***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Cleck - congrats on the potty training - that is amazing!

Well Cora was born yesterday at 4.38pm weighing 9lb 1oz (eek) at home in the pool - all went to plan (not that I had a plan!). I'll do a proper update when I have a bit more energy (say 2 years time :haha:)
Shiv!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG:yipee::yipee: congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!:hugs:
I can't wait to know all the details!!!!!!! I am so excited and happy for you! rest well and i hope you get all the love and care that a good mama like you deserve.
Cleckner: congratulations!!! way to go!! it sounds pretty similar as the way it went with Narain. I did what the method said and took her out ( with a potty, actually I carry the potty everywhere still) and she didn't wear undies or diapers ( except for nap or sleeping) ever again. It is important for you to know that most children regress. Narain was extremely good and virtually accident free for nearly a month, then all of the sudden she started peeing all over the place, just like a pissed off cat hehehe, I noticed she did it mostly to be defiant. When that happened I was serious and said that I was disappointed because she knew very well how to use the potty, and then I said: "so you peed again Narain, oh well, now you have to have a quick shower... ( in the shower) oh but we don't have time for the water to warm up so we gotta use cold water" ( is that super mean?) and of course she didn't like it. After three of those she never did it again.

Spidey: It sounds like your potty training is going well! keep it up!! Also my husband helped half day every day for the three days of the method. It was really helpful.

Cleckner, I can relate to your feelings of frustration when everyone seems to get pregnant around you. And of course you have every right to be upset and vent about it, that doesn't mean you are not super grateful for what you have, it only speaks of how given and dedicated you are to your family and your desire to make a bigger family. Just hang in there and be patient, it is going to happen, it is hard to be patient but your situation is different because having your husband away so much makes things so much harder! I hope you guys can find a way around it somehow.

Spidey, Same to you, If your problem if short lutheal phase, that is relatively easy to fix. I can't believe that a whole year and two MC went by before i was able to get pregnant again. Now it seems like all the wait was worth it and it was a HUGE lesson on patience and strength, I was crushed every time i got my period but then the next day I was able to be even more grateful for my amazing daughter and start planing for the next cycle again. I even got better at dealing with MC, not a nice thing to be good at but It is hard to remain negative and grieve when you have a toddler making you laugh all the time. I can't imagine going through this without her...
I am sure it is going to happen for both of you . I just know it and probably even sooner than what you think :)
Shiv, I can't wait to hear your birth story and to hear what Sophia thinks of her sister! It's incredibly empowering to have a baby naturally, but even more so when it's a big one. It makes you feel like super woman :haha:

Huge congrats to Emma for pooping on the potty!!! :happydance:

I've been leaving Kira naked too, but when we go outside she wears pants to protect her from the mosquitoes. We took a short car trip yesterday with no diaper on and I put a towel on the carseat. Luckily she didn't pee! I'll probably leave her naked for awhile and then transition to underwear and pants, since it'll get cold here in a month. DH has her today (I'm at work now) so I can't wait to get home and hear how she did!

ckc, thanks for your words of support on TTC. It certainly is teaching me patience, and even though I have moments where I'm fed up, I know that in the end I'll be glad everything worked out the way it was meant to happen.
Shiv- YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! :dance: She's beautiful!!! And I was SO wrong about her being a he. :haha: I'm so happy you got the birth you wanted. Get some rest now. :hugs::hugs::D

ckc- Yeah I have a feeling she'll regress too. Especially when we move in November and start living in an entirely new place with all new people. I think that will be rough on her. I don't think making her have a cold shower is mean at all! I made Emma scrub my floor through her tears a few times in the past week. :/ I think that's what made it click with her because she didn't like having to scrub but I told her I'm not cleaning up the pee because she's the one that did it so she has to clean her own mess. (Even though I scrubbed after she did:lol:) I plan on buying a smaller potty to take out with us. And I expect that there will be accidents still. In fact, she peed the bed last night after no accidents for nearly 2 days. :dohh: I'll probably start packing 2-3 changes of clothes now. :lol:

