***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Yes I'm nervous about it! I keep getting horrible butterflies in my stomach. I'm scared that we have grown apart or that he'll take one look at me and think 'why am I with this ugly heffer'. :rofl: Seriously I just am worrying about everything. And I'm worried Emma will hate him and scream and cry. I've explained to her that he's coming home but she doesn't seem to understand.

Today I was painting my toenails in preparation for him and Emma sat down beside me and held out her foot. :haha: So I painted her toenails for the first time ever. I've asked her if she wanted them painted a few times and she always freaks out at me. But this time she was ready. After I did her toes she held out her hand for me to paint her fingernails. Which is weird because I never paint my own fingernails so it's funny that she knows the fingernails get painted IYKWIM. So Emma is now walking around with neon pink fingers and toes. I'm not a huge fan of little girls having painted nails but I figure it's a special occasion with her daddy coming home so it'll be okay. :D
Oh yeah, I have no clue when his ship is pulling in. Most of the wives are going super early in the morning and they are basically having a party in the parking lot waiting for them to come. I am SO not doing that. I will wait for him to call and I'll take my sweet ass time getting there. :haha: I hate the crowds and I hate waiting. So he can wait for me. :smug:
Oh yeah, I have no clue when his ship is pulling in. Most of the wives are going super early in the morning and they are basically having a party in the parking lot waiting for them to come. I am SO not doing that. I will wait for him to call and I'll take my sweet ass time getting there. :haha: I hate the crowds and I hate waiting. So he can wait for me. :smug:

Too bloody right, you've been waiting for him for 7 months, it is only fair he has to wait for you!

It is understandable that you are nervous, but it must be pretty cool when you are used to each otheragain and you realise why you are together and why you love eachother, like falling in love all over again!
Cleck: :happydance: :happydance: Woohoo for Corey coming home, I can understand those butterflies but it must be as Shiv said falling in love all over again each time, I think that would be cool :thumbup: - I bet even if Emma is not sure of him she will feel how much he loves her and will warm to him quick enough, I think our LO's really pick up on emotions like that. Eh I dont know why you are jealous because you look amazing and carry your weight so well. I am only 5ft 2 and you see every lump and bump that I have :haha: which reminds me I must change the security on those dress pics so you can all see all my lumps and bumps in the dresses :haha:

Spidey: Boo for feeling crap when AF is on the way, Kira is so so cute. Yeah I really have to remember to take stuff away when Natasha is in her kitchen box. I have nearly left a sharp knife down a couple of times but remembered to move it at the last minute :dohh: - She is definitely trying to say you do it and I 100% heard stop there :haha: - There is definitely no need for speech therapy for her and I bet if you brought her she would probably do as Cleck said a while back and tell them to Fuck off :haha:

Shiv: How is the friend making going? Did Sophia sleep any better last night without the pillow?

Thanks girls about the appointment yesterday - I'm grand about it all today, even though it was upsetting I still feel I have definitely turned a corner and am getting back to normal, I do feel very positive that next time around it will all work out. I think I have to really or I would drive myself mad with worry.

I must stick up those videos on fb tonight actually. it takes so long though as DH's camera is HD. I do have a little one but I can't find the charger and I must get some up to date videos as the ones I have are from May and April.

Yep I'm a bit of clean freak too, in fact I'm anal about it :haha: although since Natasha has been born I have calmed down a lot purely because I dont have time with her and working but like you spidey there are toys around all day and at night when she is in bed I tidy them all away. Dont mind your MIL - you are a great mom and a domestic godess :haha:
I hope you can get some sleep tonight Cleck! Make sure you post while Corey's here- we would be sad not having you around.

Cleck- that is SUPER cute that Emma put out her foot to have her nails painted :cloud9: I bet she's so cute with her painted toes. I haven't painted my toe nails in such a long time, but if Kira wanted hers done too, I would paint them :haha:

Thanks for all the language feedback. Even though most of it seems gibberish at the time, I can hear some possible words when I watch the videos. Kira was watching her video where she wanted to go swimming, and I asked the question "do you want mommy or daddy to go with you?" and in real life she said the same exact "word" that she said seconds later in the video. So it's neat that Kira is saying the same word and its just not a random sound. I guess I worry about it too much because I was so delayed as a kid. It doesn't help the my MIL always tells a story about how she "taught" all the kids in the neighborhood how to talk because she enunciates her words so perfectly. And how her 2 boys talked at such a young age due to her great parenting. I've been forced to hear that stupid story about 50 times, and every time I remind her that I didn't talk until I was 4 and my mom did a great job, so there's more to it than that. Eeeek.. thats 2 MIL complaints in ONE day! I must stop :haha:

No AF yet.. hmmmm..... if I make it to tomorrow that will give me a 10 day luteal phase!!
Your MIL sounds like a stupid bitch. :rofl: At least in this case. She taught kids how to speak? Yeah, cause that's how it works. :roll::haha: Kids will speak when they are good and ready. I think Kira is definitely right on target. The babies in our group that are speaking full sentences are just ahead a bit. That's all. :D My own MIL is hit and miss with advice like that. She kept asking why Emma wasn't walking yet at 9 months. :wacko: Because apparently all of her kids were walking by that age. :dohh: This is why it's good to write all of those milestones down because we will forget in our old age. :haha:

jelr- I looked on your FB and somehow I missed the pictures of natasha's new room! It is SO cute! I love the light and the wardrobe. Your DH made that wardrobe?! I need to get my DH to make stuff like that. It's very neat. They don't have closets in the UK do they? Everyone seems to have those wardrobe things. I didn't see the dress piccies you are talking about so you must not have showed us yet. Let us know if you open it up for us to see! :flower:

So I think I may delete myself from the lion cub facebook TTC group. All the drama in there is driving me crazy. And the nasty posts girls are putting as their status updates are starting to bother me so I may have a friends list cleanout too. :wacko:
Oh, I remember your MIL making those walking comments about Emma! She would have had a heart attack if Kira was her grandchild- not walking till 16 months :rofl:

Do you know that in the US, a bedroom isn't considered a bedroom if it doesn't have a closet :haha:

I saw all the drama on FB too. I've been considering leaving the group for awhile just because I'm not sure if I would even post there IF I got pregnant. I don't know many of the girls there either (my own fault since I took a bnb break during 2nd and 3rd tri). I think its much easier to post here anyway since I can rant about unimportant things :haha:
Wait, you took a break in 2nd and 3rd tri? I don't remember you being gone. Weird. :haha: I've been considering leaving the group for a while too. I don't even post on the regular lion cub group on there really. I read it all, but I just don't feel like I have much to contribute. :haha:

It's weird because there are just the few of us diehard fans that still get on here. :haha: jelr, spidey, shiv, and me. MJ occasionally too. But everyone else disappeared. I know nuttymummy still gets on but only in her other group. The flumpy mummies or something like that. And there are quite a few 'lion cubs' in there but they had their own group too.

Really a room isn't considered a bedroom without a closet? That actually explains a lot for me because looking at these houses on the realtor website it lists them as a 2 bedroom but in the pictures there are 3. But without closets so that makes sense. :thumbup:
I posted alot during 1st tri since I was off work from m/s :haha:. Then I went back full time after the m/s subsided and I was overwhelmed with constant remarks and comments about my pregnancy at work. I think everyone had good intentions, but sometimes I think they were TOO excited about the whole thing and I always received daily remarks on my growth, clothing, belly button poppage, what I was eating for lunch and so on. Plus I had EVERYONE trying to tell me horror stories of birth which I really wanted to avoid due to my desires for an unmedicated birth. To top it off, my crazy MIL would always pop out of her house whenever I was outside and make weird remarks to me like "you go girl, you are SO big and beautiful" :growlmad: :haha: Yeah, so I had to step away from here since it was the only thing in life I still had control over :rofl:

I'm off to bed now- good luck tomorrow Cleckner. :happydance: I'll be thinking of you all day. I want a full detailed report of the reunion :blush::haha:
:rofl::rofl: Okay, although it's gonna be kinda difficult for us to have a real proper reunion now that we have Emma. Before Emma was around I would've set up candles all over and gotten dressed up in a kinky outfit, etc. Not as fun this time around. :haha: Maybe I should dig out the tealight candles and at least do that. :muaha:

I'm sure I'll still be on tomorrow at some point. I can't stay away from here for too long. I don't want to miss you getting a BFP this month. :winkwink:
Another quick update on the ex-friend who's husband was cheating. Well the 'mistress' changed her relationship status on facebook to single instead of in a relationship. And the wife changed her profile picture to a picture of her, her husband and the kids all smiling. So I am assuming that the husband never told the wife about it and he dumped the mistress instead now that the ship is gonna be home. (He flew off the ship a few days early so he's already home with his family) :rofl::rofl: So he basically used this girl in my husbands shop for the cruise and now that they are home he's done with her. :wacko: I feel bad for her kinda even though she knew the ******* was married. Such drama. I love it. :lol:
Is it completely wrong that i love a good bitch fight (as llong as it doesn't include anyone I *really* care about). I missed all the action last night on the fb group, and I am sad cos I do find them quite funny (bad Shiv!). I can imagine how it went though. I do use the group, but not to discuss anything terribly important, I don't chat to them like I do with you guys.

