--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Shadow, unfortunately I can't help much because it sounds like her LO is having nipple confusion. Babies learn to like bottles more because it comes out faster and they don't have to work for it. I never had issues with Emma's latch because she latched from the start and when I was doing bottles she was still breastfeeding first than just getting topped up with a bottle. I would say she needs to just keep at it and maybe they will have a breakthrough. I've seen it over and over in the breastfeeding section and actually one woman just got her baby to latch on for the first time at like 8 months. :thumbup: She was exclusively expressing but kept persevering by trying to latch her LO on every day. I'm not sure what the outcome of that was but I remember being excited for her. I'd say she should rent a hospital pump if she can't get LO to latch and than she will be getting the best possible pump to express with. It sounds like she has no issues with supply which is good. I wish I could be more helpful. :hugs::hugs:
Sam_star- :hugs::hugs: Your amazing hun and I will pray for you guys that Elin stays strong. I cannot believe the nerve of your surgeons talking about their iPhones. I remember being very irritated because all the nurses were chattering away about random stuff while I'm laying there cut open and Emma was in our room with DH already. :nope: Rude people.

spidey- I can sympathize with the whole baby crying in MILs arms thing. My MIL has this thing where she stands there and bounces Emma up and down real fast. I absolutely HATE it. I tell her 'She's not a freaking paint can, you dont have to shake her'. So Emma is always screaming and than MIL shakes even harder as if it's going to calm her. :dohh:
cleck - dont be too hard on your MIL about the bouncing thing, thats often the only way jesse will shut up if hes gettin bounced around, so she might just be doing it because its worked with other babys shes known xx
OH says that the anaesthetist was playing on his iPhone after he finished my spinal block, which pissed him off. I don't care, I still LOVE that man ;)

My MiL can be a bit rough with Mog too, I don't like the way she burps her, she lays her over one knee and bounces her, which looks horrid. Mind you I can't wait for her to try that now Imogen is vomiting every five seconds :lol: It's not nice having to grit your teeth against shouting at them and snatching the baby away.
I'll join the peeved with MIL club - she knows we are BLW and not spoon feeding but still she had to get in there and stick a spoon in his mouth. he was having some yogurt, enjoying himelf with it fine, then she took the spoon, loaded it, I thought she was going to hand it to him but next thing I knew she was shoving it in his gob. he looked so shocked. I was livid. C said to her "I'd get shouted at if I tried that" and she just said "oh she won't shout at me".

WANNA BET? was my thought. I swear, she does that again and she will find I can and I will shout. stupid woman, though. I was JUST ABOUT to say she could look after AE while we went to see the vicar on March 6th for a rehearsal (she asked if she could, except she didn't straight out ask like a normal person but had to do a passive aggressive dig "I've never looked after him before. I've looked after ALL MY OTHER GRANDSONS..." (it drives me mad, she never straight out asks for what she wants, it's like her day isn't complete till she's tried to twist a knife SOMEWHERE into SOMEBODY - she does with with C all the time and he hates it as well). so I don't know about letting her mind him. I have a feeling she'll decide she's giving him soup and yogurt or something and when we go to get him she'll take great delight in letting us know she spoonfed him and HOW MUCH HE LOVED IT.

GRRRRRRRRR. she is one of the only people I do not trust will follow my rules for what happens with Adam. and she wonders why I am reluctant to let her babysit? I also don't trust she'll not stick him by himself in a room in a strange cot. every time we see her she wants to put him in this godforesaken cot that apparently only his cousins ever use (so none of the other kids she minds) I always say no. but I don't think my NO wil carry any weight in my absence. :(
ok just a little rant from me! I just happened to say to my hubby whilst having an extrememly quiet night in (not even anythign on the tv) that "my life is so boring" - to which he replied "well do somethign about itthen"

hah! That is all very well but what with having a 6 month old child to look after and him being on crutches - what exactly can I do!?!?! I can't even leave Sophia with him for an hour so I can go to the gym!!! Men can be so insensitive!

Does anyone else feel like their lives are a bit on the dull side? I actually have nothing in my social diary until June 18th - how sad is that? I love Sophia and I know I am very lucky that I don't have to go back to work for a while, but I am starting to feel well just a bit bored. And even if someone said to me ok here is a magic wand, you can do whatever you want for a day - you know I wouldn't have a clue what I would do. I have no other interests really, I even struggle just making conversation with my old friends who don't have babies, as after theyhave asked how Sophia is I have no other conversation. I don't do anything so what can i talk about!!

Sorry about the complete self indulgent rant - blame my husband - he set me off!

