***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Just a quick update that AF arrived this morning so no bfp this month :growlmad: but the 11 day luteal phase is a huge improvement :thumbup: and I can continue to trust the accuracy of my nips :haha:
Those psycic nips never fail to do they :haha: - Sorry the :witch: got you, but Yay for a longer luteal phase :thumbup:

Yeah I think DH is right also and I'm really looking forward to going out and catching up with everyone and also to us going out on our own for a night. Although on the other hand he never worries about money and is always positive where as i'm a worry wart when it comes to things like that - he even told me to go and get that other dress be fecked but there is no way I'm spending more money on dresses especially now that we have found out he is only going to be on half wages for another month (which is why I was going to cancel everything) - but then on the other hand maybe I shouldn't be so worried because he has always been right over the last 10 years when it comes to money and it has always worked out okay in the end. There is no way I'm spending more on dresses though as the one thing that has always got us through and up until now we hadn't been affected by the recession is that we have been careful with money so I dont want to start squandering it now when things are tight :haha:

I have sent you all a photo though of the bridesmaids on pm on fb to see if you think it is too close. Honest opinions now because I'm heading into town with my mam and sister and Natasha this afternoon to change it if it is not too close but on the other hand I dont want to if it is too close. I have also text the pics onto some of my friends and the majority rules :haha: - on the other hand if it is too close I dont want to chance it as at my wedding one of my best friends wore a similar colour to my bridesmaids which didn't bother me at all in fact when she found out about the colour of my bridesmaids she was going to change the dress and I told her not too as I knew hers was short and it would look different. But loads of people did comment on it and I would hate for people to be commenting on me like that.
Oh yeah and DH pressie for our anniversary arrived today - We decided this year we are not spending a fortune on each other and are going to get gifts from the list that you are meant to get for anniversaries but when we checked there is only a list for the UK, US and modern so we decided we can pick from any once it is for 4th - so it was a choice between flowers or fruit - linen and lace - or electrical so I picked the linen and lace one. Can you can guess what I got him (well its for me really, but he will love it :blush:) :haha: - thought it was time I make an effort before I get pregnant and again and put the weight back on :haha:

Oh Cleck if you are lurking I didn't send pics to you as I reckon you will be far too busy I wont say getting to know DH again but him getting to know you :haha:
Ok, DH has duty today which means he's gone all day and night. So I am going to catch up right now on all the posts that I meant to reply on yesterday. :blush: I'll tell about our reunion after the replies. :thumbup:

Shiv- Yay for 13 hours of sleep!! :dance::dance: I bet that feels good. I agree that our group is comfy and we are all great friends. I often wish we all lived much closer together because I think we'd all get along well IRL too.

MJ- I saw the yogurt pictures of adam in the 'mess' thread on the toddler section and I got a giant giggle. :haha: He's so cute. That's totally up Emma's alley too with messes.

jelr- I definitely wouldn't call a wardrobe a closet. A closet for me is a hole in the wall basically with doors on it. :haha: I think the wardrobes look really nice though. With all the cubes for storage and still spots to hang clothes. It's like my dream storage because it's so neat and nice. Our closets only have the poles hanging across and than there is usually one shelf at the top to store stuff. I'll add a picture of my closet to show. Oh, and you know I love the dress with the ruffles at the top too. It really suits your figure. -Just saw the latest post and I do think the purple looks nicer than the light pink. Do you really think people will care that much if you have a similar color dress as the bridesmaids? I can't see why anyone would care as long as the bride isn't upset about it. Weddings are so crazy with all the customs and 'rules'.

