***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Yeah my dad likes to joke about me getting 'five finger discounts'. Even the night it happened when my parents picked me up from the police station(*hangs head in shame*) my dad said something about needing to get some gas on the way home and than he said "oh I have a great idea, we can just STEAL the gas". :dohh::rofl::rofl:
Wow spidey wish I knew a few people to look up. Glad we don't have it here though although I've only had one ticket for driving in a bus lane so I'd be a bit boring to look up. That's madness though, you must have a lot of paranoid people in your state.

I stole a lip balm once :blush: never had the guts to do it again tough :haha:
Oh, it's even worse than I imagined Cleckner :haha: They actually took you to the police station!?? Did you get to ride in the back of a cop car and get handcuffed?? (I'm soooo nosey :blush:)

The only thing I ever remember stealing was one of those price sticker guns from the supermarket :haha: I really wanted to put price stickers on my play food and they didn't sell any toy price sticker guns. My Dad helped me steal it :haha: I think I must have been 8 or 9 at the time.

Pippin- Luckily many people don't realize that criminal histories are searchable by the public, so the level of paranoia is still pretty low :haha:
My friend and I begged for him not to handcuff us. And he let me ride in the front seat of the cop car. My friend rode in the back. :haha:

OMG your dad helped you steal it. :rofl: Too funny.
:rofl: you got the good end of the deal riding in the front seat. The back seat is all nasty from criminals! I still can't believe they took you to the police station instead of dealing with it right at walmart security!
Well they didn't throw us in a jail cell or anything though. We just sat in the cop's office until our parents showed up. It's so shameful. :haha: Than we had to meet with a probation officer once a month. Funnily enough, my DH had the same probation officer because he stole from walmart too a few years before I did. :rofl::rofl: The probation officer actually remembered Corey. :dohh: Seriously so many kids were caught stealing from walmart in my town. It's a town of 800 people. We got bored easily. People either get pregnant or in trouble with the law because there is nothing better to do. :haha: (The walmart is in the town that's 12 miles away, our town has one stoplight. So not exactly a booming business place.:lol:)
Cleck your such a rebel - I lol at you having 3 bras on they must have thought you had massive boobs :haha: - That is really silly that you were putting on a lb with doing the 30 day shred - maybe it was muscle, but I know I need to see it on the scales too to keep me motivated.

Spidey: that was a lovely idea with the handprints, I might steal that idea when it comes to DH birthday. I'm always stealing your ideas :haha:

You both have weirdo neighbours - ours are grand thank god, they keep themselves to themselves but are pleasent when we see each other outside thank god. Cleck that woman sounds like a bitch - Imagine letting your child call another an baby.

Well girls I have some good news DH will be back to work soon, I didn't want to say anything until it was all finalised but he has had loads of offers and one that we thought he was going with was from the biggest constuction company in the south east of the country but it fell through at the last minute as even though they really wanted DH they didn't want to big of a risk either and wanted him to work for commision only which DH said no way too, as he explained to them 10 years ago no problem but now when he has a wife and child and mortgage, he probably would make more money but it is too big of a gamble, so he is going with another builders who want to set up a company and he will be managing it so fingers crossed it goes well and he can spread the word and get business.

Sadly though because of that I dont know how much I will get on here to post anymore as it will be back to normality soon of us both running in the door in the evening and trying to get dinner ready and then clean up and get sorted after Natasha is in bed so that we get some time with her. but I will be reading on my phone when I get a minute and will try and get on whenever I can. I will probably see more of you all on fb as it is really easy to use that on my phone where as I usually post from the laptop in here and dont have as much time to turn it on in the evenings when we are both working.

Thanks a million for everything over the last few months as I couldn't have gotten through it without you all. xx
I'm so happy your DH got a job!! :dance::hugs: Although I'm really going to miss you being on here. I find BnB is always better for a good laugh but the FB group is more details about our LO's. Which is the way it was meant to be but you see what I mean. :haha: I hope this job of his ends up being amazing for you guys. You'll probably find that he does so much better and loves this job even more so all the stress will have been for a good reason. :thumbup: :hugs::hugs:
woohoo Jelr!!!!!! :happydance::happydance: I am sooo happy for you and your DH!! It must have been a nice confidence booster for him to feel wanted by so many different companies too. It will be sad not seeing you as much in here though. How far away is DH's new job?

