let me find out the sex so that I could plan things from my place in bed :winkwink:
So this last time, I promised nomatter what, that we would wait!! I know its gunna be sooooooo hard though!
Hey girlies! Just got home what a long day! Thanks for those who responded to my very long past about my terrible day yesterday I really appreciate it. Its nice to find comfort in others. I think me and my fiance will def find out the gender as I am wayyyy to impatient to wait on the gender for my first little bean! I woke up today STARVING! and I mean starving, my fiance literally had to get me a banana and I shoved it down my throat.... I also went to my first doctors appointment today!!!:happydance::happydance: I was so happy to be there. SO good news def pregnant, lol, and she thinks I am 4 1/2 to 5 weeks. I think she might think I am a little further then I really am, 5 weeks, cause my fiance is huge 6'4 and 215 pounds and I am 5"3 and 115 pounds normally so this bean is growing fast! She said that everything looks fine so far and my little sack seems to be developing great!! So exciting. They took two vials of blood, and said they will get back to me with the levels tomorrow. I will also go back in next week to get tested again. Then she looked inside of me and I got my first picture of my little bean sprout!!! SOOOO EXCITING!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: My blood pressure was good and she gave me vitamins, took my weight, and gave me a packet of the hospital I will be using. She also told me since my fiance is so big, and was a huge baby, 9 pounds 8 ounces, she doesn't think I will be able to go till the very end of my 40 weeks, she thinks I will go earlier.....oh boy brothers wedding why are you in the end of September?!?! So all in all today was a great day! I am going to attach my first scan picture of my little bean sack and my 4 week baby bump picture. I am so excited and I can't wait to see all of your pictures so we can compare! The fact that there will be a fetus there in 2 weeks in astonishing! She said as of now I am due October 15 but we will know more soon.... Anyway with this date or anyone who wants to be bump buddies feel free to add me, the more the merrier! The only thing thats wearing me out are these crazy intense dreams, they are really overwhelming..... Okay well I think its time to go to sleep! Sticky dust to all and to all a goodnight! PS today is the only day I didnt take an at home test, since I went to the doctor... and my belly was a little extra round in this pic cause I had just eaten dinner an hour before and I tend to get a really round belly right after I eat...

Yay for your dr's appt! Everything sounds perfect, and you even got a scan?!!! I hear ya on the starving thing...i actually got up in the mid of the night and had a snack..:dohh:
Cute start of a bump!!!
P.S you have gorgeous hair!
I'm curious, is anyone planning not to find out the gender of their pumpkin? I know that's a ways off but I've been trying to focus on upcoming things instead of worrying about possible m/cing. I'm thinking I'm team yellow but haven't decided yet. I'm debating it as a way to hopefully avoid over dosing on pink/blue (which I know we will do) but I'm also wanting to plan and don't want a ton of yellow and green items either. The thought of hubby telling me if it's a girl or boy makes me want to cry (could be the hormones!) Anyone choose to be surprised and find it more difficult?

We are most definatly waiting to find out the gender. Team yellow all the way for me!! This will be a huge difference from my other two, as we found out both times.....the first I wanted to, and the second x DH did not want to, but I was soooo sick and on bedrest for five mnths with the second pregnancy that I convinced him to let me find out the sex so that I could plan things from my place in bed :winkwink:
So this last time, I promised nomatter what, that we would wait!! I know its gunna be sooooooo hard though!

We are for sure team yellow!! I really want to have the surprise of "it's a........?" I know it would be good for organisation to know beforehand but I really am a bit of a child and love surprises, luckily hubbie feels the same so we should both be able to stay firmly team yellow!

Does anyone have a "feeling" of whether they are having a boy or a girl? X

Will try and do a 5 week pic tonight! Just bloat of course but hey we all gotta start somewhere! :) it will be so amazing to see all our bumps grow and how different we will all be from eachother !
I hope you get to actually have your ultrasound soon, Lindss, sorry you had to wait all that time only to never get it. :hugs:

I can see that you're graduating up to the apple seed tomorrow, MrsMohr. :winkwink:

Wooooo hooooooo!!! But I'm still a stupid seed...I want to be whole fruit and i'm going to whine until I get there lol!!!

I know I feel the same but at least we are a bigger seed tomorrow!!! Can actually see it and hold it!! I will take any graduation! ;-)

You DO have a very good point lol! I get to see my little apple seed tomorrow :happydance:

EVERYONE: I got my blood test results JUST NOW: 4,859 :happydance::happydance: I have an ultrasound on Friday at 12:45!!! AAANNDDD I still get to keep my February 20th appointment to make sure my baby has a normal healthy he is currently like the tin heart lol!