Okay..here's my closet.

spidey- Boo for AF. :( But yay for 11 day luteal phase!! :dance: I went back and checked my past months and 2 out of 4 of my cycles were 11 day phases. The other 2 were 9 and 10 days. So not as bad as I've been making them seem I guess. I hope you get your BFP soon. :D

re: the facebook drama- I am just amazed at how some grown adults act. I know I'm not perfect and I've been in the middle of some of those cat fights but now looking back on it I just think how incredibly stupid it is to fight like that on the internet. :wacko: And to post mean statuses as a main status update on profiles is just SO immature. I hate that people use facebook to air dirty laundry and fight publicly like that. The namecalling, etc and saying they hope Kim would have a boy. :growlmad: So I'm gonna do a clean and I already did delete myself from that group. If I get pregnant I have you guys on here and it's drama free. I already have enough stress with DH losing his job next year and going away all the time, etc. I just don't need random petty drama online too. :haha:

I, too, love all of you girls. I think I am very lucky to have a group to come to if I want to rant or complain or brag, etc. I know that you girls will always listen and understand. It's especially great for me because I am alone here in California as far as friends go. I just feel so blessed to have you girls. :hugs::hugs:

And now DH being back. He had to stay back on the ship to drive the forklifts and I called it when I said he'd be later than he originally said. :haha: He didn't get off until closer to 6 pm. I was angry at first but than I made him WALK off the base because Emma and I were at a park nearby to keep her happy instead of making her wait in the car where she probably would've been throwing a fit. So he had to walk like 1.5 miles to me. :rofl::rofl:
I did wear my sexy top and jeans outfit. I had my hair down and straightened so it looked even longer. It's down to my waist so DH loves that. Emma was in a little white dress and I put her hair back in a little ponytail. She had on cute little sparkly white shoes too. BUT, we were at a park that had mulch and dirt under everything and by the time DH got to us, she had thrown the dark mulch and dirt mixture into the air and it landed on her head and all over her dress. She was FILTHY by the time he saw us. :dohh: There was dirt crusted in her hair and all over her hands, feet and face. :roll: But he didn't care.
DH came right up to me and gave me a giant hug and at this point Emma was on the other side of the play area so didn't see him. Well I called her over and she saw him and got really shy and scared. She is always like this with men so I went and picked her up and brought her to him. He didn't try to hold her, he just tried saying hi to her but she kept hiding her face in my neck. DH took it okay and we just loaded her in the car to start heading home without making more effort with her at that time. In the car he had his hand on my leg and he started feeling around it and asked where the rest of my leg is. :rofl: Since it's a lot thinner now. I asked if he can really tell a difference and he said 'hell yeah!'. And he kept saying how sexy I am, etc. :cloud9:
We got home and DH took Emma out of her carseat instead of me and she went just fine in his arms. I got pictures of it because it's the first time he held her for 6.5 months so definitely a picture sort of moment. He is always really gentle with Emma at first. Kind of like coaxing an unfamiliar animal with a treat. :haha: It only took about 20 minutes at home and DH asked Emma if he could hold her and she walked right up to him and held her arms up to be picked up. :cloud9:
Also, Emma and I made a sign for DH that we put on our front door that said 'welcome home daddy'. It had the outline of my hand and Emma's hand on it, and than I let Emma color all around the paper. He really seemed to like that when we first walked into the front door. I got a picture of the sign too. I'll probably post all the pictures in a bit for you all to see.
DH is freaking built. He has been lifting weights the entire time and I was angry at him at first because he has been losing weight too and he weighs less than me. So that made me a bit upset when he'd email me that. Well, seeing him in person. :sex: Seriously, I couldn't stop touching his arms and stomach. :rofl: He even has washboard abs now. *drools* I hate that I'm so turned on by it. I always said I don't like guys with muscles like that. I'd rather have them a little soft and cuddly. But I have to admit he is very lickable. :blush: And lick him I did. :haha:
Now to the sexy time part. I put on Emma's favorite cartoon in the living room and got out crayons and coloring books for her on the floor and we snuck to the kitchen. :rofl: We managed to 'perform' in the kitchen, the stairway, and the landing of the stairway before Emma started coming towards us and we had to quickly fix our clothes like caught teenagers. :rofl::rofl:
After that we gave it a rest and went for a walk. Emma fell asleep during the walk and as soon as we noticed that she was asleep we rushed home. :rofl: I laid Emma down in her bed and we snuck off to our room. It's so weird doing it in our own bed. Because before he left we would usually have to sneak downstairs to get any sexy time in since Emma cosleeps. So it was nice having our own bed again. I'm not gonna get into the dirty details but I just have to say it was SOOOO worth the wait. OMG it was so good. :rofl: I forget how good an orgasm can actually be with a real live person. :rofl::rofl: My vibrating friend isn't even close to being as good. I am happy to report that I am walking a bit funny today because I'm all bruised up and I'm very satisfied with myself. :smug:

