Right, now gonna try for a catch up (maybe only a few days tho as theres been lots of chatter xx
Mollyapple - not sure why you were away, hope it was a holiday and you had a fab time xx
MJ - wow, thats fab news on the weightloss hun, and a massive well done for giving up chocolate - thats some REAL will power

Hope all the wedding plans are coming on well. I've got our wedding on the brain at the min and its all thats in my head!! Even wakes me up at night and its bloody months away
AE - I def agree with you that sometimes its "going thru the motions" and I am very grateful to have some "me" time sometimes. I'm very lucky to have family that will watch her so i can just be at home on my own sometimes

We let Imi have loads of nappy off time on the floor - we have a dog so just put a blanket with towels underneath down on the floor

That pic of Imogen is just THE cutest
Shiv - i'm still weighing in. I had lost 1 stone but put on 1lb this week. I've not exercised since my op but will be back on it next week

Must get it shifting again

How is David doing? Hope he is well on the mend x Congrats to your friend hun, brings back so many memories reading about people giving birth
Cleck - sound like you have a right little mover there

Imi isn't crawling as such but she does manage to move across the whole front room - either by slow army crawl or more commonly, rolling

I can be washing up (6 metres awy in an open plan room) and when i've finshed she's rolled herself as far as she can and is wedged against the wall

Sounds like your SIL is trying to make herself feel better by putting you down hun, forget about her xx So, so pleased that Corey got to see Emma showing off all her new tricks - sure time is going slow for you hun but he'll be home soon

Sorry to hear about your choking incident, must have been so scary for you. Have you baked any yet? LOVE those pics of Emma with her dinner

O, and happy half yr (OMG where did the time go) to Emma
tmr - don't feel bad about stopping BLW - we all have to do whats right for us and our LOs. I do a combo of both as thats what works for us
jelr - glad to hear work isn't too bad for you and that Natasha is all OK
Shadow - so sorry you had such a pants weekend in London

That really sucks

So glad to hear swimming is going so well - i've still not taken Imi. I want daddy to come the first time we go and he's been so busy we've not had a chance

Thank you for all your lovely FB comments on Imis pictures x
Sam - hope your hubby is OK now hun and you are all better x Do you know when Elins op will be rescheduled for? And yay for DJ getting a place at nursery - when does he start?
Boothh - sorry you're finding it so hard with your mum, sounds very hard that you are not able to make your own decisions about Jessee , don't feel guilty tho about early weaning hun, you will only ever do what is right for you and your LO

Imi has that "thing" with paper - she just loves scrunching it, putting it in her mouth, tearing it etc
Pippin - just wanted to say hi as i didn't see many posts from you going back. Hope you are Samuel are both well x
AFU - Imi is still good as gold - we've had a bit of a whige this morning but the drool and chewing is now uncontrolable so maybe theres some teethypegs in there! Saying that, my neice convinced us all she had teeth coming from 3 months and got none till past 10 months!! She is sitting up now, although the longest has been about 1 minute

We are mixing foods, but not in any set routine yet as milk is doing her just fine - she was 17lb 1oz on Tuesday and has a perfect curve just over the 75th percentile
We're biusy getting things booked for the wedding which is very exciting

I am meeting with my boss soon to request part time and have said that I will go back early if they find me something suitable (i've asked for set days and times to enable me to arrange child care

). Heres hoping
Hope you are all well, lots of love xxxxx