Limbo Ladies!!

From the video claire, i noticed Jaydens accent first!

Oh Ceecee, you are not having a good day. Big hugs xxxxxx

I mean I get that us Army wives are expected to move everywhere with our hubby's and I am more than prepared to do that but I just don't want to move 5 hours away from anybody I know to live somewhere I've never been and be without my best friend for 6 months. I'm freaking out enough about him going on tour without having to be completely alone for the whole 6 months as well. I'm so sorry for moaning ladies - just can't talk to anybody else about it. Have to stay strong for everybody else :( XXX

First things first, never ever say that again, ok? We've all done our fair share of moaning on here (me more than most :dohh:) and you never have to apologise for it. Secondly, you don't know for sure you'll be going to York. But if you do, you're a strong woman and you can do it :hugs: Just know we're all here for you to moan, cry, shout, scream, whatever you're feeling :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks ladies. In all honesty I know I could do it, I've been through worse things in my time but I just wanted the luxury of being close to my family whilst he was away. Thank you so much for being so supportive and understanding. I think just with everything else that news has just totally thrown me XXX
Morning girls. Hope everyone is doing well, I saw the midwife this morning and my GTT came back clear, although they lost my full blood test so I have to have that done again!!

Ceecee I do feel for you, it must be very hard!
I admire services wags, it's a bloody hard life coping for months on end without other halves, worrying about them all the time whilst at the same time trying to live a 'normal' life. Good luck CeeCee, hope you end up closer to the family - but on the plus side, York is one of my favourite ever cities, it's beautiful and that part of the country is really lovely.

I am starting to fret now. The baby has generally been quite lively so far, I've had lots of kicking especially around mealtimes and nothing to worry about. However, in the last day or so things have quietened down and today I've had hardly anything despite four glasses of water, my breakfast and a mid-morning bit of cake. Am hoping it's back to normal after lunch otherwise I'll be on panic-stations - no time for doppler usage this morning! Got a midwife appointment in the morning but can't wait 'til then. Ugh. The worry never stops does it?!
I admire services wags, it's a bloody hard life coping for months on end without other halves, worrying about them all the time whilst at the same time trying to live a 'normal' life. Good luck CeeCee, hope you end up closer to the family - but on the plus side, York is one of my favourite ever cities, it's beautiful and that part of the country is really lovely.

I am starting to fret now. The baby has generally been quite lively so far, I've had lots of kicking especially around mealtimes and nothing to worry about. However, in the last day or so things have quietened down and today I've had hardly anything despite four glasses of water, my breakfast and a mid-morning bit of cake. Am hoping it's back to normal after lunch otherwise I'll be on panic-stations - no time for doppler usage this morning! Got a midwife appointment in the morning but can't wait 'til then. Ugh. The worry never stops does it?!

argh Thomas does this to me too!! He's so active but sometimes has lazy days. I feel him from first thing in the morning but when he's quiet I won't feel him until mid afternoon :dohh: he had a long nap yesterday and I was freaking out!!
Vicki, I've been the same! Last day or so she's been very very quiet, and I don't like it. I think it's pretty normal because I can remember having the same with my Jayden lol. If you're really worried though, ALWAY speak to the midwife hun xxxx

ETA - It was around the same time 27-28 weeks, wee buggers like to frighten us! xxx
They are buggers, this tinker is in for a right telling off when they arrive! I've had a couple of little nudges since my moany post above to remind me that he or she awaits their lunch so am a little less stressy. Still very quiet though, I like it not. Will see if lunch wakes them up properly now!

Nice news: just found out one of my uni friends is expecting her first in November! Am passing on assorted bits of advice from my extensive experience!

Nasty news: also just found out from our plasterer who is at our house today that the ceilings in two of our bedrooms need replacing as they're currently hanging by a thread from the joists! This was just supposed to be a filling-in-and-skimming job and he's now having to re-board the entire thing! Argh! Today's tip: never buy an old house!
Vicki- my bubba did exactly the same thing last weekend. I was freaking out but by the start of the week, he was back to normal. They do like to put the frighteners on us though!

CeeCee- I honestly think you're stronger than you realise. I know it can be tough to be away from all of your family, especially as you had already made plans for being nearer to them. Although I had my OH, I moved up here 5 hours away from my family when I was 17 to be with my OH. I can't say it's been easy and I do still miss them all lots, but it made me realise that I can be strong on my own. If I can do it, then you DEFINITELY can!! Best case scenario- you may not even end up in York anyway. And if you do, we are all here to support you :)

And yay Sequeena- officially a 3rd tri-er now! :)
How has everyones day been?

Moany Manda is out again... Im in pain. God knows what the little lad is doing in there but my back hurts, my hips hurt and my foof hurts the most. He feels like he is seriously in my bum too

And I love her to death but I have had enough of little Miss Madam today. She has developed such an attitude over the last couple of weeks, answering back and not doing as she is told. Where has my angel gone? I mean obviously she had her moments before but this is just one continuous battle of wills, me against her. I sooooooo shouldnt have let her sleep this afternoon but I was shattered and needed 5 minutes peace, now she is crashing around in her room and singing Wind the Bobbin Up :wacko:

On the plus side OH said he would stay in with me this evening!!

