Yay Booth - I hope you find it interesting. It is a little bit repetitive but I think it made an easy read.
And I remember those fights on third tri - I also remember they always involved W4B!
My best friend gave birth yesterday!!!

She went in for induction at 2pm on Wednesday and finally gave birth at 6.45pm on Thursday

She was in labour for over 20 hours and ended up having an epidural which not only made her itch all over but also made her projectile vomit! SO for teh last 10 hours of her labout and for an hour afterwards she was throwing up

Then finally they had to use forceps on her afetr 2 hours of pushing! Baby Ewan was 9lbs 6oz

. She seems over the moon now - it is amazing how quickly you can forget!!
SO today I went shopping for presents! I am quite jealous that she has a new baby - I hope he will be a good feeder and sleeper for her!
So i feel like I have nothing planned for teh rest of my life - I have no nights out, or visitors or ANYTHING to do!! My life is pretty much Sophia, David and Baking!! Don't get me wrong, I love my life but it would be nice if Sophia would take a bottle so I could plan somethign exciting! It is my birthdya in April (the big 3-0!) and I had hoped to go away for the weekend without Sophia but never mind! Moan over, i know I am soooooo lucky with my life!
Anyone up to much this weekend - I hope you all have lovely ones x