--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Thats really sweet bless my oh has aked me 3 times but the 1st time he woke me in the night and asked and i told him f off and dont wake me up lol he asked me agne the next day and i seid yes. We have been together 7 yrs on tues.

Any date in mind?
congratulations Booth..............how romantic, have you set a date yet hun
Sorry I haven't been around girls. I'm now living with the inlaws instead of my brother and SIL. I couldn't take it there anymore with her comments. :haha: So we had a bit of drama but it is all settled down now and I even went to pick SIL up and took her shopping for the baby so I guess we are just not meant to live together but can get along just fine otherwise. But now I don't have good internet so I've been lugging my laptop everywhere hoping to get some wifi connections. I'm sitting at my parents now and figured I'd hop on real fast to see how you all are doing. Another meet?! :( I wish I could be there!!! I'll be there in spirit again of course. hehe.

BOOTHH!!! OMG! Congrats hun!! I haven't been on facebook either so haven't seen your good news. Awww. How great! :hugs: I agree, pictures of the ring please!! :winkwink:

Everyone else, :wave: Glad you all are doing well.

Emma is now advancing with her army crawling. She is full blown getting her belly up now. But not quite crawling yet. She picks up her belly up on her knees, and than throws herself forward. :dohh: She is getting so much quicker at it but refuses to drag her belly anymore. She's so fast now it's hard to catch her if she gets into something she shouldn't have. I need a padded room. :rofl: I think real crawling will come within the next week or two because she is one determined little lady. :cloud9:

Talk to you all later!! :hugs::hugs:

my ringggg!

were thinking next summer, and so far were going to have it in cyprus, wedding reception when we get home :) im so happy planning, xx
Sooo pretty :) wedding planning is fun :)

also boothh; I have a couple of trips to my mum's coming up in the next few months - not sure of dates yet but we should try & organise a Trafford centre meet.
Beautiful Boothh!!! :cloud9::hugs::hugs: I remember my wedding like it was yesterday. Best day of my life except when Emma was born of course. :haha: Try to enjoy it all!!
yeah jo that will be good, its easy for us to get to, and i know ash could probably get there too! xx
Bothh~ youer ring is lovely congrats agane.

:wave: to every 1 else. I have been so busy this week with Rueben beeing off school at lest he is back today and lucas can have a sleep in the day with out rueben waking him up so hopefully wont have a gurmmpy bum.

:hugs: to you all and babys take care
hey girlies :D Boothh, awesome news honey, congrats!! Pretty ring, too :D :D

Not sure I'll make the meet this time guys, bit gutted as I'd loooove to see you all again, it was such fun last time. But I'm not sure how I'd get there, OH isn't crazy about the idea of driving up just for that (he'd have to wait around etc... He'd be really uncomfortable coming to the meet unfortunately!) I could talk him into it, but not sure I want him to put himself out for it really... And I'm just not quite brave enough to do the whole train thing all on my own, if I had to walk anywhere very far then I'd be without crutches or anything (if I had to push the buggy) and it just worries me a bit too much!!

But if anything changes, or if Lee and I decide we'd like to go up again anyway, I'll jump right in here and let you guys know :D If I don't make it, though, then have a faaaaabulous time everyone, and please think of me!! :winkwink:

I've been pretty busy lately, so I've not had much time to post in here (again!) - thanks for saying you miss my silly chatter, MA!! Oh, and thanks for all the advice about my SIL: I told her the advice some of you gave in here and it really helped her to relax a bit, and then she tried her LO on the boob again and HE FED FOR 30 MINS!! :happydance: She was soooo happy and is going to keep trying and hopefully build on this first success!!

Anyway, I've got loads of fun stuff to get on with, so I promise I'm still around and reading everything whenever I sign in, thinking of you all and folowing all the chat and occasional exciting news :)

Shadow xxx
Awwww sad you can't come Shadow :cry: but I understand.
who was asking about plastic cutlery? i think it was you joeyjo? well they have big bags of big chunky plastic cutlery in ikea for a couple of pounds, if you dont have some already they look pretty good xx
Boothh- congrats!!!!! You're going to have a couple years in a row where lots of good things happen :happydance:

It's the middle of the night here- I woke up feeling a bit ill to my tummy, so I'm sitting up for a bit hoping things calm down inside of me. I hope Kira stays asleep for DH!

