--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

[COLOR="Blue]mummy had a night out at the theatre so me and daddy went wild lol"[/COLOR] don't no why any one at this stage would feed there baby meat there are so many other foods out there babies are not up to digesting it .. and if you do go with a yogurt desert to help break it up ?

I am doing BLW and offer George almost exactly what I eat (not takeaway, caffeine, salt, alcohol). He had lamb which he mostly chewed and sucked although some was eaten. Although I admit to being uncertain as to how much is digested at this stage It is well shown that even good sucking on meat is a very good source of iron (alledgedly one of the commenest nutritional deficiencies in young children). I also don't give him a set dessert if he gets sweet stuff (fruit usually) then it is offered in a matter of course way rather than always at the end - don't want him to learn to expect sweet desserts, even if it's just fruit or yoghurt. Perhaps also could you please explain how yoghurt helps break up meat as I have never heard of this before and wasn't aware yoghurt had any enzymes in it.
MJ- i'm sick of your 'shit'. :haha::winkwink: You and your AE poop stories. :rofl: I know what you mean about staining the cloth though. Emma has a few that are stained as well and it always makes me a bit sad to see. Although I knew what they'd be used for when I got them. :haha:

Spidey- I agree that Emma can wait till a year for teeth. :haha: I just wonder when she'll finally get one. Seems like we had a ton of teething babies in here.
lol don't no why any one at this stage would feed there baby meat there are so many other foods out there babies are not up to digesting it .. and if you do go with a yogurt desert to help break it up ?

are you a doctor ?

i dont think that was really the right way of saying that, how you feed your baby is up to you, you should not come out with statements like that, its clearly going to cause upset, i would never criticise the way anyone fed their child, as long as they are being fed and looked after IMO then i dont care how you do it! everyone is different,
Thanks Boothh - far more rational a reply than I managed at 1:30am this morning whilst I typed a defensive post on my phone! I was not in the best frame of mind, lying awake in bed for no reason, trying to get back to sleep whilst wondering if it was worth it as G was bound to wake up as soon as I did!

G didn't wake up at all last night but I woke at 1:30, 3, and 5!! :dohh: And boy were my boobies full this morning!
Lucky you Joeyjo! I swear Emma woke up at least 6 times last night. :coffee: She goes through these phases of being so utterly grumpy all night or very early in the morning. Although she made up for it this morning. She was sleeping across my chest because by this point I just wanted sleep. I woke up with her right over my face looking at me. I opened one eye to see her and as soon as I opened the other eye she got this huge grin and giggled. :rofl:
lol joey i did retype about six times trying to tone myself down, it was probably just an off the cuff comment though im just gunna take it with a pinch of salt, :/

jesse normally wakes between 8 - 10 normally the latter, he goes to bed around 8/9 and he used to go to sleep but hes just figured out that if he makes enough fuss mummy or daddy will come and bring him back downstairs, to his great delight, he will come back down and be all giggly and cute but i need to get him out of the habit because hes always gone to bed pretty well and all of a sudden he thinks hes missing out being upstairs,

were is shadow recently?
Dunno about Shadow - I've seen her on FB a bit but not much. I think they've had some stuff going on about Fin.

Jesse in the evenings sounds like G when I try and persuade him to have daytime naps! Luckily he seems to love going to bed at night :) just need him to sleep as well as he did last night everynight!

Cleck - OMG how cute does Emma sound this morning! G would have woken me up by trying to eat my face and covering me in slobber - I like to htink its kisses but I am well aware I am deluded!
he normally has a 3hour nap during the day, depending on if were going out or not,

were eating late tonight and so iv just given him some tomatos, cheese sticks and carrot sticks and hes eating it this time, hes really going at a piece of tomato at the moment, and hes tried the cheese too, thanks for the advice before joey xx
my mums just had a right go at me, saying she doesnt understand why im giving him food to eat with his hands, hows he meant to learn to use a knife and fork apparantly, she doesnt get it, its not really what he should e eating apparantly, hes not ready for it, even though hes sat there happily eating things off his tray..
Sorry to hear you mum's given you a hard time, my mum was great but I ended up stretching the truth & telling my MIL that the HV & GP had recommended it. (They just OK'd it - well the GP did :) )

As for cutlery - natural desire to mimic you will mean that as he gets older he'll start to want to use forks, spoons and eventually knives and because he's so used to handling foods he should have really good manual motor skills and do well with them :)
I don't get how feeding him everything with a spoon would help him learn to use a knife and fork any quicker
apparently he will learn because of were i put the spoon, but im planning on doing preloaded spoons with yoghurt and stuff when we move out i already gave him spoons while i spoon fed him anyway and he knew were to put them and what end and hes done quite abit of pre loaded spoon feeding but it tends to get messy and id rather do it in my own home than someone elses :/ ill give her the blw book when iv finished and get her to read it x
Yeah G is getting pretty good with preloaded spoons _ as long as he isn't bored. He has a habit of just dropping food ( including poons) when he gets bored. I've actually given him a spoon & bowl of porridge but he just got frustrated & very messy so we'll stick to preloaded for now! I want a fork with plastic prongs that won't break like picnic forks. I let him play with a toddler fork and he looked like he'd get the stabbing ction of a fork quicker than spoon scooping but I worry about metal prongs whilst he's learning.
yeah thats a good idea, i will look out for some ill let you know if i see any, you could use the plastic picnic wear sort of forks you can get in ikea and places but they are quite big not really what id want to give jesse,
were is shadow recently?