Cleckner- I love it that you and Corey had the same probation officer. :rofl: It will be a good story to tell your grandkids one day so they know their grandparents were bad asses!

Not much new with me. Still no psychic nip predictions and I'm on cd21 now, although last month I didn't ovulate till cd22 and AF arrived cd30 so it might be happening soon.

In more exciting news, we finally finished remodeling the basement yesterday!! If you ever watch the show hoarders, that is my DH but luckily he has me to balance him out in the main living areas of the house. His basement hoard became too overwhelming for me and over the past year I haven't set foot down there :haha: Down the basement is his woodshop and general house storage (xmas, baby stuff, etc) and everything was covered in an inch of wood dust and was so packed tight that he could barely move around. So, we built a separate room that is just for DH's woodshop and the rest of the basement is for house/ food storage and will be completely regulated by me! It is soooooooooo nice :haha: I'm going to post pictures on FB when I get a chance. It's too bad I didn't take before pictures because the transformation is shocking. And now I can just shut the door to DH's woodshop and never have to see the horrors inside :haha:
I love watching hoarders. I'm the complete opposite of a hoarder. I throw stuff out ALL the time. My mom is horrified when she hears how often I donate stuff off or toss it out. :blush: Because if it doesn't get used in my house, it get tossed. I don't have knick knacks sitting around or anything like that really. I mean I decorate somewhat with stuff we buy on our vacations like a vase from the grand canyon and a wooden statue from the bahamas. But I don't have little figurines of ponies or angels like I see in a lot of houses back home. :rofl::rofl:

That's awesome you guys have your garage cleaned out. I always feel SO good when something like that gets finished. I bet it's a huge relief!

I'm waiting for AF still here. I have no clue what day I'm on or even when I ovulated. I did horribly at using the CBFM this month because I accidentally set it so I pee in the afternoon and I can't remember that in the middle of the day so I missed a few days. I did manage to catch the high and peak days on it though so that's good. I just don't know them off the top of my head.

So Emma came inside to grab me yesterday and pulled me outside and around the corner to point out and airplane that was flying away. She was so upset that it was leaving so I waved and said 'bye bye airplane!!' so than she waved to it too. Than we made it into a little game and every airplane that flew over we'd wave and say bye bye to it when it was out of sight. :haha: We live near a private airport so it's always those little private planes flying over. But than I grabbed a blanket and we laid out in the back yard together watching planes go over. :cloud9: It's times like that when I really miss DH though. Cause I think he'd like doing that. But now I'm outside again because now that we did it once, Emma insists on sitting back here on the blanket. :dohh: I just hope the neighbors stay inside today. :lol:
I'm the opposite of a hoarder too. I throw things away so easily so its good DH has me to balance him out. He is awful at organizing things too. His idea of organizing is to lay everything out evenly spaced on a flat surface so it's impossible to dust around :haha: So I'm always going behind him and putting things back in drawers (or the trash). MIL is worse than DH and I really hurt her feelings the other day because I put Kira's easter basket from last year into the burn pile :haha: She saw it right before DH tossed it into the fire pit and was really hurt that we were getting rid of it. I guess she thinks I should save all of Kira's cheapy easter baskets each year for 18 years.. that would be over 50 easter baskets in my closet :haha: She's lucky I held on to it for as long as I did :rofl:

Cleckner, you need to get on it and figure out what cd you're at! Are you taking B vitamins this cycle? I'm curious to know if they're helping with your luteal phase.

That is so sweet that Emma was concerned about the airplane flying away and wanted to show you :cloud9: I had one of those moments with Kira yesterday.. for whatever reason I was throwing a fake temper tantrum on the floor to get DH to do something for me (I honestly cannot remember!) and Kira got on the floor and copied my tantrum and we were both laughing :haha: It was so cute :cloud9:

Shiv- do you have a date yet for your 20 week scan?

