--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Aunty E - Imogen is unbelievably beautiful - you must be so very proud!
Aunty E- Aww she's amazing hun!

Shadow- LMAO at his weird dislike of chicken. Who doesn't like chicken? :haha: I actually remember you saying that though cause you said he hates KFC. But bunnies?! :shock::rofl:

Emma is getting that stranger anxiety as well. Not every day but certain times she just wants nothing to do with anyone but me. I'm worried for when DH finally gets home.

So DH is in Florida right now so has internet connection. We sat on Skype and he even got to see Emma eat. :cloud9: He saw her crawl, sit on her own, stand with me holding her arms. I was trying to show him everything new. She even said mama and dada while we were talking to him. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

One scary incident though because I gave Emma apple slices tonight for dinner and she is actually starting to get chunks off of it now. I have no clue how because she has no teeth but she got a few chunks off and she actually choked. Like full blown couldn't hear her cough. I sat there for three seconds to see what would happen and she coughed it up on her own but my heart was stopped waiting to see what would happen. It happened twice. And it didn't even phase her. She just coughed it up and kept chewing and grabbed more. I'm kind of hesitant about if I want to keep going with it though. it really gave me a scare. Corey was right there seeing it too on the computer so I feel like a horrible mom because he was freaking out a bit and I just sat there letting it happen to see if she could handle it. Now I wonder if I just have bad instincts. :cry:
Oh Cleck, big hugs for that scare, so glad Emma managed to cough it back up. I think apple doesn't break down easily so can cause gagging. If Emma's jaws are anything lile JP's I'm not surprised she managed to gnaw off a chunk with her gums. Don't let it put you off, maybe just remove any foods which worry you?

My lil sis choked on a piece of apple when she was a year old, so ot can happen at any stage. Luckily my dad was able to remove it and get her breathing again. I used to train first aid, if I hadn't I would definitely do a course on baby first aid, I remember vividly how scary it was with sis & never want to be in a helpless position. Poor Corey too, what a scare x
Cleck, your reaction sounds just right to me, only intervene if she needs you to. She sounds like she was perfectly happy and coping to me, and babies have great gag reflexes anyway.

We're trying to teach Imogen to crawl at the moment. Or sit up. Either would do! She can sort of roll a bit now, but she only does it when she's in bed with us and wants to grab one of our faces. She's really strong and thrashes about loads, but doesn't seem to be interested in crawling or sitting. Although, given that she's never on the floor because the carpet MINGS so bad, I suppose that might be it. She's in the jumperoo right now. I love my jumperoo. I love it so much. I'm dreading her getting bored of it. :lol:
aw, Cleck, that must've been so scary. But good on Emma for taking it all in her stride and dealing with it, and especially for not being put off. Oh and isn't technology wonderful, re Corey seeing all Emma's progress! You really made me think about what it must have been like for families that were separated before we had internet... must have been so hard not to be able to share all these milestones. my grandmother had that with my uncle, her first-born, who was born in early 1945 - my grandad was in the army and sent to India and I think my uncle was about 18 months old by the time his dad came back. so he left a tiny baby and came back to a toddler. very hard on them all, I've been told.

MA, I don't know anything about those pushchairs, sorry! As you may remember I have a Bugaboo Bee and while I do love it and it's really neat and compact and light, I get paranoid that it's not as sturdy as I'd like. Also I have had some issues with it, and am having to get the seat unit replaced, which is very annoying, but it's under warranty, so it's free. A little part has broken off (I think we accidentally weakened it when we first were using it, before we were properly familiar with the mechanism) and while it is fine and safe enough in the lie flat position, I cannot lift it at all (because it only locks on one side so unsafe) so Adam can't sit up and he REALLY wants to now. he is also totally grown out of the baby nest, it's like he is a butterfly bursting out of a chrysallis, and we have the foot muff, the next stage up, but need to use that in the sitting position! fx the new seat arrives this week.

re. stranger anxiety - Adam hasn't shown too much of that and I am hoping he'll leave it till after the wedding/christening because I really want all my friends and family who've not met him yet to see my gorgeous, sweet, happy smiling baby at his best. :D He has started with separation anxiety though, even if he is fine and happy with his daddy (and they have a good bond) if I leave the room he starts to cry, then he's all smiles to see me again. even sometimes if Chris has him on his lap, trying to get him to sleep, if he can't see me he won't settle but once he's positioned so that he can (even though he has to turn his head) he just stares at me before he drops off. It's sweet and makes my mummy heart go all mushy.

