--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

right my blw book came today i was reading it and read abit out to my mum, she turned round and said she thinks im starving him and not lookingafter him properly by no spoon feeding him, and if i want to carry on she wants us to move out because she doesnt want it under her roof !! WTF im soo pissed off, i wouldnt mind but shes the one that pressured me into spoonfeeding him too early, get guilting me and sayin he was hungry, she even went out and brought bowls spoons and baby rice when he was just a few weeks old, shes saying hes been upset recently and really grouchy, but i honestly dont think hes alot different, hes teething so hes obviously having the odd whingy hour but hes still sleeping the same so theres no big difference, i just cant believe shes being so unsupportive,
Oh Booth I just read your post on the BLW thread :hugs: I am so sorry that your mum is being so unsupportive even with the info from the book! I can't believe she is trying to basically emotionally blackmail you into feeding Jesse the way she wants. I feel so sorry for you, it must be so frustrating having decided the way YOU want to feed YOUR baby. Is your OH with you on the BLW thing?
ALso I think i remember you saying that you were planning on moving out in a few weeks anyhow? Any idea when this coud be? Is your HV supportive of BLW, could she have a word with your mum?
Anyway just wanted to give you hugs and to say try to stick to your guns as you know Jesse best and he is doing so well with BLW :hugs:
yeah OH is really behind me he told me to tell her to P off and just carry on how we are as hes much happier doing it himself, iv just posted in blw bit that it annoys me cus she sees how he enjoysit but will stil rather force him to eat off a spoon, i might ring my HV and ask her to come round and speak to my mum with me,

yeah we should be moving out soon just waiting on the credits checks etc, shes mainly around in the evenings so weve decided to just offer him food when she isnt around then when she is at dinnertime give him a spoonfed meal (along with some finger food cus im sure he wont be up for this now) just to keep her sweet, i dont want the arguments around jesse, and she is moving to cornwall around easter (we live in manchester) so i dont want to go on a bad note, id rather just keep her happy and then go on to pure BLW when we move out, its really tough though, i cant believe she threatening to make us homeless if i dont spoonfeeding what the fuck, imagine how guilty i feel now when my own mother has just told me she thinks im starving my child!! OH said shes just annoys cus she wants her own way but comments like that hurt!
Well one thing for sure is that you are not starving your boy!! SO don't feel bad!
Can completely understand you wanting to keep your mum sweet though - especially as she is moving so far away. I think itsounds like a good plan to feed him BLW stylee in the day and then do a mix in the evening when she is there. Perhaps if shes Jesse refusing to eat off the spoon but enjoying feeding himself she might relent. SO glad to hear that your OH has got your back though :thumbup:
thankyou, i dont know were the starving thing comes from, i mean, hes on 91st centile hardly a starving baby wasting away!

i rang the HV who told me they cant recomend BLW as its not nhs policy so shes no bloody help, she did tell me that they have a baby bistro on a monday though with the food and nutrition co ordinator and that she will probably be able to help so i asked my mum to come with me she said shes not interested she doesnt want some old bat that probly has no children of her own to tell her what to do! grr i just asked her to please listen and be abit open minded and she just went off on one,
Last night for dinner we had steamed broccoli, carrots, mashed potatoes, and chicken...As you can see Emma loved her chicken. :rofl::rofl:

Boothh I'm so sorry your mom is acting like that. I don't understand what is with the older generation not letting us raise our children the way WE want. :shrug::nope: He's your son and you are doing amazing. Don't let her make you feel bad. I hope somehow your mom will miraculously see that BLW is a good thing and there is more than one way to do things. Just because your doing it different than she did, doesn't mean it's wrong! :growlmad: Hugs to you. :hugs::hugs:
thanks for the support girls, i hope she comes around but its doubtful she will, ive told her i will offer himfood at our mealtimes and then spoonfeed him afterwards, i really dont want to do this but i dont want to argue with her about it,

in her mind if a baby is crying you feed them, iv tried to explain to her that IMO if hes not hungry thats just going to lead to comfort eating and make him more likely to have a bad relationship with food, and im sure this is part of the reason why iv struggled with my weight, habits like this start now and i dont want him to end up a picky eater like me,

he had a strawberry fruit bar before and really enjoyed it, my mum was there she didnt say anything though but it was obvious he loved it cus he was bouncing his legs up and down and going MM MMMM lol,

jesse has a new 'thing' for anything paper! books, newspapers, magazines, letters, flyers, leaflets it doesnt matter what it is he just wants to put it in his mouth! i did some reading this morning and he was trying so hard to grab my book off of me! he has some big thick cardboard touch and feel baby books but they are packed up with our stuff, im gunna go get him some cloth books tomorrow crackly ones if possible cus he likes the crackley noise i think more than anything else,

sorry iv not had a chance to read through properly recently im just abit stressed so sorry if i dont reply individually xx
Hi girls!!!
Im finally better but my poor hubby was taken into hospital yesterday because he had near enough gone blind in his right eye :cry: apparently this is down to the viral illness we all had and we are "lucky the babies didnt catch it"!! (thank you alcohol gel!!)
Well i have been reading but bits have escaped me sorry one thing though
BOOTHH:- I have too feed Elin by spoon as we have to get alot of calories in her but i think that you are doing a fab job with your obviously well looked after son!! IF BLW is the way for you then go for it i think its brill and if i could i would!! :thumbup:

CLECK:- Those pics of Emma are gorgeous she is such a pretty girl!!
and i remember the arguements in third tri i love a good old debate but some people (W4B) took it way toooo far!! I do wonder how she is though and if her little baba managed to bring her back from the dark side LOL (big joke sorry)

Elin has been an angel as always! She didnt make it to her op because of said illness and the sheer fact that Darren cant drive with one eye!
Dj has been offered a placement in playgroup which is for 2 1/2 hours a day mon - fri im so ecxited for him but so upset that my baby is growing up :cry:
Elin is now on 2 meals a day breakfast and lunch and she seems to favour breakfast ATM!!
I have to high calorie wean her so if she has potatoes and things i have to put butter in there and full fat cheese milk things like that i am so not comfortable doing it though shouldn't she be on a low cholestrol diet because of the conduit in her heart?

Do any of you think that it will be okay to give her corned beef hash??
thats what were having and i was thinking of putting some aside for her lunch tomorrow?

Any way im off now as i have to get to the shop im really fancying a crusty cob with ham and tomatoes lol you would think i was preg!!!
i gave jesse some of our corned beef hash that we had one time just mashed it up abit for him, and didnt put any salt in! he liked it :)
Booth - huge hug honey for all the warring with your ma. Surely you must have realised by now that because she & others of her generation have had their kids, they know better than us first timers?! Gee I hope when we become grandparents we're not so bloody minded. On a serious note, I'm getting the whole 'you should be feeding this & that, she's hungry' with people trying to shove stuff down my daughter's throat. Elsewhere in the world babies survive off milk for longer than 6months, just as nature worked it, milk has all their nutritional needs for at least a year. I do wonder, is your mum of the generation who were told to feed solids from 3 months or earlier?

Because of allergies, etc I'm going to be introducing foods in a planned order starting with lowesy reactivity first. So bowing under pressure from my Reading friend and her retired midwife friend, I made some baby rice up for JP. She was okay with eating it but a few hours later started up with painful colicky wind which lasted all evening amd through the night :-( She didn't sleep for more than an hour at a time. As much as I hated my little girl being in pain, it gave me great satisfaction to say 'there, I told you she's not ready yet!'. I know teething can also make their tummies delicate so waited a couple of days and tried it again. This time she refused to eat it! So I mixed it into a bottle, we got a similar reaction but not so severe, so she now gets one bottle a day with rice in and her tolerence is improving.

I have to praise my lovely housemate who is very supportive of my weaning plan and suggests/asks if she can mash something for JP, usually an apple or pear and I'm happy with that. My mom on the otherhand obviously had her ears closed when I said I won't be giving JP sugary things (desserts , sweets etc) only fruit. This week she encouraged my sister to give JP a Quality St toffee finger to suck on. I'm very proud that she held & rejected the sweet and asked for the wrapper instead! :-D

If Boothh & Joey are still looking for plastic cutlery, Asda have some good stuff in their seasonal summer kids section. I got an assortment of multi-coloured sets of cutlery, bowls, plates & tumblers, 6 in each pack, two packs for £2 (or £1.50 each). The cutlery doesn't have any rough edges and is am easily held size although no griping surface. That hasn't prevented JP from using them to drum on surfaces though!

I've decided to face my fear of water and take JP swimming. Bought her the cutest little swimsuits from George. My mum wanted to get her waterwings but does she need them? Do any of our swimming cubs use them? JP tries to swim in the bath amd in tummy time she lifts her arms and legs up and does breaststroke lol. Most importantly to me though, I want her to be confident in water. When I was little, I used to paddle in the steps part of our neighbours pool & they used to drill into me how dangerous it was and how it could kill me. So of course, when I slipped one day and took a dunking, I thought I was going to die and I think that started my fear, so I will be very careful when it comes to.safety talks with JP.

One last question before I sign off. Can anyone give reviews on M&P Pliko Switch and iCandy Cherry if you or someone you know has them? I'm decommissing my Graco as I have decided I want a rear-facing pushchair (and tbh, its heavy and bulky and more than what I need). I've finally whittle down my options to these two. I think the IC is an amazing range but the seats don't look very comfy. The PS looks quite flimsy for its weight (maybe due to how it folds) & the wheels don't look very robust but it does look cosy and folds with the seat unit in place which the IC does not annoyingly. Also have heard M&P carseats aren't very good. I'm bored of wading through review forums,would much rather hear what you think.
MA- yeah my ipod always posts double posts!, she was part of that generation infact she fed me by 6weeks, and pressured me into feeding jesse by 8weeks, i wish i didnt now but i didnt know what i was doing at first so just took her advice, thanks about the cutlery xx
Oy! Lots of baby weaning posts here. Mog is still on milk only, but I like her slobber on anything she can grab when we're eating. Our one experiment with a rusk ended up all over her face, so I'm just waiting for her to tell me she wants solids I think. She's quite a farty baby as it is, and is prone to horrid constipation occasionally, so I don't want to stress her digestive system if I don't have to. This morning I was getting dressed, picked her up to move her and then realised she'd found my boob and latched on! She isn't really breast fed anymore, but I guess she still likes a snack now and then :lol: makes me feel better about her obvious preference for bottles.

