***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

The first three are from my sophomore year in 2002. I was 15 and went to Corey's high school prom. Corey was 18. We had only been together for like 4-5 months at this point. These aren't on facebook. I took a picture of the pictures in one of my scrapbooks. :haha: I totally love the picture showing the side shot of me. I can't believe how skinny I was. :D That dress was amazing too. Really heavy because of all the beadwork. I wish we got a picture of the back because it was an open back. I wish I still had this dress but I'm pretty sure my mom sold it. :cry:

The fourth picture is on facebook too. I'm not sure where the rest of these photos are but I know they must be in a scrapbook somewhere probably packed already. This was my Junior year. Ages 16 for me and 19 for Corey. You can tell he joined the military between the two years because his hair is super short for the second prom. :haha:

I never went to my senior prom. Corey was deployed and I didn't want to go alone or even with friends really. I was a giant downer because it was our first deployment.

Edit: Hmm the fourth picture wouldn't upload for some reason so here's a photobucket version.

Spidey: Yay for your mom's good news, I'm so so happy for you, that is a big worry that is over now.

Oh you really really have to wear an evening dress, you would look amazing. I love an excuse to dress up :haha: - that is a great achievement for your DH.

Cleck: We have something like a prom here, but it is called a grad (short for graduation) - I had a baby pink dress for mine, I must see if I have any pictures, but I have a funny feeling my mam has the only 1 and that is on her wall :haha: - You look amazing at both proms - I love your new sig and avatar, Emma is adorable.

Shiv: You did great on the weight, and I bet more of that will come off without you even doing anything, as you will probably still have fluid and so on to lose. Do you think you did ate better this time or ate less crap or did you do more exercise?

I know I'm not David but here is a :hugs: from me - I do think you two need to sort this out as you don't wan't to remember the first two weeks of Cora's life with you both not talking or waste the time off with all this bad feeling and you do need those hugs and deserve them at the moment. If you are not up for telling him how you feel, could you write him another email or letter as I know you found that easier last time and it sorted things out. Honestly you won't get this time back, so you wan't to have good memories :thumup:

Don't you even think about going anywhere, sure look at me, I only came in when I mc and haven't been ttc until now. It is definitely more our little chat group than anything and you are a huge part of that and I for 1 would be lost without you.

MJ: Would be lost without you too, if you are reading and I hope you come back :hugs:

Well I'm off the cigs now 16 days and am actually saving the money that I would have smoked so that I can see the savings and I'm hoping it will be our little holiday fund, mind you if my money is cut it will probably be used on every day stuff :haha: but sure I can dream.

DH did give me money to treat myself though so I bought my new ghd and a few dresses yesterday. I have to say he really did help me stop, even though he is still smoking. The first weekend I had a glass of wine and was really agitated and upset and was ready to give up and he told me that I was better and stronger than that and that I had managed to survive 2 mc's and lived a full life with arthritis, even though the doctors had had me down for ending up in a wheelchair and I proved them all wrong and even came off all the injections they had me on and managed the pain with no meds to have Natasha and that I was the strongest people he knew and he was so so proud of me for stopping. It all really melted my heart because even though he would compliment me if I was dressed up and stuff, he would never compliment me by saying I was strong or anything like that and it actually made me very proud of myself as I had never thought about any of it like that before :haha: - so after his little pep talk I did pull myself together and thought he is right, I have managed harder so I wasn't going to let them beat me. So hopefully I can keep the momentem up now.

Well thankfully Natasha was in better form today, and I hope it stays like that when I'm off tomorrow - bet I have jinxed myself now, she has been like a demon on and off all week and is screaming for everything and just doing everything that she is not meant to like slapping and throwing things. It really isn't like her, so don't know if it is her back teeth or if she maybe picked up on me being down over the few days. She did say tonight that her mouth was sore and woke up screaming at one stage last night so I think it could be teeth, the poor thing. Although much as I feel for her, it has been hard work when she has been in such a bad mood :dohh:
What is ghd? I keep seeing girls post that on facebook and I have no clue what they are talking about.

