well jesse has finally decided that he wants to roll now, he has done it a couple of times but never shown much interest, well today and yesterday he hasnt stopped, he finds it easier to roll from front to back but he has done back to front a couple of times, instead of trying to crawl to stuff like he used to, hes learnt to shuffle around and roll to it, then shuffle back around so he can play with it properly, its soo funny to watch him,
he was weighed and measured yesterday, 20lbs 6oz, and 27inches just about exactly,
he is still dead on the 91st centile for weight and i havnt measure him since he was born, its the first time theyve had the measure thing out, hes on the 75th centile for height, my little fatty, i envy some of you girls with light babies jesse breaks your arm when you carry him now! xx