DH said he slept like crap last night though because Emma woke up in the middle of the night and climbed into our bed. Well as soon as she saw DH there, she was kicking against him trying to get him out of the bed. :rofl: So he didn't sleep well with all the pushing and kicking. I told him it will take some time but she's just going to have to learn to share. She also threw a fit anytime DH and I would try to cuddle on the couch or when he'd try to hug me. She would rush over and shove against him and try to climb into my lap. :dohh: I think she's telling him who I really belong to. :haha: I'm hoping that doesn't last forever though because it's not nice being separated from him when all I really want to do is lay there cuddling. :blush:
Oh yeah, and another random awesome thing, yesterday I weighed myself in the afternoon because I forgot to in the morning. Well I usually weigh a lot more in the afternoon but I was down to 191.6 :shock::dance: I have NO idea how I managed to do that but that means I lost 48.4 lbs while DH was gone. :dance::dance: This morning I am down a little more at 191.2!! :dance: Tomorrow is my real official weigh in though so I hope I can keep it off and maybe even a bit more. I'm so excited. I'm almost to the 50 lb mark with loss. That is AMAZING!! I never thought I'd get this far. I figured I wouldn't even get to pre-Emma weight and here I am working my way down to pre-miscarriage weight too. :yipee:
Cleck - your post made me cry (well until youstarted talking baout sex and then I was a little less emotional!) i love that you made Corey walk to meet you :haha: I am glad it didn't take Emma long ot warm to him, but I guess it will take a while longer before she is ready to share you with him.

Corey sounds like he is ripped now, it is so cool that you both get to discover a new body (and in so many different places, good effort :haha:).

SO when he worksnow, does he stay on the ship, and does he work Monday - Friday?

Spidey - sorry AF gotyou, but yay for a longer luteal phase, fingers crossed for next month, you and Cleck can get preggo together again now!

jelr- I take it Jim is in for a treat on your anniversary night :haha:

Well I am going to meet the mummies again tomorrow,so wish me luck!

Oh and Cleck - well done on another great weightloss week. 1 more lb and I get to perve on another photo, if you can happen to get one with Corey nakes in the backgroud, that would be super :haha:
:rofl: at Corey naked in the background. :lol: I think he'd disapprove of that idea. ;)

I probably should've never brought up the drama on facebook cause now if they read this it will start in here too. :blush: I do love a good argument too. DH and I always have small arguments over random stupid facts and each of us always thinks we are right and the other always wrong. :rofl: I miss those kinds of arguments. It's always the most dumb stuff too like who directed this movie, etc.

Corey will work monday-friday on the ship. He said it's 6:30am-2:30pm which is AMAZING. Before his ship went out to sea it was 6:30am-5:30pm. He also has duty every four days. So every four days he has to stay on the ship day and night. They do this so there is always people on the ship working and keeping an eye on it at all times. He'll often 'stand watch' is what they call it and he basically will be in charge of watching a certain part of the ship. Which is so boring for him but it has to be done. I don't think I've ever really talked about the ship itself to you guys. It's probably not at all what you ladies would picture in your head. It's seriously huge. Here are some stats and some pictures that I stole from the ships facebook page. :haha:
COMMISSIONED: March 13, 1982
COST (1980): Approximately 3.9 billion dollars
PROPULSION: Nuclear, with enough fuel for 20 years of normal operation
SPEED: Thirty plus knots
HEIGHT, KEEL TO MAST: 244 feet (equal to a 24 story building)
ANCHORS: Two at 30 tons each

It holds about 6,000 people and 90 aircraft at full capacity.