Your paragraph about your husband giving you a pep talk actually made me tear up a little. I must be hormonal but that was very sweet of him to encourage you like that. You've got a good man. :thumbup:
I gave DH the heads up that I'll be heading off to the mall to shop for a dress this weekend!! He said it's not black tie :growlmad: but it's supposed to be a little fancier than business casual. He's wearing a dress shirt, tie and trousers. So I think a dress will be okay for me to wear (IF I can find one!). I NEVER get the chance to dress up for something fun, so I can't wait. Be warned I will be posting pictures to get advice- I have no clue what I'm doing :haha:

Cleckner, I love your pictures. Were you married when you were a senior in HS? You have way more boobage now :haha: I wish mine grew after HS :blush: I didn't go to my prom or DH's prom... or even homecoming! I was very shy in HS and the thought of going to a dance terrified me. Also, it was hard to ask my parents for money. I should have gotten off my lazy ass and got a job :haha:

Cleckner, you are right... Ohio isn't toooo far. Maybe one day I'll plan a family vacation out that way and we will pass by your town and stop in :thumbup:

Shiv, you must stick around and keep posting!!! You did have a rough pregnancy with all the worry of head up/down. It's funny to think that sweet Cora caused all that worry. It sounds like David has figured out the perfect way to avoid trouble. I hope you both start talking soon and can get your feelings out :hugs: I looked up the conversion 14 pounds= 1 stone :lol: You've had really great weight loss after only 1 week. You look great in your picture too. It's so sad your bump has gone.

jelr, congrats on 16 days! That's very sweet what your DH said and it's true too. It's very nice to be reminded every so often. I hope Natasha is feeling better tomorrow. It's probably those molars coming in- poor thing.
I married Corey 3 months after graduation. I spent my senior year planning my wedding. :rofl: Which is funny because we had to 'plan our wedding' as a home economics project so I aced it. :rofl::rofl: And yes I had no boobs whatsoever before Emma. They were an A cup. Now are Ds. Which I have a feeling they won't look too good once I'm done losing the weight and done breastfeeding. I'll probably be able to roll them up and put them in a bra. :haha:

Booo about no prom pictures of you. Did you go to a big school? I was shy too but I grew up with everyone I was in school with so it wasn't a big deal to make a fool of myself in front of them all. :haha: Our class only had 50-55 people in it I think.

I look forward to seeing your dress selections!! Kinda a bummer that it's not black tie. But you can still get a nice dress! So it's homecoming instead of prom for you. :winkwink:
Hi all...sorry I have been MIA. I have had so much going on lately!! I am so jealous those with girls getting potty training down. I wish James was interested but he just isn't. With me working full time, I can't work with him as I should. Maybe when I get some time off in Dec I will have a chance to work with him. We are still hanging in there with ttc. Not been successful mind you but hopefully we will get there.

Cleck...hope the move isn't too bad for you.

I can't remember what all I have read:

MJ ((hugs))

Good luck ttc Jelr and spidey

I think I'm caught up? not sure...
Cleck - you look beautiful in the prom pictures. how much did you weigh then, you certainly were a skinny minny!

GHD's are hair straighteners but the best ones you can get here.

Spidey - I can't wait to see your dress choice. It doesn't have to be black tie to wear a dress, that is such a man thing to say!

jelr - Can I borrow Jim, he sounds like a sweetheart and everything he said is true:hugs: I hope Natasha is in better spirits today

As for me, well things are better with David now he has made the decision regarding going back to work (still waiting to see if they get back to him about going in on Monday. Got my cuddle although I did (begrudgingly) have to initiate it. But woke up to one this morning (at 9.30am, Cora is loving her sleep now!).

I had forgotten the worry of having a newborn, first it was that she wouldn't sleep and now it is that she is sleeping loads and I worry she isn't feeding enough. I am scared of her not putting on weight. She gets weighed on Saturday, and if she is all ok then I will be relieved and she is obviously an effcicient feeder. She can have a full feed in 10 mins (which is short for a newborn i think). I was so worried that i was encouraging her to feed for longer (teh usual tricks, tickling face and feet etc) She fed for 20 mins then projectile vomitted over the laptop so she obviously didn't need more food!

