Limbo Ladies!!

Hello ladies!

Hope you are all having a lovely Sunday!

We have been busy with the nursery all weekend and I feel so proud! We still need to do a few bits and bobs, and Im waiting for my rockingchair, but I am already so excited!

Here are some photos :flower:
I am soooooooo over being pregnant and all because of vanity!!! If I hear one more 'look at the size of your bump' or some variation of it i will punch that person!!!!!!

Yesterday we were at a fish shop (OHs new 'thing' after his bloody remote cars) with our friends who are due the same day as us. So they were leaving and fishy bloke was like 'all the best with the pregnancy blah blah' so when we go to leave he goes so you cant have long left then, so I say ten weeks Im due the same day as P. He goes bloody hell and then the long list of comments comes on 'sure there is only one', 'hes coming out the size of his dad already' blah bloody blah!!!
My friend was very slim before she got pg and I am literally double the size of her and I thinkk her bump is rather small for 30 weeks but nooooo I am the one with the comments all the time, I went for lunch with my friend, the bar man asked me if I had long left so I go ten weeks and he goes bloody hell you poor thing :growlmad: and then old girl up nursery starts with the how big and low I am. Just F off everyone!!!

So there is my sizest rant :dohh:

Im sorry about your cat CeeCee, we recently rehomed our dog for the same sort of reasons, we werent walking him enough and not home enough and then with the new house and baby we thought it would be fairer on him, he went to live with OHs friend who already has a Jack Russell and he is fine. I still miss him though and Phoebe still asks when he is coming home :cry:

Lovely name Claire, I love it.

Quiet day today, Oh has gone out in the car so Im stuck at home, Im grumpy anyways so probably the best thing for it, quite fancy a bath and a sleep but fat chance of that until this evening. Im just in one of those moods where everyone and everything is annoying me beyond belief.
Hello lovely ladies.

I have had an amazinggggggggggg weekend, im just going to put it out there, we definitely made up for lost time FIVE times in like 36 hours. It was delightful. Then the braxton hicks started on saturday night and it wasnt very nice at all, i felt very very sick, but much better now. I love my boyfriend lots and lots though and cant wait to see him another 2 weeks :( However thats 2 weeks i dont have to preen for hehe.

Sorry about the fur baby Ceecee, maybe when you find somewhere for her you could stay in touch with whoever she is with and see how she is etc etc.

How is everyone else?

Im going out for a greek tonight, yummmmmmmmmy xxxxxxxx
I love your nursery TaNasha! I wish I could have a pink room but no-one knows we're having a girl (except you lovely ladies) so it's a secret til she's born lol. Got my moses basket today though, it's the sweetie pie one at babies r us and I can't show anyone til she's born! :cry: but it'll be worth it in the end :)

Michelle, 5 times?!?!?! God, I'll be lucky if we've had sex 5 times since November!!!! Poor hubby I have lol. No wonder you had braxton hicks :rofl: I had an almighty one today, wasn't sore but could definately tell they're getting stronger.

Amanda :hugs: Just try to brush it off, guys are friggin useless when it comes to a small thing called 'tact' You're beautiful and growing a gorgeous boy, you should be proud of your bump! Next time someone you don't know comments on it, pretend you're not pregnant! That'll shut them up! I haven't had ANY comments so far, I feel sort of left out :haha: Mind you, I don't go out very often so that's probably why! :hugs: xxx
I love your nursery TaNasha! I wish I could have a pink room but no-one knows we're having a girl (except you lovely ladies) so it's a secret til she's born lol. Got my moses basket today though, it's the sweetie pie one at babies r us and I can't show anyone til she's born! :cry: but it'll be worth it in the end :)

Michelle, 5 times?!?!?! God, I'll be lucky if we've had sex 5 times since November!!!! Poor hubby I have lol. No wonder you had braxton hicks :rofl: I had an almighty one today, wasn't sore but could definately tell they're getting stronger.

Amanda :hugs: Just try to brush it off, guys are friggin useless when it comes to a small thing called 'tact' You're beautiful and growing a gorgeous boy, you should be proud of your bump! Next time someone you don't know comments on it, pretend you're not pregnant! That'll shut them up! I haven't had ANY comments so far, I feel sort of left out :haha: Mind you, I don't go out very often so that's probably why! :hugs: xxx

I know, im shocked myself, 5 times feels like an achievement but im also very happy he still wants to because i thought it might gross him out. Its going to take 2 weeks to recover i think hehe xxxx
Awww beautiful nursery TaNasha! I'm jealous lol I have yet to clear out baby's room from all the stuff its collected over the past year. I was motivated finally yesterday and sat down and started going through things and then OH came home and said, "come cuddle with meeeee..." lol so I got derailed. I'm thinking about working on it some more today but not feeling so great this morning.
5 times wow! Lucky gal! And here I am still stuck with NOTHING!!
5 times? I barely get through once without interrupting for a wee!!!!
Lol yes 5 times, im shocked myself, but my drive is very high at the min. I do ruin the mood after, theres no time for cuddling as i scuttle off to the toilet straight away.

