***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

The top was last nights and the bottom is from tonight.


Cleckner, I'm still in shock it happened this month and I have no doubt that you'll get your bfp either this month or right away when Corey returns. Fingers crossed its this month so I have company :lol: Kira bf sooooo much that I was certain my LP would be 6 days at most. We also only dtd once around the time of ovulation on the first day that I got a positive opk.

So I looked back at the journal I kept when I was pregnant with Kira, and I looked at my weekly belly pictures and then I got excited about being pregnant. I even looked at old emails I sent to my mom when I was in my 1st trimester with Kira. It brought back tons of memories- mostly good ones :thumbup:

I had really bad m/s with Kira that started at 5w4 days- the reason I did a pregnancy test since Kira was a total surprise :haha: I couldn't stand up or move without heaving, so I spent the rest of my weeks on the couch and sleeping in a separate bed than DH (due to his wiggling) until 10ish weeks. I missed 1 full month of work and another month of partial days. Right when AF was due (4w0d) I already had symptoms with Kira. I remember it clearly since it was Thanksgiving and I could not muster up the energy to clean my house or cook even though I was hosting dinner. I also had very sensitive gums and was contemplating making a dentist appointment after Thanksgiving weekend. Maybe I can be pregnant without the symptoms this time- that would be a dream. But if I have m/s like I did last time I'll need medicine so I can function enough to care for Kira.

Cleckner, smart idea to warn DH to stay away from those crazy neighbors. They're liars so you don't want to give them any chance to blame Corey for causing them pain or damage or whatever. Oh, and you should see my cabinets. They are so random its embarrassing. :haha:

Shiv, any ideas on what's causing Cora's spitting up?

I don't remember having sharp poo, but I took a laxative for a couple of weeks since I was afraid of having pain when I went. I would eat some prunes and dried fruit to soften things up for awhile.
OMG - Spidey: Huge Huge Congrats :happydance: :dance: - I can't believe I missed this, we had such a busy weekend I didn't even get to read on my phone. I'm so happy for you, See I think that had so much to do with you had your appointment and once the nurse told you, it was the bf and I think you kind of resigned yourself to the fact that it wouldn't happen yet and stopped worrying that there was anything wrong. I do think to actually stop worrying about ttc is what helps and Cleck is definitely right, it has happened when the time is right.

You will a great mom of two - bet that is why your hormones have been so up in the air the last few days too. Eeeekkkk it is so exciting :thumbup:

Cleck: Your neighbours are nuts aren't they? I did think you were going to say that they had done something really bad and beat the dog or something, they are definitely capable of anything. Sounds like a really good idea to have phoned the security and at least they will be on alert and hopefully keeping a closer eye now. I really hope the next two weeks flies until you are out of there.

Shiv: I meant to say to you on the previous post - well done for handling the Sophia tantrum so well, I probably would have sat and cried with her :haha:

No I don't remember sharp poos either, but then I did have to take something for constipation as my double dose of Iron really bunged me up :nope: - I hope it clears soon along with Coras sickness, any idea at all what could be causing it?

MJ: Not long now and hopefully sooner rather than later. Aww I'm delighted Adam loves his baby doll. I bet he is going to make the best big brother and be a real little helper. Best of luck with the sweep on Tuesday, I really hope it makes things move along. I bought a larger nightdress from Primark (it is called Penny's here) for when I had Natasha and it was perfect. Although I have a secret confession to make. I love Pennys here for a lot of my own clothes, they dont wear well as they are so cheap, but the style really suits me and I do get bored with clothes so easily so it suits me that they are so cheap and dont' last long as it gives me an excuse to update my wardrobe often :haha:

Well we had such a busy weekend, my friend came down to stay on Friday night, then we had to drive to DH home place (45 mins to 1 hour drive) on Sat lunch time for a fancy dress (for the kids) 1st birthday party with Natasha, then home again and got Natasha packed up to go to my mams and gave her her dinner and then got ready and headed back up to DH home place for his sisters 50th birthday party. We then headed into town this morning as Argos have 3 for 2 on toys and we have 22 children to buy for this year, so we made a huge saving on it and then this afternoon my friend and her husband and 3 girls called.

