***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

You and my DH could be friends Cleckner... he's always talking about wanting to be Amish :haha:

DH's sex dream wasn't about me :growlmad: :rofl: He was taking his aunt to the brothel so she could work as a prostitute and there were strippers involved too.
Doesn't your DH have a bit of a beard too? That's already the start of being Amish! :haha: hahahaha about his dream. So not only is he not with you in it, he's with prostitutes. :haha:

I always ask my DH if he has sex dreams but he says he never does. I think he's lying. I have sex dreams ALL the time. Like a few a week usually. I even had one last night. :rofl::rofl: It always gets worse the longer I go without :sex: So once DH gets back they will tame down a bit. None of mine are with DH. :blush: But they aren't ever anyone specific either. Just random people that I don't know.
haha, he did have an amish beard but once the weather got warmer he shaved it off. I'm sure he'll grow it back this winter :haha: He's part American Indian and doesn't have much body hair, so it takes him all winter to grow a straggly amish like beard

I don't have many sex dreams, but thats all that DH has. His always end in sex or killing someone :lol: :dohh:

Its hard to believe your DH doesn't have sex dreams. He's probably a smart man and doesn't tell you about them :haha:
:rofl: :rofl: at your DH's dream spidey - his poor aunt :haha: - DH says he does have sex dreams but he lies and tells me they are only about me :haha: I rarely have sex dreams.

Cleck: Yes my mam watches her all the time thank god, I dont think I could cope with her going to nursery when she is so little, I would be terrified something would happen and she wouldn't be able to tell me :nope: - nope they are not for me so I'm very lucky my mam is so near and so good.

Yeah it is scary times isn't it and it seems to be all over the world - here though not even the strong are surviving partly because so many are greedy like DH's old boss and they decide to liquidate because all their debts go with the company and none of their personal stuff is touched, they just have to give up the business premises and stock and we know his old boss took most of the stock worth anything out of the place before he liquidated and it is now going to cost the state probably a couple of 100 thousand to pay redunancy to the 60 odd staff he had. Grr I get so angry when I think of it, it is no wonder our country is in receivership to Europe and the IMF now with every greedy business man doing that. :grr:

No we dont have Amish in Ireland anyway, although I have seen them on tv. I think I would be far too independant and outspoken for that life and I really like my creature comforts and electricity. Imagine no Internet :haha: - but then I guess if you grew up and didn't no any different you wouldn't miss that stuff. It would be lovely not to have to worry about work though. Still I think the lotto sounds like a better option than being Amish :haha: - Not too much though that your life would become mental - just enough to pay for the house and live comfortably without working. Spidey you will have to fine tune those nipples of yours to give me the lotto numbers :haha: It is so cool that you get the positive OPK on the very day that they hurt, I think it was a good idea to get the OPK's just to confirm how brilliant your nipps are :haha:

Forgot to say on the last post - well done on the weight loss Cleck - you must be nearly at your target :happydance:

Aww work is finished now until next Tuesday for me Thank God and we have a busy weekend, with a christening on Saturday and a confirmation on Sunday so we will be staying with DH's sister on Sat night as it about an hours drive so it will save us driving back on Saturday and back up on Sunday. I hope Natasha is in good form though as they will be long days on her out.

AF was due today so my dream of perfect 28 day cycles like I had last month are gone - aww well I'm still hopeful that it might be 30 days seeing as I'm doing low carb and not my normal long cycles.
ha ha I literally went to the loo straight after posting and AF is here. I really am shocked that is 2 months in a row at 28 days. I know I was hoping for it but really didn't think it would happen, maybe my body has fixed itself :haha: - because last month was a first for me unless i was on the pill so this is a miracle :happydance:

I'm not usually as excited to see the :witch: at all - but I feel that maybe if my cycles are right the pcos is not as active (if that can even happen) and hopefully we will conceive easily when we do ttc and maybe the chances of mc are lower. I wish I had your nipples now spidey to see what my luteal is, but then on the other side I dont think I want to know as I reckon it would only stress me.
woohoo Jelr for a nice 28 day cycle :happydance: I hope it keeps up so TTC will be a breeze!

