Hi ladies, I've tried to catch up but oh my god there was so much I can hardly remember what's going on.!
So i'll just ask you all how you are today?
Hope you're all well.
I've been a bit ill for the past few days think stress has caused it.

I still live with my parents and OH lives with two friends and we are definately moving out, however. We are yet to view places, come up with £1000 for rent in advance AND bond, which we don't have, and move out. :'( It seems so impossible. Looked at a flat today but it was horrible. We're ideally looking for the 3 bedroom house. OH is a musician AND works in a music shop so has a LOT of things. 15 guitars being some of those things. That's not including amps etc. So we need a room JUST for all of that. We can afford the rent of that kind of place, but the bond and rent in advance is going to eff us over.
Baby has been having crazy movements. She's so close to the surface now and if I poke her she'll thump back.
Went to see some friends today who I hadn't seen in months. It's not the same though. I wish I had you lot to talk to in person because people really don't understand do they? haha.
I think i've gotten to the stage where my bladder control is crud. I sneezed yesterday and peed slightly. I felt horrible. Meh.
Is anyone else EXTREMELY uncomfy alreadyy??
And to top my moaning off, my phone is feckered. I smashed the screen when I had a tantrum a few months ago, and it still worked fine. However I was crying on the phone to the OH lastnight, and the wet must have gone into the cracked screen. Now the phone works but I can't press ANYTHING as it's touchscreen. BUGGER.
PHEW. Sorry guys. Feel annoying for typing so much. Hope you're all much better than I!