Oh Lord though Natasha had the tantrum off all times and I was really embarrassed at first, but then remembered my friend has 3 girls and I know have had their moments over the years, so I knew my friend totally understood, she was more shocked because Natasha is normally so laid back and she has never even heard her cry. My mam has told her this morning when she got up in her house that the girls were calling ot play and they Natasha said "girls play in toy room" and then went really quiet and started to cry and said "no girls play with me toys" and my mam had said "you have to share" and she had a few tears there. so when the lads arrived she had a complete melt down and was screaming "no share me toys" "no girls in me toy room" - So I had to put her in a time out to calm to her down and eventually she did, but she grabbed at everything they wanted to play with :dohh: - so we had to just keep taking things from her that she had grabbed from others and saying "no you have to share" - eventually she did better with it, but OMG I really did feel like she was spoiled today :dohh:

As for ttc - I'm on CD17 today so according to FF I ov tomorrow, but I'm not sure if that is correct as I'm very bloated for the past few days so we dtd on CD13, 15, 16 and we will again tomorrow on CD18 so hopefully that will cover if I do OV on CD14 to 18. I will be interested to see if my temp goes way up to shop ovulation after tomorrow or if it still the same and is all over the place :haha: - mind you I'm not worried now that I'm not OV by the chart after seeing Spideys one (mine is not so bad) and now her BFP :haha:

I have decided I am definitely going to the hypnotist as I really struggled again last night and ended up smoking and I didn't really drink much at all as I was concious of there being a possibility of maybe already being pregnant. I'm not too worried about the stress element now and pregnancy, because I have done the main stressful part and if I did become pregnant I wouldnt' be drinking so wouldn't miss them that way. but I'm terrified that even though at the moment I am managing no problem to get up the next day and not smoke or even want one, but even though I would love to be a social smoker only. I do know deep down that after being addicted to them for all these years, I don't think you can go from being a full time smoker to a social one and that it really is a slippery slope and it could cause me to go back to them full time.

It is just so hard when we are out though - I don't know about other countries, but in Ireland it is actually more sociable to be outside smoking than in. We have the smoking ban in for about 6 or 7 years now and most of our pubs have fancy gardens with fires and heaters for people to smoke in comfort outside so people are in and out and that is usually where the craic is, so it is so hard to miss all that when you are already struggling already and struggling even more after having a drink. :dohh: - it is terrible to say that I gave up in the hopes of becoming pregnant, but now if I was to get pregnant quickly it would be a blessing as it will keep me off of them :haha:

Well I best get to bed - back to work tomorrow - yuck :haha:
jelr, I hope you get your bfp this month so it'll be the final motivator to stop smoking. I can imagine its hard if socializing is centered around smoking. It seems like smoking is getting less and less popular here, perhaps because its so expensive now. And in most places you can't smoke right outside the door... at my work the smokers have to leave federal property so they walk a long distance and cross a street. It's also going to be extra hard for you since DH smokes. Re: sharing toys, the last time Kira's friend visited, Kira had several meltdowns while watching the other girl play with her toys. So I suppose it's their age.. poor Natasha must have been so overwhelmed with everyone touching her things!

I think you're right about me getting pregnant right after I stopped caring about TTC. I still have doubts this pregnancy will go anywhere and I haven't allowed myself to be excited about it. The lines do seem really dark especially since I've been using evening pee and now meanie Cleckner has me worried it could be twins :haha: Kira is still bf constantly, but I read that bf doesn't effect pregnancy, so lets hope that's really true. The midwife said that she'll allow me to come in for blood tests at 5 or 6 weeks to check progesterone levels, so perhaps I'll do that. Normally they don't want to see you until 9 or 10 weeks. They don't do early scans and I'll probably have to cry to get a 12 week scan :haha: I only got a 12 week scan with Kira because they couldn't find her HB with the doppler.

Spidey - those lines are great! Is there any history of twins in your family?

jelr - I hope the hypnotist can cure the last of those cravings for you.
sounds like you had a busy but great weekend!