I think I ovulated yesterday. Cleckner, what time of the day do you ovulate? It was around 6pm and I had cramps for about 20 minutes. Of course it could have been gut cramps :lol:

Winning the lottery would be great! I need to get my nips on that- it seems my nips are super focused on ovulation at the moment, so maybe I can steer them to pick some numbers too :haha:

I'm glad my mom watches Kira too. I don't think I could leave her at daycare with strangers. I know a few girls that nanny or work at daycare centers and some of them I would never trust around my children. They can be very 2-faced- sweet and loving when the parents are around and nasty once they leave. My mom could hear other peoples phone conversations on her police scanner years ago, and one of the neighbors had an in home daycare. This woman was so jealous of the working moms with their nice clothes and cars, and one day she gave a little girl a laxative so the girl would poop in the mom's brand new sports car. My mom called child protective services and they did an investigation. Who know if she actually gave the child a laxative, or if she was making up crap to tell her friend over the phone, but its not something you should even think or say. I'm sure most daycare workers love children and are wonderful, but it only takes one bad seed.

Enjoy your busy weekend Jelr! Kira has a playdate tomorrow and I'm shopping for flowers for my garden afterwards :thumbup:
I'm down to 200 lbs even!!!!! :dance::dance::dance: I took a picture and it's not that different this time but I also measured and I've only lost 2.5 inches around my hips and no where else has changed so that's probably why the picture doesn't look much different. I don't measure my legs though and they look slightly smaller in the picture so that must be where the last 10 lbs. disappeared from. Anyways, I tried to make a collage but photobucket is acting up on me. I might try a different website to make one. I made it 3 different times on photobucket and each time I save it, it cuts off the last few pictures. :( Very frustrating and I'm not sure why it's doing it.

But, I"M BACK TO PRE-PREGNANCY WEIGHT!!!! :yipee::yipee: :haha:
Weightloss piccies!!

Cleckner I can totally see those last 10 pounds you lost :thumbup::happydance::happydance: I am sooo happy for you. I can't believe how fast these last 10 pounds have dropped off. If you look at the first picture and most current picture only, it is sooo amazing! You should get a deal with subway and be the next weight loss sensation! :haha:

I am in shock right now, and no, I am not pregnant :haha:. I need to vent here otherwise I might explode. My BIL who is 22 has been dating a girl who is 17 on and off for the past year. My BIL has mild autism and mentally he is 13 and this is his first GF. She uses drugs, cheats on him all of the time, and is nothing but trouble. It is so sad because he's so in love and wants to marry her and settle down. So every 2 months this chaotic girl suddenly stops seeing my BIL and goes back with her old drug-using bf. My BIL is such a dense man and he believes whatever she tells him, but its obvious from FB that she's sleeping with her ex and using drugs again. She tells him that gas costs too much so they need to take a week apart (they live 5 minutes apart, LOL) and during the "week off" she's screwing other guys. My BIL gets so upset because she's his whole world.

So... she's taking another "week off" right now. I noticed my BIL sulking around so I looked at her FB wall and didn't see anything. So then spy Spidey looked at her druggy ex-bf's FB and she's posting on his wall again! DH also saw her driving into the neighborhood where her druggy ex-bf lives. So DH had a talk with his brother to see what was up and his brother repeated back the bullshit excuse that the chaotic GF gave him. DH told his brother to look on FB to see for himself. Spy spidey just went to the chaotic GF's FB wall and this is what I see...

"ian & wendy,
you wanna talk shit? fine. but dont start thinkin your gonna get all up in my personal life when you dont know a goddamn thing. ill set the fuckin record straight for yall cuz im not about to have this pussy bullshit drama with you talkin shit behind my back. since neither of you have a life and creep on my pg all the time...you know how to reach me.

:rofl::rofl: I'm 30 years old and this 17 year old is trying to pull me into her angsty world! She's not even my FB friend and neither is her druggy ex-BF, but they have their walls open. I'm going to pretend I never saw it :wacko:
OMG Is it bad that I just laughed out loud at her post towards you guys? :haha: So dramatic. I hope that's that with her and she doesn't start anything IRL though. :hugs: I can't remember ever acting like that at 17. Heck, I was married to Corey at 17 and had already moved to Virginia and we had our own apartment. :shock::rofl: I feel bad for your BIL. :( Poor guy doesn't deserve to be used like that.
Woo Hoo Cleck - Congratulations on pre pregnancy weight :happydance: :happydance::yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo: - that is brilliant you should be so proud of yourself.

You can definitely see the difference in the last two and you are actually about half of the size you were when you look at the first and last.

How many weeks until Corey is home? What was your overall goal again? I bet you can do the second goal too before he gets home :thumbup:

Have you heard from him yet?

Spidey: eeek, she sounds like a little drama queen:wacko: why would she make a big public deal out of it, but then again it is probably party her age :brat: - I think you are right just ignore it because she is only looking for a reaction and to know that she got to you, so pretend you haven't seen it at all and dont mention it to your BIL or he will let her know that you did. I hate to see people being made idiots out of by horrible people like that, I really hope he sees sense and gets away from her.

