Limbo Ladies!!

Aww Ceecee one day it will work out and fingers crossed this foster family works out, it sounds like a nice idea, and your a great Mummy to Stella for thinking about what is best for her.

I am still satisfied from the weekend, and me and Tom are getting on amazingly again. Im really really in love at the minute, going to blame it on the hormones hehe.

Just had a dream about the FOB, he came to visit me and started rubbing me belly etc and i couldnt tell him to get off, I woke up really angry at myself, and annoyed for dreaming about him. Stupid mind.

I think im going to get a wax in the first couple of weeks in July and hope it lasts for the birth xxxx
Here's the letter I've written for when Stella finds her new family... what do you think?? I've just absolutely sobbed my heart out typing it at work and I don't care who sees me.

Dear Stella’s New Family,
Both my husband and I would like to say a massive thank you for giving Stella a wonderful new home. Due to personal circumstances, we felt it was no longer fair to keep Stella and wanted to find a home where she could constantly run around and be played with. I just know in my heart that you will provide that for her. We so wish that things could be different as Stella is truly a part of our family but by loving her so much we understand that her needs come first and that we had to let somebody else love her now.
Stella is truly an amazing cat. She has the funniest personality you could ever imagine! She knows her name and comes to it whenever you call her and she cannot wait to greet you when you come through the door. She adores Whiskas cat food but only the grilled meat/fish variety, she’s very particular about that! She also loves cooked chicken and fish, salmon is her favourite.
Nobody can really agree on what exactly Stella is. Some vets say she is a pure Ragdoll others say she’s a Ragdoll cross with a bit of Persian and British Shorthair thrown in. Either way she is beautiful and very unique. She definitely has some Ragdoll personality traits as I’m sure you’ve found once you picked her up!!
She loves having her ears rubbed, under her chin tickled and she adores being cuddled up like a baby and having her tummy rubbed at the same time. She may take a while to get used to her new surroundings but once she does I guarantee you that you will fall in love with Stella as much as we did. In her time with us she hasn’t really been around any other animals and although she is a house cat, she does like the odd venture in the garden but she’ll only go out with somebody walking right next to her and staying next to her.
She has been around small children and was wonderful with my 3 year old niece and 7 year old nephew. She took a while to get used to them chasing her around but eventually she started chasing them instead!
Stella loves to play and won’t go anywhere without her raccoon, Rico and her blue and pink teddy, Bob. She loves to chase things and especially likes chasing feet! She’s an incredibly loyal cat who likes to follow you around and see what you’re doing.
Stella requires brushing quite often as she is a cute little fur ball! We also tend to give her baths every 2-3 weeks and she’s come to tolerate them well now.
Stella is the most wonderful animal I have ever come across and it breaks my heart having to let her go. I know this last request is a lot to ask but if possible I was wondering if we could have a picture every now and again to see her as she grows up. My email address is [email protected] and my husbands’ is [email protected]. I can understand that Stella is now a part of your family but she will forever be a part of our hearts and I would truly appreciate knowing how she is. As I’ve said, I know this is a lot to ask for and I totally understand if you do not want to let us know how she is, I just had to ask, I hope you understand that. I’m absolutely sure that the foster carers made sure that Stella has found her forever home with you all and I know she will be happy with you. We did send a box with her of all her personal belongings including her microchip information and vet history, I hope you received this.

Once again, thank you for opening your hearts to Stella and I wish you all a happy, loving, fulfilled future as a family together.

Love to Stella always
Oh ceecee, I just cried reading that. How could they not tell you how she's getting on? You love her so much and that shows all the way through the letter. The ultimate love is being able to let her go. Try not to worry too much about her once she's with the new family, she'll settle in just fine, and will not think bad of you :hugs: xxxxxxxxx
CeeCee what a wonderful letter. I am sure Stella will be very happy with her new family. Big hugs for you xx

I just got back from my midwife appointment and baby is doing well, but the midwife wants me to go on maternity leave from 34 weeks- what am I going to do at home for 6 weeks?! And she wants me to start working half days untill then- I am terrified of telling my boss. i dont know how they will handle it. I will try to go and talk to my boss after lunch, but i am shaking! Wish me luck!
Lovely letter Ceecee, im sure it will be a lovely thing for them to read, and how could they not stay in contact with you when its obvious how much she means to you.

I just ate a whole big bar of mint areo for my breakfast, im so naughty, someone tell me off.....please xxx
I just wrote a massive reply and then my internet stopped working :growlmad:so here is a shorter version lol

The letter is lovely CeeCee, I cannot see how they cannot keep in touch after that.

Good luck TaNasha, Im sure it will go fine. And the 6 weeks will fly by, I CANNOT wait for my maternity leave.

I had a cup of decaff coffee and 5 custard creams for brekkie so mine wasnt any healthier Michelle, though Id rather a mint aero.

Now looking to lunch, a cheeky toasted bagel and Philly will hit the spot today I think, yum my new obession.