SO last night she went to bed late (because of the projectile vomitting, she needed another feed) at 11.30pm then woke at 4.30am for a feed. Went back down at 5.30am and woke up at 9.30am. Pretty good I think and not unlike Sophia was.

We played hide and seek today with Sophia (she LOVES this game) and I was amazed at all teh great places I found to hide now that I am not the size of a whale :haha:

On the weight front, my scales ran our of battery today, so I am now worried that they may have been weighing light for a while and I will step on them when I get some new batteries and they will say 16 stone or something! :haha:

The keyboard has just started squeaking when I type, I can only assume it is the vomit causing it :haha:
Cleck: Yep GHD stands for Good Hair Day and as Shiv said they are a straightners, I have had one for about 5 years now and simply could not live without it as I have a kink in my hair so it is extremely fuzzy if not straightened. Mine old one broke last week, so the treat money came in handy, although I would have rather have my old ones and use the treat money for more clothes :haha:

That was so handy planning your wedding and doing your home economics project too :haha:

Shiv: I'm so happy that you got your cuddle and Cora sounds like she is doing brilliantly. Yeah I can totally understand the whole newborn thing. It is only with speaking to my friend that had the baby a few months ago that I am remembering the worry of a newborn not being able to tell you anything and trying to guess everything. I can remember finding that really frustrating.

Oh and by the way I meant to say yesterday, that is a great idea to treat your mum, she really does deserve it. I do like to think that the struggle will stop, but realistically it is like any addiction I'm always going to have to fight the urge to have just one for the rest of my life and that does scare me, so I try to just work on it day to day and your mum has done brilliantly as she smoked for so much longer than me and I have to be honest here are times where if I wasn't intending to become pregnant, I don't know if I would have been so good.

I decided tonight also that the money I am saving for the first month I am actually going to treat myself with too. I really shouldn't as my hours will be cut soon, but I think by getting the few extra bits I will also see the financial benefits of stopping too and I may as well do it this month before my hours do get cut and I end up using it for stuff that has to be got rather than going towards nice things :haha: - There are a couple of recipe books that I want to get and not just one but two pairs of winter boots so I'm going to spoil myself :haha:

Spidey: Aww I'm raging it is not a black tie affair as I would have loved to see you in a ball gown. But still I'm looking forward to seeing your dress choices and yep I'm definitely up for helping out, you girls were great when I was looking for clothes for the wedding :thumbup:

OC: Thanks OK and you too.

Thanks for the lovely comments on DH girls, he really is a sweetie and a bit old softie, although like them all he has his moments too and I always say AF hits him as bad as me he can get so cranky by times :haha: - Ah no he actually wasn't that great of a communicator when we met, but I am a big believer in communications and in fact can't cope when it is not there and end up making mountains out of mole hills in my head when I don't know what is going on in his, so over the years I think he has learned that it is so so much easlier to talk to me and tell me what is going on in his head and how he does feel about things - mind you it is probably to stop me turning into a lunatic :haha: - but he actually did shock me with his pep talk as he has never really said anything like that, although he did say something similiar when I was having Natasha and after 3 hours of pushing and getting sick was saying "I can't do this anymore" - but I had completely forgotten he had told me I could and went through why I was so strong, so it good to hear it the other night and know that he has that kind of respect for me, because it is not something he would usually say. In fact he is a big joker and would usually tell you he is the best at everything :haha:

Natasha is in much much better form today and wanted loads of kisses and cuddles, so maybe it was her teeth or maybe it was just she picked up on my mood all week. I'm feeling so much better myself today and really do feel ready to move past it all now. I just hope I haven't jinxed it now and she will be like a divil tomorrow :haha: - Well I had better get to bed or will be like a divil myself. I have just got my upgrade with my phone company so I have the Iphone 4 now instead of the 3 and have spent hours messing with it, although I have no idea why because apart from the video it is the very same, that is probably why I did play so much hoping to find something more exciting on itunes that would really make it feel like new :haha: - I shouldn't complain really when it is for free, although DH got his upgrade a few weeks ago and got a Samsung Galaxy and I actually think his is better :dohh:

Well I won't be in over the weekend, so hope you all have a great one. Xx
Hi girls, hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Well David is out so I am home with my girls! Sophia is in bed and hopefully will stay settled until morning. Cora is asleep in her basket (but due to wake up soon for more mummy milk (i am loving breastfeeding, and my nipples are no longer sore at all, which is such a contrast to with Sophia where I suffered with nipple loss until 3 months in when it started growing back)

I had Cora weighed today and she is slowly putting on weight but still not back up to her birth weight, she is 8lbs 11oz now. Now that she isn't quite as chubby faced as first born she looks SO much like Sophia. Let me see if I can dig out some photos of them both at the same age for comparison (i'll post later)

David suprised me by buying me a dress today! He said he was going out to return a DVD to the shop, which he did, buthe came back with a bag from a boutique in town. We had walked past this shop on Thursday and commented as we walked past the liked the dress in the window....anyhow that is the dress he got me. It is a bit snug at the moment (size 12) so it is myaim to be able to fit nicely into it by Christmas.

I found out at the midwife today that my abdominal muscles have separated down the middle, she made me feel where I can get my whole hand in between and basicaly feel my insides - gross! So I am very much doubting I will be getting a flat tummy again, so I am going to go and scoff some ice-cream and cake :haha:

how is the potty training going Spidey?
I just got Kira down for her nap, so it's mommy internet time! DH and my Dad are starting work on a large deck for the backyard so for the next few weekends I won't have much help with Kira. My grandma left some money to my mom so she's giving us some to build a deck and an equal amount to my brother :thumbup: But with all this deck stuff, I haven't gotten a chance to dress shop yet :growlmad:

Shiv, my tummy muscles separated too and the only problem I have now is at the slightest bit of bloat, I grow a nice 20 week bump. I can still feel the separation above my belly button, but it has greatly improved from about 6 or 9 months ppd. I can take a pic of my belly to show you- it looks pretty good and flat as long as I haven't just eaten :thumbup: Thats very sweet about the dress... maybe David realized he was being insensitive and that's his way of making up. I'm so happy to hear that bf is going well :happydance: Did your nipples actually wear away with Sophia? Oh gosh, I can't imagine how painful that must have been.

Cleck, I'm not sure how many students were in my graduating class, but the entire school (grades 9-12) had just over 2,000. You gave me a nice visual about rolling your boobs up :rofl: How is Emma with her potty training?

jelr, I hope Natasha is still being a sweetheart this weekend. Don't feel guilty about treating yourself with the money you've saved this month. It's a great incentive!

OC- fingers crossed you'll get pregnant this cycle!

So I think I'm finally going to ovulate and today is cd29. My nips are starting to tingle. I'll pee on an opk tonight and see. No spike in bbt yet, so maybe I'll see that tomorrow morning.

Potty training is going okay- harder now that DH is back. I created the M&M incentive, so 1 for pee and 2 for poop and after she uses the potty I dance and sing. When DH came back from his vacation, right away he decided that she didn't need M&M's anymore and he wasn't going to dance :growlmad: So she started having more accidents and holding her pee for 8 hours at a time. So yesterday I told him that we must stay consistent with the rewards. So of course I was right and she stopped having frequent accidents when we started dancing and singing and giving out M&M's again. I got a little mad at DH for trying to control the potty training thing, but I think he felt a little left out because he wasn't home when I trained her. She only wears a diaper at night, but hasn't peed in it yet. No diaper at nap time and she's wearing underwear and pants now!
Spidey that is great about the potty training, I am so impressed with Kira and Emma - still not ready to give it a go with Sophia though, although I think she would probably take to it ok.

The other day I went to wake her from her nap (is she sleeps past 3pm she is a mare to get togo to bed at night) and I went in and she was sat up inbed, kinda looking under the covers. So I get on the bed next to her and peek under the covers, she pulls them back down and says "mummy I was trying to have a poo"! By the smell of it she had suceeded too! So she knows she is going to poo, just waiting fro some signs that she she knows sheis going to wee. Also her nappy is SO full in the mornings so we are a long way off night training. But then she does sleep for between 13 and 14 horus each night and I would struggle to hold on that long too!