How is everyone else doing??
Thanks Girls I'm so delighted for him :happydance: as it has been a real confidence booster and he is so glad that he is going to be the provider again. The office is only in the town next to us so it will only take him 15mins to get there and then he will all over the south east of the country to do Estimates and the technical end of it, but that is the same as his last job. It will be quiet stressful for a while as he will need to establish the company and the one thing his old firm had going for it was that they had 30 years of experience and a good reputation, although it has been DH people would have been dealing with over the past 10 years they will not know that he has changed, so it will be a challenge as there are a lot more companies setting up due to the goverment grants that are available, but I reckon once it is up and running he will definitely enjoy it more as he will be the one running it instead of just the sales manager (he did this for about a year in the other place when his boss was out sick and loved it) and also it should be less stressful as they are only going to be a much smaller company with 2 or 3 crews on the road fitting so he only needs to find work for these where as in his old job he had 14 crews on the road and he was the only sales and technical rep and things have gotten quieter so he was under a lot of pressure for the last few years.

Aww I love moments like that with the Lo's we have had loads of lovely times over the last few weeks, and Natasha has really enjoyed having us both home, she was fairly upset today as I was back to work and Dh was out sorting stuff for new job, we left at 8.30 and she didn't wake until 10.30 and my mam said all she kept saying for the first 10 mins was mammy, daddy - and she wasn't really in the best of form this evening either and kept crying for everything which is really not like her :-( - poor baby, I wish we could all be at home all the time :cry:

Your basement sounds like my DH's shed - with everything everywhere and sawdust an inch thick, he would also be a horder, he kept every tin we got for Natasha's formula :dohh: although he did finally manage to clean it all up when he was off and I know see his reasoning as he now has all his screws and nails in them :haha:

I do have stuff around, but I'm a clean freak and everything has to have its place and should be in its place, so I guess we balance each other out that way too :haha:

I will still be in girls but just not as much - I know here is much better for the laugh, but I can't help it and end up writing mega posts :haha: so it takes ages of the night that seems sor short when I'm working :dohh: but I will be reading and I will drop in to catch up every now and again. :hugs: to you all because you all really have become good friends.
Well put me at CD1 today now. :growlmad: So it was a 9 day luteal phase if I go by the day I got cramps. 10 days if you count it by my first 'peak' reading. And I was taking low amounts of B-complex this month. So I think I'm going to raise the dose and see if it makes a difference and after that I give up. I'm almost to the point of not really caring if I get pregnant yet anyways. I'm kind of enjoying being skinnier. :haha:

spidey- My mom gets the same way whenever I throw out anything she's purchased. In fact, the easter basket that Emma uses is MY easter basket from growing up. I only had one easter basket my whole life and now Emma has the same one. But I'll probably have to pack mine away bc it's not really fair that Emma gets mine IYKWIM and I don't want to upset any other kids that we have. So I plan on getting them personalized ones and they'll get the same basket every year. I hate those giant ones you see in the stores with random toys in them. :haha: They are usually HUGE. And not the prettiest things either.

jelr- Aww that sucks that Natasha isn't quite herself. She must definitely know something is up. I'm sure once you guys settle into a new routine she'll be good again. Emma was a grumpy girl the first few weeks after DH left. But thankfully finally settled down. I'm more worried now that she'll be awful with him BACK. :dohh: That's so cute that she calls you mammy. Emma very rarely calls me mama. Only when she really really wants something. :haha:
Aww sorry to hear the vit b complex didn't do the job, but hopefully the increase will help and if not maybe see how it goes without, could it be that you always had 9 days and still got pregnant okay with Emma?

Not long now until Corey sees the new skinny you too :) I'm sure Emma will love having her daddy home, it might take her a couple of hours to size him up, but I reckon it will be like he has never been away then to her.

That is a lovely idea about the baskets for Easter, we don't do that here.

Yeah I hope Natasha settles into the routine soon, I missed her so much today and it breaks my heart that she was feeling the same way as it must be worse for her as we are her whole world ifkwim :cry:

Yeah she calls me mammy all the time, I don't understand women who say that they are sick of their name being called as they here it all day. Natasha must say mammy hundreds of times a day and it melts my heart each time :) maybe when I have more than one it might be a bit much but at the moment I love it :)
You know, I guess I could've always had a short luteal phase and just not known it. I never knew when I ovulated before Emma. It was much simpler than. :haha: We just :sex: when we felt like it and got pregnant easily.