I feel very satisfied at the minute.

Come on ladies, just POUNCE!!!
Haha Michelle, nice work!! Bet the boyf thought it was his lucky day ;)

CeeCee, I TOTALLY understand how you feel. We're so attached to our fur baby that it breaks my heart to think of her not being around. She's really old now (18) and a few things have started affecting her health. She's got a lump under her jaw but they won't operate on her with a general anaesthetic now because of her age. So, we just have to keep an eye on it and hope it doesn't turn into anything nasty :( She is a real part of our family, so I get completely what a heart wrenching decision it must be. Do you really think she wouldn't be able to adapt when you move? As others have said, are there any friends or family members who would take her so you could still see her?

Amanda- I'm totally fed up with comments about my bump now too. I'm reassured by the fact that I'm measuring right on date and some of my friends have told me that I look totally average but a few comments from others have made me a bit paranoid!

Claire- Leah is a lovely name, and with Mae and Gemma too, it's really pretty :)

TaNasha, the nursery is gorgeous! You've done a beautiful job there. OH has just started to clear out the nursery this afternoon- we just have to wait for the decorator to come now (we can't do it ourselves as the walls and ceiling have this weird textured stuff all over them and there's no chance we could do a decent job getting it off!). I can't wait for it all to be done but the furniture isn't coming for 6 weeks yet so I've got a long wait ahead!

I had a bit of a sort out of all of the clothes we've got for the baby this afternoon, so I could see what we had left to get. Well, we have a total imbalance of things. For example, we've got tons of short sleeved vests but only 2 proper outfits in newborn size! We've got piles of everything in 0-3 months so at least we're ok on that front. Think a few more purchases in newborn are needed, even though he'll grow out of them in 5 minutes!
Hey ladies! I'm just lying in bed reading Breaking Dawn and realised I've un-intentionally picked a Twilight name for noodles, Leah Clearwater! Yay, its definitely her name now :happydance: xxx
Morning girls...

TaNasha - the nursery looks lovely! xxx
Claire - Loving the name Leah :) xxx
Braven - Welcome to limbo - how are you and Avery? xxx
Michelle - 5 times? Really?? good work woman! xxx
Barbles - Thanks for understanding hun XXX
Waitin4astork - My heart is literally breaking every time I think about her leaving us but it's the right choice for her. She deserves to be able to run around in a house all day and have a lot more play time and attention. Dh and I absolutely adore her but we just can't give her that and want her to have the best in life.

Still haven't stopped crying :cry: non-stop crying since Friday evening. I miss her already and she hasn't gone yet :( We tried everybody that we could think of, DH asked his parents, even our sister in law who works in an animal sanctuary but nobody could or would give her a new home which means that she'll have to go to a completely new family and I'll never ever see her again. She came up and was all over me this morning god love her, she's such a sweetheart. It is honestly breaking my heart doing this but I know its the right thing to do for Stella. I just wish it could be different. DH has found a local 'foster' centre where the animals live as part of their family until they find a new home for the animal and all homes are home checked and all owners vetoed before the animal goes anywhere. I've decided to right a letter and see if the foster family will give it to her new family when she finds one. I'm sat at my desk in work crying my eyes out though.... just wish I knew how to stop crying XXX
I'm so sorry ceecee :( if I didn't have my toby I'd tell you to bring her up here and I'll take care of her! If you know it's what's best for her but not really for you, it really will be very hard to say goodbye and it'll take time to heal and grieve. Don't worry about the crying, it's completely normal and on top of you being pregnant, won't be any easier. I cried the other day watching the Dog Whisperer because the woman was giving up her dog who kept biting and couldn't be trusted and she was so upset, so I started thinking about having to get rid of toby and just broke down. I really hope the foster family will keep in touch, even if it's just once a month to let you know how she's getting on. :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CeeCee, it is hard but it will get better. Even now if i have a bit of cheese left over or something I think to give it to Louie and he has been gone two months. And you cry all you want, I did for days. Those foster home things are a good idea, we had originally thought of doing that for Louie until OHs friend offered to have him.

Michelle - 5 times????? I dont know if my OH and me have ever done it that much in that short space of time pregnant or not :haha: Good going. We had a bit Saturday night, it sucked :dohh:

I had a lovely pamper evening last night, nice long bath, painted my toenails (with great difficulty), did a manicure, tacked the slugs that were my eyebrows and even shaved up the old foof and didnt do a bad job seeming I cant actually see it anymore:haha: So Im feeling fresh and nice today, fed up with moaning and feeling down for no reason so I am going to stop. And there is nothing I can do about the size of my bump, it is what it is, Im only measuring a week ahead so people can stuff what they think, I love it, its my little boy in there and Im proud to show him off!!!!

