***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Oh and one of my mummy friends from when I had Sophia is in labour! She has been having contractions since yesterday evening, and when I text her this morning at 9am they were still 15 minutes apart so i think it could be a looooooooooong labour, but hopefully her little girl will be here today sometime, if she is then I might be able to pop in with a gift when i am down in kent over the next few days!
Then I realised that they probably did the same to me and got embarrassed because one of my status's was something about "this weeks task to meet some new mummy friends and actually talk to them" :blush: IDIOT!!
:rofl: Sounds like something I would do. I think it's sweet- it shows that you're making a real effort to be friends with them and they should be even more appreciative. I guess I shouldn't post "hope the internet stranger I'm inviting to my house this morning isn't a murderer" but one day she might see that and think I'm a weirdo.

My tummy is in knots waiting for this lady. I already had my 3rd trip to the bathroom this morning :blush::haha:

I'll post more later! Kira wants to read books now :)
Hope it's going well Spidey - and yes I would refrain from putting any facebook status about her!

Well one of the girls who came round sent out a message on fb asking if we wanted to go to hers next week and also did we fancy going out for a meal or to the cinema sometime without the children :happydance:
Shiv- YAY!! :dance::dance: Sounds like you've got yourself some new friends! :D I love the bedding stuff you bought too! You'll have to post piccies of the finished product when you are done decorating. :thumbup:

Spidey- You sound like me with the bathroom trips. :haha: I think that may be why I lost a lb when DH was first coming home. :blush: Wish it would've stayed off though. :haha: I did have a few owl stickers on emma's wall but I switched it to that giant flowery tree instead now. I hope your playdate is going well!!

DH has duty today again so it's my catchup day on BnB. :D And a catchup day for laundry. :dohh: That is one of the worst parts of DH being back. More chores. :roll:
Oh yeah and shiv, don't let the weight gain get you down. Being pregnant is the one time you can justify indulging in all those cravings. :D You seemed to lose the baby weight fairly quickly last time too so I don't think you'll have a problem this time either. :flower:
I keep telling myself that running around after 2 kids I'll be skinny in no time :haha:

but seriously, Shiv, I weighed on Sat and had gained 4lb as well, but that was over 2 weeks. still, 2lb each week, it's more than I *was* gaining. actually it might have been 3.5lb as I round down (my scale goes in 1/4lbs). I think I went from 10st 8 and 3/4lb to 10st 12 and 1/4lb. but even so. it was a shock. because I never weighed through my pregnancy with Adam I have no idea if I can be confident that some weeks I will gain nothing and others 5lb or something. it's scary! what if I gain 2lb a week every week that's left? that would make me gain 52lb overall. ack. but ok, I only (*only* :haha: ) gained 45 with Adam.

I need to be accountable for the crap I eat. if I gain 50lb eating well, then I can deal better, and it's just what I needed. but if I gain it and I know I didn't eat well, I'll be angry after. I eat ok, if you take away the crisps and chocolate. maybe I need to have one day a week when I eat those? even if I just did it every other day rather than every day it'd be a start.

yay for new friends, Shiv! and Spidey, hope the playdate has gone well and you meet a kindred spirit!

oh, and Shiv, I have also been having a few more days where I haven't needed to nap. it's a big improvement because I felt so awful. I'm sleeping a lot better at night as well, think the Gaviscon Advance the doc gave me seems to be helping, am not really waking up at all and it makes a huge difference to me not feeling exhausted by about 11am. have also been making a big effort to eat more meat, and to try not to have calcium foods and caffeine when I have iron foods. just because the doc told me that although my haemoglobin levels were fine, my ferritin (stored iron) was a little low, and I started to wonder - was it part of the reason that I was craving McDonalds double cheeseburgers? and sure enough since I have been eating roast beef a few times a week, I have not wanted a burger! also taking Spatone iron supplements. and I don't know which change has made the difference but something is. :D