Shiv- I feel like that too, but really, my life wasn't too exciting before the baby so I don't have too much to complain about :haha: But I do understand. Monday is a holiday here, so DH has agreed to watch Kira as I get my hair cut. I haven't had a cut since I was 4 months pregnant (after the morning sickness wore off)! I'm looking forward to it way too much I think. Once the warmer weather arrives, we'll be able to get out of the house more and that will help.

LOL at all the MIL complaints. I could make a 2 page post with annoying stories about mine. I'm trying really hard to put the past behind me and focus on Kira having 2 grandmothers who love her. It's been hard though. Whatever hormones I get from breast feeding are a huge help to keep me calm and tolerant :haha:

Happy 6 month 'birthday' to Kira on Valentines day!
Boothh- Yeah but we have specifically said over and over that we don't like it. It's just one of those things where she just doesn't care about our wishes because she'll even do it as we are in the middle of telling her to stop and just completely disregards what we are saying. DH hates it too and is constantly trying to get her to stop. It's one of those things where I am just glad I'm only here for a while and soon Emma won't be shook around. :haha:

MJ- Ugh! I'd be mad too. Thankfully my MIL and FIL just let me do as I please with everything and I'm quite forceful by nature about my points of view and I don't hold back if they do something I don't like. Today we went out to eat for breakfast and I gave Emma a bit of my scrambled eggs and they happily sat back and let her do her own thing which I am VERY grateful for. The only thing that gets me is everyone staring at her while she eats when the 'bible' says to let them eat like the rest of us and not to stare too much cause it might cause anxiety with eating. So I'm hoping the novelty will wear off eventually and everyone will stop staring.

Shiv- I can totally understand where you are coming from. Taking care of a baby is completely boring at times. This is why I refuse to do a set routine every day besides a few things because I have to get out and visit and routines just don't work for that sometimes. I only give Emma lunch usually so that is at a set time, than bath, than a nap. And that is my only routine. :haha: Everything else is free and open. Although I think I'll slowly adapt into a routine because I want to start walking every day so I'll do that at the same time every day too. I'm getting off track though so sorry about that. :rofl: I guess I'm just trying to say you are completely normal for feeling this way. Hopefully your hubby will heal up super fast and you can get back to the gym and get some mommy free time. :D I'm with you about friends too. So far I've only visited with my friends that don't have kids and all we talk about is 'the old days' because we really have nothing else in common anymore but it's still fun to laugh about old jokes. I am planning on getting together with another friend soon finally once her son gets over his cold so that'll be nice to have another mommy to talk to for a while.

spidey- Happy six months to Kira a few hours early!! :D

I hate when BnB doesn't load. Anyone else ever have these problems? I was trying to write this post and it ended up taking way longer than I wanted it to. :(
Got my babyhawk and moby wrap in the mail today. I was pretty upset that Emma didn't like being worn and I decided she just must not like the sling because I have a really nice ring sling that she would scream every time I put her in it. So I tried both of them out today and she loved it!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm so excited to be a babywearer finally. I wanted to be from the start but just never really looked into other styles. But a few days ago I was browsing in the natural parenting section and I figured I'd give them a try since they seem to be favorites of everyone! I have another babyhawk on it's way in the mail in a different pattern. :happydance::thumbup: It's crazy how I used to be excited to get new clothes or things for myself and now it's all for Emma. :haha:
Hiya ladys sorry i have not been on in a few days been feeling so low about the hole feeding thing. But have now come to thinking he is eating and he is loving it and iam NOT useing babys jars so he will not turn out like Rueben. And iam happy about that iam not keeping him on purees for long thow when he starts eating more i will mash then chop along with finger food so by about 9months i want him off mush and on to proper food. If it will happen or not i dont know but hopefully it will i think i just like seeing kids eat and with blw i couldnt do that and just love that closness of feeding him.

On the MIL thing
My MIL is a bit scared of saying anything or doing anything that we dnt want her to do as she knows if she upsetts oh he will just keep the kids away but iam so layed back with Lucas (iwasnt with Rueben) Iknow she wnt hurt him or owt like that so just let her get on with it. I know if Lucas dosnt like some thing he will let her know. But MIL allways thinks she has been a really bad mum and thinks really low of her self because she lost a baby at 1yr old and blames her self and also all the outher my oh his bro and 2 sis left home and moved down south as soon as they could.