Cleck- how is the weight loss going? Any news from your psycho neighbours?

MJ - how you doing? good luck with your tomorrow (assuming you don't pop tonight!)

I am SO going to have put weight on this week. I can't stop eating! And I have finished bleeding so that isn't gonna help!

We've got a busy week for visitors this week. Tomorrow my parents are coming for a few hours. Wednesday an old school friend and her brood (3 kids) are coming. Friday, I have my mummy friends coming round. Saturday, David's mum is coming round (first time she has been to visit Cora since we went there 3 days after her birth) and on Sunday oneof my best friends from Kent is visiting! Crikey, that seems a bit crazy, I bet I won't see anyone for months after this week!

I went to get Cora weighed today (after the health visitor nevershowed up last week). They actually make you weigh the baby yourself. You go into a room where there are several scales, weigh the baby and write teh wieght down in their book. Then a HV came and plotted it on the curve (when I checked at home she had plotted it drastically wrong!). To be honest i may as well have just weighed at her home. When i weighed her on my scales at home she was 10lbs (a couple of days ago) and today she wieghed..........10lbs! And the stress of getting both girls there, and out again was SO not worth it!
Shiv, wow! You're going to be busy this week! I'm glad Cora is gaining weight :thumbup: I remember you asking Pippin this question, but now it's your turn! Tell us honesty how it is with 2 kids. How is Sophia doing with you needing to give attention to Cora.

Shiv and Cleckner, you are meanies for making me think it's twins :haha: We don't have any in my family that I know of, but DH's half-Aunt has identical twin girls. The half-Aunt and DH's mother share a dad. Do you really think the lines are overly dark? With Kira I didn't test till later and the line was very dark and came up immediately so I have nothing to compare it to. I don't have any more tests so now I just sit back and wait for 5 weeks to pass and then I can try my doppler.

Kira is being more and more extreme in her nesting behavior. It's hilarious watching her collect certain objects and stash them under the already existing piles of stuff accumulated on the couch. By the end of the day I have to spend 30 minutes putting everything in it's place and tossing any rocks and sticks back outside :lol: And her new thing is to bury sticks and pieces of wood in her sandbox. :haha:
Spidey- I just like fucking with you. :haha: And every single one of the august mommies that have been pregnant so far, I have been wrong about gender so I'm sure I'm wrong about twins too. :haha: Kira sounds so funny with her nesting. I hope you are getting lots of pictures and video to show her later in life how crazy she is. :D

Shiv- Sounds like you are busy this week with all those visitors!! I bet it will fly by though. I always find having people here makes the days go so fast. Yay for cora weighing 10 lbs!! That's sucky that you had to go through all that trouble just to weigh her though. :wacko:

The neighbors have been suspiciously quiet and than yesterday DH was getting something from far up on a shelf upstairs and when he came down he landed kinda hard. Not even a minute later the neighbors beat on the wall. :rofl: So they are just sitting around waiting for us to be loud now I think. I hung out with V today and she agrees that they are just total dirt bags. :haha: It's fun talking trash about them. I've decided to just take the high road and ignore them and report anything sketchy but not do anything to retaliate. Although DH has been having fun setting off their extremely sensitive car alarm. :rofl: Any loud noises set it off. And DH is borrowing his friends bike for the next two weeks so any time he starts the bike up, the alarm goes off next door. :rofl::rofl: I was just waiting for the neighbor to come out and start another fight over it. But DH said he has seen him once and the guy just looked and kept walking. So he's clearly a giant coward. This has even made V and her husband start giving them dirty looks too so I feel like no matter what, we have someone in our corner.

Oh yeah, my dog is terrified now though. DH went to pet him yesterday and Diesel peed himself right where he stood. :( He hasn't done that since he was a little puppy with a weak bladder. So obviously the neighbors are really scaring him. :cry: I am so scared the neighbors will turn Diesel mean. We love on him as much as we can to make up for it but I'm not sure what kind of damage something like this can do to a dog.
I knew if I snuck in here again I'd see pictures :rofl: CONGRATULATIONS SPIDEY!! :wohoo: sorry I missed it in the FB thread. I miss out on all the gossip now I don't come in to BnB very often. I just hate the new layout to be honest. You guys right so much I can't keep up with it all.