OOOOOOOOOH! I am so happy for you! With numbers like that they probably aren't too concerned! Tis fantastic! :happydance:

All I know, is i'm not as concerned as I was that's for sure! My doctor wants me to have my ultrasound though. I go TOMORROW so hopefully we see a little apple seed in my uterus! I'm assuming my little seed is in there or my hormone levels wouldn't be in the correct range for how far along I am...wooo hooo!!!! I still get to have another ultrasound at my 20th appointment as well!!!!

Well, never mind, you apparently can't delete your account, you can only request that it be deactivated and when you have to go through that much trouble, it's simply not worth it.
Looks like no fresh start for me, but oh well, I suppose I'll get over it.

It will be alright Kalonkiki! We love you :hugs:

EVERYONE: I got my blood test results JUST NOW: 4,859 :happydance::happydance: I have an ultrasound on Friday at 12:45!!! AAANNDDD I still get to keep my February 20th appointment to make sure my baby has a normal healthy he is currently like the tin heart lol!

Great numbers MrsMohr, totally envious! Now I want to get my blood drawn again, lol. It's alright, I'm holding out to my ultrasound next week by taking my straggler pregnancy test I have laying around :blush:

Oh girl, don't even worry about that! I have ONE more test to take and I guarantee i will take it later today or sometime tomorrow morning :dohh:

I'm sorry for your loss last time, SlimBrit. I really hope that this bean is sticky for you, happy and healthy 9 months! :hugs:

DF and I have been looking at baby stuff to get an idea of things we'll want after we find out the gender. When is everyone thinking about having their shower? I'm thinking between 25 and 30 weeks for me.

Aaaaand here's my Week 5 "bump" picture:

I LOVE it! I'm getting my 5 week bump picture here shortly!

Ok, here's my 4 weeks shot. No bump yet - just my normal pooch lol. At least now I have something to blame it on :p

it's still cute though!
Gonna catch up after taking my DS to school. But omg. This insomnia is kicking my butt! I was up until 1am. Then had to wake up at 5 to get OH up for work. Then I don't fall back asleep until 6, and my son wakes up at 6:30. At which point I don't wanna wake up :hissy:

Yes, it is a pain... I've noticed that I'm so tired between about 12-7pm and of course working I can't just take a nap... LOL Then I'm up til 11 sometimes 12 and have to get my daughter up at 6 so she can get ready for school and the bus..I've been going back to bed while she gets dressed though (she is 12) I make sure she's out the door at 7 with a holler about the time when the dh's alarm goes off and then I fall back asleep till 8 but I've noticed that snooze button is my new best friend because I don't want to get up--not even to pee... LOL

Lol, I have to hope that my daughter allows me to lounge around while he's at school. And he's only in school for 4hrs :dohh: just 8 more weeks and we might have some energy back :rofl:
Posd- glad everything went well! :thumbup: you're only two days behind me. I think my due date will be anywhere from the 12-14. Since I know when I ovulated, I think my due date might be fairly accurate :shrug:

Vgibs- my daughter was being stubborn and had her legs closed at my 20 week scan. With having GD, I got 3d scans in third tri. So was confirmed she was a girl. My son had his legs spread in a V position, so no doubting him. Lol! I'd hate to be one of the people that were told the wrong gender :grr:

Shellideaks- sorry to hear about the chemical :hugs:
You ladies are chatty!! (Btw, how do I use the multi quotes?? I couldn’t figure it out hence the below updates. I'm still a newbie if anyone can explain I'd appreciate it!)

Sheffie - I kind of hate yellow too, lol! And I’m finding that gender neutral things are kind of blah … although I’ve been seeing some beautiful nurseries online that are done in gray or brown with accent colors that are very neutral that I could live with.

Liz0012 – I’m not shopping until probably the 2nd trimester but that’s more out of caution. Now window shopping is a whole different story!! I’ve got a huge wish list on amazon that’s currently private that let’s me shop to my hearts content. :dohh:

MilosMommy – There’s test for predicting gender?? I must have been blinded by my obsession for opk and preg tests, lol. I’m going to check that out tonight!

SlimBrit – Sorry about the last loss. Hoping this is a sticky bean for you!

POSD17 – What a great day, sure makes up for the previous one. :thumbup: Congrats on getting a photo ..uber jealous over here, lol.

Shellideaks – Sorry to hear that! Your in my thoughts :hugs:

Maze, Lindss and twinkletoe – Yay more team yellow! I can’t guarantee I won’t crack but if I don’t it’s nice to know that you’re out there with me when everyone starts finding out. My thinking is the opposite … this is my first but I know I want to have more kids so I figured I might as well be surprised this time since I’ll be happy with either a boy or a girl. (2nd time around I know I’ll be hoping for the opposite of the first) . I don’t know why but both hubby and I have been calling pumpkin a “he” I’m curious to see if we’re right, lol.