Lets hope tomorrow is slightly better xx
Ceecee- so sorry you're feeling crappy and can't believe you had to have a lock on it to claim. :( :hugs: & good luck hun, If you do end up having to move. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you thinking you have to be away from both your family and OH. You're very brave, and just remember we're all here for you. And never feel bad about having to rant or talk about feeling crap. We all do it and that's what we're here for :) xx

BabyNo1.- Great news about the GTT but not about redoing a blood test. I can't remember how many times the hospital have messed up and lost my results in my life grrr.

Kim- I wish I could borrow money but my parents are struggling enough. My nan might be able to afford to but she's already given me £500 towards baby things and i'd hate to take anything more from her. :( We'll work it out. It just sickens me that it'll cost £1000 in advance, and £500 a month for not very nice places. There's a lovely cottage going in the country for less than £500 but then we'd be spending a fortune on petrol. Sigh.

Vicki- Sorry about your ceiling! :( so annoying when there's more to fix than you expect.

Claire- your boy is such a clever little man, and what a cutie :) Love the accent too! bless him!

Barbles- Hope you have a better day tommorow. I'm very uncomfortable now. Little baby is becoming squished in there I think and it makes it all hurt :(

sequeena- Happy third tri! :D :D

MrsPOP-how scary! I hope everythings ok with you now. Big :hugs:

Boyfriend has arranged viewings for places next week... Just bummed out that they're not worth the money but we need somewhere soon. I'll definately have to take out an overdraft to afford the bond and rent in advance as my OH is living in his overdraft and can't get a bigger one. BLEH money! Sucks that so much of life involves blinking money. I earn £360 a month. Which is crud. So that's my income. My OH earns £1200 but has loans etc that he's paying off. It's going to be so tight money wise. Oh well, fingers crossed, I'll do my access to midwifery course at home, then when little one goes to school i'll do a part time uni course in midwifery that takes 6 years. But oh well. In 9 years i'll be on £22,000 a year. Which is far better than -£4000 a year. Roll on being 28.
My phone is pooped but OH said he'll get me one, but I told him not to, as my mother's giving me her old one and we need any money to go towards bubba or housing.

On the plus side I had a lie in today. Haven't had one in ages and oh god it was lovely.

I THINK that's all of my catching up! will edit if I've missed anything :) hope you're all ok girlies.
Oh hun moving with bugger all money is a tough one, I did that 2 years ago :dohh: it sorts itself out though somehow. I don't know how but it always does xxx
Hey girls, how are we all this morning?

Rachy- hope the viewings go well next week. It'll all be worth it in a few years when you have a great career and a good wage. Just sucks that you have to have a tougher time to get there. Like Sequeena said, I'm sure it'll all work itself out for you.

Barbles- I hope you have a better day today than you did yesterday. Sounds like you've got a very strong willed little girl there!

Well, our 4D scan was amazing- I am SO glad that we decided to do it. I've put a thread in third tri with a few of the pics that we had. We got a CD ROM which has 105 pics on, and also a dvd of the scan as part of the package. He never stopped moving the whole time and had such a personality already- it was incredible!
Morning ladies :)

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all of your support and cuddles yesterday it made all the difference yesterday when I was truly miserable. On a happier note today! Looks like we may not have to go to York after all as DH has made it very clear that he doesn't want to go and has put himself up for another posting in June 2012 which is only 45 mins from my family :) No guarantees we'll get it but it's worth a try :) He'll still have to go on tour but at least I would have my family nearby :)

Reference the stolen bicycle incident and general unhappiness with our quarter, DH phoned the military housing people yesterday and they said they totally understood why we were unhappy and have offered us two other houses, still in the same town but in much nicer areas (I checked the crime rates!!) Lol. So fingers crossed we will be moving soon - although they think it will be mid june we move which could make it extremely interesting if Jessica decides she wants to turn up 2-3 weeks early lol.

Barbles - you are not moaning hun, I know what you mean LO is causing so much pain in my back, hips and stomach its unreal - I swear she's doing star fishes in there! My niece has had a sudden change of attitude as well my sister has decided that its no longer the terrible two's but the terrible three's lol maybe she's acting up for attention knowing that her little bro will be here soon? xxx

I just want to say thanks again to all of you for your support. I really don't know where I would be sometimes if I didn't have you wonderful, amazing ladies to turn to in a crisis. I think all of us should meet up after our bubbas are born and have a massive girly night out lol

Hey girls, how are we all this morning?

Rachy- hope the viewings go well next week. It'll all be worth it in a few years when you have a great career and a good wage. Just sucks that you have to have a tougher time to get there. Like Sequeena said, I'm sure it'll all work itself out for you.