As fo rmy nipples, it was less worn away as eaten away in chunks, I was literally left with just a tinybit of nipple on my left side. I started to see new pink nipple at 12 weeks and then itgrew back, it is now much larger than my right, I suppose because it is scar tissue. I wish I had taken photos of it because I don't think people believe she actually ate my nipple :haha:

The dress is definitely David's way of saying sorry, and also prob because he is off out tonight. I told him the other night he should be giving ultimate respect after having his baby and not crap!

I hope you get to go dress shopping Spidey. Also make sure you take photos of the decking.

I just ate a tub of ice-cream :dohh:
I bet Sophia would potty train fast. I remember you posting that she will stop in mid stream and show you where her pee is. And she's not against sitting on the potty too. It's just a matter of when you feel like taking the plunge!

Oh Shiv, that is awful about your nipples :cry: My nips are hurting right now thinking about it. I'm glad the tissue grew back and the scarring didn't block milk flow. Looking back, do you know what caused your nipples to be damaged so badly? Was it a latch issue? I can understand now why you were afraid that bf may not be easy with the new baby.
the weird thing is that it was only one nipple, so her latch was obviously fine with the other :shrug:

Anyway Cora doesn't seem to have an issue changing from giant nip to normal nip so that is good. My damaged nipple does leak a LOT though!
Eeeek Shiv: that sounds really painful - So glad it is going better this time :thumbup:

Aww that was lovely of David to go out and buy you the dress, glad he realised that he was wrong :thumbup:

Spidey: Sorry you didn't get to go shopping the weekend. Boo I was looking forward to looking at some dresses too. Definitely get some pictures. That is a lovely treat to get the decking done.

Not much news here, just went as far as a local farm on Saturday and met my friend with her 3 girls and we did some spring cleaning today and that was it. Natasha is still hit and miss, Friday she was in really bad form again and then over the weekend, she was fine most of the time, but had her moments, but I can live with that once it is not all day :dohh:
I finally got 15 minutes to shop for a dress! :happydance: So tell me honestly what you think. The event is on Tuesday evening so I technically still have Monday, which is a US holiday and DH has off. We already have tons of plans, but I'm sure I could squeeze in another short trip to the mall.

My shoes (the only "dress" shoes I own, so they HAVE to work!) DH calls them my slut shoes.


The dress. It's very plain, but I can imagine re-wearing it in the future for something work related. I was looking for something a little flashier, but everything was either way too slutty/flashy, or way too conservative.

Fake boobs :rofl:

Real boobs

My butt

The main thing I don't like is the boob part, but I can stuff my bra a bit to help things out. DH likes the dress, but who knows how he really feels since he was trying to entertain a cranky Kira :haha:
I LOVE the dress! And you need fake boobs!!!! :haha: Go to walmart and in the bra section they sell amazing pad things that you can shove in your bra. It's always by the strapless bra section with the clear straps, etc. :D
I love the dress too, not too flashy but very elegant and your butt looks great :thumbup: Agree that it looks better with a bit of padding though.
:thumbup: on the dress from me too - but I also agree, add the padding - you can get good plunge bras with what we call chicken fillets (gel padding) and they are brilliant, my sister is only a b cup, but looks like a d cup.

Have a great night tomorrow night.
I took another trip since my last was barely 15 minutes. I left cranky Kira home with tired cranky DH :haha: I've had a long day, so excuse the crazy hair and tiredness!

dress 2 is a little less formal. DH says it'll match his level of "fanciness". I like it most, perhaps because it's my typical style- shirt with tight pants. It also gets around the boob problem, which I was not able to solve today because I could not find any bra inserts in the 1 store closest my house :growlmad: But if I wore the first one I would definitely stuff my bra with something. :thumbup:

Butt first- my best feature



Super fancy dress #3. DH says it's way too fancy for the event, but I'm having fun trying it on until I have to return it :haha:


I love them all! But I still like the first dress the best. With the legging/top outfit in a close second. The third dress is kind of hard to see details by the pictures so I can't give a good review on it. :haha:

I say wear what you are most comfortable in. The first two are both dressy enough that you can't be mistaken as being underdressed or overdressed IYKWIM.

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