Well I think I have truly reached limbo today. I look in second trimester and feel like an outsider, yet I read third and it's all cervix checking and actually being prepared! I have instead had to turn to doing some work and sorting the phone line man out at home! Hope all is well in limbo-land.
CeeCee, I am firmly of the opinion that it doesn't matter how you feed your baby, as long as you actually feed them! The breastfeeding mafia are a tough bunch but let's be honest, it just doesn't always work out and it's not for everyone. I'm going to give it a go but I plan to at least combination feed with formula once or twice a day pretty much from the off - I don't want to be pumping like a milking parlour constantly and would like daddy, grandparents etc to be able to feed and babysit too without me. My brother and I were raised on formula and we're alright! My friend is formula feeding her daughter at the moment after a month or so of breastfeeding and has found it's actually better for her colic etc, she is much more content and settled on the formula. Be comfortable with your decision for YOUR baby and who gives a shiny sh!te what anyone else thinks.
As for lists of stuff, my lists are pretty short! Here they are:
Things I've got: Not v. much. Few clothes, few blankets, a monitor, steriliser, 'grooming' set, some bibs, some muslins. Oh, and Freddie the Firefly!
Things I still need: Everything else.