That is my biggest fear about childcare, I would starve myself and not go to work if I had the worry leaving Natasha in that kind of care. I also have heard horror stories about places here too, one girl I know had her child in daycare and the child came home with a bruise and had she had been told that that he fell but the following week one of the girls was leaving the place because she had a row with the boss and turned around and told the girl that I know by the way the reason the baby had a bruise was because she dropped him off the changing mat last week. I know this was an accident and accidents happen, but they way she lied was wrong. Another story I heard was the children go into a room to have their naps on the floor (which for the start I dont like) and later when a parent came to collect her son, he couldn't be found and eventually they found him locked out in the sleeping room, the had left the poor child there all day. So I'm so glad I have my mam to mind Natasha and my mam dotes on her and Natasha loves being over there with all my brothers, she gets way more attention than when she is at home as 3 of my brothers still live at home and the idolize her too :thumbup: so its all good.

Had a lovely day off today and Natasha was back to herself, which made me feel more guilty :dohh: because I really think it is because we are back to work and she is missing us. DH keeps giving out to me and saying that he doesn't understand why I feel guilty as it is not like I'm off pampering myself for 3 days or working because I want to that I'm working because I have to, but I just think it is a mammy thing. The men feel like they are doing right by the kids by working because they feel they are the bread winners but I think us women feel we should be with our children ifkwim - or maybe that is just me :dohh:

Anyway I guess I just have to enjoy every minute I am with her.

Hope you all have a good weekend girls?

Shiv: Your very quiet, hope all is okay? or is she away, I know she had something on her status about doing shopping for a trip away last week so that is probably it :winkwink:
Thanks for listening to my rant- I felt better after I typed it :lol: I'm not worried this girl will do anything in real life. I have security camera's all around my house (paranoid, huh?? :lol:) and she's too much of a wuss to start anything. My family has a reputation for taking revenge out on people so if she messes with me she'll be sorry :haha: I hope my BIL breaks up with her for good because he deserves more than her. He might be really slow academically, but he has a really good heart.

jelr- it sounds like Natasha has it made at your mam's house with all the adults ready to give her attention! I understand you feeling guilty because I'm the same way. For me, my biggest feeling of guilt comes from sometimes enjoying being at work and having a little time away. I do miss her terribly, but having a short break and being able to eat lunch slowly can be nice too. :haha: My mom sends me email updates nearly every hour and on some days if they're busy I'll obsessively click the "get mail" button because I miss her so much and want to hear an update.

Cleckner- thinking back to when I was 17, I was dating my future husband and working my butt off to get good grades. I hung out with the nerdy crowd so the drama level was very low :haha: Thats impressive you were already living on your own and married at 17 :thumbup:

Shiv, where are you!?? I want to know when your next scan is... 20 weeks should be fast approaching :happydance:
Hello lovely ladies! I have been on holiday for a week so haven't been able to get on. I have read back through and will do my best to remember what you've been all up to...............

SO Cleck is a kleptomaniac, and so is Spidey's dad :haha:

Cleck - so well done on your weightloss, that is brilliant! I can see the difference between the last 2 pictures, your whole torso is much more defined. SO what is your next mini target and by when?

Jelr - I am SO happy that Jim is sorted with work now, and it sounds like once everything is set up he will really enjoy it. Must be such a weight off of your mind :hugs: How is your weightloss going now?

Also glad your periods are really regular, always good to know when you can expect the witch to show her face!

Spidey - I feel really bad for your BiL, she sounds like a complete train wreck and someone he could do without having in his life, I hope he has the strength to sitch her soon. he fb message made me laugh as well - psycho!

hmmmm what else - SEX DREAMS! Spidey, your DH's dream sounds a bit dodge, I can't believe he was pimping his Aunt out :haha: Since I have been preggers I have been having fairly regular sex dreams where I actually get the big O in my sleep! Always about random men who I don't know, usually faceless ot be honest:haha:

Childcare - I have only ever left Sophia with my parents or David's mum. I would be very nervous about using a nursery but realise that really at some point I am going to have to let someone else watch Sophia as I have no intention of home schooling her :haha: I think I am going to ease myself in to it, by when we move house, I am goingto find a gym with a creche, and I am going ot force myself to leave Sophia there for an hour while i go for a swim. I figure it will be good for her to get used to being looked after by other people otherwise school is gonna be a BIG shock - I am scared as hell about it though and there is every chance i won't go through with it :haha:

Well i just got back this afternoon from a weeks holiday up in a cottage in Yorkshire. It was great. We went with 2 of my friends from university (as we were going to visit a fellow uni friend who has just had her first baby while we were up there) so it was me, David, Sophia and my 2 friends. We had this gorgeous cottage on a farm with an indoor pool, a play park with swings, slides and a trampoline, a duck pond etc. Sophia LOVES my friends, she spent the whole week playing with them (which gave me and David such a break). Her new favourite game is hide and seek! I nearly cried when we all came home today as i won't see them for a while and Sophia is going to really miss them. She spent the 5 hour journey home saying "Sophie, Anna" over and over again. While we were away she started speaking in proper sentances (5 words at a time :shock:) she would say stuff like "I want a snack please" or " want to go on slide". It was amazing she just came out with this stuff, we were all sat there gobsmacked. She also was sat at dinner and there were lots of spot lights on the ceiling, she looked up and said "lots of lights" then proceeded to count to 10! faultlessly! Now we have never really tried to teach her to count, we might count steps as we walk up them or the like, so this was a real shocker. I am sure she doesn't actually know that she is counting, more that she has memorised the pattern of words. Also (sorry I know i am bragging (bad mummy) but I am seriously stunned at how quickly this has happened) we were all sat around after dinner one night and Sophia started kind of humming to herself (she likes us to sing to her but she doesn't usually do it herself) and it was quite clear she was humming twinkle twinkle little star. Anyway, we were all like aw that's cute, then she just started singing "like a diamond in the sky". Seriously crazy! SO beware girls, before you know it your LO's will be reciting shakespeare!

We saw my friend and her 4 week old little boy. I was giving him a cuddle and Sophia freaked out a bit. She hadn't paid me the slightest bit of attention all day as she was having too much fun with Sophie and Anna, anyway, I was holding the baby and she came over and was saying, "mummy up" and trying to get me to pull her onto my lap where the baby was, and she getting upset. I didn't give the baby to anyone else because I think Sophia needed to see that sometimes I might need to look after someelse - but she was not happy!

Anyway, I'll put some piccies on facebook of our trip!

Oh and my 20 week scan is on Wednesday! I have definite bumpage now, although that could be to do with the approx 5000 claories I haev been eating a day since I was on holiday :dohh:
Oh no - I killed the thread with my bragging :blush:
:rofl: You didn't kill it! I haven't been on much this weekend. Trying to be lazy and not clean but after not cleaning yesterday, I felt like crap this morning when I saw the house so I've been cleaning today. :blush: And my puppy left me a giant mother's day present in Emma's room today. :growlmad: He took the biggest shit in the world up there. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him. He's NEVER had a poo accident before. Even as a teeny puppy. So I'm not happy to say the least. I'm thinking a rug doctor is in my future once DH gets back. :haha: These carpets need scrubbed. I can't believe I don't own a rug doctor by now. :lol:

Shiv- I'm glad you had fun on your vacation!! And that's so amazing about Sophia bursting out with full sentences!! I keep hearing that will happen at any moment now. I can't wait till Emma does that! The longest sentence she says atm is "There it is" while pointing to whatever she's looking for. :haha:

I weighed myself this morning and it's the first time since 2008 that I've seen a 1 in front of my weight. OMG!!! :haha: :dance::dance: It said 198.8. I tried to get a picture so I could send it to DH but stupid me, my camera weighs over a lb. so it put my weight up to 200.2. :rofl::rofl: I'll have to lose another pound or two before I can get a picture of the 1. :haha:
Cleck - could you not gently hold on to something (windowsill etc) so that the weight on teh scales drops to what you really weigh even when you are holding the camera? Did that make any sense!

Happy Mothers Day Cleck and Spidey - I hope you have had nice days (apart from the dog poo incident Cleck - is he unwell?)

I am organising our leaving night out for before we move. we are inviting frineds to go out for dinner and then to the casino. The casino was just about the only thing I could think of that I would enjoy sober whilst everyone else gets drunk! But now I want to buy a new outfit so that i actually feel marginally attractive and not like a heffalump. What do you think of this? It is ridiculously expensive but i am hoping that means it will be amazing!

ha ha Shiv - you are quite entitled to brag, that is fantastic and I know from your videos she is really clear with her talking too. Natasha has loads of words, but most of them are not clear and only myself and DH can understand them. :haha:

She is however say her first proper sentance today and it is a classic for her baby book and an embarassing story :haha: - up until now she has put 3 words together but it has been things like teddy, tasha toes which is that she wants her teddy duvet to cover up her toes. but tonight she said it all in context and it was Daddy give me money, except it actually sounded like Daddy gimme money :haha: - what she actually wanted were the chocolate coins that she got for Easter, but I will have to omit that when I'm embarrassing her later in life :rofl: :haha:

Natasha also counts to ten, but most of the time she does forget one of the numbers, you might be surprised how much she does understand Shiv and that it may not just be a pattern that she has learned as that is what I presumed when Natasha started saying it but the other day, she was doing it and actually counting her pieces of apple and today really shocked me as we were in DH's sisters house and she started counting and was pointing to something on a book that she has never seen before and when I looked there were actual numbers on it, she wasn't pointing to the right ones or anything but I was shocked that she actually knew they were numbers. I think she must have learned it from watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as they often have numbers on it.

