Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Hey ladies!

Sorry to hear some of you are going through a stressful time :hugs::hugs:

Scans look great though :thumbup:

Afm nothing much to report still with sore, swollen bbs on and off, nothing other than that as yet... now 12 days late for af so hopefully all is well. I woke up on Friday feeling a little worried about lack of symptoms and yes crazy I know....did another hpt :blush: it was super positive :happydance:

This wait between the bfp and 1st scan is so nerve wracking!:wacko: this is my 1st preg, so I'm allowing myself a little craziness!

Oh oh oh....I know its not on the list but can I be MAMA BUTTERFLY?? I adore them and find them so spiritual, they're the symbol of new life....:kiss::kiss:

hehe glad to know I'm not the only one who keeps doing HPT's :D its very reassuring to see that super dark line :)
Congrats Junebugs nice surprise for Valentines day for the hubby. Its nice having kids close in age. My son turned 2 the week before my daughter was born and its nice to see them playing together now.

Thanks! I am glad to hear you say that, it is always nice to hear stories from other mommas with 2 under 2 and hearing how close they are ! It makes me feel like i'm not so crazy after all! Hehehehehhe

Can I join please, due Oct 29th I think?? Can I be mamawolverine please. This is No 10 for us lol:)

OMG !!!!!!! 10!!!!!! Thats awesome!!!! You go girl!

My first pregnancy last November ended in m/c and from the moment we found out I kept saying to OH ...if we reach that far. It was really irritating him but then we did end up losing that little bean. It was as if something inside me knew. This one, however, I just have that feeling that it's going to stick. I had absolutely no worries until last night when I woke from a bad dream.
It was about 4am and I woke up dripping with sweat, I'd got myself tangled in the duvet and was dreaming that I'd starting bleeding but couldn't get loose to get to the bathroom.

I also waited to tell OH until valentines. I wrapped up a digi with a pregnancy book. I think he nearly cried. Lol.

I really feel its true, I've so far never been wrong with going with my gut! Like I said thou, we always still worry, no matter what. I'm sorry about that dream, some of the pregnancy dreams can be CRAZY and feel soooooo real! They can be REALLY scary sometimes.

Oh that's so cute that he nearly cried!!!! I didn't get that from my husband but he was def. shocked! We only started trying 2 months ago so we didnt think it was gonna happen this fast.

:hi: JUNEBUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs: I'm so happy you're here with meeee!! AGAIN!!! :D :D

YAY ZOMBIE!!!!!!!! I am so happy we get to go through another 9 months together!!!!! Do you know if any of the other girls that got there BFP are on this thread yet? I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!
Just watched 2 hours worth of a dog rescue show (Pit Bulls and Parolees) and was pretty much bawling the entire time. Not even just tears, like fun on bawling. Oye. Stupid hormones!
So, I went to SRC's 30th anniversary party tonight with Colin and we played black jack with fake money to win tickets for prizes. It was actually pretty fun (though the catering was awful). Guess who won three black jacks in a row when going all in at the end of the night? This gal! :happydance:

And the list is now:

Mama Otter ~ KalonKiki
Mama Lion ~ POSD17
Mama Bear ~ Lindss
Mama Fox ~ Girly922
Mama Duck ~ Sheffie
Mama Mouse
Mama Hawk
Mama Rabbit ~ Lozga
Mama Panda
Mama Raccoon
Mama Tiger ~ MilosMommy7
Mama Leopard ~ Junebugs
Mama Eagle
Mama Giraffe
Mama Cat ~ broodymrs
Mama Wolf ~ ZombieKitten
Mama Deer
Mama Penguin ~ SisterRose
Mama Hedgehog
Mama Dolphin
Mama Monkey ~ healthb4baby
Mama Zebra ~ Lownthwaite
Mama Kangaroo ~ callmemaybbby
Mama Koala
Mama Owl ~ tx614
Mama Swan
Mama Squirrel
Mama Chinchilla
Mama Hen
Mama Sheep
Mama Panther ~ SlimBrit
Mama Husky
Mama Coyote
Mama Bat
Mama Badger
Mama Horse ~ hollie87
Mama Seal
Mama Peacock
Mama Wolverine ~ 6lilpigs
Mama Turtle ~ MirandaH
Mama Alpaca
Mama Moose
Mama Beaver
Mama Gazelle
Mama Lemur
Mama Chickadee ~ Murmurs0110
Mama Chipmunk
Mama Mongoose
Mama Sugar Glider
Mama Platypus
Mama Pika
Mama Butterfly ~ lady1985
Mama Ladybug
Mama Elephant ~ goddess25
Mama Chihuahua ~ liz0012

