Pip - gorgeous pic, melon sounds like a great idea. Another good fruit to chill for teething pain too (using pears atm).
Spidey - I think you're mad wishing Kira to crawl! I'm dreading JP getting going, I've no idea how I'm going to control her!
Cleck - I'm sorry to hear how insensitive your SIL is being but I wonder if some of her attack is because of her feelings at being pregnant (resentment, fear, envy). She sees you being a great, happy mom & sje worries that she won't be able to love her child, and why should she when she didn't want her, when having her might ruin her body, when she has to give up her life. It sounds really selfish but she is having to adjust her life as she knows it and I am sure once your neice has arrived she will feel a lot different. I didn't want children, JP was unplanned& I'm raising her on my own so I can kind of identity with your SIL. For the first few weeks after I knew I was pregnant I was full of anger, sorrow, fear for the loss of my freedom etc, I had some very dark times but equally I knew I had to face up to my responsibilities. I also felt terribly guilty for all those who wanted children but couldn't have them when I was pregnant with one I didn't want. Now I wouldn't want to be without my little girl, I love her so much, I adore being a mum & I even want more - it's a long way to have come and hopefully your sil will find acceptance too in time. It doesn't justify her being callous towards you but it could be hormones too. Her jibes may well be a cry for help, don't let her get to you.
As for her health I'm surprised her ob-gyn hasn't told her off too. Don't worry too much about your niece, she WILL take what she needs & your SIL will suffer for it. I lost a stone at the start of my pregnancy due to HG (although I thought at the time it was a virus) and in my latter pregnancy I was constantly dizzy, fainting, unable to walk very far,nauseas etc and I did eat milk, cereal, fruit etc. She'll soon realize if she doesn't want to feel crap she has to eat and if she doesn't she'll end up in hospital and they will make sure your niece is okay.