--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

It seems like all our babies have good and bad periods of night sleeping!

MA- Kira didn't lose much weight after she was born, but she didn't gain weight quickly either. She's 17 1/2 pounds now, still above normal, but not in the 99th percentile anymore. I didn't have GD, but for the next baby I'm planning to go on a lower carb diet during the last 2 months to try to prevent #2 from being even larger. Her head was large too- 15.5 inches! I did gain 50 pounds during pregnancy, but I started off slightly underweight so the midwife wasn't concerned.

We finally bought a 4 door car last night so now I no longer have to climb into the back seat of our little 2-door car to strap Kira in and then leap over the seats to get back to the front. :happydance:
it seems like a good idea naomi, but were at my mums just now so he sleeps in our room with us, so hes gunna wake us up anyway, and when he wakes up the only thing that will get him back to sleep is milk, :dohh: iv gave him an extra bottle today, and im thinking of giving him another couple of ounces when we go to bed just get him out and feed him so to speak, hopefully it might help, as hes been eating more solids his milk feeds have dropped significantly and this is the only thing i think might help, its a struggle to get him to drink alot of milk now though unless its in the middle of the night, he'd much rather have some proper food :dohh: i dont wanna be keeping giving him milk at night but while were here he wakes the whole house up and its just anything to get him to sleep, x
Booth this sounds to me like Jesse is going through his 6 month growth spurt! I think it is easier to identify this in breast fed babies - for example SOphia has just been through hers and has (fingers crossed, cling on to wood) come out the other side. She previously slept 7pm - 8am, then she started waking up early (6am) then she started waking up at 4am (wide awake ready to start the day) then she started waking up for food at 10pm as well. She also started feeding more in the day (up from 5 feeds to 9!) I think this is how it is easier to tell because she feeds on demand I can tell when she is definitely in need of more milk (if that makes any sense). Milk has way more calories that solid food so if Jesse is having a growth spurt (and there is usually one at 6 months) then giving him the extra milk (as you are doing) should help with his sleeping! On the up side Sophia has gone back to sleeping 7pm - 6.30am and although she is still waking at 4am she only makes a couple of cries then goes back to sleep.

Sorry for the long ramble - but hopefully the milk will help and if not then it won't last forever and Jesse will be back to normal in no time :hugs:
thanks shiv, i suppose it would be easier to tell in BF babies, but then again i can read jesses signals and i know enough when hes hungry he tells you lol,

normally his food routine is,

9am - 8oz milk, baby breakfast jar then toast,fruit something finger foody
11am - 3/4oz juice water, breadstick/baby biscuit
12pm-1pm - savoury jar, dessert jar, then fruit/crackers/biscuit/cheese, (finger food generally)
he goes of for his sleep straight after normally sleeps about 1pm til 2.30 - 3ish
3pm - 5/6oz of milk, finger food
6pm - savoury jar, dessert jar, finger food (normally abit of what we are having) he doesnt always take the full jars but it is offered to him,
8pm - rusk (given just fully not mixed with his milk) then 8oz milk

this was the norm for us for quite a few months, just the snacks have been added in and mealtime quantitys have upped,
last 2weeks hes woken up and wanted an extra up to 16oz a night!!!

its sounds loads when i look at how much he actually eats though,

well today he has had
8am - 8oz of milk
10am - breakfast jar, malted milk biscuit
12pm full jar of savoury mixed with tblspoon baby rice as were encouraging lumps at the moment, he wouldnt take his dessert.
1pm 8oz milk then nap,
3pm breadsticks
5pm half jar of stage 2 savoury, couple of spoons of dessert, 8oz milk
7pm chocolate baby biscuit,
8.30pm 8oz of goodnight milk (only bought it today just thought it might help us)

we will see how we go tonight lol! also iv bought him size 4nappies, he wears size 3 in the day but when he gets up his nappy is always full so i thought a size up might help him feel more comfortable and less likely to wake?!

FX lol xx
Hi all

Just a quick post to say hi and that I haven't forgotten you all - just not getting much time to get on here these days, with being back to work - Its amazing I'm only back two mornings and there is just not enough hours in the day lol - I dont know how anyone find the time to look after a baby and work full time - or else I think time management skills lol.

Anyways we are all good - Natasha is doing well - she is now 16lbs and was 6 months on Monday, she is nearly sitting on her own, she can last for a few seconds and then wobbles but still no rolling - she is also doing what most of your LO's are doing and waking again at night for food, so i'm hoping it will pass. Solids are still going well and she has started on some protein today with some homemade Red Lentil Savory today. Milk still isn't great but I have changed her onto the follow on milk now that she is 6 months and I'm not as panicky now as because the vitamins and minerals are more concentrated she doesn't need as much and is meeting the requirements and getting the amount they suggest. I just dont think she will ever be a big milk drinker.

