Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

We already have boy and girl names picked out :flower:
For a boy we will name him Beau Evans and for a girl we will name her Colette True.
Can I take a moment to complain?

I've wanted a baby for years, and now that I'm finally pregnant, I'm so bored! I think it started when we thought we were 3 weeks ahead of the dating scan. I had done a ton of research for each day of the pregnancy and now that I'm where we thought we already were, it's just like "Hohum. Been here."

I have absolutely no ms, my bbs are not all that sore anymore, I get some cramps/pulling and some heartburn, but for the most part, I don't feel any different than I do the day before AF.

I feel so guilty. I've wanted this for so long, and now I'm just kind of "whatever". I'm not showing, I obviously don't feel any movement, and I don't "feel" pregnant.

Definitely not feeling the joy like everyone tells me I should be. :-(

Hey hun, I'm feeling the same not 'bored' as such but in 'limbo' waiting. I too tried for nearly 2 years so i've been looking forward to this soooo much!

However after having a very early loss in January then catching straight away the next cycle I'm very on edge about this one. Symptoms are very weak and it worries me that my hormone level's must be low...I can't stop worrying. (even though my close friend had no symptoms at all and now she is 7 months preg!)i have my 1st scan tomorrow, I should be excited but i'm just crazy scared he's going to give me bad news...

It's easy to feel 'whatever' but just be cautious at the same time! :hugs::hugs:
We already have boy and girl names picked out :flower:
For a boy we will name him Beau Evans and for a girl we will name her Colette True.

LOVE those names! We can't agree on any! My hubby has come up w one name for a girl and that's it, Juliette. I'm not a fan, and he hates every name I've hard!
So I am very very sick... haven't gotten at home IV therapy sorted yet and yesterday I once more got to the end of my rope. Couldn't keep a single drink or snippet of food down all day, and even when my stomach was empty and all that was left was bile I still kept being sick. So my mom drove me to the hospital to be re-hydrated. My skin was flaking, my eyes were bloodshot and my lips were a weird pale colour and were splitting.

The ER didn't send me right through, which at first I was like, okay... maybe someone has a heart problem ahead of me, I can wait a little. Nope, they didn't consider my situation a priority at all.. and when after throwing up again I couldn't see straight and wobbled up to the help desk, telling them I felt like I was going to pass out, they simply told me that there was still a couple people ahead of me but that I could lay on a stretcher in the corridor if I wanted.

They showed me to the stretcher, the hallway was far away from any bathrooms or nurses or anyone really. I laid down and suddenly felt very unsafe. I had nowhere to throw up but the floor and if I had to go to the bathroom I was scared that I wouldn't be able to make it without passing out and if I did no one would see me go down. My mom couldn't stay with me because she had to watch my kids. I thought, surely they'll see me soon or someone will come to check on me.

Nope. I laid there for an additional hour and a half with not so much as the ER volunteer coming around to see if I was any worse. My stomach was starting to tighten and my back was very sore, I started feeling panicked and needing a drink so very badly. I tried to get up from the stretcher but nearly toppled right off. So I called my mom and asked her to call the ER reception to find out where I was in line. The lady who spoke to her snapped at her, told her I hadn't been seen yet and that she saw me texting so knows I have my phone and that she can call me on that. (I was not texting at any point.)

I waited longer... I should add that when I showed up there were only two people in the waiting room and it had now been closing in on four hours. I got off the stretcher and braced the wall all the way back to the waiting room. When I asked, rather desperately, where I was in line the woman there just got annoyed with me and told me she couldn't say. I wanted to snap. I called my mom and she picked me up, drove me to the next town over, where I was bumped right ahead of the line and had an IV in me within ten minutes of showing up to their ER, because yeah... I was that bad (and looked it.)

I am very disturbed by how I was treated by my local hospital. I don't know what I should do about it.
OMG Maze sounds like you had a terrible time :hugs::hugs:, that is disgusting how they treated you. I would make a formal complaint about the receptionist and the hospital neglecting to see to you and that the hospital that you then went to saw you straight away. I would send in you medical notes to say how bad you were too.

How are you feeling now? Obviously other that super p****d off! xx
Maze, that's awful. I would complain if I were you.

Slimbrit - sorry for your loss, I hope everything works out for you.

Kalcon - Loved the vid!

