***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

ok so that's decided then we are all moving in with Cleck, Corey and Emma! That ok with you Cleck?

Pip - yep we have found a house to rent. Move day should be 26th May assuming we can get removal men for that date (need to getto work on that!)

Spidey - wow 2 canines in a day - no wonder Kira has been a madam!
That's good Shiv :thumbup: I'm sure you'll find a man with a rather large van to move you. Exciting but sad times I guess :hug: hope you house shifts fast.

Spider Sam has two canines come through too. Bizarrely they caused more Freud on the way up than when they poked through. Two more to go *sigh*
Cleck: See I knew the weight was just ov - I'm giving spidey's nips a run for their money now :haha:

Wow I can not believe the price of those house, Yup if DH doesn't get back to work and the bank take back our house - now I know where we are going to emigrate too :rofl: - Do you know our entention cost more than that - it was €60,000 (which is aorund $87, 000 or £53,000) and all it was for 40 sq metres (430 sq feet) at the side of the house. granted that did include an expensive kitchen and we also converted part of the attic into an extra bedroom and an office and we also put in a stairs and knocked out the wall between the existing kitchen and sitting room to make the sitting room bigger but still we did it at about half the price it would cost most people because Dh got the best prices around from being in the trade and friends of ours are plummers and electricians and do windows so we got that much cheaper too and DH fit the insulation himself and got that at cost and my dad did the tiling so we saved a bomb. They are really beautiful houses too for the price - I like the last one the most. :thumbup:

Shiv: I lmao at your dh and his friends landing in Ireland on good friday - there is no hope of getting a drink anywhere either. :rofl: What did they do? your move date is getting near so :hugs: as I know it will be hard and i hope it all goes smoothly.

Spidey: I love your house too, and I dont know why you were drooling over my kitchen on fb as yours is gorgeous too - Dont do the grantite tops though as they are the bain of my life cleaning them. :dohh: We also have the leap frog alphabet fidge magnets - funny how things change when you have kids - I swore nothing was going to ever be stuck to my fridge when we changed the kitchen and then I couldn't wait to get that set for Natasha :haha: - We wont need to baby proof our fridge for a long time as the suction is so strong I can barely open it sometimes :haha: Aww poor Kira I hope she is back to herself soon at least that is more teeth out of the way but it is so hard on them when they come through together and I totally understand as Natasha got all 4 of her canines in the one week and it was a hard week.

Pippin: that was a lovely profit to make on the apartment - I would say we would lose a packet if we sold this house. We paid €240, 000 but thankfully our mortgate is only for €200,000 as we both worked all the hours we could for a year and we saved €40,000 that we put into the extension, but house prices have hit rock bottom here and I reckon we would only get half if we sold now :nope: - Aww poor Sam, I hope those teeth come through quickly and they dont cause him much hassle.

MJ: I sure am glad I have never heard of leasehold - it sounds like just another tax for no good reason :dohh: Oh yeah I forgot about hot cross buns - I didn't have any until Sat this year either and that was only because my mam had one left over. yeah the meat thing must be catholic then, I knew it was for religious reasons but wasn't sure if other religions did it too. I was a total rebel this year and ate lots of meat too :haha: - I dont know why I never did really as I'm not religious, but we were always raised not too so I decided this year why am I doing this as I'm not religious and only feel like a hypocrite by abstaining :haha: - my mam though was not impressed, she actually fell out with my brother and refused to allow him to cook meat in her house :dohh: and she was not impressed that our friends were having their sons birthday party on Good Friday - I said sure why not that is the day of his birthday and it is handy as everyone is off - she not even that religious herself, she does have religious beliefs but doesn't go to mass excpet for Christmas and Easter and my grandparents anniversaries :dohh: - some people are funny about that sort of thing and i suppose she grew up in totally different times than us.

I love the furniture you are getting for Adam. I hear you on the dummies, I am dreading that one and I know I wont do it for a very long time, although I probably will get much more sleep myself once it is done, but I know it will break Natasha's heart so I'm not ready yet :nope: and will wait until she is older and will want to give them to santa or something.

Well we had a lovely few days - Natasha was at a birthday part on Friday and really enjoyed it - she loved the bouncy castle. Then on Sat I went into town and had a baby free day while DH stayed at home and I met the girls for some lunch and shopping (although all I bought was more clothes for Natasha :dohh:) and then that night we went out for dinner. Then yesterday we brought Natasha up to see DH's family and went to a kids disco for charity and she loved dancing with her cousins, she looked so grown up though. I must post a video when I get a chance on fb. They had some of the characters too like Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Barney and (Close your ears Cleck) Dora :haha: - I thought Natasha would love them as she just adores Minnie Mouse but she wanted to go over to them and her whole body would tighten when we got near and she wanted to go away again. One of DH's sisters brought her up to see Dora and didn't read the signs and went right up and (you will love this cleck) she slapped Dora in the face :haha: - Good job whoever was under there was shielded by the suit :dohh: - We then came home and had dinner with my family so it really was a nice weekend. My diet so went out the window though :dohh: so I'm going to start back at it tomorrow.