Shiv~ As iam care to oh he cnt and dosnt go out much due to health my life it very dull i dnt have any friends around here (iam not from here) so my life is the kids and my oh but i dnt mind it dose get at me some days but it could be wears.
cleck well thats a different story then :p, not much to say right now im too tired but everyone knows how much i hate my MIL lollll she pissed me off yesterday but im not in the mood to go over it now so ill leave it till i know i wont get angry again x
Hi girls

Ive just read through and am not going to post to everyone just gonna post on some of the things I can remember lol as I'm wrecked and should be in bed.

MJ: my story is a lot like yours - I knew I loved Natasha but I wasn't in love with her instantly like I expected to be - I was so tired and sore for the first couple of weeks and I did a lot of worrying - will I be a good mum, does she love me, does she even know me and she did feel like a little stranger to me - I kinda felt like she would be as happy with anyone and not just me - I suppose I had this idea before that she would be different with me seeing as I carried her than with anyone else but the reality is she prob did feel different with me but because she was so tiny and not able to do anything she wasn't able to show it - where as now she is able to show that love a lot more and after about 3 weeks when I felt better and my iron came back up - I felt that huge gush of love that I expected to when she was born and it just keeps growing.

I guess we all expect things to be as they are on Tv and the reality is our poor bodies have been through a trauma and it takes a couple of weeks for everything to heal and for us to get to know our babies and them us. I'm so glad we are all getting on great with our LO's now and it is great to be able to talk on here and know that every one else goes through the same thing.

Shiv: you are totally normal - Everybody needs to have some time to themselves - It must be really hard with your hubbie out of action - My life is the total opposite though I dont seem to have time to scratch myself now that I am back to work and we have been out a few nights to get some baby free time as my mam is only around the corner so we have a baby sitter when ever we need it I'm also lucky with my circle of friends as they are all around for the last 10 to 20 years - some from school and some from even before school so they have been great and have done all the calling to me and they dote on Natasha too and some of them have kids too so we have had that to talk about - I know what you mean though about not having things in common - sometimes when the girls call I find I dont have much to talk about except Natasha and I never wanted to be one of those mums who can't shut up about their kids but I have realised that unfortunatly thats the way the conversation goes sometimes as she is such a big part of my life and that if that is all I have done that week, that is all I will have to talk about lol - I dont think they mind so far lol - I hope your hubbie is better soon and you can get out again.

On the MIL subject - I dont see mine too much and she does tend to pass comments but then she always did and I'm well used to her by now - my own mum was my thorn in my side for passing comments but I just state my case and say this is the way I'm doing it because ..... and she getting better and not passing some many these days thank god as it was touch and go for us for a while lol.

TMR: Dont be too hard on yourself for not doing the baby led weaning - you just need to do what is best for you and babs - and I think it will make a huge difference when you are not giving him jars and cooking it yourself and hopefully he wont be a fussy eater - I am not doing BLW more because I didn't know anything about it until you all started talking about it and I had already bought loads of books on weaning and was already doing the cooking. But it wont always be mush - I have made loads of recipies for Natasha and am changing the consistancy at the moment and hopefully it will only be mashed by the end of the month - I bought several books and there are so many lovely baby friendly recipies that all the family can eat too so it doesn't feel like they are only getting mush. It is time consuming but really it is only a full days cooking a month and then I freeze everything - I think if they are experiencing the different tastes of real food and not just the same tastes of just jars they shouldn't be fussy eaters and you can always give finger food as well as the purees, which is what I plan to start doing this month.

Well not much news from us - I took out all of Natasha's 6 to 9 month clothes today as she is growing out of her 3 to 6 month ones - I can't believe our babies are all hitting the 6 month mark - She is totally over her fall and there is not a bother on her thank god - she has been in right form all week and my first week of work wasn't too bad - It was a little hard getting my head back into the swing of things and not having Natasha as my only focus - but I am getting there and it is only for a couple of mornings a week so I still get plenty of time with her too.

I'm sorry I'm not posting to everyone like I used to but I just dont have the time anymore and I am trying to spend as much time with the little woman now that I'm back to work and am not with her every day, all day as time is flying and want to enjoy every minute before she grows up.

You all seem to be doing great with the BLW - I have to admit I dont really know enough about it but I think I would be panicking that she wasn't getting enough but I reckon that is probably just my ignorance by not knowing anything about it.