So I haven't been on all week as I have been really tired and nauseas and the pages on this thread have more than doubled hahaha I had my hcg levels tested on Wed and results came in on Friday and I am now at 35,000 which means they are 10 times higher than my previous test around 5 days before so dr said "you are well and truly pregnant" lol I told her how I had been feeling and she expects m/s is going to hit me hard, I have everything crossed it won't as I am not sure how I am going to be able to handle this... I have no appetite and the thought of eating makes me want to hurl... So I have been forcing as much food as I can handle but its not going down too well... Think I am going to end up losing weight as I love food and eating so my body is going to get quite a shock at the change in the amount of food i have been having. This morning was my first actual vomiting episode and it was painful as I had no stomach contents, I had eaten some KFC chips at like 6pm which was like 14hours earlier so they were already gone... Erghhhhh :sick:

I checked hcg levels and they can reach 2000,000+ in 1st tri. Then level to around 50,000 for final 2 tri and that is suppose to be when m/s calms down... I am thinking.... Well I was at 35,000 on wed so by now I should be up closer to 70,000 and thinking this level might be what I have in 2nd and 3rd tri so is this the amount of nausea I am going to have then too? Lol I am just starting to get anxious that I won't be able to handle feeling that sick for that amount of time... And to think some have m/s for their whole pregnancy has me even more worried lol :cry:

Dr told us to pick which hospital we want then she will give us the referral and we can go and pick our dr... It's all starting to sink in now... We have a wedding on Saturday so it's going to be hard to hide the fact I'm not drinking as pregnancy is going to be the first thing everyone places the reason on being a newlywed... We will still be around 4or5 weeks out of 2nd tri which is when we want to announce...

Hi Hun! I was just thinking about you and how your test went :hugs: I'm so relieved for you, your numbers are looking awesome!
I'm so sorry ms has caught up with you :sick: my gf who is 26 weeks has hyperemeses gravidarum, she is so ill she has to take meds to stop her from throwing up as she not only throws up from smells but from absolutely nothing she can't prepair food or keep anything down, she can no longer drive because its affecting her vision. She's on zofran, and something else at night to help her sleep. Her meds were helping her for a while but now she seems to be suffering again, if your ms gets to the point that you can't eat please make sure you check in with your dr because no food in your tummy means no nutrients for baby. I hear lemon and ginger infused tea is helpful for ms, peppermint tea is also good for an upset tummy. Have you tried snacking on little things like ritz crackers or jatz? Even saladas? Apparently eating a little snack before you sit up in bed helps with the nausea. I'm so grateful, but I actually haven't been all to bad, only slight nausea here and there everyday. Tired all the time, I actually fell asleep driving yesterday :wacko: just a micro sleep but it really scared me, I really don't know what to do about that :shrug:

Oh picking your dr, wow that will just make it so real! We have a scan on sat so we are really excited about that, hoping we will hear a heartbeat :winkwink: we are going to get the us copied and put them in a farm for the grandma and nan as our way of announcing! Then that for us will be really real! We have already had a few friends guess, as we are quite a social bunch and enjoy our drinks so a few clapped on much earlier than we would have liked but its ok, IF something were to go wrong I know those few friends would be so supportive and I would rather have a support group than for us to have to bare that on our own :) but ultimately we do want to wait until end of 1st tri hehehe!! Your fresh out of luck at a wedding though that's exactly what I would guess too! :haha: will you tell them if they guess? Aside from ms how are you feeling?
So, I went to SRC's 30th anniversary party tonight with Colin and we played black jack with fake money to win tickets for prizes. It was actually pretty fun (though the catering was awful). Guess who won three black jacks in a row when going all in at the end of the night? This gal! :happydance:

And the list is now:

Mama Otter ~ KalonKiki
Mama Lion ~ POSD17
Mama Bear ~ Lindss
Mama Fox ~ Girly922
Mama Duck ~ Sheffie
Mama Mouse
Mama Hawk
Mama Rabbit ~ Lozga
Mama Panda
Mama Raccoon
Mama Tiger ~ MilosMommy7
Mama Leopard ~ Junebugs
Mama Eagle
Mama Giraffe
Mama Cat ~ broodymrs
Mama Wolf ~ ZombieKitten
Mama Deer
Mama Penguin ~ SisterRose
Mama Hedgehog
Mama Dolphin
Mama Monkey ~ healthb4baby
Mama Zebra ~ Lownthwaite
Mama Kangaroo ~ callmemaybbby
Mama Koala
Mama Owl ~ tx614
Mama Swan
Mama Squirrel
Mama Chinchilla
Mama Hen
Mama Sheep
Mama Panther ~ SlimBrit
Mama Husky
Mama Coyote
Mama Bat
Mama Badger
Mama Horse ~ hollie87
Mama Seal
Mama Peacock
Mama Wolverine ~ 6lilpigs
Mama Turtle ~ MirandaH
Mama Alpaca
Mama Moose
Mama Beaver
Mama Gazelle
Mama Lemur
Mama Chickadee ~ Murmurs0110
Mama Chipmunk
Mama Mongoose
Mama Sugar Glider
Mama Platypus
Mama Pika
Mama Butterfly ~ lady1985
Mama Ladybug
Mama Elephant ~ goddess25
Mama Chihuahua ~ liz0012

I'm not sure what this is all about, but my nickname from my hubby for ages has been Mama Koala!! I'd love to be M. Koala!!!!
Oh wow, I come from a family of 10 (I'm baby #4). We're 7 girls and 3 boys though. Are you hoping for a boy this time to have an even set of 5 of each gender or are you team :yellow:? Will this be your last baby or are you planning on having more?