I like this little elite group on here because I feel like we are actually friends, after so long we still make it on most days, we never argue even though we have different parenting and life views, in fact I can honestly say it is a very very rare occasion when anyone even says something that makes me roll my eyes. I would be REALLY upset if this group disipated completely becasue i think we are a comfortable group if that makes any sense, no drama here!

Cleck - TODAY IS THE DAY! Are you wearingyour sexy new top to go and meet Corey? i am really excited for you and Emma :happydance:

Spidey - yay for either a longer luteal phase or fingers crossed a BFP!! your MiL sounds like a vey wise woman, the community must be SO thankful to her for teaching all the kids to speak, imagine without her you'd have a load of mutes :haha:

jelr - glad you feel you have turned a corner. I think positivity is the best way to go :thumbup

Sophia is back to sleeping 13 hours a night - it is bliss, and I feel like a different woman for getting justa couple more hours sleep a night. MJ if you are reading then hopefully Adam follow suit soon :hugs:

Love you all ladies, and I mean that :hugs:
*waves* just to let you know, I am still here, not going anywhere either... :D

no idea what all the FB group nonsense was about last night, but it certainly got a lot nastier than it needed to. bizarre. guess some people really love the scent of a drama and a chance to stir. :( I'm sorry if it means you two leaving the group. But I definitely understand your choice.

loved the videos you posted, Shiv and Spidey. :D Adam is definitely closer to Kira in terms of speech and language, kid barely said more than one or two words before 20 months. He has about 30 or so now, so I have stopped worrying completely. I have wondered if he just doesn't feel the need to bother much? He's not a quiet kid, he babbles a LOT, and I know I simply don't understand a lot of it. Chris is a lot better than I am, maybe he's just more familiar with small children. The only ones I have ever spent much time around, other than Adam, are my nephew and nieces, and as they are Norwegian and being brought up with two languages, when they babbled if I didn't understand them I figured they were trying to speak Norwegian. :rofl: I have wondered if Adam is trying the same...

Sophia seems to be way ahead with her talking and singing and jumping! :D Adam sings Postman Pat but it's just Pa Pa Pa to the tune. :rofl:

ack. I let Adam play in the fridge and he's managed to open a whole tub of plain yogurt and is now rubbing it into the floor (fortunately it's laminate boards) and smearing it all over himself. we were going to go out but now it looks like it's going to be bath and BED.

hope you're having fun, Cleck. :haha:

will be back later, got to clean my little monkey up now...
WooHoo today is the day Cleck - I know you probably wont have much time to get in but please let us know how it all goes, we want all the details of the meet up and how Emma gets on with him.

Spidey: Yep your MIL does sound like a bitch alright - by the sounds of it - she is actually not very happy in her own life and needs to feel superior to others so she tried to convince herself and others that she is a wonderful mother. You can not teach a baby to speak or walk they just do it in their own time and that has nothing to do with the parents. Silly woman grr - now I'm ranting at your MIL. :haha:

RE: wardrobes and closets, I always presumed that a wardrobe was a closet is it not.

Ah girls I hope you dont leave the fb group because I know sometimes I get more time to get in there lately. Although I have to be honest and I know some of you might differ with me, but I think we can be honest here at this stage there has been quite a few posts in the last few weeks that have made me roll my eyes in there, although that could be my own problem as I'm trying to be postive about life so I'm having problems with every little thing being negative. I'm like Shiv and am nosy and love an ould fight every now and again once it is not to do with me or mine :haha:

I have put up the dresses for you for to see, so hopefully you can now, although I'm a bit wary of fb now as I left the video to upload while I was in bed but set it to me only to see it until this morning to see if it worked as I had to compress it to put it up and you were able to see it spidey and so was my mam even though it was set to me only. I got DH to log in from work this morning to check and he can't see it so I'm hoping it was only a clitch for a minute. Spidey do you mind checking to see if you can still see it and I will leave it as me only for the minute and I will change the settings later for the 4 of you to see also.

Oh MJ I hope you like the smell of yogurt, funnily my DH hates it he always said when I was pregnant that I would have to do any yogurt feedings as he wont even touch a child who has yogurt on them, although he has relented and does with Natasha. So I hope you are not like that seeing as it is everywhere :haha: - hope it doesnt take long to clean up.