Cleckner- how cool that you'll have a real crawling baby on your hands!!! I don't think Kira will be crawling anytime soon. She still cannot scoot and hates tummy time, so she has limited chance to practice.

We had our 6 month doctor visit today and Kira SCREAMED everytime a stranger touched her. Poor girl! She really is aware of her environment and who she wants touching her. There is a part of me that finds pleasure that Kira hates everyone else so much- it makes me feel special :haha:
Shadow~ Good to hear from you and glad thinks are ok wih you.

spidey~ Rueben use to hate ppl coming any where near him and when he was a baby i use to think the same as you that it makes me special but when we wanted him to go to pre~school OMG he was a nightmerr he wouldnt leave go of me and use to scream then just sit on his own untill i picked him up a few hrs later. It made me feel so bad and i used to cry every day. I dont think Lucas is going to be like that thow as he is happy with any 1 and every 1 apart from oh dad lol.

Lucas is getting really strong on his feet and dosnt want to sit up any more coz he like standing that much (not on his own). When on his belly he will kick as much as he can to get going he gets on to his hands and knees then just flops back down.

Me and oh have been together 7 YEARS today :happydance:I cant belive it we have been throw so meny hard time over the yrs and really didnt think we would last 2 yrs never mind 7.:cloud9:
im having some problems at the moment,
jesse has slept around 8/9pm til 8/9/10am since about 3months, over the last 2weeks hes started waking, 12am, 3/4am, 6am, 8am he thinks its play time and wont go back to sleep, last night he woke up at 1am, didnt go back to sleep til 5am no matter what i tried, then woke up again at 6.30am! stuart gets up at 6.30 for work and this is just making him tired, hes a light sleeper so if jesse wakes up then he does too even if i go to him, its just awful im at the end of my rope now i dont know what to do! we havnt changed his routine, so its not that, i just cant figure out what to do!
TMR -congratulations on your 7 year anniversary, my OH and I will have been together for 10 years on the 11th March, doesnt time fly. Good to hear Lucas is strong on his feet and getting ready to crawl, my LO hates being put on her tummy but she has strong legs as well. I wonder when she will crawl. She started at her new minders today and I was such a tearful wreck after I dropped her off. Will be picking her up in an hour.

Shadow - good to hear from you, I understand about being busy to post. I am constantly keeping an eye on the thread but never have much time to post anymore. Sorry you cant make the meet, I cant either due to work. Have fun girls
Boothh- you'll probably get better advice from the others, but I would continue on your same routine. I read that when babies go through big developmental changes, their sleep will be disrupted for a few days, but will return to normal. Kira went through a week where we would go to bed at 8pm, and she would wake back up at 9:30pm ready to play. I continued her routine, kept her new nighttime play time as boring as possible (I watched tv is a sleep deprived haze as she sat on my lap happy as could be)... and a week later she went back to normal again.

good luck- thats a looong time to be awake at night!!

TMR- I'm very lucky that my mom watches Kira while I'm at work, and Kira likes my mom. We're working with my MIL now to get Kira to accept her too. It really limits who can watch her at this point.
TMR - JP went started a phase a bit like Lucas - doesn't want to sit down, wants to stand all the time. She's just coming out of it (I hope) but she's applying it to me now, she wants me to stand and hold her and not sit down! She's an utter minx sometimes! Congratulations on the 7 year anniversary.

Cleck - your quietness was noticed, sorry to hear it was because of explosions, hope things are calmer now. Keep counting those days honey, how long now? :hugs:

Spidey - Just pondering Kira's amazing birth weight, what's her growth rate been like since - does it differ from lighter babies? Did she lose a lot after birth?