They really are coming on in leaps and bounds, that is so cute that Sophia sang "like a diamond in the sky" and very clever. Natasha tries to sing along with me singing "Somewhere over the rainbow" but it sounds more like "o aim bow" than "over the rainbow" :haha:

It sounds like you had a lovely holiday which you totally deserve after all the stress you have had and now with a big move to face. : )

Spidey: I'm like that when I'm off and actually get an afternoon to go shopping or have a massage. I feel so guilty for enjoying the time to myself. But with work I dont tend to enjoy the time to myself as I'm always mad on the go as really I have the same work load as I had before I had Natasha except now it is shoved into 3 days instead of 4-5 because my work is flexible as in I can do it in whatever time I want or whenever I want once the work is done and the groups I co-ordinate are all looked after and organised, but I have chosen to only work the 3 days since she was born so as I'm not away from her as much, but unfortunately because of it I dont even have time to get lunch and do end up under more pressure:nope: - Aww well as I said before we were really lucky to have my income when DH was out and it has been good to keep my mind busy after the mc.

Cleck: that is mad that you were married and all at 17, I bet you were really mature then too. I was quiet mature and settled myself at 17. Up until then I was a rip and fought a lot with my parents, mainly because they were so strict and because of my dads drinking. but then I moved out at 16 and it really did quieten me down and mature me, but that was because I had to work in a crappy burger place to keep myself fed and my rent paid and I didn't get to go out with my friends that much because I was either working or too broke or tired to move out. Although when I say I was mature, I think I thought I was because I did make the stupid mistake to even move out on my own and to leave school early and because of it I spent my early to mid twenties studying again, instead of again enjoying like most of my friends. But then again I'm glad for it all now and it has shaped my life so much. I definitely would never have spoken to anybody like that girl did to you spidey, but then if she is into drugs and all, she probably doesn't even know what she is at most of the time. - It really is so sad for your poor BIL : (

Well not much news here, we had a lovely weekend with all the family events and Natasha had a ball playing with her cousins again.

Although I did have a bit of a moment. :cry: DH's niece (his is from a large family and has sisters much older than him who have grown up children) announced she is expecting again. I had to slap a smile on and give my congratulations and just get out because I really thought I was going to cry. Dont get me wrong, I am so so happy for her but her eldest daughter is now 3 and Natasha and her get on so well. it would have been lovely if we hadn't of lost the baby for these two to grow up also. She is due the 3rd Dec and I would have been due the 3rd Oct so there would have been only 2 months between them. DH really felt it too as his face dropped and he followed me outside and looked like he could cry too. I was talking to her mam (DH's sister) that night and the poor girl didn't know how she was going to tell us after the mc and that made me feel worse because she shouldn't feel bad just because she is pregnant and I'm not. But I just have to keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason and I just can't see the reason for it yet. :cry:
Sorry girls my post was so massive you both managed to get one in before I finished it :haha:

Oh Cleck, poor you having to clean up that mess - I would also be mad as hell :wacko:

Yay for the weightloss record :happydance: - you are doing so well.

Shiv: That dress is fairly sore on the pocket alright :haha: but it is absolutely stunning and usually the more expensive the nicer the cut - feck it go for it because you really want to feel good and enjoy that night. :thumbup:

My weightloss is not going to bad - I was down 6lbs algether on Friday but I have broken it all weekend so Id say I will be back up. I would do fine if I just stuck to it, but I keep breaking it at least once a week :dohh: - so I'm hoping to go back at it tomorrow and keep at it without breaking it at all for the next two weeks and then we have a girly night out for dinner with my friend so I would be really happy if I could lose another 4lb by then and then I would only have a half stone to go. (thats assuming I haven't put anything on, which I'm sure I have)
aw jelr, you never know if you start ttc again after your appt with specialist in June then there could still only be a few months between your baby and Jim's neice's baby :hugs:
I ate so much crap on holidya that i put 4lbs on in a week - fairly impressive going :haha: I just ordered myself a pregnancy workout DVD to try to stop myself turning into a blimp again!

jelr - well done on your 10lbs that is ace, and I am sure one day off a week won't do too much damage!

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