Thats cool!! Do you like coming from a big group?? We have 5 pinks and 4 blues and I would love another little boy for the family, I am a great believer in swaying!! I don't know if we will have more, I expect so, but I am already noticing a mental change in myself,pregnancy brain and can honestly admit I am dreading the next 8 monthe because of it :( I have done some stupid things already.
Just watched 2 hours worth of a dog rescue show (Pit Bulls and Parolees) and was pretty much bawling the entire time. Not even just tears, like fun on bawling. Oye. Stupid hormones!

I literally cried listening to Brad Paisley's "If He's Anything Like Me". It was ridiculous.
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is havingaa lovely weekend! My sister who is six years younger than me (27) announced last night that she is pregnant, and due the week before me! What are the odds! Now my sis and I can go through this together! At family dinner each week and weekends at the cottage, I will have someone to NOT drink with! So thrilled!!
hey ladies! How are you all feeling?? My breasts hurt still...really bad! I got ms really bad too. No throwing up but I went to the mall yesterday and I asked to use their restroom, I so thought it was on, but just nauseous. I hate it. My mom lives out of town so I have been visiting with her. We went shopping and she bought be a bunch of maternity clothes. It was weird seeing myself in those clothes:) I tried on the belly while I was there and it was strange! I went into normal stores and I just got depressed trying on shirts. My chest has already grown and I am not comfortable trying on normal stuff. Does anyone else feel like that?? I got kind of sad trying on bras too! I know this is happening and I am excited for my belly to grow, but I am not use to it and it's hard to see myself changing. Tell me this is normal since this is my first and the first time I am changing!
I dont know if it's because i am so early but i really dont feel anything. I have had some back pain but thats about it really.....
So I still won't know what's really going on until Monday, but I'm feeling optimistic. I haven't been bleeding all weekend. Just some light brown spotting on and off. No cramping either. I would think that if I were miscarrying I would be bleeding. Also, thanks ladies for chiming in to say that my levels didn't seem that off, it has helped to ease my worry a bit. I really wish the midwife didn't call with such a grim outlook on Friday. It's really made for a horrible weekend. I have been feeling better though because the lack of bleeding.
So I still won't know what's really going on until Monday, but I'm feeling optimistic. I haven't been bleeding all weekend. Just some light brown spotting on and off. No cramping either. I would think that if I were miscarrying I would be bleeding. Also, thanks ladies for chiming in to say that my levels didn't seem that off, it has helped to ease my worry a bit. I really wish the midwife didn't call with such a grim outlook on Friday. It's really made for a horrible weekend. I have been feeling better though because the lack of bleeding.

I am glad you are feeling better! :hugs:

I am having nasuea at night; really late. Anyone else having this? It is like right before I go to bed and it is hard to get to sleep!
YAY ZOMBIE!!!!!!!! I am so happy we get to go through another 9 months together!!!!! Do you know if any of the other girls that got there BFP are on this thread yet? I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited toooo!!!! I havent seen any of the other ladies on here yet. I know a few of them are ahead of us so they're in the other threads (I believe Steph is in the August thread?) Not sure where everyone else is hiding... I'll have to do some stalking ;)

Hi Ladies, hope everyone is havingaa lovely weekend! My sister who is six years younger than me (27) announced last night that she is pregnant, and due the week before me! What are the odds! Now my sis and I can go through this together! At family dinner each week and weekends at the cottage, I will have someone to NOT drink with! So thrilled!!

Thats wonderful Lindss! Congrats!! We always have each other to vent to but sometimes it's nice to have someone in person to share the experience with, especially someone so close to you such as your sister! How exciting!!
So I still won't know what's really going on until Monday, but I'm feeling optimistic. I haven't been bleeding all weekend. Just some light brown spotting on and off. No cramping either. I would think that if I were miscarrying I would be bleeding. Also, thanks ladies for chiming in to say that my levels didn't seem that off, it has helped to ease my worry a bit. I really wish the midwife didn't call with such a grim outlook on Friday. It's really made for a horrible weekend. I have been feeling better though because the lack of bleeding.

I am glad you are feeling better! :hugs:

I am having nasuea at night; really late. Anyone else having this? It is like right before I go to bed and it is hard to get to sleep!

Yes, me too! i have the worst nausea when I am laying in bed or when I get up at night to pee. I do not throw up though, just nauseous.
Glad your feeling more positive sbmack. Midwives are a bit like that sometimes.
Well this morning I've been having tan watery discharge when I wipe. I havnt had any spotting since Wednesday ( the day I got my bfp). So now I'm freaked out! I have a dr appointment Tuesday and of course I can't get ahold of my dr today and may but be able to tomorrow since its a holiday. Any advice?

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