Becki - congrats agin, thats so sweet and gorgeous ring

Imi had a slight phase of waking up after being a fab sleeper but it was when she had a cold - is he teething as thats known to disrupt sleep? I'd keep doing as you were doing as it obviously worked before x
Cleck - sorry to see you've been having a few "dramas" but glad its all sorted now. Emma sounds like Imi - She can do crawling with her legs or her arms but not both together get as her belly is still on the floor

So glad our house is open plan or I'm not sure how i'd cope lol
Shadow - hey hun, long time no speak

Sorry you won't be able to make the meet but I know I completely understand. If it wasn't so far i'd come and pick you up! Hope swimming is still going OK and yay for your SiL, thats fab
Spidey - hope Kiras check up all went OK. Imi has now stranger awareness at all, she'll happily play with anyone and everyone
tmr - happy 7th anniversary hun, thats fab

Imi doesn't like to sit anymore, if i pull her up from laying down she won't bend in the middle anymore as she want to stand
As for us, all fine and dandy here, just plidding along struggling to believe that 6 months has passed so quickly! Shaun has had a big job booked which will take him through to middle of May which is FANTASTIC and lifts sooo much pressure of the wedding costs, me going back to work etc
O, and I had a day at the spa yesterday which was FAB. I had 3 hrs in the thermal spa, an hr long full body hot stone massage, a fab lunch and then a 30 min indian ead massage

Felt rough as guts last night but feel wonderful this morning so they obviously worked

When i got home Shaun had decided to put up the lining paper in the front room, and my bedroom a mess as he had got my brother in law to come and move the radiator so he can build some new wardrobes, I wish I had stayed all night