I'm so happy for you Spidey, Cleckner your turn next hun I can feel it in my waters! :hugs:

Any stronger feelings today Spidey? Of course the first thing I want to know lol is are you going to find out the sex? :haha:

When is the due date too?
I'm so sorry Diesel is scared :cry: That's really awful. Thankfully you're moving soon so he won't have to be traumatized by those stupid neighbors anymore. How is the packing going?

Hi Pippin :wave: I probably won't find out the sex, BUT.. if its twins or triplets I might :rofl: No symptoms whatsoever even with me trying to make symptoms up :lol: I think the due date would be July 1st. I've been listening to my nausea hypnosis cd every night with hopes I can avoid MS this time. I figured that hypnosis worked with Kira's birth so my brain is designed nicely for it :haha:
:hi: Yay for no sickness so far, but are you saying you are impressionable though :rofl: can I hypnotise you to come and do my washing and ironing then...... hehehehe Maybe you'll avoid it this time because it'll be a boy :haha: My goodness twins can you imagine eeeekk. Mind you you'd be the first of the group to have them and with lines developing that quick my goodness it could be :shock: One of us has to have twins surely hehehehehe!!!! I think if I had another one I'd try and stay team yellow just because I'd quite like to know what it felt like to have the surprise but in my experience I'm so glad just to have them out the sex might be the last thing on my mind :rofl: :haha:

I'm super chuffed for you though big smile on my face. Just can't believe I missed it the other day. My apologies hun.
I called my midwife group and said that I needed an appointment to have my hcg and progesterone levels checked next week. The bitchy secretary said no! :growlmad: I told her that during my yearly check up my midwife told me to come in to have those tests done, so the bitchy secretary had to give in and said the only time available is next Thursday at 4:30. This woman is always so bitter and mean on the phone and even worse in real life. She made me cry several times when I was pregnant with Kira :haha: She's the type that avoids eye contact so she doesn't have to help you. I've been having bad feelings about seeing this particular group of midwives for another pregnancy since I didn't have the best time with them while I was pregnant with Kira.

Sooo... I called a midwife center even further from my house. It'll be a 30-40 minute drive but it already seems worth it. They sent in an order to the laboratory where I can have my blood drawn. So I can go tonight if I want to! And I have an appointment on Dec 7th when I'll be around 11 weeks for my first check up. She said if my levels are under 20, then she'll prescribe me progesterone.

More than likely my levels are okay, but I've had 14 months with a short LP, and last month my LP was really good at 14 days. So I think its something that should be checked.

Pippin, I'm a real weirdo and love cleaning, so you won't need much hypnotizing to convince me! A chocolate bar might be enough incentive :haha:
Oh hun sorry about the bitchy receptionist, why are people like that huh? Life must be so miserable for them. I'm one of these people that think if I'm not nice no one will be nice to me so I'll be nice to even the most horrid of people which is stupid really as I should stick up for myself more (you'd find that rather ironic if you met me I'm nearly 6 foot very large and loud lol). I'm very bossy but when it comes to sticking up for myself I am rubbish :dohh: can't even take something back to a shop in case they question me!!!! Anyway I digress, glad you have gone to another place. We don't get that option here it's our closest doctors or nothing! So did you go and get the bloods? I would if I was you a nice piece of mind. We don't have bloods here unless a problem has been flagged up somewhere in the past. Super chuffed for you still :hug: I had short LP as you probably remember and I carried both to term well. MY MC wasn't anything to do with that just a no go egg.

So back to cleaning, if I count your flight costs as pay then i reckon I could hire you for about 6 months. How does that sound :haha:? And I'd even buy you two bars of chocolate!!!
Spidey - glad you have found a centre with nicer midwives. I always wonder why some midwives are so miserable, why go into a people centred job if you don't want to help them? Let us know how the bloods go! Your lines are super good, but I don't think they are thatstrong that they indicate twins, just a good progression.