Bring on next Tuesday, last day of work, it was hard getting up this morning. I want to be at home and to clean!!!
Amanda, I tried to shave a couple of weeks ago and, I swear, I have never itched like it in my life! :dohh: I bought a hair removal cream but I'm not sure if I can use it incase I have a reaction or something. I'm gonna need to do something, it can't be very pretty down there - not that anyone's looking but hey, it's nice to feel nice! xxx

I put on my dress this morning that I assumed was clean, I have just noticed two curry stains on it :shock: Its a black, red and yellowy flowery dress so its not overly noticable but Im going to have to run to the car and get the wet wipes on it. So much for being fresh and clean :dohh: Im sitting with my arm casually across the stain.

Im allergic to hair removal cream so its shaving for me, I hadnt done it for ages so Im sure by 3pm this afternoon I will be going nuts with itching too :rofl:
Morning everyone, hope you all had good weekends. Sorry to hear the kitty news CeeCee, all you do is what's best for her and give her the best home possible. Very sad though, they're a part of the family as much as everyone else aren't they? We're doggy rather than kitty people (and we can't have our own dog as we're not at home enough to be able to look after them properly :( ) but same rules apply, I can't imagine what my parents' house would be like without their mad labrador Jack.

Michelle - well done! Hehe. We had a bit of action on Saturday and I ended up with Braxton Hicks all day, I'd have been unable to move with any more!

Re. preening, I am booked in for a waxing session on Wednesday lunchtime. Getting everything 'below' whipped off and she'll do my eyebrows for good measure. I can't wait! Then on Wednesday night I've got my first NCT antenatal class. It's from 7pm - 9.30pm - not sure when we're going to get to eat our tea or anything! I'll have to go straight from work. Beginning to regret my keeness in booking them now!

Soooo, Eurovision - Azerbaijan was a bit naff if you ask me. Loved Jedward though, and that Eric Saade chap from Sweden. Blue were rubbish.

Right, going to have to do some work today. Byeee 'til later!
I'm so sorry ceecee :( if I didn't have my toby I'd tell you to bring her up here and I'll take care of her! If you know it's what's best for her but not really for you, it really will be very hard to say goodbye and it'll take time to heal and grieve. Don't worry about the crying, it's completely normal and on top of you being pregnant, won't be any easier. I cried the other day watching the Dog Whisperer because the woman was giving up her dog who kept biting and couldn't be trusted and she was so upset, so I started thinking about having to get rid of toby and just broke down. I really hope the foster family will keep in touch, even if it's just once a month to let you know how she's getting on. :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I know its definitely the right choice for her, it just absolutely crushes me thinking of saying goodbye to her which will probably be sometime this week. I lover her so much. I'm going to put in my letter me and hubby's email addresses so I'm hoping that they'll stay in touch but I would understand if they didn't. I just pray she goes to the best home possible and that he new family love her just us much as we do XXX

CeeCee, it is hard but it will get better. Even now if i have a bit of cheese left over or something I think to give it to Louie and he has been gone two months. And you cry all you want, I did for days. Those foster home things are a good idea, we had originally thought of doing that for Louie until OHs friend offered to have him.

Michelle - 5 times????? I dont know if my OH and me have ever done it that much in that short space of time pregnant or not :haha: Good going. We had a bit Saturday night, it sucked :dohh:

I had a lovely pamper evening last night, nice long bath, painted my toenails (with great difficulty), did a manicure, tacked the slugs that were my eyebrows and even shaved up the old foof and didnt do a bad job seeming I cant actually see it anymore:haha: So Im feeling fresh and nice today, fed up with moaning and feeling down for no reason so I am going to stop. And there is nothing I can do about the size of my bump, it is what it is, Im only measuring a week ahead so people can stuff what they think, I love it, its my little boy in there and Im proud to show him off!!!!

Bring on next Tuesday, last day of work, it was hard getting up this morning. I want to be at home and to clean!!!

Stella loves icecream and is always trying to share my magnums when I have one. She's become so close to me lately, like she's protecting my bump and I feel absolutely devaastated thinking that she's going to think we've abandoned her and not know where we are. I'm going to miss her, even her annoying habit of opening doors by herself :) xxx

Morning everyone, hope you all had good weekends. Sorry to hear the kitty news CeeCee, all you do is what's best for her and give her the best home possible. Very sad though, they're a part of the family as much as everyone else aren't they? We're doggy rather than kitty people (and we can't have our own dog as we're not at home enough to be able to look after them properly :( ) but same rules apply, I can't imagine what my parents' house would be like without their mad labrador Jack.

Michelle - well done! Hehe. We had a bit of action on Saturday and I ended up with Braxton Hicks all day, I'd have been unable to move with any more!

Re. preening, I am booked in for a waxing session on Wednesday lunchtime. Getting everything 'below' whipped off and she'll do my eyebrows for good measure. I can't wait! Then on Wednesday night I've got my first NCT antenatal class. It's from 7pm - 9.30pm - not sure when we're going to get to eat our tea or anything! I'll have to go straight from work. Beginning to regret my keeness in booking them now!

Soooo, Eurovision - Azerbaijan was a bit naff if you ask me. Loved Jedward though, and that Eric Saade chap from Sweden. Blue were rubbish.

Right, going to have to do some work today. Byeee 'til later!

Thanks Vicki XXX

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