Barbles- I hope you have a better day today than you did yesterday. Sounds like you've got a very strong willed little girl there!

Well, our 4D scan was amazing- I am SO glad that we decided to do it. I've put a thread in third tri with a few of the pics that we had. We got a CD ROM which has 105 pics on, and also a dvd of the scan as part of the package. He never stopped moving the whole time and had such a personality already- it was incredible!

That's cos there's a future United player in your belly :) He can't wait to get out and kick a ball. I saw the photos hun and your little man is scrumptious!! XXX
Hey ladies!

So glad you may be being moved ceecee, sounds like a much nicer place :thumbup:

Sorry, I can't remember anything else that was written, apart from Kim, your boy is gorgeous :cloud9: I really should start making notes so I can refer back!!! :dohh:

Baby noodles seems to have woken up this morning :happydance: so I'm in a better mood! Still shattered though but I'll get my bloods check at 28 weeks to see if there's anything up, my B12 was low in my last pregnancy so could be that but we'll see :)

I had a 'discussion' with someone on facebook the other day, she said that she though no-one should moan about anything in pregnancy because it's a choice, and that people with cancer can moan because they didn't choose to get cancer! I'm sorry but where is the logic in that?! Pregnancy is damn hard, of course it's worth it in the end but the journey to the end is, for some, a difficult one! If she had that point of view, she'd also be saying that we can't be happy about pregnancy because some people can't get pregnant! It just really got to me because I'm in agony most days and of course I moan about it, but she's saying I should just be grateful and get on with it, because I chose to have a baby! Stupid bint............

Sorry, rant over! :rofl: xxx
Morning ladies..
I feel like I'm not allowed to moan about anything because we tried for so long and ended up conceiving with IVF!, I am so happy to finally be pregnant, but I still get all the pregnancy niggles like everyone else, so why shouldn't I have a moan if I need too... its like my sister and her friend where wait to you have this and that and bla bla (yes ok we know you have lots of kids), it made me really angry and I said I would take the good with the bad and appreciate my miracle baby everyday!

rant over... :)
Everyone is allowed to moan!

I don't have anything wrong with me or the baby apart from the normal pains. I sometimes feel bad for moaning because I know I should feel lucky that we're both healthy and everything's without complications! But still, sometimes I can't take my sock or trousers off at night because everything is soooooo sore. Or I have to get up the stairs on my knees because I just can't lift my legs!

I do realise after all the little pains though that there's a little girly inside of me who is my baby and that I would go through all of this a thousand times again just for her!!

I absolutely love being pregnant, it's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me, but it can still be very painful and moanworthy ;)!

Anyway, hope you ladies are doing well today !

Edit: Oh and the Braxton Hicks contractions really are unpleasant. I don't want to think about what the real ones are like :(!
God, I love a good moan! Don't even need an excuse most of the time! I try very hard not to whinge about being preggers because 99.9% of the time I love it and have been very lucky to have had a great pregnancy so far but hey, it's not exactly easy - I think the hardest thing for me is dealing with the physical side of things and seeing myself expand after spending my entire life trying not to. Anyway, good news on the move hopefully CeeCee, and getting away from thieving neighbours also!

Had a midwife appointment this morning and all went v. well, turns out I am measuring spot-on at 27 weeks, the heartrate of bubba and everything else also fine! Bubba naughty and is breech which is probably why I can only feel kicks every so often very low down in my groin/bottom (urgh) and not a lot up high. Tut. I'd guessed they were though. Got a while to go yet before they need to get upside down! So next Friday I have my GTT to look forward to, fasting from 8.30pm the night before. Actually do not know how I will survive, especially as we're seeing John Bishop on Thursday night so will have to miss out on scoffing Giant Cadburys Buttons etc!
Thanks CeeCee and Claire :) We were so made up with the scan- can't believe how much I love him already :) And CeeCee- sounds like you've got much more positive news today!
Hello Girls.

Everyone seems more upbeat today :happydance: including me!!

Nothing much to report today, my girly has been a delight today, it did help that she had 3 hours at nursery though:haha: we made cakes, watched Toy Story and she helped me clean. Love her :flower:

Went on a mad cleaning spree this morning so I would have some time to myself when Pheebs went nursery, I though bath and then a nap but my mum was sans car today so I ended up over there taking her to my grans, the shops etc so Im pretty tired now, looking forward to a shower, chinese and a film with my man.

Baby is still pretty low but Im getting used to the aches and pains now lol Ive had a good pregnancy so far, much better than the one with Phoebe and I dont like to moan though we all can and are entitled too, its not an easy thing. I just want to enjoy it as it will be my last one and I never appreciated it with Phoebe coz I felt so rubbish all the time. I get a bit sad when i think Ill never have another scan or the excitement and nervousness of a BFP but OH is adamant he is going for the snip :shrug:

Has anyone else thought of what birth control they will use after baby is here? I think Im going for the pill until Mr gets the chop.

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