:hugs: to all - I really have to get to bed - morning time comes all too quick these days. Thats the one thing I dont like about motherhood is the early mornings lol - I so would love a lie in one morning - ah well plenty of time for that too.
Thank you jelr youer words have made me feel better about how iam feeding him he seems a lot more happy and isnt drink the 9oz every 2hrs any more so its got to be working he isnt eating a lot onlt 2 ice cubes 3 times a day but i think it will go up soon. I have found loas of good baby food recipies on the net but i dnt want to get in to the mixing it all together as i want him to have the diff tasts from every thing iam mixing the foods he dosnt like i.e broc,carot,coli with stuff he dose like i.e sweet potatoe and he loves butter nut sqush. But he dosnt seem to like really sweet things like apple.
oooh, lots of chat! Encouraged by all your stories about feeding, I tried a couple of baby purees yesterday. Apple got a big thumbs down, tomato and parsnip got a big thumbs up! Not too messy either, so we'll have to see how we go with that. I'm back at work on Wednesday, which will probably mean I can post more as I can online in my lunch hour and I won't have anything else to do like laundry and baby feeding and animal care etc etc. I think Mog is having a growth spurt, although in our case, we're putting away the 0-3 and newborn stuff and getting out the 3-6 month stuff :lol: It's not like she's tiny, but maybe all the shops I bought stuff from have really big sizing...she has some 6-9 month stuff out, but it's all amusingly too big apart from some lovely gap babygros.

We're thinking about experimenting with different nappy folds, as the one we've been using since birth (origami) is getting a bit short in the body. The other option is to buy some more terries in the larger size, but as we've thus far managed to get away with only spending under a hundred pounds on our nappies and wraps, I'm keen to keep thrifty. I am super tempted by the large size bamboo terries, especially for nights as she's so soggy in the mornings, they sound lovely. A booster probably wouldn't help with this fold, as there wouldn't be room in the nappy for it, but I might try the kite fold and boost it with her tiny terries from when she was newborn. The advent of pretty solid poos has made changing time a bit more 'fun' too ;)

We went to see Avatar last night, as we were going in the usher said 'you do know this is a two and a half hour film don't you? I can see you have a baby'. I nearly replied 'what baby, I don't see a baby, do you Darling'. Cheeky so and so. I had checked on the website and babies are allowed as long as you take them out when they cry. Well, she was fine. The only slight problem was that when things got flashy she wanted to talk along with the film, but she's easily distracted, and she didn't cry once. Ha to you Mr UsherMan.

if any 1 wants a good place for baby food i really like this site

loads of good iders
Thanks TMR that site sounds really good - yeah I did the same with Natasha I introduced all the fruit and veg for 3 days at a time to make sure she had no allergies as there is lots of asthma and psoriasis in both families and I have psoriatic arthritis which is linked to psoriasis and now next week when she is 6 months I am going to start introducing meat but I have used recipies using the veg that she has already had to make cassaroles and then I will introduce pasta and some breadcrumbs and egg so that will open up a whole load of more recipies for me.

I definitely think you are doing what is best for you he must have been hungry if he was taking 9 oz every two hours - every baby is different and you are doing what is best for yours so dont feel bad.

Cleck: LMAO at the mooncup thread ha ha.

Aunty E: Go mog for behaving so well at the cinema - I would say that usher was raging ha ha.

Booth: Happy 6 month birthday for Jessie.

Well Natasha had some porridge this morning and loved it so she now had - potato, sweet potato, cauliflower, brocolli, green beans, peas, carrott, turnip, courgette, apple, peach, pear, banana and avacado and butternut squash and she will have parsnip at the end of the week after I have introduced the porridge for 3 days and next week we are starting with meat - first of all some homemade baby chicken stock and then the cassaroles. So far she has lapped everything up bar the avacado and the banana did constipate her a little.

She is really getting value now out of her toys and she just loves the jumparoo - we also got her a walker and she loves sitting in it and playing with the toys - I reckon if her little legs could reach the floor she would be off as she kicks her legs like mad when she is in it.

Well gonna run baby waking up and I'm gonna head out in the fresh air for a walk to the shops.
It's neat hearing what foods our babies like and don't like. Kira only likes brocolli- I think because she can suck on it like a pacifier :haha: I've tried avocado, sweet potato, carrot, apple, and plum and she makes a yuck face when she gets it in her mouth!

jelr- Kira is getting value out of her toys now too! She likes her plastic blocks and we play a game where I stack them up and she flails her arms to knock them down.

I went to Babies-r-us yesterday with DH and he wanted to buy Kira all these big fancy dresses. This from a man who swore if we had a girl, she wouldn't even wear pink :haha:

Well, Kira just had a BIG poopy accident so I must help DH clean her up.
Completely off track (sorry) but does anyone fancy meeting up again mid/end of March? PM me if you fancy it with preferred dates. I thought maybe Giraffe again at Waterloo as they were so good last time but suggestions welcome.

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