Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Wonderful news Lindss.

sbmack - glad its slowing down. Its so scary but I am sure everything is just fine.

Welcome MirandaH - Congratulations.
May I please join? My due date is October 18. :flower:

Welcome! I'm due the 17th so we're right about the same place :)

Morning ladies!! I just got back from my ultrasound, and I got to see the baby!! And its little heart beating!!! I am so thrilled that everything looks normal, and that it has a heart!!!:happydance::happydance: Of course I cried, cuz Im a basketcase!! They changed my due date by three days to Oct 4th!!, so just need to figure out how to change my ticker!!

Yay! Congrats :) so awesome to get to hear a little heartbeat!

Afm, I just had my first OB appointment. Really just took blood (which still hurts! Ow!) hoping for some good numbers in a couple of days :)
So nausea has kicked in...ugh. I know I feel better when I eat, but there's nothing that sounds even remotely appetizing to me at all! Any other ladies having this? What are some things that you guys are eating and keeping down?
So nausea has kicked in...ugh. I know I feel better when I eat, but there's nothing that sounds even remotely appetizing to me at all! Any other ladies having this? What are some things that you guys are eating and keeping down?

I have been vomiting about 10 times a day for the last few days, and I am sure it would be more than that if I didn't fight it. It can be really hard to find stuff you want to eat during this period... sometimes you'll find your body weirdly craving high fat high calorie items to make up for what you haven't been eating.

My suggestion is to eat things that are pretty healthy. Soup, toast, fruit slices. I find mentally knowing what you're putting into you is good for you and the baby helps with the aversion. Also, they are a bit easier coming back up than some heavier food items.

Sip on some gingerale and make sure you have a pack of soda crackers in your purse. :hugs:
Afm, I just had my first OB appointment. Really just took blood (which still hurts! Ow!) hoping for some good numbers in a couple of days :)

Oh, also, I was glad that the doc said they would def call me with the results (both hcg and progesterone) since I m/c'd last time. He said he would personally look over all my numbers and if the progesterone was below 15 he'd offer me supplements. I'm really glad that they are being very thorough this time :) I also scheduled my first u/s for March 6! I pushed it to 8 weeks so that I would for sure be able to see/hear something :cloud9:
So nausea has kicked in...ugh. I know I feel better when I eat, but there's nothing that sounds even remotely appetizing to me at all! Any other ladies having this? What are some things that you guys are eating and keeping down?

I have been vomiting about 10 times a day for the last few days, and I am sure it would be more than that if I didn't fight it. It can be really hard to find stuff you want to eat during this period... sometimes you'll find your body weirdly craving high fat high calorie items to make up for what you haven't been eating.

My suggestion is to eat things that are pretty healthy. Soup, toast, fruit slices. I find mentally knowing what you're putting into you is good for you and the baby helps with the aversion. Also, they are a bit easier coming back up than some heavier food items.

Sip on some gingerale and make sure you have a pack of soda crackers in your purse. :hugs:

Thanks love! You poor thing throwing up that much :(
For me its just 2 or 3 x a day...but the sick feeling is constant. I appreciate the suggestions! Trying to get a bowl of fruit down now
Hey ladies!

I am happy to report that my poor bum has healed and I can have a normal BM without passing out from the pain! :wohoo:

However, I have been having much more pains and cramps from all the GAS! My goodness, you would think I was carrying around a fart machine! I wake up every morning to a bloated stomach and spend the first hour letting it rip. And every afternoon it's the same thing! It's so embarassing. :blush: Is anyone else dealing with this? I always catch myself freaking out because I think they're uterine cramps, but then I smell something stinky and remember it's just my gas. :(
So nausea has kicked in...ugh. I know I feel better when I eat, but there's nothing that sounds even remotely appetizing to me at all! Any other ladies having this? What are some things that you guys are eating and keeping down?

YES!!! ME!!! This morning I woke up and I was SO hungry but everything my husband mentioned to eat was just no appetizing at all. In fact, after listing off a bunch of foods my body somehow convinced me that I wasn't even hungry anymore. We end up driving to Wendy's so that I could have a Chicken Caesar Snack Wrap. Not sure what it is about them that my body is craving (i think its the chicken with the lettuce?) I know it's not the healthiest of foods but it's the only thing I could stand to eat.

Hey ladies!