Baby is on his Twilight escape through my belly act again today. He is actually making me gasp in pain through some of his movements. Wriggle ass :haha:
My baby is a bit slow this morning, think shes having a bit of a rest. Can still feel her though.

Mmmmm that bagel sounds lovely jubbly!!!

Thanks girls. Still sobbing my heart out in work and my boss had told me to get a grip and get on with my work... he's so lovely. I'm so tempted to just not bother coming in anymore! He flipped his lid when I told him I needed a half day next monday and next thursday as it's my last week in work. He had a big old huff and puff about that! Couldn't care less about him to be honest, just want to go home and spend time with my fur baby before she leaves us but I can't even do that today or tomorrow as got full time hours. I'm really sorry for going on about her, promise I'll stop XXX
Ceecee, she's part of your family, you don't have to stop talking about her lovey :hugs: And if I were you I'd get the dr to sign me off with 'work related stress' and tell your boss to get to fuck! He is an absolute arsehole and doesn't deserve you working for him! Excuse my french lol.

Michelle, be careful, I ate a bar of chocolate one morning when I was 37 weeks with Jayden and felt like death - not even warmed up! Felt like that for hours then was eventually sick, all because I got greedy lol.

My belly is sore :( it's right across my bely button as if I've been wearing trousers too tight, but I haven't. It's just annoying lol xxx
Ceecee, she's part of your family, you don't have to stop talking about her lovey :hugs: And if I were you I'd get the dr to sign me off with 'work related stress' and tell your boss to get to fuck! He is an absolute arsehole and doesn't deserve you working for him! Excuse my french lol.

Michelle, be careful, I ate a bar of chocolate one morning when I was 37 weeks with Jayden and felt like death - not even warmed up! Felt like that for hours then was eventually sick, all because I got greedy lol.

My belly is sore :( it's right across my bely button as if I've been wearing trousers too tight, but I haven't. It's just annoying lol xxx

Its funny you should say that Claire, im like zonked out on the sofa now and feel incredibly tired, but i have felt like this the past couple of days. :sleep::sleep::sleep:
Ceecee, she's part of your family, you don't have to stop talking about her lovey :hugs: And if I were you I'd get the dr to sign me off with 'work related stress' and tell your boss to get to fuck! He is an absolute arsehole and doesn't deserve you working for him! Excuse my french lol.

Michelle, be careful, I ate a bar of chocolate one morning when I was 37 weeks with Jayden and felt like death - not even warmed up! Felt like that for hours then was eventually sick, all because I got greedy lol.

My belly is sore :( it's right across my bely button as if I've been wearing trousers too tight, but I haven't. It's just annoying lol xxx

Thanks Claire :hugs: Thanks for being there for me XXX My DH is close to calling the solicitors and refusing to let me go into work over this pay issue. Although my boss knows he owes me £1003.97 as I worked it out for him as he was too lazy to even do that he still hasn't told me how or when I should expect to receive the money. I just feel really really fed up and down. First the House and matt's bike being stolen, second having to rehome Stella and thirdly this pay issue. I just feel like I need to sob and sob for hours and then even that may not be enough. xxx

ETA I'm really sorry your belly is sore hun. Hope it feels better soon XXX :hugs:
ah CeeCee I am so sorry you have to deal with all this. xxx
What Claire said, you can moan all you like babe, I moan constantly and its not even over important stuff but giving up a fur baby is definately important. They are part of your family and it can break your heart to see them go, when our Cindy cat died (we had her 15 years) my mum called me crying every day for nearly a month because she missed her so much. They have a new cat now but mum still says no-one compares to Cindy and she is right.

And as for your boss, I think it may be time to get some solicitors on his case, maybe just a talk to one will scare him into sorting the money, £1000 odd is a hell of a lot of money and he needs to arrange to get it paid to you, especially as you will be leaving soon and having a baby. He wouldnt have a leg to stand on if it went to court. Its shocking TBH that he has still not done anything despite the help and the warnings you have given him and Im not sure there is much more you can do other than getting someone 'official' on his back :hugs:
ah CeeCee I am so sorry you have to deal with all this. xxx

What Claire said, you can moan all you like babe, I moan constantly and its not even over important stuff but giving up a fur baby is definately important. They are part of your family and it can break your heart to see them go, when our Cindy cat died (we had her 15 years) my mum called me crying every day for nearly a month because she missed her so much. They have a new cat now but mum still says no-one compares to Cindy and she is right.