we took Adam to the hospital on Friday for his follow-up appt at the children's metabolic clinic because they think he might have a metabolic problem. it's not a serious one but we have to be careful when he is sick (vomiting) or generall unwell and off his food, because if he fasts longer than usual his blood sugar might dip too low and he becomes really weak and lethargic. this is what they say he has. it's something that they can only really diagnose in the absence of another explanation for his symptoms, hence why they took more blood tests after Adam was feeling better and behaving and eating normally a few days after being in hospital. so we got the results of that on fri and everything came back normal, which is a relief because it means they are probably right and we just have to be careful and if he's sick we have these emergency drinks to give him asap (if he vomits them he has to go to hospital and go on a drip again). I have read bits about it online and it seems some kids get diagnosed with it and never have another serious episode because their family give them the glucose drinks and it arrests them. in others it's more serious. the doc said if he has two or three more episodes that need hospital treatment they'd do more in depth investigations, which would involve a controlled fast and regular blood tests throughout. but in the meantime I have to take him back just once every 6 months. and I have seen a nutritionist twice and they talked me through this emergency regime and given me loads of the drinks. I am not worried about it, hoping it was a one-off. Adam was very scared at the hospital, though, well, he was fine when he was allowed to play but when the doc wanted to examine him he went berserk. all she did was feel his tummy and listen to his chest! same when he was taken to be weighed and measured, went bonkers. and when I had to put a plastic bag in his nappy to get a urine sample. doc wanted to take blood but she changed her mind when she saw how insane he was. :wacko:
Playdate went well :thumbup: The little girl is 8 months older than Kira but is very much on the same level (and the same height too!) The girl was very destructive though!! Kira is so laid back and this little girl was a true baby bomb :rofl: The mom was nice but on first impressions I can't see us being close friends, although we hardly had a moment to talk so I'm probably wrong.

LOL, Kira is kissing me because she wants me to get up and go somewhere with her.

Post more later I hope. I can't ignore the cute kisses :haha:
MJ - I am glad you have a diagnosis and one that should be easily treatable if it crops up again. Hopefully Adam will not need to go to hospital again. Is it something they can grow out of? It says on the wiki thing that it is mainly children between 10mo and 4 years, does that mean after 4 they are usually ok?

As for weight gain, I was shocked (funnily enough I went from 10st 9lbs to
10st 12 3/4lbs, so almost the same as you (a bit heavier!) If I had had a much worse than usual week eating wise then i woudln't mind as much, but it wasn't so different to normal. What If I continue to put on weight at this rate. But i am not willing to cut out treats, I have crisps and choc most days, but I eat well at meal times and get my 5 a day too. i guess i will just have to deal with what happens! We can do a weightloss thread after LO's are born!

Spidey, sorry you don't think you will be close friends. I don't think I will be close friends with these ladies either, but it is nice to have mummy friends even if they aren't life long best friends I think.

Kira has you wrapped round her little finger with those kisses :haha:

Cleck - I hope you aren't still do laundry!
Shiv, that's funny about the weight! we're about the same height as well, aren't we? I'm 5ft 4in. you're 3 weeks ahead of me though. I bet I end up fatter than you. :( :haha:

but yes, we can lose it together (in more ways than one, probably) once the babies are here.

as for growing out of it, yes, that's exactly what the doctor said. something about when he's about 4 or 5 and the liver being bigger and able to store more glycogen or something? I am just relieved that they didn't find a more scary reason for it all, though they can't rule it out unless he had the further tests but they won't put him through those unless it's really necessary. I was thinking, not sure if they'd be able to sedate him for the fast and blood tests if he needed them (it would involve a thing in his arm for a few hours) because possibly observing his alertness would be a factor. though maybe it would be just on actual blood chemistry. I don't know, I didn't ask, hoping we don't have to do that.

sorry you didn't find a kindred spirit Spidey, do you have plans to see the woman again? as for the baby bomb - :rofl: - I worry that Adam is a baby bomb. BUT Chris took him to see his sister and his two cousins who are the same age, and I was really worried that Adam would be the destructive one but he was actually really good. he's usually into everything and isn't very responsive when I say no. we've started warning him of consequences if he keeps doing thing we don't want him to, like tonight he was crashing his fire truck into the kitchen cupboards and he didn't respond to no, so I told him I'd take it away if he kept doing it - and he actually stopped. probably a coincidence but you never know. :lol:
Spidey: I'm delighted the playdate went well, you would be surprised you might still be close friends as it is hard to talk when kids are running around and you were probably both nervous too, it is a great start though :thumbup: it just goes to show you also that you have nothing to worry about with Kira if the little one was 8 months older and at the same level :thumbup:

Shiv: Sounds like you had a good morning also, I'm surprised your house survived with all those kids running around :haha: - That is great that your energy levels are back up, they really must be if you didn't need a nap after that morning :haha: - I'm also glad none of them slapped you this time, I meant to say on an earlier post that was mental that some boy just slapped you out of no-where, I would have been gobsmacked too. Did the parents say anything to the child?? - Yep it is my left boob and my left foot - so I'm definitely lobsided :haha: You will have to take photos of Sophias room to show us? Have you taken the side off of the cot yet?

MJ: Glad Adams tests came back clear so hopefully it was only a one off and it is probably better that you know now and are at least prepared with the drinks and the emergency plan for it. Still it must have been a worry after they phoned you.

Girls - my advice is throw the scales away when your pregnant (says the one who stands on it twice a day now :haha:) - No I actually got rid of it when I was pregnant because I found it did depress the life out of me to keep seeing it go up and then every time I was hungry I felt guilty for eating but knew I had to eat, so I got rid and just did as Cleck said I enjoyed being able to indulge all the cravings :haha: - I know I was sorry after but I would definitely do it again and worry about the weight after. I honestly do think our bodies crave what we need. I know it is awful after the fact when trying to lose it but I think you too both lost a lot by just cutting out chocolate and treats didn't you, so between just doing that and running after two little ones you will lose it again so dont be hard on yourself now.

Cleck: :hiya: Hope Corey being home is going well and boo for extra washing. It is amazing how much extra washing 1 person can make, I'm still in shock as to how much more we have now that Natasha is here.

Lord I'm tired today after being out the weekend - I really am getting too old for staying up until the small hours of the morning and it takes a week now to get over it :haha: - Was worth it though as we really did have a great night. It is our wedding anniversary tomorrow so looking forward to just going out with DH on Saturday night and only 3 more weeks left in work :dance: - so looking forward to that too and spending every day with Natasha. I really love the age they are at now. I know the tantrums are worse and the bad days are really worse but the good days are so much fun and it feels like we have less bad days here now that she is not teething all of the time and even if I have stuff to do around the house I still get to spend time with her as she potters behind me and "helps" :haha: but we make games out of things and have fun with it :thumbup:
MJ: meant to say poor Adam was probably terrified of doctors from remembering how sick he was the last time he was in there. I know after Natasha's last jabs I had to bring her to the doc for a throat infection and she freaked the minute he went near her :dohh:

Shiv: you never know you might end up more friendly with the women too, I dont think I ever would have imagined being life long friends with the friends I have now when I met them, one in fact I couldn't stand (although we were hormonal teenagers :haha:) and we are the best of friends now so I think a friendship is something that grows in time, definitely good to have some company though as you said either way. :thumbup:
jean - I am SO gonna remind you of your last post when you are pregnant and still weighing yourself and worrying about weight gain :haha: you are right though, but I know I will keep weighing myself, it is a habit! I think I probably have a limit where if i start to pile it on dramatically every week I will cut some crap out (famous last words!)

How long have you and Jim been married?

MJ yep I'm 5ft 4 too, will be interesting to see what we weigh at full term :haha:

After I said I didn't need a nap, well Sophia was asleep for an hour, so I thought, I'll just go and rest upstairs as she will wake up soon. Well 2 hours later Sophia woke up (and so did I!!!) oops so maybe I did need that nap :haha:
what were you at full term with Sophia, Shiv? I was 9st 4lb when I got pregnant with Adam, 10st 1lb at about 16 weeks, then didn't weigh till I was 40+2, though it was in the evening and after a massive plate of curry - I was 13st 3lb. but next morning I was 12st 11lb. so that was 49lb. eeek, I thought it was 45lb. oh well. maybe I was a bit more than 9st 4lb, maybe I was closer to 9 and a half.