Well I am meant to be working so may move my ass - but I'm all over the place between the video being viewable and all the stuff going on in fb :haha:
Oh meant to say I love you girls too - God we are all getting so sentimental - I really feel like I have made good friends here and you guys have really helped me get over the last few months so thanks from me too :hugs:
I can't see your video anymore Jelr, but I can see your dresses!! I'm going to look at them when I'm done posting!

MJ- I LOVED those pics of Adam, he's adorable!

Ahhhh... I never meant to have you girls ask me to stay on the FB group- I HATE when other people post things like "I'm leaving" and expect everyone to plead with them to stay :haha: Some of the chat over the last few weeks has annoyed me too Jelr, but I have an awful desire to watch drama unflold that I doubt I will leave :blush:

Cleck, TODAY is the day :happydance:

Shiv, I'm sooo glad Sophia is sleeping for you again :thumbup:

Kira is trying to get me to build a guinea pig house out of blocks so I'll post more later as I know there is more I want to say. Kira gives me a toy to play with and makes me play with it as she does something else :haha:

Oh, and no AF yet. I peed on an OPK this morning and no BFP. AF today will give me a 10 day luteal phase... awesome!!!
I'll catch up in a bit. Emma is throwing a giant tantrum atm. We woke up really early because I couldn't sleep and my tossing and turning woke Emma up. So I may try to get her(and me) to nap. DH is back right now but he has to stay on the ship for a while to drive forklifts around. We knew about this in advance and they are letting him have two days off because of his help. So I won't be picking him up until 3-4 according to him. But he's awful at time so it's probably more like 5-6. :rofl: Okay, off to deal with Emma. :wave:
Spidey I knew you didn't say it for that reason that is why I asked you to stay because I do hate that myself, I am sad when people think they have to leave but I'm not going to beg anyone to stay as we are all adults. - although I think if any of you four were to leave I would beg :haha:

MJ: those photos are hilarious, I really laughed at them. See Adam knew you didn't a good old laugh today :rofl:

Shiv: Yay for sleeping - she really must not have liked the pillow.

Cleck: Oooo I wonder if you have met Corey already, I really hope Emma is in better form.

Finally got the videos on Fb - jeez they take forever and I have set them so only you four can see.

Am in two minds about the dress I bought now again, as the more I look at the photos the more I like the pink one with the ruffles on top or the purple one. I really hope my cousin comes back to me and says that the bridesmaids are more a wine purple than just purple and if so I can the purple one is in the same shop where I got the one in the end so I can change it. They will be sick of seeing me coming through the door :haha: - I can't go for the one with the ruffles as it would mean spending more money and we really need to watch our pennies for the next while as DH work is slow getting off the ground so he is going to be on half wages for another month and I will be out of work for the summer and we have a busy month. I was going to cancel my birthday meal and our anniversary meal but DH is so adamant that we go out and enjoy ourselves for both occassions that he would rather go hungry himself than us not go out when we haven't been out in so long and have had a crappy year and that he is not having my birthday or our anniversary not celebrated.
Jelr, those are the 2 dresses I like the most too. I agree that the purple color looks better than the lighter pink. I really like the one with the ruffles, but it's just a dress and you shouldn't have to miss out on your birthday dinner just to buy a dress. When is the wedding? I noticed a second video on FB so I'll take a look at it once Kira gets to sleep tonight!

Clecker- you must have picked up Corey by now! I hope you guys are having a good time :)

Still no AF- she is torturing me on purpose! I'm certain that I'm not pregnant because my nips are telling me that I'm not, but since I haven't got a visit from AF yet, I keep thinking "what if". I'm even having slight nausea and thinking "oh, this could be m/s" but I know it's my normal pre-AF nausea. On a positive note, if AF comes tomorrow then my luteal phase will be 11 days :happydance:
jelr, I had a good look through the dresses as well last night, and completely agree with you and Spidey, the purple (it's like a deep lilac, isn't it?) and the ruffled ones are gorgeous on you! really hope the bridesmaids are wearing a red-purple so you can wear your purple one. also agree with Jim about prioritising the money for celebrating your brithday and anniversary, I'd say you could do with a couple of good nights out together after all that's gone on in the last year or so.

Spidey, are you testing again or are you just going to wait this out? Even if it's a no, that's great that your luteal phase is longer! Your nips might be having an off day... even psychic nips can't be on top form all the time. :haha:

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