i'm also going to the docs tomorrow to see if he will give me a course of the vitamin B12 injections that he gave me after the 1st mmc as I still feel really run down and tired all the time and I must be run down to get that tummy bug as I'm never sick and DH or Natasha didn't get it thankfully so my system is just down. I'm also breaking out in spots and hives so hopefully this will help as I'm fed up with it now and just want to get back to normal.
Emma's canines just popped through last week! The bottom ones both came in on one day and the tops are almost through....okay just felt and they are SO close to coming through. :haha: Than we just have the 2nd molars and she's done with teeth. Thank goodness. When do they get the other molars? Not the 2nd year molars but the other four? And is it weird that I only have one wisdom tooth? Shouldn't they all be in by now? :rofl:

You ladies are more than welcome to move in with us. :haha: I'm really interested in the city beside ft. wayne though. It's a smaller city and more 'country' I guess but the houses are a bit more expensive there so it's a tough choice when you can buy them for SO cheap in Ft. Wayne.

Watch, I'm doing all of this research and trying to find a place and DH won't be kicked out. :haha:
Do you mean the 1st lot of permanent molars Cleck if so I think they dont get them until they are about 6 or so.

I'm not very wise at all as I have no wisdom teeth at all :haha: - My friend is a dental nurse and I asked her about it and she said some people's never errupt and some get them as late as 60 or 70.

Yeah what is the betting that will happen it would be typical and you would probably be really excited and looking forward to it by then. I will be raging for you as I'm all excited for you now to be with Corey and near your family. :happydance:
I had all my wisdom teeth ripped out before they even came in, but I think they normally take a long time to come through.

Its funny how we're all at the canine stage now. Kira had a much better day today so maybe the worse is over.

jelr- you do have a beautiful kitchen and you only think otherwise since you have to clean it!! Mine will be upgraded one day waaaaay in the future and when we do I'll remember what you said about granite. I really want a tile back splash since right now grease drips down the wall behind the exhaust hood and is really disgusting. Oh, and thats so funny how Natasha slapped Dora! :haha:

Wouldn't that be fun to all live on the same street! Kira would have plenty of play dates and I could have no mortgage.
I would freaking love if we all lived on the same street. Some of you would be going to work during the day so I could babysit. :winkwink: We could have block parties and all go trick or treating together for halloween. :haha:
If suddenly I disowned my family, I would move to Indiana on your street in a heartbeat Cleck. It would be so much fun! I wouldn't have to work since we wouldn't have a mortgage anymore. But I'll still take you up on the babysitting since I'll need a day or 2 each week to clean the house and shop :thumbup:

I'm spotting today and it's cd14, although I'm not ovulating yet since my nips are perfectly happy. I spotted before ovulating a few cycles ago too. It's strange for me because it's only happened those 2 times in my whole life. Who knows what's up with my uterus.

I bought some finger paints and I'm feeling very brave today, so I might get them out. I can't imagine how messy this will be :haha:
Yep I'm the same I'm such a home bird but If I fell out with all my family and friends I would go in a shot. Imagine the fun the kids would have. I wish we had more children Natasha's age on the street as all the kids are older and the only time she gets to interact with other children is when we go and visit or get visted by family or friends with children. We could be like the women of desperate housewives sitting on the porch drinking coffee lol.

Ah no I do love my kitchen spidey, I just do hate cleaning it :haha: - Yours is just as nice though so thats why I wondered why you were drooling over mine :haha:

I hope the finger painting went well and wasn't too messy. We have done it twice and the first time she completely covered herself from head to toe - it was more like body painting than finger painting :haha:

How is the weight going now cleck? Did it go this time after Ov?

Well how are you nipples now spidey? :haha:
We ended up doing finger painting 2 days in a row. DH's birthday is this weekend and I wanted to make him a card with Kira's hand prints, so Kira and I made the card and I painted happy birthday on it. Then I went to hide it on top of the bookshelf, and stupid me dropped it down behind the bookshelf :dohh: I nearly cried since there is no way I can move all those books and move the shelf on my own. So we had a re-do today but this time it wasn't nearly as fun since Kira wasn't in the mood to fingerpaint :haha: Clean up wasn't so bad since I had pre-set up her kitchen helper chair, so I could wash her up at the sink easily.

Jelr- I'm with you on wanting more kids Kira's age living nearby. My street is all older couples, or newly married couples who haven't made kids yet. I really should join some mom's groups so I can find friends for Kira.