spidey- I hope your DH does good with her today!! I'm wondering how Emma will do once Corey is back in 2 weeks. I hope she doesn't regress from that. We will have to figure out how to get Emma wearing clothes too once we go back to Ohio/Indiana. I'm starting to get really nervous about the cold weather. It's been so long since I lived there. I've already bought myself a new winter peacoat with matching scarf/gloves and Emma a snowbib/coat/gloves/hat set. :haha:
so far it's been a peeing everywhere day :dohh: She peed several times on the floor with DH. His back was always turned as she peed and he would hear "eeeeewwwww" and find her pointing to a puddle of pee. She peed on me during a booby, and she peed on the sofa as she watched tv. Just one time she went in the potty, so I suppose it wasn't a complete failure. She doesn't want to sit on the potty, so we stick her on there and she whines and gets right back up. I feel like quitting, but I'm going to suck it up and give it a week. Cleckner, we started acting disappointed when she pees on the floor, so I hope that helps. The first few times that she peed on the floor we just cleaned it up and didn't say anything. I'm also making her clean it up now too.

Cleckner, since you grew up with cold winters, I bet it won't take long to adjust. I like winters- its a nice break from the heat. There's something nice about being warm and snugly under a blanket as it snows outside. :thumbup:
Spidey: it is great that you are determent to carry on with potty training. The first three days are the hardest because: this method says that once they get 10 to 12 pees or poos in the potty they are good to go. And that is exactly how it happened for us. That is why my husband and i took turns watching her for 2 and a half days, because we needed to identify cues and what she does before she pees, once we learned how to read that behavior we were able to anticipate and sit her in the potty at a time when she had no other choice but peeing. For example: Narain ( was naked all the time) would always look for cloth like surfaces to pee ( couch, bed, carpet, anything that had fabric because of the similar feeling of the diapers) we provided her with salty snacks and tons of water down juice so we had plenty of opportunity to practice and get at least 10 successful potty experiences. After we figured out the fabric thing ( that was day one, I think day one we only got like three pees in the potty ) the second half of the second day she started doing the pee pee dance and she cried before she had to poop because she didnt want to do it in the potty. every time she had a pee or poop in the potty i wore this huge skirt and dance can-can for her, and she would follow me around dancing happy! funny thing was when my husband had to do the same lol. The third day we took her out and she peed on my husband, we acted disappointed and said the same that cleckner said, by that time she was already completing the phrase "pee goes in the potty" , and after ten times, she would consistently do the pee pee dance as a way of letting us know that she wanted to go, and no son long thereafter she started verbalizing that she wanted to go.
It is a bit exhausting to have 4 eyes or Kira 24/24, but keep in mind you only need 10 to 12 potty times and you will be good! that would take around 2 and half to 3 days because they learn to hold their pee. Best luck to you!

Cleckner: are you moving permanently to Ohio?
ckc- I'm not certain about our move being permanent. I'll be living with the inlaws in Indiana. Right over the ohio line only 2 miles from my parents in ohio. DH should be getting out of the navy in June 2012(we are still waiting to see if he has to get out for sure and won't know until Nov/Dec this year). When/if he get's out he plans on going to school in Ohio so we will probably move there for a few years. Than wherever he finds a job out of school I guess will be our next destination. It's all very uncertain and scary right now. My inlaws say they are happy to have us as long as we need so I am very grateful for that. But I really can't wait to be settled and in our own place again. I'm hoping it doesn't take too long to accomplish that. This was why I'm looking to babysit because I don't want to leave Emma but at the same time, I need to start bringing in some income to help out. I never went to college and I haven't had a real job since high school over 7 years ago so I think my chances of finding a decent job are slim. I've had random babysitting jobs over the course of our marriage and was a camp counselor one summer for girl scouts. :haha: But nothing substantial IYKWIM.

spidey- Just stick with it hun. I'd say if she isn't improving at all in a weeks time than she might not be ready yet. Although Emma's worst day ever was on day 6. She was peeing left and right on the floor that day. It's mostly my fault because I was running only less than 4 hours of sleep though because roofers came to work on our house at 7 in the morning and I hadn't fallen asleep the previous night until 3:30ish. :dohh:

Here I'll post my little journal from our time doing it. I skipped a few days writing it all down and haven't added to it since yesterday.