I've only ever used my stokke, which I adore, but is quite big. It doesn't fold down very small, so can be a pain to put in the car, and it takes up a fair bit of space in the house. I really like the look of the icandy though, I see loads of them around and they're so cute. I just bought a baby bjorn active for my husband. The Moby wrap is still great for short journeys, but she's getting a bit big for hauling long distance in it - I walked for an hour or so and was pretty much crippled by the time I took her out. When I go back to work, he'll be the one looking after her, so I figured he could do with something a bit sturdier with some lumbar support. Found one on ebay, so not too expensive!

Love that pic of Emma, looks like Mog whenever we give her a toy - 'A toy you say? For playing? No, not for playing! Surely for eating yes? I shall put it ALL in my mouth nom nom nom nom dribble dribble spit'.

Imogen had her little photoshoot last week - worth the money just to get the photos, as they're SO cute. Hope you can see this one.

I'll try writing & posting this a third time. My phone's gone from double posting to none!

AE - gorgeous photo, you must be very proud.

Boothh, don't you beat yourself up. When Jesse was 8 weeks you were doing what you thought was best for him. And you are still doing that now, just changing direction. Hold on in there, when you move you will be fully in control. And big kudos to Stuart for standing up to your mom. It can't be easy doing that to your partner's parent, especially when you're staying in their house, so good on him for supporting youand his son so well.xx
Cleckner- I love your picture of the chicken leg- soooo cute!!!

Anyone else notice their babies are having "stranger" anxiety? Kira now screams horribly if my MIL or my Dad hold her. It's sad because I don't want them to think Kira hates them. I hope she outgrows it soon!
Mine has always been like that :( It took a couple of months for her to get used to her daddy.
Hey girlies :)

Had a horrible weekend, some of you probably saw my moanings on FB, but thought I'd jump in here for a quick catch up to cheer myself up a bit!

Boothh, grrrr @ your mum :( :( I'm so sorry you felt pressured when he was younger, just hang in there a little longer and do what you can to fight off your mother, soon enough (hopefully!) you'll be back in your own place and can do things the way you and Stuart choose! I doubt she was totally serious about chucking you all out though: I really can't see her doing that, so try to stick to your guns if you can. Good luck! :hugs:

Cleck LOL @ Chicken leg. OH has a massive phobia of chicken, especially the legs, so they are a definite no-no in our house for now! When he saw that pic he almost puked, he said it looked like it was raw! :rofl: This is the same guy who is afraid of bunnies... Bless him... :dohh:

MA: Sounds like you're doing the right thing with weaning JP so carefully, I think it will make it a much more comfortable and stress-free exprience once she moves on to solids more regularly :) As long as she is happy on mostly milk, I say you stick to that for as long as you like. All babies are different anyway, and like you say, in many countries babies are just given breast milk for much longer than we do here... Let us know how she goes with it :thumbup:

Aunty E: OMG that pic of Mog is beautiful!! You've been a sneaky one, not many pics posted here on BnB (that I've spotted, anyway!) - When we met in person I could see how very very much she looked like you, and I can still totally see it in that pic :D She's such a cute baby, bless her heart! :winkwink:

Spidey, Vince has had some stranger anxiety with my mum: He has seen OH's parents ("Grandma" and "Granddad") very regularly since he was tiny, but with my mum ("Granny") it has been a stopping and starting affair, there are often a couple of weeks when he doesn't see her at all. When he sees her again after that, he stares at her and makes this worried face and goes all rigid, and once he cried at her!! :cry: I was a bit gutted, and my mum promised not to let it go that long between him seeing her again if she could help it!! He saw her today and because it had just been a few days since he last saw her he was fine again, even almost smiled at her (he smiles at Grandma and Granddad EVERY time he sees them!)

As for other strangers, the only people he's met really are the Water Babies bunch, and he seems to have taken very well to the trainer there, he has never been afraid to be held by her!

Oh, speaking of Water Babies, as we missed last week's session, I took him last Wednesday to our local pool instead, and we did all the Water Babies things just the two of us. It was awesome, I even dunked him under for a few seconds of swimming all on my own :D He was loving it, bless him!

Oh, and that has reminded me of another thing! MA, you mentioned water wings? I don't think they are necessary, in fact IMO they'd make the swimming more stressful for baby, having these weird things on their arms... I'd say keep it really natural and calm and cuddly when you first take her, just hold her close and smile at her and speak soothing words, gently bounce her around etc :) Well done for doing that despite your own dislike of the water, that is very admirable! :hugs:

Well I don't much have the heart to go into my own catch up right now, I don't much want to think about anything!! But we're doing fine, Vince is fine, we are just starting to re-jig his routine to make him happier in the evenings (he gets very tired) so we're trying all sorts of new variations on napping and feeding and bedtimes!

Lots of love to everyone :) xxxxxx

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