I would melt too if Emma called me mama more. Emma isn't much of a talker yet though. She only has like 25 clear words that she says so I think she's a bit behind some of the other cubs in that area. It must be so hard going to work and leaving her behind. I seriously don't think I could do it. It's pretty pathetic that I've never once left Emma though. :blush: Just the thought of leaving her makes me get a lump in my throat. I don't know how I'll ever do it but I know she has to start school sometime. LOL!

So it was navy seals from DH's ship that killed osama. :wacko: I've only just discovered this today. I had wondered why I haven't heard from DH for the past 2 days. They have shut emails completely down. :( And the burial at sea for osama happened straight from my DH's ship too. It's so surreal to think about. My husband was on the same boat as the most well known terrorist in the world. :wacko: Well, his body anyways.. So now I just worry that his ship will become a target somehow. :(
Cleckner that is so neat that Corey's ship has osama's body on it. I bet security on and around the ship is so high now that anyone who attempted anything would be obliterated!

Cleckner- DH has recently been taking Kira to the grocery store- just him and Kira, and I always feel on edge when they're gone. I'm sorry your luteal phase hasn't improved :growlmad:

jelr- the job sounds really wonderful :thumbup: 15 minutes is a great commute! I am so glad everything worked out for the best. I bet Natasha will adjust quickly to her new routine. Maybe if your DH's job is really successful he will get a raise and you could afford to stop working. :thumbup:

So- my nips are telling me I'm going to ovulate soon. Yesterday they started to tingle.. and today they're sore. So I'm guessing I will ovulate tomorrow and although I declared I wasn't going to use opk's anymore, I might pee on one today for fun to see how awesome my nips are :haha: Like Cleckner, I no longer care if I get pregnant. It's been especially hard to watch so many of my friends on here have mmc and now Boothh's loss- I'm not ready to have all that worry ontop of morning sickness right now. But if I do get pregnant this cycle I'll deal with it.

I know this post is way too long already, but I need to tell you girls about my large vagina dream :haha: I went in for my pap smear and the midwife (the one who delivered Kira) put in the speculum and was staring into my eyes as he did the pap smear (creepy). Over here a male gyno or midwife cannot be alone with a female patient during internal exams, so in my dream the exam was done in the hallway! Then he walked off to his office and I went to the counter to pay. The secretary told me that I needed to book a surgery to fix my vagina since it is 100mm larger in diameter than it should be :rofl: I was trying to convert 100mm to inches and was getting really frustrated with the math. Then I asked if I could have another baby first and then have the surgery since I didn't want to undo the surgery with another 10 pound baby :haha: The rest of the dream was spent with me making formal complaints about the midwife who failed to do a breast exam and who put the responsibility on the secretary to tell me about my vagina surgery :rofl::rofl: It was the weirdest dream ever!
OMG I am in fits of giggles about your dream. :rofl::rofl: Your poor poor vagina. :rofl: At least you still have cool nipples. :haha: I hope you have a longer luteal phase this month. Fingers X'ed for you.

I could never send DH for groceries. He would seriously come back with the most random junk food and if I gave him a list he probably wouldn't follow it. :dohh: I sent him for frozen mixed vegetables once and he came back with this bag of veggies in asian sauce. :wacko: I hate stuff with asian style sauce on it. So gross. So it sat in my freezer for months until I finally got rid of it a few months ago. That is how great DH is at shopping though. :lol: I think when DH gets back I'll let him take Emma to the park behind our house and than I can work my way up with it. It's like ripping a bandaid right? Just do it and get it over with. :haha: Whenever he's just be downstairs with her and me upstairs, I'm wondering and worrying the whole time. Wondering if she's laughing or if she's happy with him. :dohh:

Well Osama's body isn't still on the ship because they did a burial at sea because he had to be buried within 24 hours according to muslim religion. So they performed a full muslim ceremony I guess and wrapped his body, etc. I'm just reading this from the news though because I haven't heard from DH since it happened. :wacko: It's been 3 days with no word from him. And that's the longest we've ever went without SOME kind of contact so it kinda sucks.

But in good news, the weight is dropping off finally again. I started using myfitnesspal online again yesterday though so I'm sure that is why. I hurt my knee two days ago so I haven't been riding the exercise bike again yet but I'm walking at night again. I went nearly 2 weeks with no real work outs. That stress with DH and his job got me out of the weight loss mindset for a while but I'm back in! :lol:
ha ha spidey your dream is hilarious :rofl: - your poor vag - ouch :blush: - I can't wait to see if the opk is positive.