And they did what is called 'swim call' where they let the sailors jump off a platform on the side of the ship in the middle of the ocean. Dh did it once on his old ship too and he did it on this one. He's not in these pictures BTW. These are just random people. :haha: They than swam around and had to climb that rope ladder that you see the guy doing. Pretty crazy stuff!
Aww Cleck your meeting with Corey was like a fairytale movie with a happy ending bar Corey walking 1.5 miles and Emma being covered in muck :rofl: - but then toddlers in parks in white dresses only ever stay clean in the movies :haha: - No seriously I'm so glad your meeting went well and that Emma has softened to him already. I bet by the end of the week it will be like he has always been there to her, I knew she would soften to him as I bet she has picked up on his love and emotions towards her already.

God ye did well on the ould nooky too with Emma around this time, just shows to show you when you have an itch that needs to be scratched you will find a way :haha: Well done on the weight loss too, I bet you will lose even more this week with all that action :haha: Woohoo for Corey's abs too.

wowsers at the ship, it is huge. We went on a carribean cruise on our honeymoon and I was amazed by the size of the ship and I dont think it is a patch on that one.

No I totally agree about the posting on public statuses, I said that the last time there was a arguement that I didn't like it and I thought about leaving the group the last time because peoples husbands were talking about hitting people and all sorts and I was really uncomfortable with it I think it is a private group so the arguement should stay private in the group, but then I'm a paranoid freak when it comes to privacy :haha: hence why I never put pics or videos up here because it is open and dont say as much as I would like to about myself either sometimes because I'm convinced someone I know would read it :haha: I really do wish we could have this forum but it could be locked so as only the people that are in it can see. :haha: I do like that about the fb group that only the group can see it but as you said before it is easier to have a conversation in here because it is a post rather than a comment, plus I find it easier to get onto fb. If only fb had the private group setting with more of a layout like this :thumbup:

Yay for both of your luteul phases being longer spidey and cleck - bet you both get pregnant at the same time :thumbup:

Shiv: yep he is in for a treat :haha: - see I dont even like saying that on here because I'm imagining somebody from work or my mother seeing it :haha: - I know I'm too paranoid for my own good :haha: Ooo the best of luck with meeting the mommies again tomorrow, I really hope it goes well.

Spidey: dont you have a playdate this week too. I really hope that goes well too.

MJ: how are you feeling now, a little better I hope.

thanks for the input on the dresses girls - I'm far happier now that I have gotten the purple one and dont feel like it is too near the bridesmaids (I know I really shouldn't give a shit if people think it is either but I do :haha:) - I know you probably thought I was a bit mad not being able to just go out and pick and bloody dress without getting the world and its mothers opinion, I'm not usually so indecisive, dont know know why but I really really want to look and feel good at this wedding, think it because I thought I was going to be pregnant and as big as a house with nothing to wear and stone cold sober and I did have a whinge about that when I found out I was pregnant and feel so so bad for it now and would give anything to be just that really so my way of not focusing on that is to make the most of it and feel like I look good and kick back and enjoy the day if that make sense, so I really appreciated everyones opinions, plus I actually found it much harder now that I'm working on a budget because the last few years I have been used to just buying what I wanted for something like this and not having to worry about the cost.

I think I will have to treat myself to that pink one with the ruffles though if once DH gets back on full pay and we are back on our feet :haha: - although it will probably be gone and really I dont need another pink dress as I actually have one that I'm wearing for DH's nans party at the weekend that I bought last year and haven't worn yet.