:wave: I'm here! :) Sorry I haven't been posting much at all lately, I've had some weirdness going on in a few areas of life and have some stuff to work through, but I have always caught up with posts (I always read from the last post when I come in here, but I just haven't been posting for a while...)

Yes, we've had some stuff going on with Fin, but it seems that we may be on the edge of a very positive change in that respect (had a short but lovely phone conversation with her this evening :D she's such a lovely lovely girl)

But anyway, most of the chatter has been about feeding (which is understandable as our babies are pretty much all getting to the proper weaning age now!) So here's my update on Vincent's food etc...

Last time I posted, I think, we were trying out giving Vincent home-cooked meals mashed or blended. Since then things have changed again a little: I really love the sound of BLW, I love that so many of you are trying various takes on this. I really like the idea of giving Vince some finger food and letting him get on with it. We got out his high chair recently, but it has been put away again until his muscles are built up enough to be able to sit upright on his own: It's not a very good high chair, just a solid wooden one, so it doesn't have any tilt functions or anything funky like that, and although he could sort of slump in it a bit and sometimes managed fine whilst I fed him, more often than not he looked very uncomfortable and just cried in misery :( He seems to get so frustrated if I try to spoon feed him like that, as he slumps his head forwards a bit and sort of clamps his chin to his chest, so trying to spoon feed him like that is pretty tricky. And when I do manage to get a spoonful in his mouth, he inhales it and chokes and screams and cries, it is a complete misery for all of us... So I tried the whole chopping up nice bits of fruit and other finger food to see if he enjoyed that / could manage it better, and he did OK with some of it, but after the initial "ooh, what's this? How exciting, I'll put it in my mouth" he seems to realise that it should be food, and he's not getting any satisfaction from it so he just looks at me and starts to cry! And whilst he is slumped in the chair uncomfortably it just isn't working as a fun and happy experience. He seems to be quite sensitive to things outside of his routine, which is a shame... He knows exactly what he wants, and if I try to go outside of that he gets frustrated and upset...

BUT. On the up side, he is REALLY enjoying his baby jars when I feed him in his Link-a-doos chair. I have tried cooking for him, and a couple of recipes worked really well, but many didn't (he just gagged and cried and then once he's upset he inhales it and it all turns into a nightmare!!!) ... So I decided to go for the known quantity for a while, and I tried some of the baby jars myself to see what I thought he'd like best. I have settled for now with Heinz Mum's Own jars for 7 months+. Apparently there is no nutritional reason why babies of 6 months can't eat jars that say 7+ months, they just have more lumps and things in them. But these /mum's Own are REALLY tasty! And they have really nice textures to them, not like the bland grainy mush of the cow and gate stuff (YUCK!! Vince just gags on it!) So we've been giving him just the heinz mums own 7 month jars, and he is ADORING them! He makes the sweetest little happy noises when he eats it, and really truly seems to enjoy his meals. So here's what he gets in a day:

7:30 am - 8 oz bottle
10 am - one weetabix and half a jar of fruit puree
1 pm - 8 oz bottle
4 pm - "dinner" - one full jar of heinz mum's own 7 months + and about a third of the same size jar of a dessert (which I often "share" :blush: cos they are so darned yummy! My fave so far has been the apple crumble with vanilla custard puree- OMG it is scrummy!!)
7 pm - 8 oz bottle

And that's it! He is really seeming to like it at the moment, so I am happy to stick with this method for him for now. I really would love to introduce some finger foods, but I just don't think he will be ready for that until he can sit upright on his own, and so sit properly in his high chair. I really really look forward to that!

In other news, my sister in law had her baby! His name is Declan, and though I've only seen two pictures (they are in holland), I can say that he is a real cutie! I can't wait for more pics, it is going to be such fun comparing him to Vincent (though he was a month premature so there'll be a considerable size difference...) They're doing great though: She had wanted a home birth (the norm in holand if there are no complications) but when he came early they had to go to hospital of course. But he's doing great, so they're hoping they won't have to stay in for long :) Horray for happy news!

I will try to pop in here more often again, but can't really promise anything as I am a bit all over the place lately! But I will try :) I am always following what you guys are talking about!

I spy a Shadow! Hope you're ok lovely :hug; Sorry I've been MIA, OH birthday party wiped me out for a couple of days, shortly followed by a stinking cold, so I\'ve not been up to much for the last week or so.

