--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Well I was GOING to take her pictures but instead she decided to crawl right off the side of the bed. So needless to say, she isn't all that happy now for pictures. :haha:She's fine. It's just a mattress on the floor that is like four inches off the ground but it scared her I think. I tried to catch her but she's been getting quicker about taking off so I wasn't fast enough.:dohh: For everyone wishing their babies would crawl...don't. Staying still sounds so much better right now. Although its cute seeing my little explorer take off to inspect new things, I hate seeing her get hurt and it's inevitable now that it will happen. :cry:

But anyways.

Boothh- :hugs: Thanks for sharing your experience. I think it's pretty common for women to feel detached for a while. We go all these months with this tiny being inside of us and than once it's here it is like, what now? I'm so glad you are bonding with him now. It'll make up for lost time and than some. Your doing amazing hun. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise. :hugs::hugs:

Crap, crying baby again. :dohh:
Gosh isn't it great that we can all share our experiences and realise that we are not freaks or odd! i think that there is this massive expectation that you will bond immediately with your baby - but realistically, what other person would you bond with instantly if they had just caused you hours of pain on your first time of meeting?!?! It is great to hear that the maternal bond emerges though for all of us as we get to know out babies and fall totally in love with them :hugs:

Happy half year to Emma - eek Cleck it does sound hard work having a crawler - I must admit that I am not wishing for it just yet! Sophia has been working on her sounds instead this week and has mastered dadadada, and is starting to get the hang of nanananana or it might be mamamamma (not too decipherable!)

Oh and Cleck - your SIL sounds like she is just very very scared and trying to put you down to make herself better. We grew babies so our bodies unfortunatley will never be teh same - but then we have our LO's to show for it!

On the subject of bodies, are any of my weight loss buddies still doing weigh ins? I am starting again this week - I am down to 10st 2lbs whcih was my Christmas goal (only 6 weeks late :blush:). I haven't been able to go swimming as David is on crutches so I can't leave him with Sophia. SO I am going to try to do my exercise DVD everyday for a week to see if I can get under 10 stone. My pre-pregnancy weight was 9st 9lbs so only half a stone to go (although I was still on the chubby side for me then!).

Anyway my new target is 9st 7lbs in time for my 30th Birthday in mid April - I hope it is realistic! Breastfeeding must be helping ot lose wight becasue I have eaten so much bad stuff (as wellas good stuff - I promise!) over the past 6 months and the weight has been slowly creeping off. I did work out that I have eaten at least 50,000 extra calories since Sophia was born (an extra 2000 a week, mainly in cakes and choclate!) - so if I hadn't eaten this stuff i would be a stone skinnier :dohh: Has this stopped me eating cakes? Of course not!!!

Wow that was a long monologue - sorry!

tmr - don't feel bad about stopping BLW, you have to do whatever is best for you and your LO, what ever way they get weaned as long as they getfed I don't think it matters :hugs:
I have eaten so much bad stuff (as wellas good stuff - I promise!) over the past 6 months and the weight has been slowly creeping off. I did work out that I have eaten at least 50,000 extra calories since Sophia was born (an extra 2000 a week, mainly in cakes and choclate!) - so if I hadn't eaten this stuff i would be a stone skinnier :dohh: Has this stopped me eating cakes? Of course not!!!

That is such an inspirational thought for me. I too have slowly lost weight - alhtough I have now plateaued for 6 weeks but despite all the junk I eat I've not gained. This has reinforced how much that junk is really affecting my weight. Thankyou :flower::flower:
I will be good again - I used to have a rule that I was allowed to eat anything I wanted "treats" wise so long as I had had a minimum 5 portions of fruit/veg ALREADY that day - it at least stopped me having muffins etc for brekkie!! I think I should reinstate that rule as it has slipped to I can have treats if I have 5 portions PLANNED, which doesn't work so well coz often by the time I had eaten 5 portions the desire for treats had passed coz I wasn't hungry etc!
I dread to think how much I weigh at the moment - I threw the scales out when we moved :lol: I am eating a ton of chocolate, mostly through boredom, so I hope it starts to come off a bit when I go back to work next week. Mind you, I used to cycle to work, which was an hour and a half of decent exercise every day, and that isn't an option now we've moved :( Might have to actually watch what I eat from now on. Although I will have added forty minutes of walking to my day, which has to help. I didn't think she'd made that much of a mess of my body, but I think my tummy may actually look worse now than it did a week after she was born. there's just no tone there at all, it looks like the jowls of a dog. At least after she was born it was nicely rounded, now it's lumpy and saggy and horrid. I'm digging out my girdle for work :dohh:

I think I've said before that I really didn't like Imogen when she was born, mostly because I blamed her for getting her head stuck (I didn't say it was reasonable), and because of the crying and not sleeping in hospital, and then the total boredom of a newborn baby and no company. I still feel like I'm going through the motions sometimes, but I honestly don't think anyone can be all 'baby baby baby' all the time. Some of looking after a baby is just boring and repetitive, and we do it because we have to, not because we ADORE changing dirty nappies. Some of the time, she's wonderful, and it's great. I wonder if maybe we feel we're supposed to love all of it, and that's just not realistic. It's a rare woman who really loves labour pains, and lochia, and sleepless nights, and colicky babies, and vomiting and teething!
i did love being in labour though, i cant wait to do it again! i hated everything else though lol,

aunty E i think that part of it for me was i didnt get to see him for 2hours while i was taken to theatre to be stitched up (he was pretty much ripped out of me with cord wrapped around his neck) and when i got back it couldve been any baby theyd given to me, i really wish they wouldve let me have abit of time with him before they rushed me to the other side of the hospital because i really feel that moment was ruined and i think that was part of feeling detatched from him x
Happy half birthday Emma :wohoo::cake::flower: and well done Cleckner on being a 6 month milky mummy :mamafy: I'm not far behind you :happydance:
i cant believe they are coming up to six months already! its just flown by! its jesses turn on monday!
^^Adam, too! 6 months on Monday, wow. it sort of blows my mind. where on earth has the time gone? happy half birthday to Emma and the others who are coming up about now. :D

sorry I've been a bit awol lately, I've been here but haven't really known what to say... strange really.

anyway. Shiv, I am still doing the weigh-in thing, I took a break from it over Christmas, then after Christmas I was 10st 12lb again ( :cry: after getting to 10 8 before Dec) and so I decided to leave it for a few weeks. well, a couple of weeks ago, and always hovering from 10 10 to 10 12, and getting upset at the thought of being a fat and ugly bride, I decided to get serious and - dun dun dunnnnnnnn - give up chocolate.

it's now been 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS. I don't know when I last had no chocolate for 2 weeks. also no carbs like pasta or rice, and hardly any potatoes (though I had a few potato wedges tonight, home-made, we did them with some fish for Adam - it's a bit difficult doing BLW properly, ie sharing family meals, when I am not eating whole food groups).

but it's having an effect, this morning I was 10st 5lb, so in 2 weeks I'd say I've lost about 7lb. I feel a bit better about everything anyway, and Shiv, 10 5 was also my original goal for Christmas, with my longer term goal (April, going back to work) being 9st 4lb or less.

and now I feel I am totally in the swing of the no chocolate thing and feeling ok about what I'm having, and really really wanting to lose more BUT I have had my wedding dress altered and obviously I don't want to lose so much that it doesn't fit properly! I went and tried it on today and it fits nicely... and unfortunately it doesn't have a corset fastening so I can't just do it up tighter if necessary. it's a dilemma. but I'll have the dress at home from Saturday so I'll have to keep an eye on things. really wish I could tell the fat to go from my arms and legs, the places that the dress isn't fitting on!

so I've had wedding/christening plans on the brain. it's all going well, 4 weeks tomorrow...

as for Adam, he's fine, pretty well recovered from his lurgy of last week (sorry about the poo talk Cleck!!). things down there are still of a less than solid nature. there was the worst mess of his life today, he was in a disposable because we'd been out for this dress fitting and it leaked out of both legs and up his belly. awful. I had to give him a bath at 3 in the afternoon.

about first feelings for the babies... I think I said this once before but although I loved Adam from the second I met met him (and it was helped by knowing his facial features from the 3D scan) I felt nervous and odd round him for the first little while, simply because he was a little stranger and I didn't know him, and because I'd never been a mother before and everything was new and unfamiliar, so my brain was engaged in just keeping afloat, sort of a survival mechanism that never switched off but it meant I never really relaxed and just chilled with him, whatever we were doing I was concerned with is this right? I am doing it right? is he ok? is he happy? does he like me? does he hate me? does he know who I am? mixed in with the physical after-effects of shitting a football and having a tear, which made everything feel a bit like dragging myself through treacle... but then after 3-ish weeks it all lightened up, became easier, I felt I'd got to know him, and then I was all alone with him all day and that was when I started to get real pleasure out of everything, a sense of massive achievement, and really felt like I fell in love. and then the first few smiles were a massive corner turned, because it no longer felt like a thankless load of hard work!