Well I best get to bed, I have been in bed late every night this week and I'm only just asleep when Natasha has woken and I bet what will happen is it will all catch up on me on Saturday night when we are out :dohh:
awww Cleck, your post was awesome. All the details that I wanted to hear :blush: I'm so glad things went well and Emma warmed up quickly to Corey. I think its super cute that she doesn't like him cuddling with you. She's like one of those small dogs that is protective of their owner :haha: I can't believe you had Emma entertained long enough to get some :sex: in :rofl: We totally need to get our BFP's this month- or you at the least! Your closet is just like mine. A bar at the top with a shelf on top of it. And Corey's ship is HUGE!

I didn't see the boy comment in that fight the other night. I guess it happened after I went to bed. I do wish we all lived closer together.. but if any of you girls want a vacation to Maryland my house is open to you! Seriously- it would be fun.

Jelr- I'm glad you're happy with your final dress choice :thumbup: You'll have to take a picture once you get all the accessories! I'm glad you got the purple one- I really like that color!

Shiv, good luck with your mommy meet-up. I hope you're less nervous this time.

My play date is Monday, so still some days away.
ok Cleck so maybe not Corey fully naked in the photo, how about just a chest shot? :haha:

What was your weigh in today? how is Emma getting on with Corey now?

Jelr - so glad you got the purple dress, you look great in it, your waist is to die for.

Spidey - is your play date at someones house?

Well i met a couple of the girls today at a soft play, and invited them round for a coffee at my house on Monday and they both said yes hurrah :thumbup: They both have 2 boys so i hate to think what state my house will be in when they leave :haha:

When i was at the soft play today, this boy came up to me (i would guess he was about 4, but I am rubbish with ages) and he just hit me across the face :shrug: i was gobsmacked, and although i wanted to wring his little neck, I just sat there opened mouthed until he ran off!
woohoo Shiv for having the ladies come to your house Monday :happydance: So far you're winning the mommy friend competition :haha:

The playdate is at my house Monday morning and I have a feeling both ladies won't show up. Maggie is the lady who posted the original ad for a playdate and I responded to it. Spidey, the introverted one, was basically forced into making the plans- date, time and location. In my email to her last week I sent her my phone # and address and she wrote back and said "can you send me a reminder email later in the week so I don't forget." Hmmm.. so I'm not feeling too good about this- if she originally wanted the playdate then why do I have to be her personal schedule keeper :haha: The second lady named Lesley fails to respond to my emails so I guess she's hoping I go away.

I'll take a chest shot of Corey too :blush: I have a thing for nice manly chests. DH's chest is what attracted me to him. I was just friends with him at the time and I drove to his house to pick him up and he came out with his shirt unbuttoned and I suddenly fell in love :haha:

Shiv, I can't believe a boy just came up and hit you! I wouldn't know what to do either!

When you girls have a play date, how long do they usually last? When my work friend comes to visit she usually stays for 3 hours, but she lives about 40 minutes away. Twice I asked Maggie what time works best for her Monday morning and gave her the option of anytime between 9am and 1pm. She never told me a time so I just emailed her a reminder (ugh!) and told her 10am-12. No more options for her, she lost her chance! :haha:
When myold mummy friends used to come over they would usually saty between 90mins and 2 hours. Mainly because by the time theyget the LO up and ready and here, after 2 hours it is normally lunch time! I hope at least one of the women turns up SPidey. Maybe the first one is just very forgetful so would like a reminder!
Good luck with your playdate monday Spidey!! Whenever we have playdates it varies on times but usually lasts about 3 hours. Although I'm never really watching the time because we are usually too busy chatting and chasing the kids.

Shiv- I cannot believe some kid came up and hit you. :wacko: That's awful. I probably would have been too stunned to react too.

Well I've been putting Emma down in her own bed now and last night she slept in her own bed from 9:30 pm till 5 am before running into our room for booby. :shock::dance: I hope it starts becoming a regular occurrence. I was shocked when I woke up and saw the clock with 5 am on it. :haha:

We've been fairly busy. Went to the beach and a science museum yesterday. Than walked to the bank and park today. Emma is still skittish around corey. And still won't let him come near me. But it's only day 3 of him being here so I can't expect miracles. I told him to just keep trying with her.