I am happy to report that my poor bum has healed and I can have a normal BM without passing out from the pain! :wohoo:

However, I have been having much more pains and cramps from all the GAS! My goodness, you would think I was carrying around a fart machine! I wake up every morning to a bloated stomach and spend the first hour letting it rip. And every afternoon it's the same thing! It's so embarassing. :blush: Is anyone else dealing with this? I always catch myself freaking out because I think they're uterine cramps, but then I smell something stinky and remember it's just my gas. :(

LOL!!! :haha: I WAS LIKE THIS LAST NIGHT!! I was freaking out and telling DH that I think I need to go to the emergency room because I was having pain and cramping... he suggested I go lay down and relax. I did... and when I was all alone I realized that it was just gas!! :blush: lol!! Feeling much better today!!! :blush: :haha:
Hey ladies!

I am happy to report that my poor bum has healed and I can have a normal BM without passing out from the pain! :wohoo:

However, I have been having much more pains and cramps from all the GAS! My goodness, you would think I was carrying around a fart machine! I wake up every morning to a bloated stomach and spend the first hour letting it rip. And every afternoon it's the same thing! It's so embarassing. :blush: Is anyone else dealing with this? I always catch myself freaking out because I think they're uterine cramps, but then I smell something stinky and remember it's just my gas. :(

I get this a LOT!! Luckily I drive a lot for work so no one has to smell it too much. But I have thought I was getting sharp pains in my left ovary/tube only to realise it was really bad gas! :dohh:
Yes i am feeling really sick but luckily not being sick. Crackers work pretty well for me
So nausea has kicked in...ugh. I know I feel better when I eat, but there's nothing that sounds even remotely appetizing to me at all! Any other ladies having this? What are some things that you guys are eating and keeping down?

YES!!! ME!!! This morning I woke up and I was SO hungry but everything my husband mentioned to eat was just no appetizing at all. In fact, after listing off a bunch of foods my body somehow convinced me that I wasn't even hungry anymore. We end up driving to Wendy's so that I could have a Chicken Caesar Snack Wrap. Not sure what it is about them that my body is craving (i think its the chicken with the lettuce?) I know it's not the healthiest of foods but it's the only thing I could stand to eat.

Hey ladies!

I am happy to report that my poor bum has healed and I can have a normal BM without passing out from the pain! :wohoo:

However, I have been having much more pains and cramps from all the GAS! My goodness, you would think I was carrying around a fart machine! I wake up every morning to a bloated stomach and spend the first hour letting it rip. And every afternoon it's the same thing! It's so embarassing. :blush: Is anyone else dealing with this? I always catch myself freaking out because I think they're uterine cramps, but then I smell something stinky and remember it's just my gas. :(

LOL!!! :haha: I WAS LIKE THIS LAST NIGHT!! I was freaking out and telling DH that I think I need to go to the emergency room because I was having pain and cramping... he suggested I go lay down and relax. I did... and when I was all alone I realized that it was just gas!! :blush: lol!! Feeling much better today!!! :blush: :haha:

HA! We were both freaking out for nothing. :haha: How are we going to make it these next 7-8 months without going insane?!?

Hey ladies!

I am happy to report that my poor bum has healed and I can have a normal BM without passing out from the pain! :wohoo:

However, I have been having much more pains and cramps from all the GAS! My goodness, you would think I was carrying around a fart machine! I wake up every morning to a bloated stomach and spend the first hour letting it rip. And every afternoon it's the same thing! It's so embarassing. :blush: Is anyone else dealing with this? I always catch myself freaking out because I think they're uterine cramps, but then I smell something stinky and remember it's just my gas. :(

I get this a LOT!! Luckily I drive a lot for work so no one has to smell it too much. But I have thought I was getting sharp pains in my left ovary/tube only to realise it was really bad gas! :dohh:

I always feel so bad for the people around me! I work in an office full of cubicles crammed together and it's really easy for smells to travel. Thankfully, someone just bought some Scentsy and keeps it in our area! Thank God for Scentsy! :haha:
Haha!! Did they buy it as a hint that someone's stinking the office out? Or had they already bought it?? Lol.

I'm absolutely already suffering from pregnancy brain! And all my co-workers are noticing. They keep asking what is wrong with me at the moment because I'm just not with it at all. And my memory is atrocious. I was trying to give our admin lady directions earlier. I was like...
'you go over THAT roundabout'
'what roundabout?'
'the one with that place on it, you know the one'
'what place?'
'the place where you go to eat, you get pizza.... Oh that's right, pizza hut!!' :dohh:
Ugh, don't even get me started on the gas! At least DF is polite enough to pretend that it didn't happen when I accidentally let one rip while he's in the room. I've been burping a lot more than farting though. :wacko:

I've pretty much had a sick feeling all day long as well. So far I have't thrown up (except a tiny bit in my mouth sometimes, which is gross, but at least it's not full fledged vomiting) at all though. I've also noticed a lack of appetite now, which is weird because during week 4 and most of week 5 I was starving and couldn't eat enough food, no matter what food it was.

