aw, Cleck, that must've been so scary. But good on Emma for taking it all in her stride and dealing with it, and especially for not being put off. Oh and isn't technology wonderful, re Corey seeing all Emma's progress! You really made me think about what it must have been like for families that were separated before we had internet... must have been so hard not to be able to share all these milestones. my grandmother had that with my uncle, her first-born, who was born in early 1945 - my grandad was in the army and sent to India and I think my uncle was about 18 months old by the time his dad came back. so he left a tiny baby and came back to a toddler. very hard on them all, I've been told.
MA, I don't know anything about those pushchairs, sorry! As you may remember I have a Bugaboo Bee and while I do love it and it's really neat and compact and light, I get paranoid that it's not as sturdy as I'd like. Also I have had some issues with it, and am having to get the seat unit replaced, which is very annoying, but it's under warranty, so it's free. A little part has broken off (I think we accidentally weakened it when we first were using it, before we were properly familiar with the mechanism) and while it is fine and safe enough in the lie flat position, I cannot lift it at all (because it only locks on one side so unsafe) so Adam can't sit up and he REALLY wants to now. he is also totally grown out of the baby nest, it's like he is a butterfly bursting out of a chrysallis, and we have the foot muff, the next stage up, but need to use that in the sitting position! fx the new seat arrives this week.
re. stranger anxiety - Adam hasn't shown too much of that and I am hoping he'll leave it till after the wedding/christening because I really want all my friends and family who've not met him yet to see my gorgeous, sweet, happy smiling baby at his best.

He has started with separation anxiety though, even if he is fine and happy with his daddy (and they have a good bond) if I leave the room he starts to cry, then he's all smiles to see me again. even sometimes if Chris has him on his lap, trying to get him to sleep, if he can't see me he won't settle but once he's positioned so that he can (even though he has to turn his head) he just stares at me before he drops off. It's sweet and makes my mummy heart go all mushy.
shadow, big

and poo on all the injustice in the world.
oh, Adam's found his voice properly in the last week, he's all MA MA MA MA MAAAAA! RA RA RA RA RAAAAAA! great long indepth babbled conversations, complete with facial expressions! you'd have sworn yesterday afternoon that he was shouting at the computer (he and C were watching football online).
other than that - we've all had the lurgy the last few days. started with Adam on Friday. we were at Bluewater, it was an hour after his lunch and suddenly he was projectile vomiting all over himself and the pushchair. we cleaned him up and it happened again, so he had a full change of clothes. and again at home, all over himself and me. then he seemed ok, bit dehydrated going on his dry nappies, and then the runs started Saturday night. Sunday morning 6am and out of nowhere *I* felt very very sick and spent the next several hours in bed or with my head down the loo. couldn't keep anything down, water, nothing. horrid. felt a little better yesterday evening but I wasn't really and the night was awful. barely slept, sick, aching... and Chris started with the same, only both ends for him, at 7pm last night, so we were both ill last night. mine suddenly went away 6am today, so it was a 24-hour thing. going on that, am thinking C will be better some time this evening. Adam is fine again, and I feel a bit wobbly and headachey but otherwise back to normal and tackling the carnage that is the flat. I swear, pretty much every item of Adam's clothing (and a fair amount of my own) has piss, shit or puke on.
not fun both being sick with a baby to care for. am just glad there was only a fairly short crossover of our sicknesses and thank GOD Adam went to sleep easily last night. didn't STAY asleep but you can't have everything.