My weigh in was bad yesterday. I haven't eaten any crap food but I was back up to 193. I think it's because we've been exercising a lot with walking and playing so my muscles are working more than usual since I haven't exercised in a while. Plus I didn't drink much water yesterday. But I'm charting my food into myfitnesspal today and will hopefully stick to it so I don't gain any more. :wacko:
Sounds like you have fallen back into life with Corey around very easily Cleck. Emma will get used to him being around really quickly I'm sure.

That is awesome about Emma staying in her own bed for so long, maybe she doesn't like being squashed now corey is back :haha: i hope it continues for you. at least now you know she can do it!

Been feeling a bit down today (damn hormones). I go through a phase every 3 months or so where I fell miserable because I haven't got anything to look forward to. No plans made to do anything fun. We have friends coming to visit this coming weekend, but David has been told there is a good chance he will have to go away with work on Wednesday for a week, so he won't be here. Normally this wouldn't bother me, they are just as much my friends as his, but............it can be really hard work having guests to stay and without david being here I will be the one doing all the cooking and tidying, and asking if people need drinks or food etc, as well as looking after Sophia. I know that my friends will help to entertain Sophia, but now it just seems like a bit of a chore rather than a pleasure. Oh well hopefully David won't be away.............just me having a moan!
So we've started buying bits and pieces for Sophia's new room. We have changed tack a little bit, the first thing we bought was this as Sophia saw it in a shop and loved it (by loved I mean screamed until we gave it to her :haha:)


Then we got this wall sticker


and these wall stickers


then we got these two bedding sets........David had final say!



That's it so far, I am looking forward to getting it all delivered now. Would like to find a cute bedside lamp and lampshade and then some girly bits to put on the bookshelf!

Oh and I now have 3 ladies coming for coffee tomorrow! If they bring all their kids that will be 6 kids as well as me and Sophia! eek, I even baked! Good luck with your playdate Spidey :thumbup:
Shiv: that stuff is gorgeous, the room will look absolutely smashing when it is all done. Best of luck with tomorrow, I hope it all goes really well and the house is not ransacked by all those children :haha: - I hope you are feeling a bit better too, I get like that when we have nothing coming up or nothing planned, think that is why I was also down a few months back as we hadn't been anywhere in ages, hopefully getting to know these women more will help cheer you up :thumbup: - thanks about the comment on my waist, I do think that dress is flattering to my shape because I carry my weight on my lower tummy which can be seen in the first dresses I got :haha:

Spidey: I really hope at least one of your mommy friends turns up which I'm sure they will, the lady that needs a reminder may have just wanted to be sure that you really wanted her to come or something. I can't answer the play date question because any of Natasha's play dates have been with either friends of mine or family so they could be here all day really depending on what is going on.

Cleck: I'm glad you are settling in well. Could the weight gain be OV again? I hope Emma is warming up to Cory, I also think it is cute that she wont let you two cuddle, just shows how territorial she is of her mom. I forgot to say what you call a closet we would call a walk in wardrobe.

Well we had DH's nans party last night and it was lovely to get out for a night and I felt really well with the weight gone again. We also had a lovely relaxing day here for fathers day and just relaxed at home and in the garden. DH loved the handmade cards I got done with the photos on them and Natasha hand and foot print on her one, he even had a few tears which is so unlike him. I have only seen him cry when Natasha was born and on both mc, so that melted my heart and was so worth it :thumbup:

Oh I also forgot to tell you, I brought Natasha to get her feet measured and she is now in a 6G so I got her new shoes. I think she has my feet though as she has a big difference in both feet which I have too as one of her feet is just above the 5 1/5 and the other is the 6 :haha:
Shiv, I was in town today and cut through British Home Stores to get the bus - and on the way through the kids' bedding dept saw a girls' duvet set with owls on! very cute. just looked it up online and can't find it, but they do have some owl accessories -

twit twoo and more twit twoo

jelr, Natasha's feet sound like Adam's :lol: - he is a 6G (in them a few months) but when we got them the other foot was a 5.5!
Shiv, the owl stuff is cute. I have a few owl things for Kira's bedroom and an owl pillow too. Cleck, don't you have some owl stuff too?