And as for your boss, I think it may be time to get some solicitors on his case, maybe just a talk to one will scare him into sorting the money, £1000 odd is a hell of a lot of money and he needs to arrange to get it paid to you, especially as you will be leaving soon and having a baby. He wouldnt have a leg to stand on if it went to court. Its shocking TBH that he has still not done anything despite the help and the warnings you have given him and Im not sure there is much more you can do other than getting someone 'official' on his back :hugs:

Thanks ladies, I don't know what I would do without you all today. Just wish I could stop crying as it's really embarrassing crying my eyeballs out at work and my boss glaring at me and customers not believing my severe hayfever stories! I think it hurts so much to have to rehome Stella because my last cat Mickee died in April last year (she was 20 when she had to be put to sleep) and I got Stella in the July. And now not even a year later I have to part with her and I don't think I can. I know I have to because she deserves more than we can give her but still, doesn't make it hurt any less XXX

ETA: just incredibly sad and stressed today, thank you for al your support. Not feeling wonderful anyways, barely slept all weekend and Jess is having a stupidly quiet day and my sugar levels keep rising. Don't know whether to ring the nurse or not, could just be stress making them rise not sure. XXX
ah CeeCee I am so sorry you have to deal with all this. xxx

What Claire said, you can moan all you like babe, I moan constantly and its not even over important stuff but giving up a fur baby is definately important. They are part of your family and it can break your heart to see them go, when our Cindy cat died (we had her 15 years) my mum called me crying every day for nearly a month because she missed her so much. They have a new cat now but mum still says no-one compares to Cindy and she is right.

And as for your boss, I think it may be time to get some solicitors on his case, maybe just a talk to one will scare him into sorting the money, £1000 odd is a hell of a lot of money and he needs to arrange to get it paid to you, especially as you will be leaving soon and having a baby. He wouldnt have a leg to stand on if it went to court. Its shocking TBH that he has still not done anything despite the help and the warnings you have given him and Im not sure there is much more you can do other than getting someone 'official' on his back :hugs:

Thanks ladies, I don't know what I would do without you all today. Just wish I could stop crying as it's really embarrassing crying my eyeballs out at work and my boss glaring at me and customers not believing my severe hayfever stories! I think it hurts so much to have to rehome Stella because my last cat Mickee died in April last year (she was 20 when she had to be put to sleep) and I got Stella in the July. And now not even a year later I have to part with her and I don't think I can. I know I have to because she deserves more than we can give her but still, doesn't make it hurt any less XXX

ETA: just incredibly sad and stressed today, thank you for al your support. Not feeling wonderful anyways, barely slept all weekend and Jess is having a stupidly quiet day and my sugar levels keep rising. Don't know whether to ring the nurse or not, could just be stress making them rise not sure. XXX

It will hurt, and it will hurt for a while. Just take care of yourself and hubby, she will be just fine :hugs: I think you should call the nurse and check your levels for sure, just to be on the safe side. Tell mr boss man that you have to leave and don't know when you'll be back! You own him NOTHING and have to take care of you and Jess! Oh and Leah is having a lazy day too, same last night. Get a kick every now and then but nothing compared to what I've had the last few days xxxx
I'm so glad you've found the perfect name for your LO hun, I think Jayden and Leah are both lovely and go perfectly together :) Think I will phone the nurse just to see if I should be worrying! It's probably stress and upset causing it somehow though :( xxx
Just rang the diabetes nurse, she's moved my appointment from next weds to this weds as she suspects I might need to go on insulin :cry: Not only am I a bad mum to my fur baby I'm also a crap mum to Jessica too. So worried now just want her to be ok XXX
I love it :happydance: Full name is Leah May Gemma Muir! Changed it from Mae to May because MAE is hubbys works initials :haha: he's not that dedicated to work lol. You're the only ladies who know and it's good to be able to use her name.

I agree, I think it's probably stress etc but that doesn't make it any better, you can't switch off your feelings. Especially when your boss is being such a dick! xxx
Just rang the diabetes nurse, she's moved my appointment from next weds to this weds as she suspects I might need to go on insulin :cry: Not only am I a bad mum to my fur baby I'm also a crap mum to Jessica too. So worried now just want her to be ok XXX

Cerys!!! Don't ever let me hear you say that ever again. That's completely untrue and you know it. You're a fab mummy to both, you want whats best for both your babies, fur or otherwise. I soooo wish I could come down and rescue you from yourself today, you need a serious break :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just rang the diabetes nurse, she's moved my appointment from next weds to this weds as she suspects I might need to go on insulin :cry: Not only am I a bad mum to my fur baby I'm also a crap mum to Jessica too. So worried now just want her to be ok XXX

Cerys!!! Don't ever let me hear you say that ever again. That's completely untrue and you know it. You're a fab mummy to both, you want whats best for both your babies, fur or otherwise. I soooo wish I could come down and rescue you from yourself today, you need a serious break :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for the :hugs: sweetie. I just feel so useless today and like I'm not doing anything right by anybody or anything. DH has asked his work colleagues today and one lady said she might take Stella on, she just has to check to see if she's allowed pets in her rental accommodation. She'll let us know tomorrow hopefully. I don't want to get my hopes up though as I don't want to get very upset all over again. Sorry I am the worst person to be around today ladies!!


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