I always would have talked about how much I loved him, and it was very true, but it was definitely a few weeks till I felt like my heart would burst with love and pride and joy.

MJ- I just about pissed myself when you said 'shit out a football' :rofl::rofl: Your too funny. hahaha. And it's funny how baby poop stories are our main entertainment now. You talking about AE's poops just has me in a fit of giggles half the time. I find myself telling people about Emma's carrot chunked poop. Even at the dinner table I'll be talking about it. Like I think it's the cutest thing but other people are probably more like 'WTF!'. LOL :rofl:
Hi girls, just a fleeting visit, ee got home tonight after almost 3 weeks away! JP barely recognizes the place. Have enjoyed reading your posts and we'll catch up properly when we're back on our feet (so sometime next year lol) x
Been so lovely cathcing up with all you girls, really nice to see how well everyone knows each other now and can talk openly. I have been reading, just not posting so much as wedding planning really has taken over my life! We are away at the inlaws all next week but will hopefully be able to use MILs laptop xx
Hey to you girls who've been a bit AWOL, once again I, too, have been more reading than posting lately!

But just to chuck in my little story of bonding etc. when Vincent was born (it's so lovely, as others have said, to be able to share this stuff that many women don't feel comfortable talking about- esp. when there is often the expectation that we will immediately adore our LOs etc...). So. For me, the time after Vince was born was a complete shock and a big huge mess. Most of it was to do with my lack of sleep (it was taking me a good 2 hours to be able to stop my anxiety enough to fall asleep, by which time V was ready for another feed on the boob... I think I went about 5 days on about 4 hours' sleep :wacko: I truly messed myself up!) But it wasn't all to do with lack of sleep, for me: I was SO looking forward to being a mum, I'd wanted it my whole life pretty much and was just bursting with anticipation to finally have my baby boy and nurse him and snuggle him and be his momma. But when he actually came, I have to say, it was a real shock for me. Somehow it did not feel at ALL as I had imagined it would. There were times, I'll be honest, when I really resented him. (I'm talking about the first week or so here). The ridiculous pain of trying to BF did not help, but I just did not feel anything like I thought I would right at the start. I had panicky thoughts of "God, I am stuck with him now! I'm trapped and it's too late!" For a while, I truly wished things could go back to what they had been before he was born :cry: It is so sad for me to think of those times now... After a good week or so of being at home with him, sharing alone time just the two of us, and gradually finding ways to cope with the day-to-day tasks (switching to formula was truly a lifesaver for me!) I started to let myself get to know him for who he was, and to learn to love him. There was a point when I was feeding him (bottle, this was a good couple of weeks after he was home) when I just looked down and he looked so comfortable and happy in my arms and was glugging down his milk, and my heart just exploded :D I can't really describe it any other way! And since then, often when we have quiet snuggly time just the two of us, I get that same feeling again and it all feels "right" at last :)

I have to say, for me, I am SURE that it was "new mum syndrome" mixed with the lack of sleep. Which gives me a lot of confidence for next time: I know that I won't have that sheer panic again, and I know that Lee and I will know the score in terms of BF/FF and everything and that I won't have nearly as much pressure on me to have to deal with. Also I think my anxiety ("is he still breathing? Have I done everything I need to do to be ready for the next feed/change cycle?") will be much much less, so generally I think next time will be much easier for me. I can't say whether that will mean I'll bond more quickly with the next one, but I kind of hope so. In any case, I will know next time that if I don't, there is nothing wrong with me, and it will come in time :)
Oh yes, and weight loss: I haven't been trying hard at all for quite a while, but I'm down to the lowest I've been since he was born! I'm 73.5 kilos :) My "official" pre-preg weight (recorded by the docs when i was about 12 weeks :rofl: ) was 72kg, so I am very close to that now. But I'd like to be about 70 for myself, and any under that I can manage would be wonderful! I'd like to look better in my swimsuit for one: There were 5 dads in the pool at Water Babies yesterday, one of whom is very tasty thank you very much!!! LOL... :winkwink:
Right, now gonna try for a catch up (maybe only a few days tho as theres been lots of chatter xx