I've noticed that grains, fruits, and dairy products seem to go down okay for me. I think the dairy only works though because my stomach is very used to dairy as I consumed a lot of dairy products pre-pregnancy. Pears, chicken, eggs, toast, yogurt, cereal, and oddly enough Spaghettio's have been easier for me to eat than most foods lately. Bland foods are the best thing that you can eat during this time period because there isn't enough flavor to trigger nausea.
Sore/Swollen Breasts [ ] Headaches [ ] Gas [ ] Nausea [ ]
Vomiting [ ] Bloating [ ] Constipation [ ] Backaches [ ]
Cramps [ ] Spotting [ ] Increased CM [ ] Frequent Urination [ ]
Fatigue [ ] Vivid Dreams [ ] Cravings [ ] Food Aversion [ ]
Emotional [ ] Insomnia [ ] Increased Appetite [ ] Increased Energy [ ]
Heightened Sense of Smell [ ] Acne [ ] Oily Hair [ ] Dry Hair [ ]

Just copy and paste this into your reply and put an x in the box(es) that apply to you! This way you can connect better with other members who are feeling some of the same things you are!

I know this might be early for some of our newer members, but you can always redo the checklist in the coming weeks if your symptoms haven't had a chance to kick in yet. :)
Sore/Swollen Breasts [ x ] Headaches [ ] Gas [ x ] Nausea [ x ]
Vomiting [ x ] Bloating [ ] Constipation [ x ] Backaches [ x ]
Cramps [ ] Spotting [ ] Increased CM [ x ] Frequent Urination [ x ]
Fatigue [ x ] Vivid Dreams [ x ] Cravings [ x ] Food Aversion [ x ]
Emotional [ x ] Insomnia [ x ] Increased Appetite [ ] Increased Energy [ ]
Heightened Sense of Smell [ x ] Acne [ x ] Oily Hair [ x ] Dry Hair [ ]
Ladies! I'm not happy!! :cry:

Check out my thread.

I'm so upset about this - probably hormones but I'm feeling so crappy right now. :cry:
Sore/Swollen Breasts [ ] Headaches [ ] Gas [x] Nausea [x]
Vomiting [ ] Bloating [x] Constipation [ ] Backaches [x]
Cramps [ ] Spotting [ ] Increased CM [x] Frequent Urination [x]
Fatigue [x] Vivid Dreams [x] Cravings [ ] Food Aversion [x]
Emotional [x] Insomnia [ ] Increased Appetite [ ] Increased Energy [ ]
Heightened Sense of Smell [ ] Acne [ ] Oily Hair [ ] Dry Hair [ ]

I'm getting a lot of nausea but haven't quite thrown up yet, nearly threw up over someone at work today though!! :haha:
I'm suffer with back problems anyway so that normally creates a problem during AF so why wouldn't it now?! Better with rest!
CM - keep running to the loo scared that I'm bleeding. Nope, just tons of cm!
Emotions are a roller coaster ride right now - screaming one minute, sobbing the next. Lol.
The only food aversion I have is peanut butter. I usually love the stuff, right now even the thought of it makes me feel sick!!

ETA - my skin has actually cleared up since getting my bfp! And I haven't have vivid dreams for a few days now.
Sore/Swollen Breasts [ x ] Headaches [ x ] Gas [x ] Nausea [ x ]
Vomiting [ ] Bloating [x ] Constipation [ ] Backaches [ ]
Cramps [ ] Spotting [ ] Increased CM [ ] Frequent Urination [ x ]
Fatigue [x ] Vivid Dreams [ x ] Cravings [ ] Food Aversion [ ]
Emotional [ ] Insomnia [ ] Increased Appetite [ ] Increased Energy [ ]
Heightened Sense of Smell [ ] Acne [ ] Oily Hair [ ] Dry Hair [ ]

I dreamt last night that the baby's cot was in my parents' back garden and the baby had teeth. Apparently dreaming about babies with teeth is quite common.
Sore/Swollen Breasts [x] Headaches [x] Gas [x]

Nausea [x] Vomiting [ ] Bloating [x]

Constipation [ ] Backaches [ x] Cramps [x]

Spotting [ ] Increased CM [x] Frequent Urination [x]

Fatigue [x] Vivid Dreams [x] Cravings [x]

Food Aversion [x] Emotional [x] Insomnia [ ]

Increased Appetite [ ] Increased Energy [ ] Heightened Sense of Smell [ ]

Acne [x] Oily Hair [x] Dry Hair [ ]

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