Day 1 of Potty Training- Wednesday September 21, 2011

*Woke up and I put Emma on the potty. She sat for approximately 30 minutes before standing up. As she stood there she started to pee. I grabbed the potty and put it under her, catching most of the pee in the potty. I praised her, she gave me a proud grin, we took the pee into the bathroom and said bye bye to it after flushing it down the toilet.

*Emma sat on the potty throughout the day but held it in. She napped around 5 pm. She woke at 6 pm, we started eating a snack and I told her to pee pee on the potty if she has to go. 5 minutes into eating the snack, she quickly backed up and sat on the potty and did an entire pee by herself! I praised her like crazy, she again smiled proudly and we waved bye bye to it in the big toilet.

*Emma peed while standing on the dining room chair in the dining room. I noticed the flow starting so I grabbed her and ran her to the potty. We caught the last bits of it. I still praised her and we said bye bye to it.

*Emma sat on the potty while eating oranges for an evening snack. My back was turned and she got off the potty and peed right beside it before I noticed. =(

*Around 9 pm, I went to the kitchen to put a plate away. When I came back into the living room I noticed Emma squatting on the blanket. I immediately grabbed her and put her on the potty. I caught most of it, very little was actually on the blanket. I have to keep reminding myself this is only the first day. But I'm already getting frustrated.

Total for the day: 1 full pee on the potty by herself - 3 pees half on the potty after she started to go on the floor - 1 pee completely on the floor. No poop.

Day 2 of Potty Training- Thursday September 22, 2011

*Sat on the potty on and off all morning until she peed on the potty fully without any accident on the floor at 10:50 a.m.. I did a dance and praised her than we said bye bye. Emma is very excited about saying bye bye to the pee pee. She immediately says 'bye bye pee pee' as soon as she is done peeing and she enjoys it when I flush it down the big toilet.

*Emma snuck upstairs at 2:30 pm and in the time it took me to rush and grab the potty and chase her up the stairs, she pooped in the hallway. I cleaned her up and minutes later asked her to sit on the potty. She said no. Than she started peeing a minute later. She managed to stop herself mid flow when I yelled stop and I got the potty under her in time to catch the last half. At this point, I'm not certain she is 'getting it'. Again, I'm getting frustrated.

*After nap Emma refused to pee on the potty. Finally ended up peeing right beside it and I managed to catch a small bit at the end. I'm not happy but still trying to stick to my guns.

*While on the phone with my parents, I wasn't watching her well enough. She pee'd outright on the floor without making any into the potty. The potty was right in front of her so again I'm not happy. Each time she has accidents on the floor, I have her clean it up. With me doing the final scrubbing of course.

Total for the day: 1 full pee on the potty by herself - 2 pee half on the potty after she started to go on the floor - 1 poop on the floor - 1 pee completely on the floor

Emma pee'd overnight.

Day 3 of Potty Training- Friday September 23, 2011

*Woke up and sat on the potty but stood up, peed on floor and I caught the end half. I told her we need to pee on the potty like a big girl. I'm not sure she understands or has the capability to hold it long enough to get to the potty yet.

*Peed on her potty after the nap without any accident on the floor. I'm very pleased that she is maintaining at least one full pee on the potty each day. I hope this will eventually increase to more but I can't complain, it's only the 3rd day.

Day 7 of Potty Training- Tuesday September 27, 2011

*Woke up and refused to sit on the potty. She wanted to watch spongebob and I told her to sit on the potty first and than I would put spongebob on. She ended up peeing on the floor. I scolded her and told her no spongebob since she didn't pee on the potty. She immediately started crying and finally sat on the potty. I assumed it was too late and her sitting there was for nothing but suddenly she stopped crying and I heard pee coming out. I cheered and told her how good she did and I put spongebob on! She was very pleased with herself and the crying stopped immediately. I feel like I'm too harsh but maybe it's what she needs for this to work.

