TMR - I'm not doing blw either, I didn't know much about it and tbh I've geared up to do the whole mush thing so I'm going to keep going with it. Contemplated getting the book but I barely get enough time to read Tesco's Baby Club mag (which lives next to the loo as the only time I prob will read it is there or in the bath!). When we eat we have JP at the table too and I give her odd (unsalted, unseasoned) bits off my plate to play with and even though she sees us eat, she doesn't put them in her mouth, although she'll quite happily munch on napkins, wetwipes, nappy bags, bibs, fist... weird child!

Strange Lucas doesn't like the sweet stuff, apples, pears and carrots are JP's fave. I love butternut squash, must get her one.
Cleck - I hate the whole bouncing and swinging thing but mostly because I was told by a baby doc that it could cause internal injuries, way to go for causing paranoia in mum lol! Maybe try using that excuse and see if it helps? Thanks for the PM too, shall reply as soon as little madam gives me a chance! I also have reflected how there is no joy in shopping for me anymore, only my LO, which is kinda shopping for me too!
Shiv - I used to be on the go 24-7 so having JP has really put the brakes on for me, but I'm liking the change in pace. Although I don't seem to do much day to day I still feel run off my feet with JP, so dreading her being on the move!
Pippin - great minds, I was thinking only yesterday of posting to ask if anyone wants to meet up again in London anytime soon?! Getting withdrawal from our gorgeous babies lol. I'll make a note of 29th in the diary. I also get envious of women in labour lol, but I had a really nice one, I'm sure I'd feel differently otherwise! My hospital paperwork said every 5-1-1 but in reality they didn't want me in until it was every 2 minutes for at least a minute (like any woman wants to be in a car at that point?!) and even when I was down to every minute they didn't want to know, I had to keep insisting I felt like I'd gone up a level and eventually they examined me and declared me "in active labour"! Geez! Having been throught the process, there is no way I could be a midwife though lol.
Shadow - I've caught a few trains with JP, like Pip says, the buggy area tends to be next to the toilet sharing the disabled section but I've never collapsed the pram. I also don't ever recall seeing a ticket inspector to be asked to do something like that lol. I would have taken umbrage at being asked to do it though, especially when the train is not full. Missing your chat on here hun x
Anyone see the article in the London papers this week about the 6 month old who's started walking? I've been telling JP she has a week left to outdo him, despite not wanting her to be moving
We're collecting a new pushchair tomorrow, well two actually, I am shortly to become a self-confessed pramaholic I think after all this searching! Its an ebay win, so its an M&P Ultima and an M&P Pliko P3 as a package with a few other bits. I don't think I'll keep the P3 as the whole point of this was to get a rear-facing buggy but I keep telling myself I might really like it and to reserve judgement, hehe. I've got to be strong though, I already have a Chicco Multiway for trashing on our countryside visits (great on the fields and in woods), my Graco monster which needs to be sold but still using the carseat until tomorrow, then I have a tiny weeny Bruin stroller that I got for the tubes but have never used and was thinking of sellling until I found even the Multiway was too big for today's packed tube. Also it is gorgeous and girly and I'd love to use it but I think JP will be out of it in 6 months and I'm better off selling it unused and making do with my several other buggies

. Because... I am also getting an M&P Herbie

Basically, I worked out what a brand new Switch or an iCandy Cherry would cost and then I saw on ebay the Ultima and the Herbie which is as gorgeous as the iCandy and realised that if I shopped secondhand I could have both for the same amount of money, then I can go with my mood! Someone take away my PayPal account!! Where I'm going to keep them, I have no idea but I suspect my car will end up resembling a pram shop!