So I go back to work in two weeks. Yikes. Can't believe it's gone so quickly, but it feels like forever since I was there. I'm really hoping I start to get more sleep if I'm going to be expected to be human and competent :)

We let Imogen slobber over some bits of food, but we were thinking of getting a highchair with a tray as she drops it most of the time and the cats get it off the floor! It's her photo session tomorrow, hoping she's having a good day, as the teeth are making her a little grumpy. No visibly sprouting teeth yet, just rosy cheeks and general grumpiness.
I spy a Shadow! Hope you're ok lovely

:hugs: I'm fine thanks! Vince's photo session is soon too (just the time of the month when we take a monthly pic!) Sorry Mog is suffering with the grumps :( Vince doesn't have any sign of imminent teeth yet either, but he is dribbling like a good'un and as usual has bright red cheeks most of the time!

Oh, I forgot to mention Water Babies in my big post: We are LOVING it!!! We'll miss it this week because we're going up to London for court stuff and various things, but Vince adores his sessions and really loves the instructor: He always beams at her when she takes him for his dunking under the water and swimming the width of the pool and back to mummy again :D

Boothh, how did Jesse's first swimming session go? Have you taken him yet? Is anyone else doing any swimming or other baby clubs or activities at all?

Hey shadow!! :wave::hugs:

So I just got back from going with my brother and his wife to their 3D ultrasound!!! They found out they are having a girl!! :happydance::happydance: Another girlie to go out and buy cute clothes for. hehehehe. I'm excited as you can tell. She was being shy though and had her hands in front of her face so they get to go back next week for a free session. She is breech as of right now which scares me a bit because my brother was breech which is why my mom had to have a csection. So I'm hoping this little one decides she wants to turn soon. SIL is due April 8. :thumbup:
hey shadow glad to see you back in here, we took jesse for the first time today and he absolutly loved it, we got there around 9.15 and we were the only ones in the baby pool just me, my mum and jess, i think that was great for him as there was nobody splashing him he floated, splashed, dunked under, and swam with me just holding his hands, he giggled loads and thought it was great, when we got out and back to the changing room there was like five or six people with babies getting them ready so i think we just missed the big rush which was good! were gunna make it a regular thing and when we move and get settled ill take him to aqua babies aswell as the little swim on our own :)

jess just ate some toast while we were in the cafe after swimming and fed himself his bottle for the first time properly, hes always found it abit heavy when its full but today he was okay as soon as i got it out of his bag he had his arms up to reach it so i just gave it to him and he got on with it, it was soo cute,

im going shopping later to stock up on things to offer jesse, because were running abit low and im having to improvise, i want to offer him the best stuff i can really and we dont really have alot of fruit or veg in atm cus iv just been buying the stuff i use to make dinners with and not much else cus im dieting!

shadow - do you have padding for his highchair? i have a wooden highchair from mothercare that can turn into a table and chair eventually, it didnt come with straps or padding though i bought a thing that you fit in from mother care like a sort of cushion come seat pad that fits in the chair and makes it comfier, jesse didnt liek just going in with bare wood but he manages great with this, just a thought for vincey xx
Yep Booth, think we have the same highchair, but even with the seat padding etc Vince just doesn't seem ready :shrug: Maybe we will try again when we get back from London this weekend... xxx
Hi all

Just popping in to say a quick hi. I know I haven't been on much lately but I have been thinking of you all.

I'm afriad I was reading but I haven't even managed time for that in the last week.

Back to work next week for me so I'm trying to cut down my internet use and normally I only get time at night to get on with no interuptions but then I end up spending too much time on and wasn't getting to bed until late and I have been just wrecked so Ive stopped even turning it on at night as I only get sucked in lol and need to get myself back in a routine before work.

I have gone back on the lipotrim diet I did 4 years ago to lose the weight before our wedding as nothing else worked and it was the gyne that recommeded it for me at the time as I have PCOD and nothing was working. You can only get it through the pharmacy though and it is totally monitored.

It is 3 shakes a day that have all the nutrients and vitamins that you need and lots and lots of water, but it is making me a bit tired - but sure it is only for a few weeks and my knees where starting to go again with my arthritis so I said feck it I would go back on it before I'm not able to pick up Natasha and I want to get it out of the way before she is really getting into solids as I know babies learn by example and is she is refusing foods or anything how can I expect her to eat when I'm not.

anyways so far so good and I have lost 6 lbs so far.

We are well. Natasha is still doing well on her food - she has had potato, sweet potato, green beans, courgette, swede, carrott, butternut sqash, banana, avacado, pear, apple and peaches and I'm introducing her to cauliflower, brocolli, peas, parsnip and mango over the next few weeks - it is a lot of work doing all the cooking for her myself but I'm enjoying it and it is very rewarding - we are also giving her some carrot sticks and bits to play with when we are having our dinner - she did have a touch of a cold last week but it didn't come to anything thank god. She is in right form these days thank god and has stopped waking up at night time.

Well I hope you are all well - I will try and get some time soon to read back - but then with work next week I dont know if that will happen - the thoughts of leaving her but then I'm very lucky and only have to go back part time.

big hugs to all :hugs:

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