*She searched for the potty while we were upstairs. Saying 'wheres potty?' until she found it in her room where I normally put it. She immediately sat down and said 'bye bye pee pee' and peed on the potty all by herself without any interference from me. I couldn't be prouder if I tried.

*She peed on the potty 5 times total today all by herself. We also caught one poop on the potty when she stood a foot from it, I saw her start to go so I hurried and put the potty under her. She pooped while standing but the fact that she didn't hide to poop is an improvement!

I'm amazed at how well this day went. I hope she can stick to it. The next thing we will tackle is going out in public without diapers! We haven't left the house in the entire last week while training so I will probably give it one more week for her to get a good routine of going on her own and than I will add to her learning.

Total for the Day: 5 full pees on potty by herself, 1 pee accident on the floor, 1 poop on the potty with me catching mid-poo.

Day 8 of Potty Training- Wednesday September 28, 2011

*Woke up and immediately peed on potty. Good start to the day!

*Has peed 3 separate times this morning. Naptime is in an hour so she no longer holds it all morning. I think this is a good sign!

*Tried to poop on the potty all by herself. Half of it made it in the potty, the other half on the floor. I am VERY proud. She stands to poop so I think the next step is teaching her that she can poop while sitting. =)

*Continuously peed on the potty all evening without my help!

Total for the Day: No accidents unless you count the half poo that ended up on the floor!
Oh yeah, also wanted to say I watched wuthering heights tonight. The pbs version. I've never seen it before OR read the book but OMG I cried like a freaking baby. I was sobbing like crazy. Emma stood there looking at me like I had two heads. :rofl: Than she went and searched for Minnie and handed her to me. Which is what I do when Emma is upset because minnie always helps her calm down. :rofl: She also climbed into my lap with her discarded dress and started wiping my face clean. Such a sweet girl. :cloud9: And such a horribly sad movie. I have the novel on my kindle I just haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'm thinking I will read it soon now.
Cleckner, great note taking! It seems like Kira pees a lot more frequently, or she's just testing out her plumbing and peeing as often as she can. I don't even remember how many pees she's had, but since my last post she had 2 pees in the potty! I pulled out the big guns and said if she peed in the potty she would get 1 M&M and if she pooped she would get 2! Suddenly, the potty was a fun place to sit and she did 2 pees over the course of 3 hours and 1 half pee on the rug. ckc, it's so funny you mentioned Narain looking for cloth surfaces to pee, because Kira has peed on rugs today! I took up the large livingroom rug and I thought I was safe, but I forgot about the small rug I keep at the kitchen sink, and the small one in front of Kira's pretend kitchen. :haha:

TMI, but me and DH just :sex: as this will be our last chance until Monday. I'm getting almost positives on my opks this week, but no true positives yet and no basal body temp changes. Today is cd20.
Well now that Emma uses the potty on her own, she pees way more frequently. I think she was being stubborn and holding it a lot in the first few days. :haha:

Yay for progress!!! :dance: I'm so excited for you. Hopefully she just keeps on improving!! :thumbup:

Jealous of your sex. :lol: My vibrator is getting a lot of action lately though. :rofl:
Cleckner, do you and Emma roll around and hang out in the bed once you wake up in the morning? How do you handle peeing in the morning. Kira is dry when she wakes up, but after an hour of rolling around in the bed as I try to catch a few more zzz's, she pees in her diaper a few times. I really love my extra sleep :haha:

Day 3 of potty training and I am such a proud mommy today! Besides the morning diaper pees (which she didn't seem phased about), we've had 3 pees on the potty and it's only 11am. 1 full pee, 1 half pee in potty (half in her pants), and 1 full pee! I must look like a crazy woman because we spent an hour outside and I followed Kira around with a potty chair :haha: She did her half pee while outside next to the sand box :thumbup: So she's had 3 M&M's today and I do the potty dance everytime she goes. Cleckner- you've probably seen the diaper commercial with the "potty dance" :haha:
shiv: Huge Huge Congrats again :happydance: - Cora is so beautiful and a beautiful name. I am so so happy that you got the birth you wanted and that it all went well and there were no complications. It really sounded so nice to start your new family all in your own home :) - Yay for Sophia knowing all her letters, she really is so clever. Natasha knows a couple, but not many at all. Sophia could nearly go to playschool now and be ahead of the other kids :thumbup:

MJ: Sock puppets went well, Natasha enjoyed it, although they didn't look the best ha ha, because I'm not artistic at all :dohh: - but sure once she enjoyed it, is all that counts. I wish I could take the credit for being off the cigs totally for myself. I think I'm terrified of the stress that I may have caused when stopping when I was pregnant each time or that I would have been smoking before I found out I was pregnant and that maybe it had something to do with the mc - so I just wanted to have it done before we even ttc and also I think I felt it was best to stop before becoming pregnant as it needs to be a forever things this time, With one child it is easy to go outside and peer in through the frech doors that she is okay, but with two I reckon Natasha could maybe hurt a new baby in two seconds (obviously not meaning too, but thinking it is one of her dolls lol) so I just can't be outside peering in lol - Yay for being full term, not long now and honestly I know it is easy for me to say, but I really think it will all be fine in the end for you. You are really strong and I think you have made the right decision about the medication and it is a great idea to have it just in case, but hopefully you won't need it.

Spidey: I love the hair, that is a great way to express your feelings without really being distructive. I'm so sorry your mum is being called back. I really hope it is only as precaution. Eeekk on the smear also, I do think it is down to whomever is doing them as sometimes there is no problem and only some discomfort and others it is agony. Are you happy with what she had to say overall?

Cleck: I love the costunes, Emma looks adorable. Sorry to hear you are feeling down about ttc. It is hard when everyone else is announcing something that you want. I do think the only way to face it is to try and think it will happen when the time is completely right. Did your friend actually ever text you back about the babysitting.

CDK: - I'm sorry I have stayed out of the thread all week as I didn't want to upset or make anybody uncomfortable. I do normally stay well away from any conflict, but I feel so strongly about this, I have to say it and I will take the repercussions if nobody in the thread talks to me, but I do think giving a two year old a cold shower is really mean in fact I think it is barbaric. I know from personal experience if I am having a shower and the water goes cold, it takes me breath away and panics me, so I can't imagine what a little baby must feel :( - When my daughter is potty trained I want it to be a good learning experience for her and not an experience of fear, being honest here it is not the norm to potty train until they are 2 and a half and that is because most who do it too early do find that they do regress, and even if Natasha regressed after the 2.5 I would never ever punish her for it, especially with a cold shower, they are still babies and have known nothing different than to pee and poo without thinking about it, so it is a big learning curve and new habit to form so to me as frustrating as it is to clean it all up, it is not something that deserves punishment.

Well AFU - Natasha is a cranky moo this week for some reason and off her food a bit and not sleeping as well so hope she is not coming down with anything. - Sock puppets went well after, except the glue that I got wasn't the best, we had to leave them for ages to dry, they weren't the greatest looking things, but Natasha enjoyed picking out each of the facial features and I put them together, in fact she mostly enjoyed sifting through the boxes of googly eyes, pipe cleaners and other crafty bits I had bought :haha:

We didn't do much this weekend except call to DH's family yesterday and catch up with all of them and today we just had a lazy day at home and my mam watched Natasha for a half hour while myself and DH went as far as the little angels plot in the grave yard and we finally burried the little box with my pregnancy tests in them. I would have been due this weekend so it seemed the right time to do it and get some closure. I'm not sure my exact due date as my lmp was christmas day so with a 28 day cycle that would make it yesterday, but the doctors had given me the 3rd which is tomorrow and they could have been right as my cycle tends to be 30 or 32 days. I have been dreading this weekend all week, so am glad it is over and done with. There was plenty of tears, but I do feel so much better after them and feel I can move on now and we will hopefully start ttc in the next few cycles.
jelr, I'm so sorry this was a tough weekend thinking about your lost baby :hugs: How are you doing without cigarettes? Is it getting easier every day? Where are you in your cycle?