shadow, big :hugs::hugs: :hugs: and poo on all the injustice in the world. :(

oh, Adam's found his voice properly in the last week, he's all MA MA MA MA MAAAAA! RA RA RA RA RAAAAAA! great long indepth babbled conversations, complete with facial expressions! you'd have sworn yesterday afternoon that he was shouting at the computer (he and C were watching football online).

other than that - we've all had the lurgy the last few days. started with Adam on Friday. we were at Bluewater, it was an hour after his lunch and suddenly he was projectile vomiting all over himself and the pushchair. we cleaned him up and it happened again, so he had a full change of clothes. and again at home, all over himself and me. then he seemed ok, bit dehydrated going on his dry nappies, and then the runs started Saturday night. Sunday morning 6am and out of nowhere *I* felt very very sick and spent the next several hours in bed or with my head down the loo. couldn't keep anything down, water, nothing. horrid. felt a little better yesterday evening but I wasn't really and the night was awful. barely slept, sick, aching... and Chris started with the same, only both ends for him, at 7pm last night, so we were both ill last night. mine suddenly went away 6am today, so it was a 24-hour thing. going on that, am thinking C will be better some time this evening. Adam is fine again, and I feel a bit wobbly and headachey but otherwise back to normal and tackling the carnage that is the flat. I swear, pretty much every item of Adam's clothing (and a fair amount of my own) has piss, shit or puke on.

not fun both being sick with a baby to care for. am just glad there was only a fairly short crossover of our sicknesses and thank GOD Adam went to sleep easily last night. didn't STAY asleep but you can't have everything.
Aunty E - we have cats so our carpet isnt as good as it should be sometimes cus one of them malts loads, i always put a blanket on the floor for jesse, and he now has a little playmat that he lies on, i normally take his nappy off when he goes on the floor to encourage him to roll he seems to find it easier, but we normally have weeing all over the mat episodes so it just goes in the wash when weve done :) x
Cunning plan....I've never taken her nappy off while she's on the floor, but I might try putting a blanky down and seeing if she likes that.
Well the problem with Emma is I don't think it was just a gag. I think she was full blown choking because I could hear no air escaping her. But she DID manage to cough it up on her own so it does give me a little hope that she'll be fine. And she really had no reaction from it. Just kept eating like nothing happened. It definitely scared the daylights out of me though.

I agree MJ about the advanced technology making it easier on us. I've thought of that numerous times. It'd be so hard if we had to wait for letter to come in the mail. Whereas I can sit and just email and it's almost instant. We can only skype because he is in port in america but it is more than likely the last time we'll be able to do it until april. I'm not sure if there'll be free wifi at other ports. :shrug: But it has been so fun just sitting and talking to him. He got Emma all smiley last night. It was 10 at night and she wouldn't sleep cause she was having too much fun smacking my keyboard and watching Corey. :haha:
Aunty E- With rolling when Emma was first trying to roll I would gently help her get over the last bit since her arm always got in the way. And I just slowly did it less and less for her until one day she just started doing it. Now I can't get her to stop and changing her diaper is a bit of a nightmare at times. And with crawling. Emma always made the motion but I would hold my hand up against her feet and let her push off of them. Slowly she figured out that she is able to do the same thing on the floor without my help. I agree a blanket will really help if the carpet isn't the best. I'd use a full sized blanket off your bed so there is a bigger area to play on. Or a playmat like Boothh suggested would be nice. :D As for sitting. Emma only does that for a few minutes at the most and than tips over so I can't really help there. She seems to have skipped a step because sitting usually comes before crawling.
jesse sits and then tries to get himself in crawling position from there but he cant support himself proper yet, he is nearly 20lbs though and that must be alot for little arms to hold up, the reason i always use a mat is because OH is allergic to animal hair and just incase jesse is i dont want to aggravate his skin with him already being full of excema, x
Aunty E, I think Imogen and Vincent are similar with the rolling thing: They both wear terries normally and they both don't have much floor time. For Vince, the first time he rolled front to back was when he had nappy-free time on a huge towel on the floor (which got weed on and went right in the wash, as Boothh said!) which seemed to really help to free him up. Recently we've had him in sposies for a while (hoping to go back to his terries at some point though) for two reasons: Firstly because his poo has been crazy lately, and although it wouldn't be impossible to clean off his terries, it wouldn't be much fun right now! But the main reason we switched to disposables for a while was to free up his movement a bit. And it has REALLY worked. With less bulk, he has been rolling back to front LOADS the past few days. And as for the floor issue, if you don't want to use a towel or don't have one big enough, I'd go with Boothh's suggestion of a playmat: We have a big soft blanket that we put down (Ben's fur is everywhere and our carpets really need a good shampooing soon!) and Vincent has been rolling over and over on that (and onto the floor sometimes, we do have to watch him now!)