I am really struggling with MS at the moment. It is just constant, luckily I'm not actually being sick very much but it is a constant struggle not to be. I'm off work sick today and hopefully seeing GP tomorrow. My job is so demanding at the moment, and despite asking for help from my boss (who knows I'm pregnant) I'm just not having any help. So I am putting baby and me first and not going back until I can get through the day feeling half normal. I have also got awful backache. I'm not sure if I have jarred it through retching or if I have slept funny but it's the middle of my back rather than the bottom so hoping it isn't a concern. Will ask GP tomorrow.

On a positive note my 12 week scan appointment has come through - 21st March. I will be exactly 12 weeks. So excited as this is also my friend's due date so I may run into her in the hospital, and is also my brothers birthday. I haven't told my older brothers yet so it will be lovely to tell him on his bday. I can't wait for 12 weeks when at last I can feel 'safe' and I can also tell everyone!!
Maze - I just responded to you on your other thread. Do they have patient advocates in Canada? If so, I would call the hospital and make sure that you speak to one and file a complaint.

As for names, we found out last night that OH's grandmother (who raised him) has found a large lump in her breast, so if it is a girl, I would like to name her Lily. Not sure on a middle name. If it is a boy, we are going to name him after OH (Robert Keith).
Maze that is disgusting that u were treated that way. Write a formal complaint and keep a copy and give it to the hospital. Include the name of the receptionist, if you can get it, and def add where u were treated after so thy can access those hospital records. Imvin Canada too, by Toronto and had a similar sit w my daughter at sick kids hospital, and I wrote a formal complaint and called hospital administration, and they were very good about it and as I was at sickkids every other week for my daughters treatment, I never saw the nurse again that was so rude to us! You poor girl, u need a break!! Xx
So I am very very sick... haven't gotten at home IV therapy sorted yet and yesterday I once more got to the end of my rope. Couldn't keep a single drink or snippet of food down all day, and even when my stomach was empty and all that was left was bile I still kept being sick. So my mom drove me to the hospital to be re-hydrated. My skin was flaking, my eyes were bloodshot and my lips were a weird pale colour and were splitting.

The ER didn't send me right through, which at first I was like, okay... maybe someone has a heart problem ahead of me, I can wait a little. Nope, they didn't consider my situation a priority at all.. and when after throwing up again I couldn't see straight and wobbled up to the help desk, telling them I felt like I was going to pass out, they simply told me that there was still a couple people ahead of me but that I could lay on a stretcher in the corridor if I wanted.

They showed me to the stretcher, the hallway was far away from any bathrooms or nurses or anyone really. I laid down and suddenly felt very unsafe. I had nowhere to throw up but the floor and if I had to go to the bathroom I was scared that I wouldn't be able to make it without passing out and if I did no one would see me go down. My mom couldn't stay with me because she had to watch my kids. I thought, surely they'll see me soon or someone will come to check on me.

Nope. I laid there for an additional hour and a half with not so much as the ER volunteer coming around to see if I was any worse. My stomach was starting to tighten and my back was very sore, I started feeling panicked and needing a drink so very badly. I tried to get up from the stretcher but nearly toppled right off. So I called my mom and asked her to call the ER reception to find out where I was in line. The lady who spoke to her snapped at her, told her I hadn't been seen yet and that she saw me texting so knows I have my phone and that she can call me on that. (I was not texting at any point.)

I waited longer... I should add that when I showed up there were only two people in the waiting room and it had now been closing in on four hours. I got off the stretcher and braced the wall all the way back to the waiting room. When I asked, rather desperately, where I was in line the woman there just got annoyed with me and told me she couldn't say. I wanted to snap. I called my mom and she picked me up, drove me to the next town over, where I was bumped right ahead of the line and had an IV in me within ten minutes of showing up to their ER, because yeah... I was that bad (and looked it.)

I am very disturbed by how I was treated by my local hospital. I don't know what I should do about it.