Potty training has been a success and it was definitely the right time for Kira. A month ago it wouldn't have worked since she was peeing on her feet and not giving it a second thought :haha: Today and yesterday, every pee made it into the potty. About half will start in her pants, but she stops peeing and then rushes to the potty. It's been very cold here so I had to put her in pants instead of being naked, but it didn't seem to make a difference with her success rate. She pooped twice in the potty too :happydance: I don't know if you girls remember, but Kira has always had issues with holding back poop and being constipated from it. She's gone twice in 3 days and it's been so easy and happy for her :thumbup:

As for TTC, I've had almost positive opk's for the last 5 days but my nips don't hurt. I'm going to buy a new thermometer for the next cycle because today I took my temperature 3 times in a row and got completely different numbers for each one... so I'm not sure how accurate my bbt readings have been this cycle. This is going to be another looooong cycle! jelr, I guess I'm happy with what the midwife said overall. It's what I was expecting since I was pretty certain they couldn't do anything for me until I wean Kira. But bf Kira is more important than having another baby- she's grown up in so many ways, but she's still just a baby and bf is something that provides her a lot of comfort. I don't think she's ready to give that up yet.

DH has been out of town all weekend and just got back an hour ago :thumbup: So I finally got some time to come on here :haha:
Well done Kira :thumbup: that is great that the potty training is going so well and great that it seems to have helped with her holding back her poo.

That is a pain with that it is looking like a long cycle again, on the upside maybe it will only be a little longer and the timing might actually have worked out right with DH being away for the weekend and now he is home for you two to get down to business when you get that proper postive.

I'm glad you are happy with what the midwife said and even though our girls are really growing up every day, you are right they are all still babies. Fingers crossed though it will still happen quickly and when the time is right as I do know ttc can be so stressful, even when trying to be relaxed about the whole thing. Every month is a disappointment.

Yeah I'm definitely doing much much better on the cigerettes, every day is much better and I have put myself on that detox diet for a week so I'm sorting out my swapping it for food now too. I was going to wait, but then reckoned I may as well sort the two out in the one shot, so hopefully this will do it. I'm really am very proud of myself and am shocked that it has gotten so easy in such little time. Don't get me wrong, I still get the odd pang, but not all the time now that the physical withdrawal is done. I think something just clicked with it in my head this time. I'm dreading my first night out as I'm very much a social smoker, but I'm thinking I will actually bring out my electronic cigerette. I have the one with no nicotine, but It will make me feel like I'm the same as I always have been and I won't feel like I'm missing out so hopefully won't give in when my will power is a little weaker with alcohol :haha:
I am reading every day girls, but am going to bed by 8pm each night as Cora refuses to sleep in her moses basket at night (so sleeps on me) so not much time to reply.

Good work on the potty training Emma and Kira - I am impressed but still unwilling to try just yet :haha:

jean - hugs, I have been thinking of you this weekend.
oh and fair play for expressing your opinions, we have always been able to do that in here and it is what makes this thread great. I wouldn't give Sophia a cold shower either.

Right I am off to bed to try and get a couple of hours of sleep in before Cora wakes up and won't go back in her basket :dohh:
Re: the cold shower thing. I don't think it's horribly cruel but I also wouldn't do it. I've heard of far worse being done though. My SIL literally rubbed her daughters nose in her own wee in order to train her. Like a dog. :cry: And she has also been known to take the kids outside and hose them down with cold water. So a small cold shower in the house isn't very shocking to me. I do agree we should all be able to voice our opinions and concerns. :hugs:

Shiv- Cora sounds like Emma when she was a newborn. Always wanting to sleep on my chest. :cloud9: It's so sweet. Enjoy those cuddles hun!

jelr- I'm so glad stopping smoking is going so well for you!! :dance: What does an electronic cigarette look like? Does it look like a normal cigarette? Doesn't it puff out steam or something like that? You'll have to enlighten me. I think it's kinda neat.