My psychic nips aren't telling me anything!
Aww that's a cute idea with handprint and happy birthday. :thumbup: That totally sucks that you dropped the first one. Sounds exactly like the kind of thing I'd do. :haha:

jelr- Well I was gaining a pound a day doing the 30 day shred. :shock: So I quit because that's just ridiculous. And now I'm back down close to my last weigh in. I think my last weigh in was 204.4 or something like that and I'm at 205 right now. Which is good enough for me. :thumbup:

I always let Emma play out in the back yard. Like every day she is out there playing. It's completely privacy fenced in and I'm usually right there inside the back door but where I can still see her. Well that's what I was doing today and the connected neighbors were in their back yard too. Well their little girl was at the fence peeking through because she kept teasing Emma. I could hear her saying 'your just a BABY' and all this stuff. But I just ignored it and let Emma play. And in the meantime Emma was constantly in and out. She comes in for a bit, than goes back out as she pleases. Well when Emma was out I heard 'HELLO??!!! HELLO?!!' and it was the mom next door and she had a really shitty attitude when she was talking. I was like "WHAT!" and she said 'Oh well I didn't think anyone was back here. She's been out here a LONG time'. And it was with this completely note of 'bitch' in her voice when she was talking. I just said 'yeah she's in and out all the time'. WTF?! So I grabbed up all of Emma's toys and brought her in for the night. And the entire time that I was picking up toys the little girl was watching through the crack in the fence. :wacko: Freaking weirdos over there. Emma was so upset that I brought her in. Those neighbors are seriously so weird though. You hardly ever see them because if they notice someone else is out, they will rush into their house real fast instead of saying hi. If I'm out there and they go out to get in the car to leave, they seriously fasten their kids in so fast and quickly slam the doors so they don't have to talk. :wacko: One time I was getting out for my walk and they were just closing their car doors to leave and they literally waited until I was way down the road and turned a corner and just at that moment that I turned the corner, that's when they pulled out of the driveway to leave. They are like bats the rush out of the cave silently so no one sees. :rofl::rofl:
Your neighbors are such weirdo's! If the other mom is such a wonderful mother why would she let her daughter tease Emma through the fence?? Nut jobs!! There is no reason why Emma can't have the yard as part of her extended play area. I'm passive aggressive when it comes to things like this so I would think of something that would really annoy the mother.

I have newish neighbors who are the same. If I go out the front door and the lady is sitting on the front step smoking, she'll dash back into her house. If I'm in the back they don't dare go out back until after we come in. Sometimes we'll go out and the guy will be grilling, and I swear he lets his food burn on the grill because he runs inside the house when he sees us and never returns to flip his burgers or whatever. They mow the grass when both our cars are gone. We always joke that the man is a serial killer/ kidnapper, and the lady who lives with him was one of his victims that now has stockholm syndrome and she's not allowed to look at or acknowledge anyone :haha: In Maryland you can go online and search for the owners of each house, so I looked them up and only the man's name is on the house. We can do free online criminal searches in my state too. He got in trouble in his late teens for possession of marijuana and some minor traffic issues. No kidnapping or murdering yet :haha:
Spidey you can seriously just look up who owns what house and what criminal charges they have had!!!???? I'm shocked, like beyond shocked :shock: that would be a serious breach of privacy here we don't even have ID cards anymore as no one wanted them! Wow things really are different over there. I'd hate someone being able to see my past, not that I've done anything that exciting really :rofl: but it would be a bit creepy! Also minor charges are taken off you record after a few years here, your police really hold grudges :haha:
Atleast in Maryland all that is public..

here you can search for people's criminal histories including traffic violations

I don't have a criminal history so no need to look me up :haha:

this is the website where you can look up any house and find out who owns it, how much they paid, and the previous 3 owners and how much they paid

we also have a website that shows how much water each house uses and whether or not they paid their past water bill :haha:
I have a criminal history. :blush: But I think it dropped off since I became an adult but I was arrested for shoplifting from walmart when I was 15. :rofl::rofl:
LOL Cleckner- how embarrassing! Out of curiosity, what were you shoplifting?? I think you're right that your juvenile criminal record gets swiped clean when you turn 18.
I took all kinds of things. :rofl: I was only caught for a few though. Makeup mostly. But, I had like 3 bras on top of eachother under my shirt that they didn't know about and I had rings on my hands that they didn't know about. :rofl: Those cheap rings that are big and fake looking. :lol:

It was my friend and I that were caught together and we were just full of stupid ideas. One of those secret shopper security people saw us and followed us. :dohh: We ended up with 6 months probation and 30 hours of community service. Which was spent working at our towns fire department and we washed fire trucks, had some of the firemen give us rides in the trucks, we found the P.A. System that had a microphone and had singing sessions that broadcasted across the entire building. :rofl::rofl: It was so much fun.
haha, sooo naughty!! I never would have pegged you for a shop lifter :rofl: So you went on a major shop lifting spree and got caught, but still managed to get away with 3 bras and some rings!?? Your punishment sounds like a dream punishment to me- forced to hang out with hot firemen and getting to play on the trucks :haha: So... did you learn your lesson and never shoplift again???
Yeah definitely learned my lesson! I mean, it was fun having the community service but it wasn't fun dealing with my parents reaction. I got the "i'm disappointed in you" talk. And now am the butt of occasional shoplifting jokes even to this day. :blush: It was nearly 10 years ago! But not easily forgotten. :haha:
haha, I can see you being the butt of shoplifting jokes here too- it's too funny not to :haha:

We have to try and remember all the stupid things we did as kids so we're not in for a shock when our little babies start getting into trouble!!

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