That's awful!! I'd definitely find out how to complain and do so. The suggestion of sending hospital notes from the 2nd hospital is also a good idea. Are you planning to transfer to the second hospital or will you have to give birth at the local one? Sorry not sure how it works in Canada?
How are you feeling today? x
Maze you definitely need to complain. Its difficult to know whats going on behind the scenes in these departments, just because you turned up and there was no one in the waiting room does not mean the staff are not exceptionally busy. There could be traumas or something that arrived before. I am an RN and have worked in emerg so I know that often there are unseen things going on, HOWEVER I do think how you were treated while you were waiting was not acceptable at all and you definitely need to complain about that. It does sound like you were pretty ill and staff have been trained to recognise problems and deal with them quickly so i dont think it was right that you were ignored and left without any help. The manner of reception staff I find at most emerg departments is pretty cold and they dont deal with patients. I am so sorry you had to deal with this and you did the right thing in the end by leaving and going to another hospital.

There will be a patient liason officer or something for emerg that you can get in touch with or a complaints officer for the hospital. Definitely put it in writing before you forget how it all played out and get it sent off.
Maze you definitely need to complain. Its difficult to know whats going on behind the scenes in these departments, just because you turned up and there was no one in the waiting room does not mean the staff are not exceptionally busy. There could be traumas or something that arrived before. I am an RN and have worked in emerg so I know that often there are unseen things going on, HOWEVER I do think how you were treated while you were waiting was not acceptable at all and you definitely need to complain about that. It does sound like you were pretty ill and staff have been trained to recognise problems and deal with them quickly so i dont think it was right that you were ignored and left without any help. The manner of reception staff I find at most emerg departments is pretty cold and they dont deal with patients. I am so sorry you had to deal with this and you did the right thing in the end by leaving and going to another hospital.

There will be a patient liason officer or something for emerg that you can get in touch with or a complaints officer for the hospital. Definitely put it in writing before you forget how it all played out and get it sent off.

I know that things can be incredibly busy behind the scenes, although this hospital that doesn't really happen. They generally send real tricky emergencies to the city right away. I went there once after a window was blown in from a bad gust of wind and hit me over the head... and they transferred me from their ER to a hospital an hour away because they didn't have the resources to deal with a head trauma. It is more a hospital that is here so elderly patients can be transferred back closer to their homes for long-term care, rather than a place that will receive victims of a car accident, for example.
more of a reason to complain then if they don't accept big traumas. I am sorry you were treated this poorly. How are you feeling today?
Maze- when you get to feeling better ( soon I hope) you need to go kick some ass!

My names are already picked out.
Girl - Ripley Elizabeth Harris
Boy - Raiden Michael Harris
The middle names are both our middle names plus we have other family connections to them.
I always feel more human for the first 24 hours after receiving fluids. It is a nice break from the usual discomfort. I think I will definitely be complaining, if nothing else to the OB of the hospital. I feel like it is a serious lack of training/information.
I have no names picked out just yet, we will remain on team yellow so will have 2 picked out. We are generally good with girls names, awful with boys. DS was nameless for 5 days and I only presume it will be the same this time.
Hi ladies, thanks for the invite over. :hi:

I'm trying to stay team yellow, but unfortunately for the first week I was all Blue, since we already had Arthur Magnus considered as a name before we were pg.

But I've secretly been suspecting it's a girl for the last 2 weeks. :haha:
In which I'm stuck heavily on our name Luna Daisy.
Oh sweet moon Maze, I can't believe they treated you like that! I hope that you'll be able to put in a complaint and have justice served soon, honey. Are you feeling better today? I hope that you start feeling much better by the time Week 12 rolls around. :hugs:

We've had our boy and girl names picked out since before we got pregnant. :haha:
River Lee Ellis for a girl.
Liam Van Ellis for a boy.
Lee was my great grandmother's middle name (we always called her by her middle name as well) and she was an amazing woman (she died several months ago) and I wanted to name my first daughter after her. DF's dad is Lloyd Van and DF is Colin Van, so we figured that for a boy we would have three generations of Vans.
Oh goodness Maze! I am so sorry you had to go through that :( :hugs:
I don't know if this helps any but my local hospital's emergency department is absolutely horrible too. I have heard many horror stories from people going there, so I was super stressed about having my baby at that hospital! But my sister-in-law recently had her little one there and the maternity ward is so incredibly wonderful! So if this experience makes you worried about delivering there (not sure if this is the same place you had your other little ones or even if you plan to deliver this one there) at least there is hope! It really sucks that your local hospital ER is so horrid :( but at least you now know of a good one near by! :) No one I know bothers with our local er anymore either, its always worth the drive to the next town over!
Sorry about the awful treatment Maze. Glad you're feeling better. Hope it lasts this time!

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