Mollyapple - not sure why you were away, hope it was a holiday and you had a fab time xx

MJ - wow, thats fab news on the weightloss hun, and a massive well done for giving up chocolate - thats some REAL will power :thumbup: Hope all the wedding plans are coming on well. I've got our wedding on the brain at the min and its all thats in my head!! Even wakes me up at night and its bloody months away :rofl:

AE - I def agree with you that sometimes its "going thru the motions" and I am very grateful to have some "me" time sometimes. I'm very lucky to have family that will watch her so i can just be at home on my own sometimes :) We let Imi have loads of nappy off time on the floor - we have a dog so just put a blanket with towels underneath down on the floor :) That pic of Imogen is just THE cutest :D

Shiv - i'm still weighing in. I had lost 1 stone but put on 1lb this week. I've not exercised since my op but will be back on it next week :D Must get it shifting again :) How is David doing? Hope he is well on the mend x Congrats to your friend hun, brings back so many memories reading about people giving birth :D

Cleck - sound like you have a right little mover there :rofl: Imi isn't crawling as such but she does manage to move across the whole front room - either by slow army crawl or more commonly, rolling :D I can be washing up (6 metres awy in an open plan room) and when i've finshed she's rolled herself as far as she can and is wedged against the wall :rofl: Sounds like your SIL is trying to make herself feel better by putting you down hun, forget about her xx So, so pleased that Corey got to see Emma showing off all her new tricks - sure time is going slow for you hun but he'll be home soon :hugs: Sorry to hear about your choking incident, must have been so scary for you. Have you baked any yet? LOVE those pics of Emma with her dinner :happydance: O, and happy half yr (OMG where did the time go) to Emma :D

tmr - don't feel bad about stopping BLW - we all have to do whats right for us and our LOs. I do a combo of both as thats what works for us :)

jelr - glad to hear work isn't too bad for you and that Natasha is all OK

Shadow - so sorry you had such a pants weekend in London :hugs: That really sucks :( So glad to hear swimming is going so well - i've still not taken Imi. I want daddy to come the first time we go and he's been so busy we've not had a chance :) Thank you for all your lovely FB comments on Imis pictures x

Sam - hope your hubby is OK now hun and you are all better x Do you know when Elins op will be rescheduled for? And yay for DJ getting a place at nursery - when does he start?

Boothh - sorry you're finding it so hard with your mum, sounds very hard that you are not able to make your own decisions about Jessee , don't feel guilty tho about early weaning hun, you will only ever do what is right for you and your LO :hugs: Imi has that "thing" with paper - she just loves scrunching it, putting it in her mouth, tearing it etc :D

Pippin - just wanted to say hi as i didn't see many posts from you going back. Hope you are Samuel are both well x

AFU - Imi is still good as gold - we've had a bit of a whige this morning but the drool and chewing is now uncontrolable so maybe theres some teethypegs in there! Saying that, my neice convinced us all she had teeth coming from 3 months and got none till past 10 months!! She is sitting up now, although the longest has been about 1 minute :D We are mixing foods, but not in any set routine yet as milk is doing her just fine - she was 17lb 1oz on Tuesday and has a perfect curve just over the 75th percentile :)
We're biusy getting things booked for the wedding which is very exciting :D
I am meeting with my boss soon to request part time and have said that I will go back early if they find me something suitable (i've asked for set days and times to enable me to arrange child care :)). Heres hoping :D

Hope you are all well, lots of love xxxxx
:hi: Vici, not not many posts just a few sporadic ones when I can :blush:

Talk of the devil the little man has just woken up from his afternoon nap, this however is an accomplishment in itself as for two days he has gone down on his own after his lunch, which today was a puree as I felt like feeding him for a change. His face was a picture when he realised what I was doing. I hope I'm not confusing him but he loved it after a while. Yesterday he fed himself sweet potato sticks and boy did he love those. Marvellous! So much fun and slightly less daunting now.