What is the betting that now that you girls have it in your head that you dont know if you want to be pregnant or not that you will be this month spidey and you will next month Cleck when Corey gets home :haha: - You will be delighted then though, keep thinking that way and see if you can jinx it to happen :haha:

Cleck that is so mad about it being your hubbies ship, will he be able to tell you if it is or will it be top secret - well obviously he will tell you, but will he be able to tell anyone else?

I reckon the same as Spidey they will be on full alert and full security so that nothing happens to the ship.

yeah DH getting such a pay rise that I can leave work would be great - oh I can dream, although even then I dont think it would be an option the economy is so bad here that we would be taking a huge chance to have only one income, DH losing his job has really thought me that, thankfully we had my wages and some savings or we would have been in huge trouble - I doubt he would get a pay rise anyway as he is on good money and we would probably manage on his wages to pay all the bills but we wouldn't have anything extra for treats for Natasha or days out ifkwim and it really has been a life saver this last while and it is nice to know we have something if this doesn't work out as it will take a good while to establish it and then we will just have to hope for the best that they get business in, it really is scary times and so many businesses are failing and closing down, most of the town now are becoming ghost towns because every second shops is closing so I shouldn't complain really as it is only 3 days and I have loads of holidays too, only another 2 months and I will be off for 7 weeks for the summer. Oh well I can just keep dreaming that we will win the lotto and neither of us will have to work.

I do just miss Natasha so much - I actually rang about 3 times today to talk to her on the phone - sad or what :haha: - she does seem far more settled today, although she woke up every hour last night crying and was grand once I went into the room and tucked her back up, so I think she was checking that we were still there as we were gone to work when she woke the morning before as she didn't wake until 10 so my mam came over here as I hate waking her before she is ready. :sleep:

Funnily I'm not nervous at all when DH is looking after Natasha even though my mam has had 7 children and when DH is minding her I was a bit of control freak as I'm used to having my own routine :haha: and was phoning him to see what he had given her to eat and so on, but I feel better knowing she isn't missing two of us as even though my mam sees her everyday anyway, we only seem to know all her quirks and exactly what she wants and all the tricks to stop her tantrums or how she likes to be comforted if that makes sense.

Cleck I dont think Emma is behind at her talking at all, Natasha does have a lot of words but most of them are not clear and only we can understand and Natasha would be a lot more behind Emma physically with her climbing and so on, she doesn't really climb that much. Mammy and Daddy are two of the few ones that are totally clear though which I love : )

ha ha so much for me not being on here as much :haha: - Id say the DH will be back properly next week and then the madness will begin :dohh:
I just did an opk and its a strong positive! My nips are so great! :haha: Now we just have to wait and see.

I forgot to say earlier that Kira doesn't say mama either. If I say "say mama", she'll say "ma", but its never spontaneous. She does say "boo boo boo" and chase after me when she wants a booby :haha:

woohoo Cleckner for more weight loss! :happydance: Is it almost time for another picture update???

jelr- I hope Natasha sleeps okay tonight. 2 months will fly by and then you'll have a nice long break!! I'll miss your long posts in the meantime, but during your break you might have more time to post again :thumbup:

I wasn't going to tell DH my vagina dream but I couldn't keep my mouth shut and told him :blush: He had to top my dream with some sex dream of his- men! :rofl:
spidey- :rofl::rofl: You and your bionic nipples. Was your DH's sex dream at least about you? :rofl: No new weight loss pictures yet from me. I still have 2.4 lbs to lose until I get to the next '10' mark. I really need to measure myself too but I never remember at the right time of the day because I usually measure in the mornings.

jelr- So does your mam watch Natasha all the time than? Or does N go to nursery sometimes as well? You've probably already said this but I don't remember. :blush::lol: It really is scary how so many businesses are closing down. Only the strong survive I guess. I wonder when it will ever be back to normal and when jobs will be available again for people. Sometimes I think it would be simpler if we were Amish. Do they have Amish people over in the UK? They all work the land and hunt and the women take care of the kids and house while the men plow the fields and bring home the money. :rofl::rofl: The area that I'm from has tons of Amish people. They still drive horse and buggies everywhere too. They don't use electricity or anything. :lol:

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