spidey- Yay for potty training going well!!! :dance::dance: Sounds like she was ready too!!! With our morning cuddles, Emma just climbs out of bed and pees and than climbs back into bed with me. I put the potty to the left of the bed every night and she knows right where to go. :thumbup:

We went out for the first time today! Got groceries. So we were out for an hour and she had clothes on and was fine. No accidents. We got home and she didn't have to pee but I texted the neighbor and she came out with her daughter and we let the girls play in the middle(cul de sac). Suddenly I look over and Emma is across the street taking her pants off. :rofl: I rushed over and grabbed her and asked her if she has to pee. We go in and she sat down and peed. Than tried to put her pants back on. :rofl: So I'm thinking that will be her cue that she has to go when she starts stripping down. :dohh: I'm glad it happened around home instead of in the middle of walmart or somewhere with spectators. :rofl:
Aww Shiv - I hope Cora starts to settle soon Shiv and you get some sleep - Eeek just made me realise, you expect it all to go exactly the way it did the first time and forget every baby is different. How are you feeling in yourself? How does Sophia feel about her now?

Cleck: Well done Emma, she really is getting it as well isn't she - especially good that she knows she needs to take her pants off to pee even if it is out on the street :haha: - It does really show she is understanding it all though.

God that is awful what your SIL does. I can see why your not shocked so. I think I'm more shocked because I know how much cold showers badly affect me and I guess I just don't see it as something to be punished. To me it would be like punishing them for missing their mouths when learning how to use a spoon or falling over when learning how to walk. It just doesn't makes sense as peeing on the floor and regressing are all part of potty training.

The electronic cigarette looks exactly like a cigarette does except the white part is made of metal and plastic. it gives out some vapour when you exhale. you charge it up and there is a little light that comes on when you inhale. This is a description one of the websites gives:-

"Electronic cigarette is a non-flammable electronic atomizing device, utilizing advanced microelectronic technology and supercritical physical atomized technology to atomize in a disposable cartridge"

Here is a link to a you tube video


You can get the cartridges in different strenghts but I have the no nicotine one as I used in to help me stop in my last pregnancy. For some reason because it has clicked better in my head this time. I might only use it one in the day, but I know it will be handy for when I go out :thumbup:

Well girls myself and DH had a chat tonight and seeing as I have stopped the champix we are going to ttc from next cycle onwards, so I'm finally doing what the thread was set up for :haha: - AF is due sometime next weekend, It will be weird to be back to the tww next month :haha:
Okay that e-cigarette is NEAT!! :haha: That'd be an awesome prop for halloween. (Can you tell I'm looking at halloween stuff online today? :lol:)

YAY for TTC soon!!! You are gonna start trying and I'll be moving on to WTT again. :haha: Hopefully one of us actually ends up pregnant. :p

Oh and my SIL is a moron. Seriously some of the stuff she does makes me so angry. Like letting her kids have sips of beer. :wacko: That's so sickening to me. But I have to keep my mouth shut because everyone would just gang up on me I think. My MIL agrees with me but she wouldn't agree with me in front of SIL if that makes sense. Since I'm not 'blood' she will stick up for SIL first in a group setting. But when it's just MIL and I we can talk about the horrible things SIL does and we are in agreement about it. :dohh:
hey girls, sorry I've been a bit quiet, I don't really feel like talking that much right now, though there is a lot going on. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable, to be honest, perhaps this isn't the best place for me to be right now.

hooray for all the potty training babes, though. that's awesome, a big milestone for them. like I have said before, time isn't right for us. too much other stuff going on and I would rather wait till I am sure he'll "get it". perhaps he'd get it now, but I haven't the energy. perhaps I am selfish and denying him the chance to progress. as for methods, I haven't looked into it, but suffice to say, I agree with you Jean, 100% over the harsh "punishment"/consequences aspect. I don't understand it, it's not for us at all. :shrug: glad you brought up your feelings about it, rather than letting them fester. :hug:

Shiv, hope Cora is settling a bit and that she will soon learn to love her basket.

Jean, yay for TTC as of next month! just think, that could be another August baby for you... :happydance:

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