Boothh - Again we had a phase for about a week where JP was suddenly waking around 11pm or later and bouncing away for a couple of hours, I think Pip had something similar at that time too. I would agree with Spidey, keep with the same routine and he'll hopefully go back into it when he's ready. JP's quite happily back into her "routine-of-sorts", now I'm the one with insomnia lol!
Becki - congrats agin, thats so sweet and gorgeous ring :D Imi had a slight phase of waking up after being a fab sleeper but it was when she had a cold - is he teething as thats known to disrupt sleep? I'd keep doing as you were doing as it obviously worked before x

Cleck - sorry to see you've been having a few "dramas" but glad its all sorted now. Emma sounds like Imi - She can do crawling with her legs or her arms but not both together get as her belly is still on the floor :D So glad our house is open plan or I'm not sure how i'd cope lol

Shadow - hey hun, long time no speak :D Sorry you won't be able to make the meet but I know I completely understand. If it wasn't so far i'd come and pick you up! Hope swimming is still going OK and yay for your SiL, thats fab :D

Spidey - hope Kiras check up all went OK. Imi has now stranger awareness at all, she'll happily play with anyone and everyone :rofl:

tmr - happy 7th anniversary hun, thats fab :D Imi doesn't like to sit anymore, if i pull her up from laying down she won't bend in the middle anymore as she want to stand :rofl:

As for us, all fine and dandy here, just plidding along struggling to believe that 6 months has passed so quickly! Shaun has had a big job booked which will take him through to middle of May which is FANTASTIC and lifts sooo much pressure of the wedding costs, me going back to work etc :D

O, and I had a day at the spa yesterday which was FAB. I had 3 hrs in the thermal spa, an hr long full body hot stone massage, a fab lunch and then a 30 min indian ead massage :D Felt rough as guts last night but feel wonderful this morning so they obviously worked :D When i got home Shaun had decided to put up the lining paper in the front room, and my bedroom a mess as he had got my brother in law to come and move the radiator so he can build some new wardrobes, I wish I had stayed all night :dohh::happydance:
thanks girls, he is teething but hes been teething for a long time, unless its finally time for one to cut through, he woke last night 1.30am then 6am, then got up at 10am, so it seems to be getting better, im gunna reintroduce his teatime bottle along with his food and see if that helps, cus hes draining 8oz twice in the night now its just stupid, gunna see if adding an extra bottle in the day helps! x
Boothh, Vincent has just (hopefully, touch wood!) come out of a phase like that: He was an absolute angel at sleeping through without a peep from about 9 weeks until about 5 1/2 months or so, when he suddenly started waking up, totally alert and wide awake in the night, making squealy happy noises and babbling away to himself. It was always our system that OH would do all of the nighttime stuff, because I suffer really terribly without enough sleep and if I wake to go to Vince I am fully awake and it takes me a good 2 hours to get back to sleep once he is settled again. But OH can fall asleep so easily: It made sense for us. But recently when Vince was waking much more in the night OH was getting up several times a night and was getting really tired and stressed with it. So we spoke to my MIL and she suggested that we try just not going to him when he wakes. I was skeptical, but thought we should give it a go to see what he did: Now, we switch his monitor to movement sensor only (if he's really crying we can hear him from our room anyway) and OH puts earplugs in (he's a super light sleeper and would wake instantly if Vince so much as stirs) and I just slept through his wakeful times. I found that if he was waking and happy and just babbling to himself, going to him to give him his dummy and try to resettle him just wasn't working: He'd just get so excited to see us and he'd spit the dummy right out again to squeal in delight LOL... :dohh: So if he's waking and happy to just babble to himself, we sleep through it and leave himt o it. If he gets stressed or upset and starts to whinge or cry a bit more, that will wake me or OH even with earplugs so one of us goes to him, and once he's reached that slightly stressed point, he takes his dummy first time and gladly goes back to sleep. We had about a week of ignoring his happy wakeful nighttimes and only going to him to give him his dummy once he was crying a bit more, and now he seems to have gone right back to sleeping right through. Last night, he peeped as we went to bed, sounded quite awake actually, but we didn't go to him and he went right back to sleep again, good as gold :D

lol... Sorry it's so rambling, but hopefully you can see what I mean: Can you try not going to him unless he's upset? x x x

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