My crazy diet is finally starting to pay out and I'm down 17lbs so only 11lbs left to go to get back to my pre pregnancy size - I'm doing the maintance part now which is two shakes and a healthy meal in the evening. Finally settling back into work - the first week I was just so upset, last week I was just in a panic and found it hard to get my head around anything but this week I'm getting back into the swing of it. I still hate being away from Natasha though, but its not for long thank god.

Not much else going on with us, just spending as much time with the little woman when I'm not working or doing washing or housework lol.

Well I'm gonna run and I have been reading but I dont have time to reply to everyone as I need to get to bed early in case she wakes tonight as I'm working in the morning, although DH is getting up with her tonight, but I'm such I light sleeper I wake anyway.

Even though I'm not going to reply to anyone I just want to say a Huge Congrats to you Booth on your Engagement - the ring is only gorgeous, enjoy every minute of it as the planning and the day goes so fast.

MJ your day is getting close so If I'm not on here - Have a great day and again enjoy every minute of the christening and the wedding.

:hugs: to all and I am thinking of you all and miss you lots. Xx
well jesse slept 9til5 last night which is a huge improvement he then went back to sleep til 9.30am, so i think the extra bottle worked yesterday,

well he's just chucked up todays bottle all over the living room so i dont think it will be working tonight LOL :dohh:
hiya ladys sorry not been on in a few days pc brok and had to wait for oh to fix it.

Bothh~ Hope Jesse gets back to sleeping well for you. Lucas has a few wks of wake at 4am and being wide awake but just put his cot thing on and it sends him back to sleep. He is still in with us so wakes every 1 up when he is awake.

jelr~ Congrats on the weight loss i have lost 4 lbs this week.

Well i cant rember any thing else sorry. I have had a busy week with Rueben being back at school and got him Bunk~beds on thurs so had to chang his room around and then put them up (on my own!!!) oh was with Lucas. Luas has found his loud voice and gets louder and louder if you dont talk to him or pick him up. He woke at 5:10am and started talking very loud and then woke rueben so we all had to get up and he is doing it now little bugger cant he go back to being tiny baba.
:shock: We went a full day with nobody posting! *feeling bad for not filling the thread like I used to...* :wacko:
I'm usually a good filler for the days too in here shadow. :haha: But with the inlaws having dial-up, it is nearly impossible to get on here anymore. I'm currently visiting my parents so I'm super happy to have my handy laptop that I can bring over here to use. :D I miss you girls! I can't even keep up on facebook to see what everyone is up to. :(

Emma is still sick. She has a pretty nasty cold. A few nights ago was absolute hell for me. I literally got only an hour of sleep. She was just so congested and couldn't breathe, therefore couldn't nurse, and was just miserable. I went to the hospital the next day to see what I could give her. I HATE giving her medicine so I'm happy to say that I am just giving her a nasal decongestant thing that is basically just saltwater with no medicine in it. :thumbup: I don't take any medication myself so I just have this weird hatred of it. I have no idea where it stems from. But I'd prefer to stay as natural as possible with these things. We have also gotten a vaporizer that I filled with water and it blows steam in our room to help clear up her nose. She has been sleeping much better with these two things combined so now if she can just get rid of her nasty cough, we should be good! I broke down in tears today because I'm running on not much sleep and Emma is super clingy which is fine but it makes me miss Corey SO much. I just can't wait for him to be home to help out and if nothing else, just be there to give me a huge hug. I hate seeing Emma so upset. She just looks so run down. Her little nose is red and her eyes are puffy. Colds suck.
Cleckner- I hope Emma starts feeling all better soon! I'm the same way as you regarding medicines. When they told me I was GBS+ and needed antibiotics during labor I was so upset since I hadn't taken antibiotics in atleast 15 years! I wonder if Vics vapor rub is okay for babies. I like putting a little on my upper chest when I have congestion, and it helps keep my sinuses clear.

Kira has been on a growth spurt recently and she seemed to outgrow all of her winter clothes overnight! I might have to buy a few things to make it through another month or 2 of cold weather. I'll have to convince DH that we need to make a trip to the baby clothing store tomorrow :haha:
I put Vicks on her feet with socks one night but the doctor said not to. I had done it the night before though so it was too late. :blush: Oops. Even the vicks vaporizer I have going in the room doesn't actually have any vicks in it. Just water cause they said not to. I read the back and it says kids 2 and under need to consult with a doctor. But I think all medicine says that. :shrug:
Cleck :hugs: to you & Emma, JP just had the same so went 3 nights with no sleep. Do you the saline spray works? I wondered about it but wasn't sure if it would make a difference. How did Emma deal with it? Must be a bit scary sensation for them. JP was all red-eyed & puffy too, felt so sorry for her but she kept smiling through

Spidey - JP did the overnight growth spurt too! We were away for a fortnight & came back with a bag og clothes that fitted when we left but not amymore lol! How do they do it?!