Anyway he's really shouting now better go get him!!!! More later sorry ladies, :hi: to you all though.
Hey girls, I'd love to get some advice for my sis in law who just had her baby not long ago. She's having a bit of trouble breastfeeding and I thought seeing as how we've had such a great range of scenarios with feeding, I'd ask you guys :D

Her little boy was born on 30th January, so he is just about 2 weeks old now. He was a month premature, and he just never took to the breast while she was in hospital: He was jaundiced for a while and quite weak, and never got the hang of sucking for his milk directly from the boob. But she has been pumping full time since he was born and her supply seems to be almost double his intake at the moment. She has fairly flat nipples, so they are using nipple shells to pull the nipple out to give his tiny mouth something to grab onto. He's having 100% EBM from Dr Brown bottles, and she is trying each day to get him to take some directly from her before she gives him the bottle. But she's having no luck... I know that you, Cleck, managed to get Emma off bottles and onto exclusive BF, so I was wondering what your experience/thoughts are, but also she is worried that if she has to continue to pump exclusively that her supply might stop sooner than if she were fully BFing. Does anyone know whether that's true? Does it dry up sooner if you're exclusively pumping? Anyone know of anything she might do to keep her supply going if she can't manage to get Declan to feed directly from the breast?

Thanks guys :) Any thoughts would be great to pass on to her.

As for me, Vince is having a very weird day and refusing to have naps, we've just had a lovely screaming session followed by finally falling into an exhausted sleep, but waking up 20 minutes later! If he gets up now, he's gonna be miserable for the rest of the evening :( I hate days like this... Kinda wish OH wasn't so into his Xbox right when Vince is being so fussy... :(
domperidone (prescription) and fenugreek (herb) are good for milk supply. :)
Awwww i love stories of the bonding and our little struggles its not easy to talk about but i know that you girls arent judgemental in any way you so i dont mind sharing! :flower:
Vici we have no idea when the op will be now and Elin is starting to show signs of really struggling which is painful to see but then she gives you a little smile nad you just know she will be okay :thumbup:

I would be here all night if i posted about my day from hell today so i will do that tomorrow :dohh:

After i had Dj it was a totally different feeling i knew that i would cope with him and i didnt feel judged by anyone so i was completely relaxed and brestfeeding him was a dream from day one (until my milk litterally ran out) and i had that rush of love straight away:cloud9:
With Elin things were so very different for the obv reasons i think that the worst thing was her being sedated straight away that was horrible and then the doctor saying "all i can say is your baby is alive" and running out of the room after the portable incubator i just led there in shock i did not know that they would be so harsh!! Even the people doing the c section were a bunch of self centered morons if i look back can you belieeve that they stood there talking about their I Phones and telling me not to cry because of the spinal I MEAN HELLO DO YOU KNOW WHATS ABOUT TO HAPPEN i was terrified the docs made it pretty clear that some babies with Elins problems could not be intubated and would just pass away and thay are talking about what apps to buy GRRR!!!
Led in the recovery after felt like hell they had cut my bladder by accident when doing the section so i had to pee a certain amount before i could go and see Elin so i drank 3 cups of tea then 2 jugs of water and still i was weeing very little until they realised that my leg was over the catheter tube :dohh:
Seeing her for the first time was a strange experiance because there were so many tubes and wires and beeps that half of me was telling her if its too much just slip away i just couldn't bare the thought of her suffering but selfishly i couldnt bare the thought of her leaving me with this massive hole in my life :cry:
I wont go on anymore because im starting to well up im so glad that she is here with me and that she is doing well and so gratefull that she ignored my silent thoughts that day!!
Sorry for that outburst i just suddenly felt ready to share the little bits with you all x x x x x x
Shadow- I personally know 2 girls who pumped exclusively and managed to keep it up for 1 year. It's harder to keep up supply, but my friend says she pumps more frequently when she notices her supply is slowing. Also the effectiveness of the pump makes a huge difference too... and also massaging your breasts as you pump helps get more of the fattier milk out.

I am sitting here listening to Kira cry as my MIL tries to befriend her. I want to snatch her away but I'm trying my hardest to put on a smile. DH is handling it for me... but everytime MIL gets too close, Kira cries horribly and tears come out :cry: The problem is that my MIL (who lives on the same street as me) didn't make any effort to visit until this past week. And now Kira has her stranger anxiety. Argh.

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