Jean, yes, Adam is still definitely scared of doctors. if we go to the GP (which is somewhere he wasn't at when he was ill at all since it was over the bank holiday weekend when it was shut) he can only tolerate the waiting room for about 2 minutes before he tries to leave, and he won't be persuaded away from the door. :dohh: last time (couple of weeks ago) I had to put him in the pushchair and ask the receptionist if it was ok, since you're not meant to have pushchairs in the waiting room. fortunately she was fine about it. he used to be absolutely fine. never a bother on him when he had his injections, it is just since he was in hospital. :(
ha ha shiv you got me there, I will definitely worry I know I will, but for my sanity the scales will have to go :haha: - That is the one time in my life that denial is so so good, because I always pile it on and eat all the wrong stuff so my motto is well if I didn't see it on the scales it is not happening :haha: My friend is 30 weeks pregnant at the moment and only went into maternity jeans about 3 weeks ago, where as I was in them already on the last pregnancy :dohh: - I'm such a pig - maybe next time I will hopfully have quit smoking so I wont be eating to make up for the lack of smoking, although I will probably have already pile it on from giving up :dohh:

We will be married 4 years and together 10 at the end of the year :thumbup:

MJ: Poor Adam - was he always afraid of the doctors or just since he went to hospital. I had no choice but to bring Natasha the last time I got my vitamin B12 injection and thought she would lose the plot but because she hadn't been there so long, she was actually fine and was grand with me getting the jab, I just had to make sure I didn't flinch and told her I was getting medicine and she was happy enough with that thank god.
jelr- when is your 'dating' anniversary? We are at 10 years for dating at the end of the year also. Literally the last day of the year. :haha: Grr at your friend who only JUST switched to maternity jeans. I was wearing them right away with the second pregnancy cause i gained so much from the first. :dohh: I am amazed that mine are all finally packed away. :lol:
For what its worth, I kept track of my weight gain with Kira and actually have a picture of it. Every Friday I would weigh myself at my parents house. In the upper left is week 17 and this picture shows every week until week 39. There are 3 skipped weeks (there's a little arrow that says skip). "W" is me, "I" is DH, and "A" is my brother. I weighed 114 at my first midwife appointment at 9 weeks, and by 41+5 I weighed 165. So there are some weeks that I gained 2 pounds. Plus its getting warmer out, so your bodies will retain more water.


MJ- we posted at the same time earlier. I'm glad Adam doesn't have anything serious and that he might outgrow whatever it is. Kira is terrified of doctors too and she's on a delayed vaccination schedule so she hasn't even been tortured too much.

I have an appointment Wednesday at noon to have my hair cut! I'm no longer going short since I'm no longer having pms:haha:
I love that you have your DH's weight too. :rofl: My DH gained 30 lbs with my pregnancy. :lol: I gained 45 so he was almost as bad as me! :wacko:
Your DH was growing a baby too :haha: My DH gained weight after Kira was born. He put on 15 pounds and recently has lost all but 3 pounds of it by walking and cutting out snacks.
MJ - I was 13st 2lbs the day before Sophia was born at 39 weeks (thank goodness I wasn't 2 weeks overdue otherwise who knows what I would have been) and I started at 9st9lbs. I would be SO SO SO SO happy if I could stick to 12 stone this time.............but seeing as I have puton another half lb over night (and that is after I had had a poo as well!) it is looking unlikely! Oh well never mind!

Cleck - you got together on NYE, how romantic!

Happy anniversary to you and Jim, Jean. I hope you have a lovely time at the weekend and that Jim enjoys his pressie!

David and I have been married 4 years in August (day after Sophia's birthday) and have been together 9 years in october (not sure of the exact date, it was complicated at the time :haha:)

Well I am off to my parents for a couple of days in a bit, as I have a midwife appt back in Kent (really must register here really!). Did I tell you all that by the end of the time my mum was here she was absolutely doing my head ? Well she was so i have decided 2 days is my pleasant limit!
Shiv, I was meaning to ask how your moms visit went. Have fun visiting your parents.. how long does it take to get to their house?

I had my 5 year anniversary June 6th (yes, we got married on 6-6-6 :lol:! I can't believe 5 married years went by so fast. We got together for the first time sometime in early March 1999, so 12 years?!!

Enjoy your anniversary Jelr :happydance:

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