--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Shiv just read your post now you have to come and meet us so we can have a lovely time and ease your boredom!!!. You have no excuse be the first on my list of attendies :winkwink:. I have to admit I'm having a great time on maternity leave and I have to really force myself to have a day at home but I'm sooooo lucky my two best friends at work have had babies the same time as me, as well as a few others which have become close friends too. My husband laughs at how much I do now but it's all during the day and my first night out is on March 6th where I actually have to get my Mum to baby sit. I'm so excited it's fabulous, but I'm an easy girl to please :rofl:
id love to come to another meet i dont know how possible it will be for us but we will definatly try our best xx
Oooooh, yes, Pips, count me and Adam in - but we can't do March 12th. :rofl: End of the month would work best for us, I think.
Sadly the meet is way to far for us (we are in chester) with 2 kids and Rueben will be in school :cry: It looked so much fun last time.
:yipee: MJ glad you can come. Sorry you can't be there tmr, understand though. Boothh so hope you make it hon but also understand it's a long way. I had a thought though would the train be easier? Also a lot cheaper, last train ticket we got which was from London to Devon was £12!!!! Just because we travelled after 10am, worth a look.

So far then it's going to be at the end of March as that what suits everyone so far. I was thinking Mon 22nd or 29th? Shadow do these fit with any visit hon?
gettin the train would be a bad idea for me cus i get panicky easily and i need to have already done something a few times to feel comfortable doing it with jesse, last and only time i got the train to london was when i was 16 and i didnt know what i was doing then i dont think id be able to relax doing that so ill have to get stuart to drive again :)
i havnt spoken to him about it yet but hopefully we will be able to make it x
Hey guys :) Loving the sound of another meet!! Pips, you're so sweet, thanks for thinking of our visit dates :hugs: but I'm not entirely sure we'd do it like we did last time, staying at OH's brother's house overnight and all... It was really hard last time we did that, Vince didn't sleep well at all and we were all pretty miserable!! But I think that if I came to the next meet I might be super brave and try the train on my own... Maybe... I'd have to have a think about it and talk to OH. But I would LOVE to be there!!

Ooooh, and MJ, you'll be all married by then!! How EXCITING!!
OH is saying that if you have a baby and buggy on a train they won't let you keep the baby in the buggy, that you'd have to fold it up and have little one on your lap for hours... Is that right?! :wacko: What about tiny babies?! Surely there are spaces to keep the buggy out and keep baby in it?! Anyone know what the deal is with travelling from down here to London... Pips?? :D xx
Hey ladies, okay firstly fab you can make it JoeyJo :yipee:, we are looking at the 29th March at the moment as no one has said they can't do that date but open to other suggestions if people can't make that.

Shadow, on the trains they have quite big areas where you can keep the buggy, quite often near the toilets unfortunately, but surely if you explain then you can keep him in it. I've never heard of anyone being asked to collapse a buggy but I guess that could happen if it is really busy. Can you take any paper work to say you can't hold him all the time? Simon got his cheap ticket with South West trains and they go from St Davids, or central to Waterloo direct. It's a little slower than paddington train but it weighs itself out by not having to change. I'll have a look for you. My friend has been up and back in a day a number of times to visit me, it's a long day but I'd love to see you again.