Kira's nesting cracks me up. My nephew was a bit like that too, he had a bob the builder hat thathe would fill with stuff in a certain order and would take it everywhere with him. Then he would get all the stuff out and lay it out in a certain way. he has grown out of it now!

Cleck - poor Diesel. I am sure it won't affect him long term seeing as you are moving away. Lots of cuddles will sort him out. Stupid ass neighbours:nope:

Pippin - hiya!

So Spidey you wanted to know how life is with 2. Well, here is the brutal truth. Mostly it is absolutley fine..................BUT the stress of thinking that things might not be ok is kinda taking the joy out of it for me. For example, remember with the first one in the early days, when they needed a feed and you used to get all snuggled up on the sofa or in bed, and just gaze at them as they fed and cuddle. Well, there isn't too much gazing going on, as I am so worried about keeping Sophia happy. Most of the time Sophia is great and just lets me read to her, but it still isn't the same undivided attention that I was able to give to her when she as little. I actually quite enjoy the night feeds as it is really just me and Cora, however then I remember that Sophia will be up in however many hours and I stress about how much sleep I'll get!
After Sophia's mega tantrum at the registry office, I am pretty reluctant to go out unless I have to, which is sad. I know it will get better but it is all just a bit more stressful with 2!
Saying that Sophia is generally good, and she loves Cora, and I don't think she loves me any less, although I do snap at her more as she seems to not understand that she should be a bit quiet! the number of times she has woken up Cora when I have just got her to nap! I have tried explaining to her that if she lets Cora sleep then we get to play............but alas she still wakes her up :dohh:
I am not making it sound too good am I? It is, i love Cora to bits (she fills my heart all over again) but I wish I had appreciated how *easy* it was first time round!

My school friend came to visit today with her 3 kids (7 year old girl who was my bridesmaid at my wedding 5 years ago, 5 year old boy and 2 year old boy). Sophia was shy to start off with, but by the end of the day they were all playing hide and seek and having a ball. They went upstairs to Sophia's room, and when I popped myhead in to check on them, they were all tucked up in the bed in a row with the girl reading them a story - it was SO cute! It was lovely to see Sophia playing with other children as she doesn't get much opportunity and when she sees other children she is often happier to sit on my lap being read to than playing.
I have an appointment at 11:45 tomorrow at a lab near my work, so I can stop over on my lunch break :thumbup: Pippin, I'm the same way and I'm often too nice and get taken advantage of. In my head I can be brave and nasty, but in person I'm always a pushover :haha: I hope you mean 2 candy bars per day :lol:

Shiv, I understand what you're saying. Those first months with a newborn were easy and fun since I would sit down to bf for hours and watch tv. I had nothing else I HAD to do besides use the bathroom and eat. I'm already planning to send Kira to my mom's 2 days a week so I can have that special lazy alone time with a new baby.

That's very sweet about Sophia playing with the other children. And I'm happy to hear your nephew outgrew his odd behaviors.. that gives Kira some hope for the future :lol:
Shiv I know how you feel I felt like that too at first but I promise it gets easier and easier every week and you will start going out again you just make compromises and have ways of dealing with bad situations. I've become much more brave and stopped worrying about when Adelie naps, she does in her buggy if we go out or just drifts off at home on her mat, I think she's just learnt to take naps when she wants to. When she gets bigger I'll put her in her cot like I did with Sam but that's a month or two off yet I think. It really is a case of second child syndrome where they learn to put up with a lot more. I snap way more at Sam especially when I'm feeding but he just carries on playing now where at first he'd want to come up all the time and cuddle and make me feel guilty. He's learnt to give us space and then I put her down and it's his turn. I think they find what works for them after a while. Stick with it hun I promise it gets way easier as you go on. I too feel like I didn't appreciate how easy it was with one but then I'm more confident now and trust myself a bit more to cope with the difficult situations. I tell myself "what's the worst that can happen" my answer is always "one or both will be crying and all I'll have to do is turn around and come home". It's not that bad when I think of it that way. As soon as I'm in the car and no one can hear us I tell myself it's ok and it is. People can look and stare when we are out but I can guarantee they won't remember us 5 minutes later.
Spidey: That is fantastic that you have gotten another midwife centre and they seem to be really helpful already. I think getting the bloods done too is a great idea as it will reassure you that everything is okay. I would definitely get them if we had the option here too. I think Kira is cute with her nesting :thumbup:

Cleck: I'm sorry that Diesel is scared now and hopefully he will get back to his normal self once he is out of there and away from those horrible people. Are you all packed up now, not long now. How did you decide to move it all in the end? By the way, was just looking at your pictures on fb and you look fantastic in your halloween costume, you look so so skinny :thumbup:

Shiv: You sound exactly like I know I would be with another child, I worry so much as it is about not giving Natasha enough time when I'm working, so I know I would feel extra guilty if I was splitting my time between two. On the up side, I would definitely say it will get easlier, I suppose having one seems like a doddle when you have two, but I know I remember it taking a while to get into the swing of it too, so I would imagine it is just the same this time around, you are still getting into the swing of it. :thumup: - You really do have a busy few days, I hope you enjoy all the visitors.

Pippin: Hey there you, glad to see you are in the swing of things with two babies and good to hear that it does get easier, as I know now that we are actually ttc, I do worry about how hard it will be :dohh:

MJ: You will have to let us know what you decided to do on the list we gave you on fb, but sure now that you have listened to DH and left those jeans off sure LO will be here by morning :rofl:

Well I'm going to the hypnotist tomorrow so fingers crossed he can make me stop thinking of these bloody awful cigerattes all the time. I'm really hoping this does the trick, although in one sense I feel he is getting easy money when I have already done the quitting :haha: - but on the other hand, if it stops me feeling crappy and thinking of them all the time and most important being bold and smoking when I'm out, it is worth its weight in gold. I'm terrified though that I'm going to shell out €190 and still feel the same :dohh: - so keep your fingers crossed for me girls.

Well the tww has begun - Not quiet sure if I have ovulated yet by the chart, but I did get a dip the morning of CD18 which was my predicted OV day and my temp has been rising the last two days, so we will see. For any of you girls that have used FF - Does it put the red lines for ov at the end of the month or does it do it straight away after it reckons you have OV'd as It hasn't put any on mine yet, so am wondering if I did OV at all. I know the course it gives you probably tells you that, but I did read the first few days and then fell behind and now I have about 10 emails to read :haha:

I do think I will be awfully disappointed though if I don't get a bfp and realistically I won't first time around, but I have it in my head now that it will happen quickly seeing as we got caught in January by accident. I know it is good to think positive and I'm hoping all the positive thinking I'm doing will help, but I know if It doesn't happen I will be disappointed and that is silly seeing as it took 2 years with Natahsa and it was only towards the end that I got disappointed. I'm symptom spotting already and I'm only on CD20 :haha: - Something I never did before :dohh:
Hey Jelr, yay for ovulation. FF puts your cross hairs on once you've had three temp rises after your dip so you don't have to wait long. I have everything crossed for you love and your right it can happen first time did with me but don't be too disappointed if you don't plenty of time hun. xxxx
jelr - how did it go at the hypnotist? Are you "cured":haha:
How is the symptom spotting going? i alsways found the first month the hardest with disapointment as for some reason you get it into your head that because you *could* be pregnant you defintily will be! once I have one month of disapointment I tend to assume the worst each month so I am not disheartened. I hope your ttc journey is a swift one.

Pippin - thanks for the reassurance. I would have been fine if Sophia hadn't thrown the mother of all wobblies while out last week :dohh:

You know how I was saying that I don't think Sophia loves me any less since having Cora, well she is being really horrible to David since he went back to work. When he gets back from work she has started saying "I want Daddy to go back to work" to his face :cry: and today he rang the doorbell and she opened the door and then when she saw it was him tried to slam it in his face. I feel so bad for him. She doesn't mean it, I ask her if she really wants daddy to go back to work and she says no. Yet every night for the last week she has told him to go away again. He tried to joke it off but it must be horrible for him.

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