Hope that's helpful, I'd definitely advise trying some nappy free time and Cleck's idea of encouraging her to roll a bit with gentle shoves hehehehe! xxxx
Cleckner my friend BL weened her daughter and the only thing she ever choked on was apple so that is a no, no in our house, that and raw carrot, don't do it. I've also read it's advisable to wait until teeth appear before giving hard raw foods. It must have been scary. Gagging is very different so I totally understand. :hugs:
Thanks pip! I've definitely learned it the hard way about apples. Emma has had steamed carrots but I couldn't imagine giving her a raw one. I just assumed apple would mush enough and didn't think she could actually break much off. :dohh: Its completely my fault which is one reason I'm so upset about it but she had apple slices at the beginning of the week and never had this problem. I think I'm going to take the advice of everyone and try to bake the apples. I just need to figure out how first. :haha: Because she really seems to love apples so it'd be a shame to stop giving them to her.
I'm relieved to know Kira's not the only one with stranger anxiety. My MIL has decided to come around more so we're working on getting Kira to be okay when she's within 3 feet of her :haha:

We've been hit hard with snow here... we had 30 inches over the weekend and another 10-20 forecasted for tomorrow! This winter has been so snowy and we're all getting so crazy from being housebound!

So today Kira got into a crawling position for the first time! I thought she would never lift herself off the ground like that. She only stayed like that for a second, but its a start!
Wow Spidey, puts us Brits to shame for whinging about the amount we got! I hope you find ways to survive the cabin fever and yay for Kira! I think its a quick transition from "a second" to "I'm off!!".

Every day now I just keep reflecting on how much our little ones change and I'm wondering, where is that perfect point when you think "if only s/he would stay like this forever"? It's somewhere around here I think, when they are adorably cute, can sit, play but not disappear off and chat in their own way.

AE - the other thing I would try with Mog is placing a favoured toy or interesting item just out of arms reach, the only time I see JP roll or wiggle is when she is after things.

I think JP is a closet-roller, I've not seen her do it many times, quite a few times I put her down, turn my back, and she's suddenly the other way up. While we were staying with my friend, she would have her each morning for an hour and would have her playing on the floor with toys and tells me that JP was flipping both ways plenty. Its been about three weeks since I last saw her roll (once), what is she up to?!

Also JP always had a thing about tummy time, would scream when put down, recently she started to accept it a bit more, I think because she can push up and reach out and grab things. Instead she now gets upset when she's put down on her back :dohh: She is finding it hard to sit up from hard surfaces like the floor (the bed is best) so I think that is the cause of frustration. The floor is just no fun for her, on the bed or sofa she can sit easily, pull up and clamber. I guess it's nearly playpen time too!

Thanks for the pushchair feedback, MJ sorry to hear you're having such probs, hope the buggy is back soon! I'm still no closer to making up my mind, going to look at them both again this week.
Every day now I just keep reflecting on how much our little ones change and I'm wondering, where is that perfect point when you think "if only s/he would stay like this forever"? It's somewhere around here I think, when they are adorably cute, can sit, play but not disappear off and chat in their own way.

I've been wondering this, too! I think we are very close to it now; I think Vince will be pretty much there when he can sit up on his own. *Shadow scrabbles around for the remote to press "pause" button*

Hehehehe :D
MA- LOL about your closet roller :haha:

I think what is nice is that every month things get better and more fun. I think since Kira started using her hands she's been such a happier little girl. Plus I'm getting better at being a mommy! Pausing now would be nice, but I think a crawling baby might be fun too!
I should've hit pause a month ago. :haha: Before she got into everything. Although seriously I think it just keeps getting better and better. :cloud9::cloud9:
Cleckner baking the apples sounds a fantastic idea, I'm going to try that. They would also bake well in slices, hmmmmmm you have me thinking. Samuel has had Melon for the last few days. I cut it into a big wedge and then take the peel off just the too ends but leave enough for him to hold. He can handle is surprisingly well by the rind and then just gnaws at both ends, it super cute as the pieces are as big as his head :rofl:. We have video and pictures but they are on husbands computer so I will get him to email some to me.

Heres a super cute picture though when he was waiting for a piece this morning awwww my heart melts.......... I like them this age too :haha:


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