Boothh hon I totally understand about the train, hope Stuart can bring you. I wonder how we can make it cheaper for you? Maybe leaving the car outside of London (such as the end of the Jubilee line) and getting the tube but does that cause the same train problems as you explained. x
Anyone else welling up a bit at "one born every minute"? But have to say my husband got it light with me, didn't realise how nice I was during labour :rofl:!!!! I'm sorry but the red headed lady is just a bit OTT isn't she???
i watched it last week pip ill probably watch it on catch up tomorrow lol, i think the tube would be even worse for me haha, i dont think it would be much cheaper either im not sure how much it costs to get the tube but for 2 of us it would probably wouldnt be so much cheaper, stuart said its mainly the drive thats putting him off so he said if we come we will stay over night on the sunday and then drive back after the meet, were gunna have to see about money though and we dont know when were moving yet either its probably 50/50 but ill probably be able to convince him aslong as we have abit of spare money x
I'd love to! Fix a date, and I'll book it off work so I can come. First day back, it's going ok but I'm a bit jealous that OH is wandering around in the park with my baby. Grrr.
I wanna see this one born every minute show!! Everyone keeps talking about it on this forum and I'm missing out. :(:haha:
Well I couldn't bear to watch it - it just reminded me of all the things I didn't like about my birth and the way that midwives and doctors treat labouring women. I don't think you're missing anything.
i thought my care when in labour was great, afterwards though in the postnatal ward was the worst they really patronised me and told me i couldnt leave with him until id proven i could feed an change him WTF all because i was 6weeks from being 20, lol id dread to think how they treat someone whos 15 or 16!! needless to say i checked myself out lol x
Aunty E yay :yipee: for booking time off work, so far 29th looks like a goer as no one has said no. Looking forward to seeing you again,will confirm dates this week I reckon. Boo for hubby being the one to be walking around the park.

I'm so up and down at the minute, my best friend is currently in labour and I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof (she's a lurker on here too so she understands the BnB attraction). She started having contractions this morning at 12:30am and has been getting closer and stronger ever since. I've been on the phone with her on and off all day talking her through the pain and timing them for her and it's bringing it all back. I sooooo want to be in labour again myself, how weird is that!!!!! Anyway her husband is with her but he's new to this all so me and her sister have been giving her advice. Just packed her off to hospital as she is every 3 minutes and can't bare the pain. The stupid hospital said she had to be every 2 minutes but to come in anyway, seriously every 2 minutes???? Surely that is wrong, my hospital was every 5!!!! Anyway it's a little girl and I'm so excited (we've already married her off to Sam), in a way I wish I was with her but I'm just being weird I know (or just nosy). Maybe I should join Jai_Jai and become a midwife..........hmmmmmmm.............. :winkwink:
i loved actually being in labour pips, i know it sounds weird but i did, my contractions were about every 4/5/6 minutes when i went in when they checked me i was 5cm and my mum said when she went into labour with my youngest sister they were every 10 she got told she was being stupid and they tried to send her home but she wouldnt go so they let her stay (she had a complicated pregnancy and was only 35weeks) they told her she wasnt in labour til she rang the bell and my sisters head was hangin out LOL,
EVERY TWO MINUTES? crikey, I think they must have been short of beds or something. that's insane.

hope everything's going well for your friend, Pips! :D I feel all nostalgic for the last little bit before Adam was born as well... been thinking about it quite a lot lately. I kept forgetting that I had SPD and *that* was why I ended up having an epidural, really, I'd had enough of pain by the very end, the last week was so awful. oh well, at least I pushed him out all by myself. :rofl:

29th is probably fine for us. we might be going away for a few days after the wedding/christening, but will be back by then if we do. and I won't be back at work. boooooooooooo... my SMP finishes on April 9th, so unless I want to be really poor, I'm going to have to do at least 1 shift a week, and if I want more ££ (which would be nice and could be essential, going on the current health of the company C works for) I will have to do 2. Friday nights and Saturdays again. both are times that C is normally home anyway, and does a lot for Adam, so I hope we will all be able to transition into it ok. I have purposely been going out on Saturdays, to get us all used to me not being around all the time, though there is of course a big difference between being out for 3-4 hours and being out for 10-11 hours. :( I really feel torn about it - on the one hand I feel sort of ready-ish, and would like to see my colleagues, on the other I don't want to spend the time away from Adam. I just love being at home with him, all day, maybe I am stupid for not going out more, but then I never really did so it's not like there is something missing, for me... but I know we need to get out more for Adam's sake if not mine! need to find out about singing time at the library. I know they do it, I have been there and overheard it.
:fool: :bunny: HAPPY SIX MONTH BIRTHDAYS TO ALL OUR LIONCUBS!!! :bunny: :fool:

TMR - I'm not doing blw either, I didn't know much about it and tbh I've geared up to do the whole mush thing so I'm going to keep going with it. Contemplated getting the book but I barely get enough time to read Tesco's Baby Club mag (which lives next to the loo as the only time I prob will read it is there or in the bath!). When we eat we have JP at the table too and I give her odd (unsalted, unseasoned) bits off my plate to play with and even though she sees us eat, she doesn't put them in her mouth, although she'll quite happily munch on napkins, wetwipes, nappy bags, bibs, fist... weird child! :haha: Strange Lucas doesn't like the sweet stuff, apples, pears and carrots are JP's fave. I love butternut squash, must get her one.

Cleck - I hate the whole bouncing and swinging thing but mostly because I was told by a baby doc that it could cause internal injuries, way to go for causing paranoia in mum lol! Maybe try using that excuse and see if it helps? Thanks for the PM too, shall reply as soon as little madam gives me a chance! I also have reflected how there is no joy in shopping for me anymore, only my LO, which is kinda shopping for me too!

Shiv - I used to be on the go 24-7 so having JP has really put the brakes on for me, but I'm liking the change in pace. Although I don't seem to do much day to day I still feel run off my feet with JP, so dreading her being on the move!

Pippin - great minds, I was thinking only yesterday of posting to ask if anyone wants to meet up again in London anytime soon?! Getting withdrawal from our gorgeous babies lol. I'll make a note of 29th in the diary. I also get envious of women in labour lol, but I had a really nice one, I'm sure I'd feel differently otherwise! My hospital paperwork said every 5-1-1 but in reality they didn't want me in until it was every 2 minutes for at least a minute (like any woman wants to be in a car at that point?!) and even when I was down to every minute they didn't want to know, I had to keep insisting I felt like I'd gone up a level and eventually they examined me and declared me "in active labour"! Geez! Having been throught the process, there is no way I could be a midwife though lol.

Shadow - I've caught a few trains with JP, like Pip says, the buggy area tends to be next to the toilet sharing the disabled section but I've never collapsed the pram. I also don't ever recall seeing a ticket inspector to be asked to do something like that lol. I would have taken umbrage at being asked to do it though, especially when the train is not full. Missing your chat on here hun x

Anyone see the article in the London papers this week about the 6 month old who's started walking? I've been telling JP she has a week left to outdo him, despite not wanting her to be moving :rofl:

We're collecting a new pushchair tomorrow, well two actually, I am shortly to become a self-confessed pramaholic I think after all this searching! Its an ebay win, so its an M&P Ultima and an M&P Pliko P3 as a package with a few other bits. I don't think I'll keep the P3 as the whole point of this was to get a rear-facing buggy but I keep telling myself I might really like it and to reserve judgement, hehe. I've got to be strong though, I already have a Chicco Multiway for trashing on our countryside visits (great on the fields and in woods), my Graco monster which needs to be sold but still using the carseat until tomorrow, then I have a tiny weeny Bruin stroller that I got for the tubes but have never used and was thinking of sellling until I found even the Multiway was too big for today's packed tube. Also it is gorgeous and girly and I'd love to use it but I think JP will be out of it in 6 months and I'm better off selling it unused and making do with my several other buggies :haha:. Because... I am also getting an M&P Herbie :dohh: Basically, I worked out what a brand new Switch or an iCandy Cherry would cost and then I saw on ebay the Ultima and the Herbie which is as gorgeous as the iCandy and realised that if I shopped secondhand I could have both for the same amount of money, then I can go with my mood! Someone take away my PayPal account!! Where I'm going to keep them, I have no idea but I suspect my car will end up resembling a pram shop! :rofl:

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