Hey girlies
Had a horrible weekend, some of you probably saw my moanings on FB, but thought I'd jump in here for a quick catch up to cheer myself up a bit!
Boothh, grrrr @ your mum

I'm so sorry you felt pressured when he was younger, just hang in there a little longer and do what you can to fight off your mother, soon enough (hopefully!) you'll be back in your own place and can do things the way you and Stuart choose! I doubt she was totally serious about chucking you all out though: I really can't see her doing that, so try to stick to your guns if you can. Good luck!
Cleck LOL @ Chicken leg. OH has a massive phobia of chicken, especially the legs, so they are a definite no-no in our house for now! When he saw that pic he almost puked, he said it looked like it was raw!

This is the same guy who is afraid of bunnies... Bless him...
MA: Sounds like you're doing the right thing with weaning JP so carefully, I think it will make it a much more comfortable and stress-free exprience once she moves on to solids more regularly

As long as she is happy on mostly milk, I say you stick to that for as long as you like. All babies are different anyway, and like you say, in many countries babies are just given breast milk for much longer than we do here... Let us know how she goes with it
Aunty E: OMG that pic of Mog is beautiful!! You've been a sneaky one, not many pics posted here on BnB (that I've spotted, anyway!) - When we met in person I could see how very very much she looked like you, and I can still totally see it in that pic

She's such a cute baby, bless her heart!
Spidey, Vince has had some stranger anxiety with my mum: He has seen OH's parents ("Grandma" and "Granddad") very regularly since he was tiny, but with my mum ("Granny") it has been a stopping and starting affair, there are often a couple of weeks when he doesn't see her at all. When he sees her again after that, he stares at her and makes this worried face and goes all rigid, and once he cried at her!!

I was a bit gutted, and my mum promised not to let it go that long between him seeing her again if she could help it!! He saw her today and because it had just been a few days since he last saw her he was fine again, even almost smiled at her (he smiles at Grandma and Granddad EVERY time he sees them!)
As for other strangers, the only people he's met really are the Water Babies bunch, and he seems to have taken very well to the trainer there, he has never been afraid to be held by her!
Oh, speaking of Water Babies, as we missed last week's session, I took him last Wednesday to our local pool instead, and we did all the Water Babies things just the two of us. It was awesome, I even dunked him under for a few seconds of swimming all on my own

He was loving it, bless him!
Oh, and that has reminded me of another thing! MA, you mentioned water wings? I don't think they are necessary, in fact IMO they'd make the swimming more stressful for baby, having these weird things on their arms... I'd say keep it really natural and calm and cuddly when you first take her, just hold her close and smile at her and speak soothing words, gently bounce her around etc

Well done for doing that despite your own dislike of the water, that is very admirable!
Well I don't much have the heart to go into my own catch up right now, I don't much want to think about anything!! But we're doing fine, Vince is fine, we are just starting to re-jig his routine to make him happier in the evenings (he gets very tired) so we're trying all sorts of new variations on napping and feeding and bedtimes!
Lots of love to everyone
