Hi girls
Ive just read through and am not going to post to everyone just gonna post on some of the things I can remember lol as I'm wrecked and should be in bed.
MJ: my story is a lot like yours - I knew I loved Natasha but I wasn't in love with her instantly like I expected to be - I was so tired and sore for the first couple of weeks and I did a lot of worrying - will I be a good mum, does she love me, does she even know me and she did feel like a little stranger to me - I kinda felt like she would be as happy with anyone and not just me - I suppose I had this idea before that she would be different with me seeing as I carried her than with anyone else but the reality is she prob did feel different with me but because she was so tiny and not able to do anything she wasn't able to show it - where as now she is able to show that love a lot more and after about 3 weeks when I felt better and my iron came back up - I felt that huge gush of love that I expected to when she was born and it just keeps growing.
I guess we all expect things to be as they are on Tv and the reality is our poor bodies have been through a trauma and it takes a couple of weeks for everything to heal and for us to get to know our babies and them us. I'm so glad we are all getting on great with our LO's now and it is great to be able to talk on here and know that every one else goes through the same thing.
Shiv: you are totally normal - Everybody needs to have some time to themselves - It must be really hard with your hubbie out of action - My life is the total opposite though I dont seem to have time to scratch myself now that I am back to work and we have been out a few nights to get some baby free time as my mam is only around the corner so we have a baby sitter when ever we need it I'm also lucky with my circle of friends as they are all around for the last 10 to 20 years - some from school and some from even before school so they have been great and have done all the calling to me and they dote on Natasha too and some of them have kids too so we have had that to talk about - I know what you mean though about not having things in common - sometimes when the girls call I find I dont have much to talk about except Natasha and I never wanted to be one of those mums who can't shut up about their kids but I have realised that unfortunatly thats the way the conversation goes sometimes as she is such a big part of my life and that if that is all I have done that week, that is all I will have to talk about lol - I dont think they mind so far lol - I hope your hubbie is better soon and you can get out again.
On the MIL subject - I dont see mine too much and she does tend to pass comments but then she always did and I'm well used to her by now - my own mum was my thorn in my side for passing comments but I just state my case and say this is the way I'm doing it because ..... and she getting better and not passing some many these days thank god as it was touch and go for us for a while lol.
TMR: Dont be too hard on yourself for not doing the baby led weaning - you just need to do what is best for you and babs - and I think it will make a huge difference when you are not giving him jars and cooking it yourself and hopefully he wont be a fussy eater - I am not doing BLW more because I didn't know anything about it until you all started talking about it and I had already bought loads of books on weaning and was already doing the cooking. But it wont always be mush - I have made loads of recipies for Natasha and am changing the consistancy at the moment and hopefully it will only be mashed by the end of the month - I bought several books and there are so many lovely baby friendly recipies that all the family can eat too so it doesn't feel like they are only getting mush. It is time consuming but really it is only a full days cooking a month and then I freeze everything - I think if they are experiencing the different tastes of real food and not just the same tastes of just jars they shouldn't be fussy eaters and you can always give finger food as well as the purees, which is what I plan to start doing this month.
Well not much news from us - I took out all of Natasha's 6 to 9 month clothes today as she is growing out of her 3 to 6 month ones - I can't believe our babies are all hitting the 6 month mark - She is totally over her fall and there is not a bother on her thank god - she has been in right form all week and my first week of work wasn't too bad - It was a little hard getting my head back into the swing of things and not having Natasha as my only focus - but I am getting there and it is only for a couple of mornings a week so I still get plenty of time with her too.
I'm sorry I'm not posting to everyone like I used to but I just dont have the time anymore and I am trying to spend as much time with the little woman now that I'm back to work and am not with her every day, all day as time is flying and want to enjoy every minute before she grows up.
You all seem to be doing great with the BLW - I have to admit I dont really know enough about it but I think I would be panicking that she wasn't getting enough but I reckon that is probably just my ignorance by not knowing anything about it.

to all - I really have to get to bed - morning time comes all too quick these days. Thats the one thing I dont like about motherhood is the early mornings lol - I so would love a lie in one morning - ah well plenty of time for that too.