Shiv, I hope you're feeling less depressed today :hugs: Good luck with your play group tomorrow! You'll have to tell us how it goes having all those boys running through your house!

Cleckner- woohoo about Emma sleeping so long in her own bed!! :happydance: I've had some 9:30-5am stretches recently without having to bf Kira and it's been a real shock seeing 5am on the clock, so I know what you mean! It sounds like you guys are having fun :thumbup:

Jelr- Thats adorable DH liked his father's day card so much.

Kira has been doing something super cute this weekend. About 2 months ago I taught Kira how to kiss DH to wake him up on the weekends. Me and Kira use to wake up at 7:30 and DH would cover his head with a pillow and snooze as long as he possibly could. When she kisses him, he HAS to wake up because it's so darn cute :haha: Now whenever DH is laying on the floor or ignoring Kira's request to play a certain game, she will kiss him. It's been working like a charm too :haha:

I'm pretty certain the original playdate lady is going to come tomorrow. I'm not nervous at all yet because I'm still in denial :haha: I looked at her old posts and we seem to have alot in common. Of course I can't tell her that I've been spying on her :haha:
MJ: Glad Natasha is not the only one, I know everybody has a different in sizes in their feet but you wouldn't expect a full half size would you :haha: - although I have a huge difference in size too and reckon it would probably be a half size - same as one of my boobs is noticably bigger than the other :haha: - I'm just lobsided :haha:

Spidey: Sounds like the playdate with the original lady will go well and that you two might really hit it off :thumbup: - I have to say I would check her out too if it was me, but then I'm nosey :haha:

Yay for both Kira and Emma sleeping longer in their beds and without booby, - they will be sleeping through the night before you know it and just in time for little brothers and sisters to come along when you both get your bfp soon. :dance:
Sophia's feet are half a size different as well, 5.5 and a 6!

jelr - is your big boob on the same side as your big foot?

Well the women have just left, one couldn't make it because the wheel came off her car last night. It sounds pretty scary seeing as she was driving along at the time! They stayed from 10.30 til about 12.25, which was just about the right amount of time. It was slight carnage but luckily it isn't raining here today (yet!) so they all went out in the garden for a bit. It was pretty easy chatting to them, although we mainly spoke about our Lo's as I guess we don't know enough about eachother to talk about much else. I am off to Kent tomorrow but will see them again next week hopefully :thumbup:

Hope your playdate goes well too SPidey, sounds like you have a lot in common so that's a good start! Oh and i went back through the facebook pages of the women too, good to find out about them. Then I realised that they probably did the same to me and got embarrassed because one of my status's was something about "this weeks task to meet some new mummy friends and actually talk to them" :blush: IDIOT!!

Sophia's bed just got delivered, we aren't going to put it together until after this weekend though as we want Sophia to be the first person to sleep on it and not our guests this weekend!

MJ - i had a look at the BHS site and they have some really cure stuff. I wanted to go all out owl, but David persuaded me that maybe perhaps just a few bits and then mix and match, country cottage stylee

I put on 4lbs last week :shock: I was doing *okish* with my weight gain, but it feels like it is going to spiral out of control again, I know I shouldn't worry about it, I am very lucky to be pregnant, but I just don't want to put on 50lbs like I did with Sophia, or more to the point I don't want to have to lose 50lbs again afterwards! But then I am not willing to cut out my treats so I guess it is my own fault! I will haveto start doing my prenatal workout DVD again, I gto into it but then started having those funny turns so stopped. Wille ease myself back in again slowly.

Sophia is napping and for the first time in about a month, i don't feel that if I don't nap I won't be able to function for the rest of teh day. I am still waking up several times a night, but i haven't needed to get up to weefor two nights in a row now, just a quick sip of water and back to sleep again which is great! :thumbup:

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