MrsMohr – I think I’m officially done taking tests. I took one this morning and it almost scared me to death, I only saw ONE line! Then I looked again it seems like the “pregnant line” came up immediately and super dark but the control line was barely visible. (Is it possible for the pregnant line to absorb all the dye??) Anyway I immediately took a digi test and was reassured by the confident “pregnant”. I don’t think I can take that scare again. :nope:

Yay for the fellow apple seeds! :happydance: My bump pictures will have to be awhile out .. already have a bump and it's not baby related, lol.
Afternoon mummies,
We will be finding out gender as with my 1st I was convinced jellybean was a girl from before I even took a test and so if my intuision was wrong I wanted time to prepare. Same again this time convinced I'm cooking a girly mashmallow! Part of me wishes I could be yellow but I want to know! :)

Shopping wise I'll probably wait till the 20week scan before I buy anything like I did last time. When I was pregnant with my first a thread was started with a list of what to buy what you might like etc which was really useful. When I'm on the laptop later U'll see if I can copy it and start a new thread for us :) x
Slimbrit- :wave: I'm doing okay if you don't count the fatigue, mood swings and the couple bits of nausea :rofl: hope you're feeling well :flower:
Sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: the same thing happened to my cousin at 18w. We aren't super close, but I cried for her. Fingers crossed for a healthy 9months!

:wave: Yep, definitely having all three of those too! I feel good as long as my tummy is never empty. Do you know when your first scan will be? I'm hoping I'll have mine on my birthday. I'll be 10 weeks exactly!

Thank you. It's definitely easier to talk about now than it was then. I'm focusing on enjoying every day that I'm pregnant and enjoying every pregnancy symptom and milestone. We're already 1/10th of the way through! WOOHOO! :yipee:

I will probably wait till we find out gender too. Is this your first? I need to look online at a generic list of everything I need:) It gets overwhelming when friends say you need this and that and don't forget that! And I am not thinking about that stuff yet. Do you find out the gender at 20 weeks?? Elizabeth

This will be our first baby! Yeah, I remember the group I was in for my last pregnancy, they made a list of everything you'll need and it was extremely overwhelming!

I know some who have found out the gender at 15 weeks (they were boys), but I would try to wait until maybe 18 weeks. Normally, the 20 week anatomy scan is when you would find out. It's a really in-depth ultrasound with a high efficiency machine and allows them to see all of your baby's organs and blood flow, really cool. They won't mistake the sex of your baby on that one!

I'm sorry for your loss last time, SlimBrit. I really hope that this bean is sticky for you, happy and healthy 9 months! :hugs:

DF and I have been looking at baby stuff to get an idea of things we'll want after we find out the gender. When is everyone thinking about having their shower? I'm thinking between 25 and 30 weeks for me.

Aaaaand here's my Week 5 "bump" picture:

Thank you! I hope we ALL have an amazing 9 months! :flower:

I'm thinking that our shower will be right around 27-30 weeks. I don't want to wait too long and be too big to move around freely. I also want to have time to check out what we've been given and compare that with everything we need so we can finish that list. Plus, it'll be in the summertime, and we'll be able to have a "fun in the sun" shower!:happydance:
I got my scaaaaan... Valentine's Day! 10:30AM! Gosh I hope everything will be well because it would be the best valentine ever, a picture of our wee bean. I'll be 7 weeks, so we should definitely be able to see them!

Also, I have been dry heaving all morning and woke up at 4AM. Not fun, not fun at all.
I don't think the pregnancy is sticking :cry: my tests are no longer visible and digis say not pregnant...I'm 14 dpo now and it should be darker... I'm devastated right now and not very hopeful :cry:
Have you had any spotting?

I had a negative pregnancy test at my doctor's office at 15 dpo, and an almost negative test 16 dpo after having had several positive prior to those. I cried all day, I thought for sure it was a no-go for me. However, at 17 dpo I tested again and it was darker than ever.

I don't want to get your hopes up, because chemical pregnancies are common, but it is possible that your urine is just overly diluted. I might add that when I tested negative at my doctor's office her test measured 20 miu, so it was supposed to be pretty sensitive. My blood test came back at 74, so plenty high for that test to have picked up, but for whatever reason it wasn't showing in my urine.

Get in for blood work. It is the only sure way to know.
If its a chemical should I get my period soon? Or would my body wait till the next cycle to have AF?
Not really spotting... I has brown smearing at 9 and 10 dpo and a very small amount of the brown smearing yesterday.
Not really spotting... I has brown smearing at 9 and 10 dpo and a very small amount of the brown smearing yesterday.

I agree with Maze. Go see about getting blood work done. When I was going through my previous loss, I had bright red spotting. Dark or brown spotting seems to be a common occurrence for some. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Not really spotting... I has brown smearing at 9 and 10 dpo and a very small amount of the brown smearing yesterday.

That middle test was 16 DPO. The bottom one was 17 DPO, the one at the top was my original positive test.

If you had a chemical, your period would come and your cycle probably wouldn't be that affected. :hugs:
I'm trying to post my picture but I can't do it! How did ya'll get your pictures up?

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