AFU - well it feels like I've had nothing exciting to share with you for ages so today was very special because JP pushed up on her arms, got onto her knees and crawled!! Albeit backwards and for two paces before she collapsed lol! After a cuddle she had another go and managed to go forward a pace, paused, then went backwards again :duhh: The last attempt I got on video but needs the sound turned off cause she is just bellowing with frustration but left her to get on with it so I've got 3 minutes of her pushing up, trying to crawl, stand and bellyflopping! Hoping to get some more action shots as she improves. I kinda got an idea in my head that they'd just instinctively crawl one day but its such a monumental effort! And I thought I was going to dread this time but I am jyat so amazed watching her. Imagine, we all went through this too once upon a time!

We also had a cute miment when she was standing holding herself up on the footstool and bashing a metal tray with her plastic stacking cup having a great time. Then almost as if she'd forgotten she can't stand or walk unaided she let go & stepped backwards! Luckily someone was ready to catch her! It.s been such an exciting day :-)
Cleck~In the Uk you can get drops to put around babys head cant think what they are called now its like viks allso you can get baby vapor rub. Hope Emma gets better soon and you can have some sleep.

MA~ Rueben crawled backwards befor going forwards same as when he was walking in his walker. Lucas gose sideways in his walker. congrats to JP on crawling. I dont think Lucas is going to any time soon would rather be on his feet.

I WANT ANOTHER BABY!!! but oh dosnt (boooo) maybe i can talk him around in a few yrs. Lucas keeps souting at the top on his voice at 5am this moring. He keps on biting his tonge when eating atm i feel so sorry for him but he has got to learn it hurts when he dose that.

Hope every 1 is having a good weekend its my b'day in 9 days cant wait we are going out without the kids.
Yay MollyApple!! :happydance::happydance: It's so amazing isn't it?! I just love Emma's look of determination when she moves around on the floor. It really is an effort for them. Some days Emma will give up and just lay her head down to take a break. :haha: With the saline spray, I just do it as drops and tip it over her nose. One drop per nostril. It really seems to do the trick because she's been sleeping normally again. :thumbup:

TMR- I'm so thankful that my DH wants just as many kids as I do. If not more. :haha: So it doesn't take much talking for him to want another. I think he just likes the trying part. :winkwink:

AFU- I'm back at my parents house for the day. DH is in port and hopefully will get on Skype to talk. He is going to try to find an internet cafe. We haven't seen him for a month since he was in Florida in port. So it'll be nice to see him for a day. :happydance: Emma is still sick. Her voice is raspy when she cries so I'm guessing that she has a sore throat on top of it all. :cry: Poor thing. I woke up with a sore throat this morning as well so I guess she's passing it to me now. She is still happy as can be most of the time with a smile on her face. Until you wipe her nose of course. :dohh: She HATES that. Screams till I feed her when that happens. haha.
well hello ladies, gosh its been ages since i posted in here :blush: Im sorry i've been neglecting you girls :( lol!

Its good to hear all your lovely babies are meeting new milestones :thumbup: its all happening sooooooooo fast! its kind of scarey!

sooo Kara can sit up now. from lying down too!! and shes now desperately trying to crawl!! she rolls onto her front gets her knees up and pushes along! She gets herself right right up on her arms, but doesnt really know what her legs are for lol! on the other hand, she does love to walk! we hold her hands whilst behind her and she steps all the way to me or daddy! Its adorable lol!!

cant believe she"ll be 8 months old in 6 days! my baby is growing up! on a plus note though, im planning her first birthday now! I cant wait lol! anyone els making plans for their LO's 1st bday? ooohh and only 6 months till we move to TTC!!!xxxx
wow ash i cant believe shes nearly 8months! i always forget she was an early bird!
i use saline drops up jesses nose when he gets stuffy and it works for us,

well we have put our application in for a house now we should know by weekend whether we can have it or not so fingers crossed! xx
oohhhh good luck with the house hun!xxx

I forgot to say ladies, my little baby girlie has a tooth! Woo and i think another one is cutting its way thru! (both front teeth!)

Anyone elses bub's got peggy's yet?x
aww yaay for teeth, jesse is still gummy as ever but he has little white spots on his gums which i think are his teeth coming up :D
ash we really should do something before i move, you have to let me know when your free and we can arrange something :) xx

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